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“This Is For Everyone” (Open Thread)

Aug 23, 2016
2097 Views 789

web mosaic“This Is For Everyone,” he said…

It was 25 years ago, today
That Berners-Lee told the nerds to play.
Browsers going in and out of style
Cat memes guaranteed to make you smile…

In 1991, those of who were already addicted to the Internet,  small, smart and quiet community at the time, were astonished by a new sort of information system, call the “World Wide Web.”

While it’s very first incarnation, running on a NeXT server machine out of CERN was not visually impressive, for those with eyes to see, the world had changed. So join me in a toast, to Tim Berners-Lee, the man who changed the and the Hypertext Markup Language and Hyper Text Transport Protocol, the tools that he created to change it.

Thanks Tim!

Tim Berners-Lee, pioneer of the World Wide Web, c 1990s.

Tim Berners-Lee, pioneer of the World Wide Web, c 1990s.

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  • cathyx


    • cathyx

      I beat Edwin!!!

    • The_Fixer

      Congratulations. Gonna go to Disney World now? 🙂

  • How well I remember hitting my favorite “Internet News” Gopher server, run out of the University of Chicago, and seeing the press release for this new “WWW” thing. A few months later, and there was no looking back, for me. A year later, and I was assembling my first commercial website, for a local comic-book store.

    • cathyx

      I was late to the party, but i do remember having to always type www before the address.

      • RTIII

        that www bullshit is only forced upon you by idiots – there’s zero need for it, really. And whenever forced, it always amazes me and I face-palm every time at the stupidity.

        A properly done site responds identically whether you include the www or not!

        • Well, to be fair, there was a time when that had to be configured through DNS and the “www” was there to easily differentiate between http and other services, like smtp, etc.

          • RTIII

            I don’t agree.

            For well over 10 years I ran my own public DNS servers going way back to 1995 and at least at that date, there was no problem differentiating connection types. MX records go WAY back! The trick is the port number, not the subdomain! Having ports become standardized was the real key, and that goes back to the 80s at least, maybe the ’70s!

    • The_Fixer

      I remember when I first got on the Internet. It was right about the time it was first opened up to the public. A friend whose wife worked at the local university had an extra account, and a few of us would use it. Alta Vista was the big search engine, and I remember logging on to the university’s Vax machine with my 2400 bps modem (soon to be replaced by a blazing 9600 bps modem!). Ah, remember modem initialization strings?

      I also remember using telnet to get to the Library of Congress site. Never thought it would get better or more amazing than that.

      • Oh, it was open to the public long before that. There were ISPs as early as 1991.

        Oh, and yes, I remember modems well. I was a BBSer as far back as 1985.

        • RTIII

          And long before that even!

          I first got on the internet in about 1978 or so. I subscribed to something called “The Source”. I Telnetted in via a local phone number. My first modem was 75 baud, I think, acoustic couple! I was the envy of my local computer club when I got a D-Cat 300 baud modem – the D standing for Direct-Connect! It had standard RJ-11 connectors! 🙂

          The Source was on the internet and there were bulletin boards and chat rooms and data feeds.

          I loved the AP wire! I literally had direct access to the AP data feed! LIVE! I’m sure it’s VERY different today, but back then, “the AP Wire” was LITERALLY a serial connection that fed in real-time new news reports from around the world. The were consolidated somewhere on the east coast, I think and then redistributed through various sources like The Source.

          And that was when I first had an email account! 🙂

          DAMN the community was small, close-knit and extremely smart!

          • The_Fixer

            When my mother was in radio, I got to see the places where she worked. Most were small stations, and usually only had either UPI or AP teletype machines clattering away. When she worked at a 50KW AM station, they had both! They made a tremendous din.

            Years later, I happened upon one of the old teletype terminals and played with it a little. Holy crap, I had forgotten how noisy they were. I had previously encountered one at a Montgomery Wards store I worked at and it was identical to it. It was always my intention to hook it up to one of my radios and do Radio Tele-Type with it, but I lost interest when packet radio came around.

            Those were the days. What was amazing to us now, we look back at with nostalgia. And yes, the world of geekdom was a lot smaller and more tightly knit than today.

          • RTIII

            At Tulane, in the late ’70s, they had a room dedicated to those teletype monsters with special sound-proofing and a double-glazed, and huge, picture window, and you only realized how lucky you were whenever someone entered or exited while the machines were in operation! HOLLY SHIT! … But SOMEONE was a super-smart person to design-in a room just for this. I’m sure it had to be sound-proofed above and below as well because when on the floor above or in the basement below, you didn’t hear a thing!

        • The_Fixer

          Yeah, this would probably be ’95-’97, I can’t remember the exact year. I do also remember that we had, at one time, an Internet gateway that we could get to through our ham radio packet network. We actually had a massive beam antenna that we had aimed across Lake Michigan to Gaylord. One of the hams had access through the university where he worked. It was awesomely amazing to us, but not too capable with our 9600 bps packet network. Text only, and it was up and down due to trans-lake propagation.

          Later on, I set up an Apache web server to demonstrate that yes, you could do the web over ham radio (and wrote an article about it that appeared in CQ-VHF). It was painfully slow, but it did prove a point – TCP/IP is TCP/IP, whether it came through wires or radio. Ham radio guys at that time weren’t to interested, though. The hobby skews toward older guys, and at the time, they didn’t want to understand that newfangled stuff.

  • The_Fixer

    This month also marks 25 years since Linus Torvalds started writing the Linux operating system. His little experiment, which he didn’t think was going to be “professional”, changed not only the commercial software industry, but the way software was written and distributed

    Linux now is used as a computer operating system for the majority of web servers. Linux is also likely in your router and
    other network appliances, TVs, as well as your smartphone if you are using an Android-powered phone (it is based on Linux).

    Two big 25-year marks in the computer industry this year. Wow.

    • I have code inside the core of Linux, well maybe it’s still there. Inside the MFM floppy code.

      • The_Fixer

        Very cool! It may not be in some kernel compiles these days, but I am sure that it can be compiled in. There’s all kinds of legacy stuff that can still be supported these days with Linux.

    • RTIII

      Yep, and I was there! :))

      25 years ago, I was a highly paid hot-shot consultant for Ingres Corporation, then the world’s number 2 database company. My desktop computer was a Sun Microsystems “pizza box” – a Sparc 10, as I recall – running an operating system called Solaris, which is a Unix variant.

      I knew right away – soon as I heard of it – that Linux would be a huge boon for the computer world because it’s just a variant of Unix, and Unix was already on a trajectory to “take over the world.” The only real difference was that it was being written for the Intel 386 CPU chipset – I say chipset because since the 8 bit days, with the advent of the 16 bit era in the early ’80s, no CPU is a stand-alone thing; having written an operating system myself, I’m well aware that there are necessary controllers to help the CPU get its work done that are on secondary chips – the set of chips that work together are a chip-set!

      So, properly speaking, one should give chops FIRST to Unix, THEN to Linux, in that order!

      But as to the web browser, it really was NOT such a huge leap at all. We already had programs that would help you visualize whatever you pointed it at. There was a Unix program on my Solaris box that would attempt to discover whatever a file was that you pointed it at. Then, given an answer, there were programs that knew what to do with it. So, there were already scripts that helped someone simplify their life – point it at whatever file and if it could figure out what program to launch for you, like a word processor or a spreadsheet tool, it would! … What Lee did was generalize it and formalize it… If he didn’t do this, someone else would have because it was already underway as one-off efforts all over the community.

      • The_Fixer

        Indeed, Unix was and is the thing that made computers do the amazing things that they can do.

        Once upon a time, our local office of the National Weather Service used a Sun workstation as a front-end for the Doppler RADAR control. It was a cool computer that was eventually replaced. I wanted that one so bad, but the office’s Tech got it. 🙁

        The biggest problem with Unix, for most people, was that it was so expensive. Linux changed that – you could get a Unix-compliant operating system for free, if you were geeky enough. DOS and later Windows were, comparatively speaking, cheap, and that allowed Microsoft to take over that market.

        Of course, we have Xerox to thank for the Graphical User Interface concept, which was basically “stolen” by everyone. However, the concept of hyperlinks is really very old, dating back to the 1940s or 1950s. It just took that long to get it practical.

        Hey, that reminds me. Did either one of you guys hang out on Groklaw in the days that (fake) SCO sued IBM over Linux? I used to lurk there and followed the whole saga pretty closely back in the day.

        • RTIII

          No, I didn’t follow the SCO wars. I thought it was all kinda funny.

          In my perception, Microsoft killed the software industry and while it didn’t entirely die, it changed the business model to be a hell of a lot less friendly to people trying to make a living at it. I’m still pissed off about that and it was some 20+ years ago! :-))

          But what Linux did was maybe to some extent help change the “business model” after Microsoft fucked it up. Linux did not fix the business model, only changed it – in my view, it’s still fucked up.

          • The_Fixer

            I thought the whole SCO thing was one of the more ridiculous things I had ever seen. A former Linux distributor renames themselves to SCO, buys rights to Unix, and then starts suing people, hoping to make a fortune. Their then-new CEO was a dipshit who briefly made a splash (and some good money) and is now relegated to the dustbin of history. What the hell was his name? Daryl something? In the end, he wound up being largely forgotten for having made lawyers happy (until he couldn’t pay them).

            I’m with you on Microsoft. They did more than just change the business model, they put home computing on a path that we’re still on – slap out highly non-secure shit and cash in. Just buy a rehash of CP/M, call it your own, and get lucky as fuck that IBM decided to make it their default OS.

            The difference is that now we have a defacto standard Pretty non-secure OS on home and small business computers. Unix was already miles ahead of it, but nobody thought that the home computing scene was going to take off like it did, and the Unix was though to be a non-player in the market. If only….

            And yeah, Linux sure as hell didn’t bring Microsoft to its knees like a lot of people wanted, but it sure as hell had a big impact on the way they do business. They actually have open-sourced some of their stuff after stealing it and hiding it in a proprietary wrapper.

            And yes, the business model is still fucked-up, and it likely will be for a while.

          • RTIII

            I appreciate your comments…

            Just curious; what year did you enter the computing business?

          • The_Fixer

            Well, my path to computing started with a borrowed Radio Shack MC-10 computer in the mid-late 80s. Upon returning it, I said to myself “I gotta get one of these, only with a keyboard I can type on!”

            Somewhere near 1990, I got a Commodore 64, and then an PC XT clone. That had to be somewhere near ’91 or ’92 when I got that.

            As far as what year I got into the business is concerned, I really kind of drifted into it more than set out to get into the biz.. I played around a lot as a hobbyist, did some computer repairs, and then about 10-12 years ago I drifted into taking charge of the computers at one of the places where I work. And of course, over the years I have been fixing people’s computers. It was a natural extension of what I have been doing all of my working life – repairing electronics. Both hardware and software troubleshooting is what I do, in addition to network setup and administration. It’s not a huge system, but it’s an important one for my bosses, of course. While I have to beat Windows computers into submission, my workstation at work runs Linux Mint as does my home computer. Windows is frustrating to me.

            So, I haven’t been into it as long or as deeply as you guys have been, have no formal education in it and am pretty much self-taught. However, I am glad that I did get involved in it as I didn’t want to become a luddite old man who does the tech equivalent of yelling at clouds.

          • RTIII

            I see.

            While I was away at boarding school the fall / spring I turned 13, my family broke apart, and everyone moved out but me! I’d had a bad experience with boarding school and dropped it forever, but when I returned to an empty house, my father offered to get me an apartment (where I would live alone or with a GF if I wanted), but I refused to leave the house so my dad made me pay the mortgage in order to stay there. . . I rented rooms in the house and stayed another three years! … But I think he felt guilty… He encouraged me to enroll with him (and I did) in an evening course at the University of New Orleans (UNO) in microcomputers – we built a pre-designed computer out of hardware, then programmed it to do silly stuff like turn on LEDs to make numbers. It was great fun, and a few months later he bought me what was at the time the top of the line in microcomputers: A Commodore PET 32kB, with dual double sided, double density 5 1/4″ floppy drives and a tractor feed, programmable dot matrix printer. I think it cost $3300, plus tax. The B model had the full sized keyboard – it was the “business” model!

            Programming it was a prerequisite as there was very little software available. I got some books and got cracking. I took to it like a duck to water. In only a few months, the manager of the computer store connected me with someone with a programming problem and the next thing I knew I was a computer programming consultant! I think I was 13. The following school year I got lucky and had an “Electricity & Electronics” elective (H.S. Sophomore level) and the teacher was up on computers and the students got to use TRS-80s. As I had my own system, I did all the advanced stuff – brought it to school several times and the prof and I designed and built computer accessories for my box. Meanwhile, over Christmas break, I enrolled myself at Tulane and I did half-days, at HS and at Tulane… …My HS class took a tour of the local TANO corporation that made computer systems (for ships, pipelines and refineries) and we students got to see how computers are professionally designed and built. I talked to the staff, got business cards, and a year later, done with High School (yes, I skipped over a lot!), I got a job at TANO while attending Tulane part-time. … I think I was 15.

            For TANO, I wrote an entire real-time multi-tasking operating system for the then new Motorola 6809 CPU, complete with boot rom, keyboard driver, video driver, disk driver, a file system for the disks, a modem driver, network layer for communications via the modem, a special virtual memory system unique to the TANO hardware, a few file format translators, and other various bits. It was all written in assembly language, then the results were hand-optimized by analyzing the code and figuring out better ways than what the assembler had done.

            I also had a crush on this woman, Lenora Knox, who ran the CAD/CAM machine. She indulged me and I designed a number of computers and she entered them into the CAD system and from that we made a few printed circuit boards. I made a daughter board for my PET in which you unplugged the CPU (a 6502), then ran a special ribbon cable from it up to the daughter card that had FOUR 6809Es in it – a quad CPU system! Woo Hoo! … too much to say about it here, but I sent my design in to Commodore and asked them to buy / build it, and I got back the CPU card of the then super-secret 68000 CPU (16 bit!) and a letter explaining how I was just a tiny bit too late as they’d already decided that their new “Commodore 64” was going to use this new CPU and they weren’t interested in my design.

            Etc, etc, etc. I think the year I started at TANO was 1978… Four years later, I joined Digital Equipment Corp in Silicon Valley… blah blah blah…

          • The_Fixer

            Wow, you got an impressively early start! When I was 13, I was repairing television sets and tinkering with junk 🙂 You were one of the rare breed of “computer whiz kids.”

            Writing all of that in Assembly must have been quite a chore. It was one of the few alternatives available back then, there was no Visual Basic 😉 But I am sure that experience gave you great programming skills.

            I wonder if Commodore would still be alive today if they had used your design? We’ll never know. Didn’t they go 16-bit on the Amiga? The ’64 was a 6500 series-based machine, IIRC. You were a trailblazer, you made the forerunner to a quad-core machine 🙂

            You mentioned working for DEC. Funny, but that fits into my experiences with Tele-Type. One of my old bosses came across a DEC “modernized” teletype. It had a modern computer keyboard and a daisy-wheel printer, built into a unit that was modeled after the old, noisy Tele-Type consoles. It was a step on the way toward computer communications, a bridge between TTY and true electronic computing.

            Anyway, it’s been fun chatting, but off to work I go. Have a good one.

          • RTIII

            Yeah, I have errands to run, but it’s been fun remembering…

            The Commodore 64 was a Motorola 68000 machine – it was the one that replaced the PET. … IDK what they did after the 64.

            That DEC machine was called a “DecWriter”, and they were common in the computing environments in which I worked starting in the late ’70s.

            Assembly wasn’t so bad, really, once you got the hang of it. The key was LIBRARIES! You built your own! … In a sense you “write your library in itself” … It’s like a pyramid; the lowest levels are foundational and call on nothing but raw code, but from them you have well written, thoroughly debugged pieces you then call frequently from “higher” layers. The higher layers are “written” in calls to the lower layers as much as possible. Additional layers get increasingly abstract and far from the hardware, like a file copy command – it’s built on a call to open a file a call to read a bit of file a call to write a bit of file, a check to see if more reading is possible, and eventually a call to close a file. Each of those calls is in turn making calls to still lower routines, and so forth until you reach the device drivers where the real rubber meets the road. The only real problem is choosing your layering right because you had limited memory and the calls chew up what’s called “stack” that keeps context of where you were before – overflow your stack and you’re lost… …Therefore each layer needs to be carefully thought out to help limit the total number of calls from highest semantic to touching the hardware…

            Anyway, fun stuff!

          • OK, you guys are driving me nuts. No, the C64 was a 6509 machine, it had a terribly rushed out design that had the only virtue of being cheap. It was marketed VERY well.

            The Commodore Amiga was/is 680×0 and eventually PowerPC based. A true 32bit computer, with a core OS heavily based on Unix (though only developers ever saw that, ) with a modern GUI, a color pallette that rivaled commercial Chiron systems and true preemptive multi-tasking before any other Personal computer. It was released 1 year after the Classic Macintosh and wouldn’t be rivaled by an Apple product for 5 years after that.

            Amiga was an independent company, that was, initially intending to develop a game machine, but being the collection of geniuses they were, they game up with a home computer that put everything else, Mac included to shame. The Amiga was designed and completed by Amiga engineers (many of whom are responsible for some of the most classic pinball and Arcade games of the 70s/80s): They just couldn’t bring it to market due to the fact that company was broke. Jack Tramiel, recently having purchased Atari, made them an offer but, as was his wont, fiddled and fumbled until Commodore offered them a buyout, and to use their machine as the next generation Commodore home computer.

            While Commodore fucked up the marketing of the Amiga, with a little help from market forces, the Amiga out-lived Commodore. Amiga PCs are still alive and kicking, You can still buy PowerPC-based Amigas and version 4.2 of the Amiga OS was recently released.

            Yes, I have continuously owned an Amiga PC since 1987, and still own several. They were the best PCs ever made, and but for one dumb decision by the current management of Amiga, the AmigaOS would rule the world.

            /Proprietary Nerd Rant Off.

          • RTIII

            I’ve never even HEARD of a 6509 – not in the Motorola family that I recall!

            The PET and Amiga – and the Apple (I & II) were Motorola 6502 machines. The next series was the 6800 family, starting with the 6800 itself it was an 8 / 16 bit machine. Sounds to me like you’re mixing the two families – I worked on the 6809 at TANO; I suspect you’re getting the 65 from the 6502 and the 09 from the 6809!

            The quad CPU daughter board I created for the PET used the 6809e because, firstly, all the routines I’d written for the TANO Outpost would work – with some adaptation – and the e was for the external clock which permitted my scheme of address conflict bus arbitration to permit a shared access to the PET’s address space (and other shared memory provided by my board)… I designed that daughter board around 1980 / ’81.

            I’m absolutely certain the Commodore 64 used a 16 / 32 bit Motorola 68000 CPU.

            I lost track of all that LONG before the Macintosh – your rant about the Amiga I have no comment on other than it’s nice to learn what went on after I stopped paying attention to that market.

            Note that in 1983 I was offered jobs at both Microsoft AND Apple and turned them both down for the DEC job. What A Fool I Was!

          • Sorry, the C64 used the 6510 variant of the 6502, not the 6509. The 6502/6510 are MOS Technologies processors. Used in the Apple, Atari and Commodore 8 bit computers. They were the mainstay of the home computer revolution. How can you not have heard of them?

            The MOS 6800 was not a successor or relative of the 6502 line and was released 1 year earlier than the 6502, While Motorola created a demonstration/development desktop computer with it, it was never used in a commercial computer as the CPU, it was almost exclusively used in peripherals like printers, floppy drives and in PoS stuff such as Vending machines and early electronic cash registers.

            The Commodore 64 used a 6510 CPU, always did. Never used a 16/32 bit CPU, the Commodore 64 was a tried and true 8bit system, The 16/32 bit MOS 680×0-based systems were the Amiga and Mac Personal Computers.

          • “The Amiga was so far ahead of its time that almost nobody—including Commodore’s marketing department—could fully articulate what it was all about. Today, it’s obvious the Amiga was the first multimedia computer, but in those days it was derided as a game machine because few people grasped the importance of advanced graphics, sound, and video. Nine years later, vendors are still struggling to make systems that work like 1985 Amigas.

            — Byte Magazine, August 1994

  • 17


    • 17

      I was informed this morning that today is the 15th anniversary for Mrs. 17 and myself. I say it’s tomorrow. We’re sure to fight about it for years to come.

      • The_Fixer

        You know she’s right, huh? You will always be wrong on stuff like this 🙂

        • 17

          You think I don’t know that after 15 years of her?

          • The_Fixer

            Ha! Apparently you have not learned when to say “Yes, Dear.” 🙂

          • 17

            She’ll get her “Yes. Dear” tomorrow when the flowers show up 😉

          • The_Fixer


          • 17

            Yep. I win.

          • The_Fixer

            Or so she will let you think 😉

  • SpiffyTheValiant

    hi 🙂

    • RTIII

      Hey there sleepy! You’re late! 😉

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Lol nah.


    Finally caught the damned opossum who was trying to become my unwelcomed pet.

    I tried starving it out but it refused to leave. So last night I set up a trap using Shredder’s cat food as bait. This morning, I found the trap sprung and now I have this creature in a cage!

    NOW WTF do I do with it?!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      😛 Release it.

      • RTIII

        Of course, but WHERE?!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          your yard.

          • RTIII

            Firstly, I don’t have a yard, and secondly, I don’t want to release this thing anywhere even remotely near my own place – it’ll just come back inside! Duh!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            😛 not if you keep the doors shut. is there a park nearby?

          • RTIII

            If I kept the doors shut, I’d roast or suffocate! I need to keep the doors open for airflow.

            Parks? … I live in an “industrial park!” :-))

            We’ll see. I’ll start with the SPCA and see what they say.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Thems good eatin…

      /Just saying

      • RTIII

        Good call. I should take it to China-Town and sell it in the market there! :))

        • Why would Chinese people want an opossum?

          • RTIII

            Well, it’s called “China-Town”, but it’s a lot more than just that; most non-Indian, non-Caucasian Asian cultures are represented. And, unusual meats are a special kind of “treat” one finds there. You can find all sorts of animals prepared for eating in that market, though I can’t say I’ve ever noticed opossum there! … OTOH, I’ve never looked for it, either!

            …If I were looking, that’s where I’d go look!…

    • 17

      You’re in California. Sell it to the Hillbillies. Granny makes some mean vittles!

    • The_Fixer

      Got a local animal control officer? You could turn it over to them. In our town, we have an organization that rehabs injured wild animals and then set them free, Maybe you have something like that in your area?

      Optionally, you cold tame it and turn it into your pet 🙂

      • RTIII

        Opossum are smelly creatures; NFW am I taking this thing on as a pet!

        Yeah, I’m gonna start with the SPCA because they’re literally only ONE block away!

        • The_Fixer

          Oh hell, that makes it easy. Sounds like a good plan.

      • RTIII

        So, while topping up my coffee, I decided to take the beast outside – just in case it somehow freed itself from the trap… And as I carted him out, I could really smell him. OUCH! MY NOSE! I held the cage up to about eyeball height and walked with him in front of me, so I could watch him and the smell couldn’t help but waft my direction. . . NOT a smell I want in my space… “Musky” would be very kind.

        He also wasn’t very clean. Not sure if that has more to do with my trying to starve him out and him digging furiously for food and / or water or what, but his fur was definitely not as nice as either cats or dogs tend to keep themselves. I suspect they don’t have tongues that are as helpful for grooming as cats and dogs do.

        But then, if I were out in the wild, I might not be so well groomed, either!

        • You should smell what comes out of a beaver. That smell will, literally, make your throat burn.

          • kreskin

            No comment .

    • FaunaAndFlora
      • SpiffyTheValiant

        oh geez

      • 17

        Jethro Bodine approves! 😉

        • The_Fixer

          Just be sure that you have proper notches carved into your pot-passing sticks and you put a nice tablecloth over the green velvet on your Fancy Eatin’ Table ®

          You need to have the proper eating experience when it comes to Possum!

          • 17

            One of the best shows on the airwaves!

          • cathyx

            Says Mr. Country Bumpkin himself.

          • Edwin

            That’s why I liked Green Acres. They were city slickers who chose to become country bumpkins. And that’s where I got the idea to grow corn in my rooftop “pots farm.” And there was an adorable pig.


          • 17

            Another one of the best shows on the airwaves!

          • cathyx

            Obviously you have very low standards.

          • 17

            Us simple country folks don’t need your high-falutin’ TeleNovas to be entertained.

          • Edwin

            It’s still funny today. Can’t say that about a lot of shows.

          • kreskin

            I liked the pig but the show itself … meh .

  • 17

    Police Reports: A Magical Monopoly on Truth

    A police report is used in many daily interactions as a way of verifying information, even when the police have not verified anything in those reports – so what makes a police report the gold standard for truth?


  • 17

    Poster child for CIA torture to appear in hearing

    Abu Zubaydah appeals for transfer from Guantanamo

    Zubaydah is one of the most important US “war on terror” prisoners, not because of who he is or isn’t, but because he was at the crossroads of the decision to institutionalise torture – he was the original “experiment.”


  • 17

    One of the poorest countries in the EU could be its next tech-startup hub

    When listing the world’s most promising places for tech and startups, you could be forgiven for overlooking Romania. During the almost three decades since a revolution lifted the nation out of communism the country has maintained a low profile internationally. Nonetheless, a quieter type of revolution has been percolating behind the scenes. Thanks to its unique culture, history, education system, and infrastructure, its capital city of Bucharest has bred a new generation of tech entrepreneurs who are hoping to put it on the startup map. Once known as the “Little Paris in the East” because of its wide boulevards and Belle Époque architecture, Bucharest’s modern-day moniker could just as fittingly include the word “Silicon”.


    • LOL: In one of Charles Storss’ books Romania is the hot new EU incubator country.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      I have a friend that lives there 🙂

      • RTIII

        Fanfic reader?

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          hmm her? not really. she looked at one of my stories once though.

  • SpiffyTheValiant
    • SpiffyTheValiant

      link to get jill on the daily show.

      please sign.

  • MsPythia

    Good Morning! Here’s some feel good news for today:

    [Papas Fritas] Chilean Artist Steals & Destroys $500 Million Worth Of Student Debt Papers


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      yay. hey

      • MsPythia

        Spiffycat! Hello!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Hi 🙂

  • 17

    Hellish End Soon: Record High Likelihood Both Nuclear and Burnout

    Both of the feasible hellish outcomes – nuclear war, and escalating burnout of the biosphere (from climate-heat plus associated ocean-acidification) – are now at record-high likelihoods. Either alone can end civilization as we know it, but unfortunately both of them are at historic peaks and heading toward a surprisingly-soon hellish end of civilization, either way.


    • RTIII

      Interesting article – it largely agrees with me, though it adds a new argument / line of reasoning.

  • MsPythia

    At least temporarily:

    Sioux Blockade Succeeds In Halting Construction Of $3.8B Dakota Access Pipeline


    • cathyx

      That’s great news.

      • MsPythia

        As 17’s article shows though, our government sides with the corporation, as usual.

        • cathyx

          That’s not a very good article. I doesn’t explain what Homeland Security’s reason was for doing that.

          • 17

            Yes it does. It was punishment. “…North Dakota homeland security director Greg Wilz ordered the removal of state-owned trailers and water tanks from the protest encampment, despite the sweltering heat, because of alleged disorderly conduct, according to the Bismarck Tribune, including reports of laser pointers aimed at surveillance aircraft.”

          • cathyx

            Yes, sorry, missed that. President Obama could simply ask him to reverse that, but then the pipeline may not get built if the protesters stay.

          • Shohanna

            Couldn’t that be construed as possible murder from disregard and neglect? Aren’t they suppose to protect the health of the general public? Isn’t it in the constitution that the GOVERNMENTS responsibility is the general welfare of the public? Yes, yes I believe it is. We are even required to fucking MEMORIZE that damned preamble to the constitution and we are graded on that fucker. We could USE this to remove that fucking government as willful neglect. They work for US not the other way around!!

    • 17

      Government Pulls Water Supply of Dakota Protestors Despite Sweltering Heat

      Growing in number and spirit, the Standing Rock Sioux protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline is swiftly gaining strength ahead of a federal hearing on the controversial project. Support has spread across the country, and thousands have descended on the peaceful “prayer camps” in recent days, prompting state officials on Monday to remove the demonstrators’ drinking water supply.


      • MsPythia


        • 17

          Yup. They didn’t even treat the Malhuer gang this shitty.

          • The_Fixer

            The Malheur bunch had one important trait – they were white and not indigenous people. Whiteness gets you a lot of leeway these days.

  • 17

    Snowden Explains Latest NSA Hack

    According to whistleblower Edward Snowden, a recent leak of secret NSA hacking tools reflects an escalation in tensions between Russia and the United States. For others, though, it highlights concerns about what, if any, privacy is afforded to the general public.


    • kreskin

      Pure speculation . Maybe a diversion tactic . I’m still in the camp of those who say that it makes no sense .

      • 17

        Yeah, I don’t quite understand where he’s coming from there.

  • 17

    Idiocracy Director: It’s Kind of Scary How Quickly the Movie Became a Documentary

    Mike Judge, the film’s director, has weighed in on the growing similarities between his satirical, dystopian United States set hundreds of years in the future — and present-day America.


  • 17

    Media Worried Too Many Americans Will Question Legitimacy of 2016 Election

    2016 is the year many, many Americans began to question whether or not our elections, and to a lesser extent, our democracy (insert “it’s a constitutional republic, big difference!” here) are rigged. As I’ve argued many times in the past year, there is plenty of evidence suggesting these skeptical Americans are, indeed, onto something with their suspicions.

    But the corporate media has come out in defense of America’s “democracy” — and political elites are defending the system, too. In the wake of Trump’s recent rhetoric regarding the “rigged” system, the ruling class of the United States is peddling the fiction that somehow Trump’s irresponsible sensationalism is solely to blame for the newfound feelings of illegitimacy plaguing our elections.


  • 17

    250Gbps: Russian scientists aim to revolutionize computing with plasma-driven antennas

    A team of Russian physicists has found a way to tune silicon nanoparticles so they can process optical data at previously unattainable speed, paving the way for the creation of “ultracompact and ultrafast” processing devices.


  • 17

    Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds

    Hitler, contrary to current black propaganda, was never a police informant nor a homosexual; he shut down
    the bankers, abolished the Zionist central bank, cleaned out all the pimps, drug dealers, perverts and the rest of the criminal underworld in short order, setup a free healthcare system, free tuition at universities, one month paid vacation for all workers and the list goes on.

    He found a starving and broken people on their knees, lifted them up from Zionist-imposed debt slavery and very nearly conquered the world, thus freeing it from the grasp of the Zionist cabal.

    Compare that to the policies Herr Trump espouses and his ‘achievements’ in bankruptcy and divorce…..

    Now you tell me, which one is the psychopath?


    • cathyx

      And where do they put Hillary?

      • 17

        Experts suggested likely scores against a series of questions. Trump scored 171, two points more than Hitler.

        Saddam Hussein topped the list, scoring 189, while Democratic
        presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton received a score of 152, putting
        her in the top 20 percent.

        Margaret Thatcher scored 136 points, and Elizabeth I was put at 130.

        • cathyx

          Sorry, it was a facetious question. Do you know what that means?

          • Shohanna

            You are so mean to him. You must really like him! lol Reminds me of Lucy from Peanuts.

          • cathyx

            If you knew all the shit he’s given me over time, you’d understand.

            Edit to add: And still does. He just does it where no one sees it.

          • Shohanna

            Oki I just wanted to ask, that’s all. <3

          • cathyx

            We’re actually good friends, so don’t worry. He just likes people to think I beat up on him.

          • 17

            Help me!

          • Shohanna

            So cute.. There is a movie… That resembles this but damned if I can remember the name…

          • cathyx

            Please don’t encourage him. That’s all I need.

          • Shohanna

            hahah Oki! BAD 17!! /nod /snickers

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            He likes being whipped.

          • Shohanna

            HAHAH Cathyx can do that.. I am averse to flirting with married men. /hides hahaha

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *pat pat* all harmless fun.

          • 17

            She shits in my Wheaties every chance she gets.

    • Shohanna

      That really does explain how he became so popular and a dictator. LOL With the permission of the plebes.

  • Shohanna

    Good afternoon. Still waking up and was shocked what I saw on my front page. (Google News). I mean are we being spied on? haha Or Aren’t we the only ones talking about it? It just seems really FISHY! Either that, or I am still fucking dreaming. LOL


    Oh and where is everyone?

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      hey Sho 🙂

      • Shohanna

        Hey Spiffy love how are you? PURRS!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Oh okay I guesses. Going to make a phone call soon.

          • Shohanna

            Not awake yet. What’s wrong? Sounds like I missed something last night.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Oh lol. Yesterday, I opened an online banking account. It was really frustrating.

          • Shohanna

            Aww, did you need any help? Or did you work it out through your frustration?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I got it set up. Pretty soon I’m going to call to see if I got the job or not. (or if it’s still up in the air.)

          • Shohanna

            Good luck!! I hope you get that job!!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 thanks

          • Edwin

            Good luck. Looking for work is worse than working.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol yep. posted the status at the top.

          • Edwin

            I saw that. Why can’t they just make up their damned minds? Why all the games?

            See, they fuck with you before you even begin. Prolly all planned.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            It’s a long story. The person who interviewed me said it is a busy store and they don’t need to fill it till September. So they probably just got caught their normal daily schedules.

    • Edwin

      Good middle of the night – it’s too hot to sleep.

      • 17

        I feel your pain. At least you don’t have an old lady who wants to “snuggle” when it’s so hot.

        • Edwin

          Anyone touches me and they’re dead. Too hot for that kinda shit.

          • Shohanna

            ROFLMAO! Reminds me of me when I am sweating profusely through this damned menopause. /sigh

          • Edwin


            (Actually, I can’t even imagine.)

          • Shohanna

            It’s probably the same as what you are experiencing right now. Your body temperature goes out the window and it feels like you are in an oven. Only with your heart palpating through it. You sweat, and sweat and sweat. Then have to drink a gallon of Gatorade b/c you sweat everything out and it’s SO UNCOMFORTABLE>

          • Edwin

            I think it’s the non-stop aspect that’s so tiring. The air is dead still every day and it’s just humid and muggy. It’s exhausting because you never get a break.

            Looks like only 2 more days of this shit and then we move on to autumn weather. September is often like a summer month here, but it’s dry, and the nights are cool.

          • Shohanna

            Yeah, it happens here as well. But then we also get northern winds that bring in the thunderstorms. OH I love that. /nod

          • Edwin

            I love summer thunderstorms!!! Where I lived in Canada was near a tornado alley, but not right in tornado alley. We got great thunderstorms minus the tornadoes.

          • Shohanna

            We are passed the tornado season here. (As far as I am aware with the current “weather hell”. But thunderstorm season is a week to 2 weeks away.

      • Shohanna

        I am sorry Edwin. Have you got yourself a cold wash cloth (or more then one) and lay them on your NECK, middle back, and legs? That always works for me. On the hot areas.

        • Edwin

          I just get up for a while. I had a cold shower and now I have a small fan blowing on me. It’s been a month of non-stop gross.

          It looks like only a few more days as it is supposed to go down to 24* (75*F) at weekend, just for one day and then back up again. That will break the heatwave and probably usher in the autumn weather which is usually fabulous.

          • Shohanna

            I hope you get a break in the heat. We got one this past week. It was awesome!! I got to open the window for a few hours and it was cooler outside then it was inside. But today it’s back up to 100+ with heat index.

          • MsPythia

            What state are you in Sho?

          • Shohanna

            I am in the green / humid / sticky state of Kentucky! 😀

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I want my KFC!

          • Shohanna

            Haha I thought about having some and changed my mind. They treat chickens horribly. 🙁

  • 17

    A Clinton Family Value: ‘Humanitarian’ War

    The transformation of the Democratic Party from the relative “peace party” to a belligerent “war party” occurred during Bill Clinton’s presidency and is likely to resume if Hillary Clinton is elected, writes
    James W Carden.


    • RTIII

      Too late – it already resumed under Obama.

  • 17

    Dangerous Crossroads: U.S. Invades Syria, And Warns Russia…

    On Monday, August 22nd, the United States government — which demands the overthrow of the internationally-recognized-as-legal government of Syria — officially announced that America’s military forces in Syria will continue to occupy Syrian land, no matter what the Syrian government says, and will shoot down any Syrian planes that fly over U.S. forces there.


    • Edwin

      “We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq,
      and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off,

      • 17

        That’s what the man said, loud and clear.

    • kreskin

      Role reversal . We have become what we once hated.

      • Shohanna

        More like the government. With our apathy because “hey, it doesn’t affect me, what do I care?”


        • RTIII

          I think a lot of people care, they just feel powerless because that’s exactly what the ultra-rich WANT them to feel and the propaganda works.

          • Shohanna

            Very good point RT, I was thinking of that angle as well, but didn’t have the right wording. Thanks!! 😀

    • kreskin

      “the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, then [in the summer of 2013] led by General Martin Dempsey, forecast that the fall of the Assad regime would lead to chaos and, potentially, to Syria’s takeover by jihadi extremists, much as was then happening in Libya,”

      and so Dempsey quit, and Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, director of the DIA between 2012 and 2014, was fired over the matter.

      “The DIA’s reporting, he [Flynn] said, ‘got enormous pushback’ from the Obama administration. ‘I felt that they did not want to hear the truth.’”

    • kreskin

      The lunatics are running the asylum , at least one of them is a black man . This war on ISIS / terror is a GD joke , we’re playing dangerous games , poking and prodding the Russians , that’s what we are doing. OK , Assad is ousted , who / what would take his place ? Take a look at Libya , it’s an ungovernable no man’s land . The toll on the civilian population ? Who cares ? Certainly Barack Obama and the boys and girls at the Pentagon don’t . It’s madness .

  • SpiffyTheValiant

    Spiffy Job Hunting Status: So had an interview in July. They said they expect to hire someone in September and I could call back in August, if I hadn’t heard anything. So I just called back. They still haven’t decided. Said I could call back in two weeks. I don’t think I got it. But it wasn’t a no. So if I had been eliminated, I think they would have already told me.

    • cathyx

      I’m crossing my fingers for you. (That’s the atheist’s prayer)

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        <3 thanks

      • lindajoyous

        Hi Cathy! 🙂

    • Shohanna

      I have my tail crossed over my paws!! I hope it brings you luck.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Thanks Sho <3

    • MsPythia

      Why don’t you think you got it? If they didn’t like you, or if you were on the bottom of the list, they probably would have told you it was looking like the job would be going to someone else…

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        I have very little xp. That’s why. Still I guess it’s a good sign. If I didn’t get it, they probably would have told me. I mean it’d be a waste of their time to have me call back in two weeks, if there wasn’t a chance.

        • MsPythia

          Yes — I think you should take that as a positive sign! 🙂 I hope you get it dearie!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 We shall see.

          • MsPythia


      • lindajoyous

        Hi MsPythia, good to see you! 🙂

        • MsPythia

          Hi Linda! Good to see you too! 🙂

          • lindajoyous


    • lindajoyous

      Goodmorning Spiffy, I wish you a lots of luck getting the job! 🙂

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        <3 thanks linda.

        • lindajoyous

          You’re very welcomed! 🙂

  • Shohanna

    The pharmaceuticals need a hell of a lot more oversight then they are talking about here. I got my prescription last year, it was 150.00 (With some taken off b/c I have Medicaid. I have to renew this prescription once a year or so? or 18months is what the holder of an Epi-Pen says.

    I can not go with out this prescription. It’s NOT an option. (It was for 5 yrs b/c I didn’t have insurance.) Take note though, I can not even contemplate trying “new” stuff without this medicine. No chance. I am deathly allergic to 3 things.

    1. Bees, doesn’t matter which one. It stings me, it’s a hospital trip. (Have lived with this since I was 7.)
    2. Latex. I mean ANYTHING that has any relation to latex what so ever. I was eating avocados when I was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed. Not even the adhesive on the band-aids. Or any kind of sticky stuff. No bananas, No pineapples, No Coconut.
    3. Antibiotics. ANY of them. None, can’t touch them with a 10ft pole. (YES, ALL OF THEM) it’s not an exaggeration. I can not have any antibiotics. They will kill me as surely as a bee, or latex.

    The asshats piss me off using my medical issues (And others) to profit. And that’s ALL it is. Profit.


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      o.o So can you still get your medicine?

      • Shohanna

        I don’t need a new one until Jan’17. I just checked b/c if it goes up that much, I don’t know if Medicaid will cover it.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          🙁 I hope it does.

          • Shohanna

            I hope so too! I can’t afford 600 / YEAR. O.O

          • SpiffyTheValiant


    • lindajoyous

      Hi Shohanna, I hope this turns out ok for you! 🙂

      • Shohanna

        Thank you Linda, I hope so too babe! They raise the price enough and Medicaid will say screw that if you want it you pay for it. :/

        • lindajoyous

          You’re very welcomed Shohanna! 🙂

    • Are you questioning how much influence industry has in how the FDA operates? Why, that must mean you’re an….ANTIVAXXER (cue scary music)….

      • Shohanna

        haha Right? **smdh**

    • cathyx

      Yikes Shohanna, what’s your reaction when you have contact?

      • Shohanna

        Bees – Anaphylaxis shock. Starts from the sight of the bee sting and runs towards my heart.
        Latex – Exactly the same, starts to swell my lower bronchial tubes and swells it way up my throat until I suffocate.
        Antibiotics – depends on which one it is. One will shut my kidneys off. (Can’t handle).
        Another Penicillin will start with anaphylaxis in the lower bronchial, but branches of penicillin will start with my throat instead of the lower bronchial. The others the allergy doctor didn’t tell me. He just said don’t take any antibiotics. :/

        • cathyx

          So how did you find out you had these allergies? Did you go into shock? And did you kidneys shut off?

          • Shohanna

            haha Most all of them except for erythromycin I had to be rushed to the hospital. One of them I was ALREADY in the hospital and went into shock and didn’t know it.

            When it came to Erythromycin, with in 1 dose I had to call the doctor and tell him my pee was bright orange. He said head to the ER and get something that would counteract it. After that it took 3 days for my kidneys to go back to normal and I have never taken it since.

          • cathyx

            That’s awful. What a rough situation you have.

          • Shohanna

            I am a germaphobe because of it. I have dry hands from washing my hands from travel, peeing, etc etc. Just so many ways I have to be vigilant about not getting sick and if I do…. Trying to convince a doctor I REALLY AM allergic to all antibiotics. Most of the time a new doctor does NOT believe me. :/

            I have directions on my “file” at the nearest hospital. To make sure if I am unconscious that they do not administer these things. I don’t want to die due to stupidity.

    • smkngman3

      Thank Obama for this!

      • Shohanna

        Right?! So with friends like these who needs enemies right?

        • smkngman3

          This is a great example of why health care costs are skyrocketing.

          All under the watchful eye of Obama.

          • Shohanna

            Trust me the irony is not lost on me. haha

  • Shohanna

    Going to get me some lunch. Don’t feel like cooking. Talk to you guys laters! Have fun!

  • MsPythia

    Don’t know if this has been posted already:

    Hillary Clinton: The Anti-Woman ‘Feminist’

    • kreskin

      Someone should post that one over at C & L . Bet it wouldn’t stay up for long .

      • MsPythia

        Nope — and whoever posted it would be banned immediately.

        • Shohanna

          hahah That would be funny if they did../nod

    • smkngman3

      I posted that yesterday.

      Great read imo.

  • kreskin
    • MsPythia

      So cool! 🙂

  • kreskin

    “Donald Trump never actually wanted to be president of the United States. I know this for a fact. I’m not going to say how I know it. I’m not saying that Trump and I shared the same agent or lawyer or stylist or, if we did, that that would have anything to do with anything. And I’m certainly not saying that I ever overheard anything at those agencies or in the hallways of NBC or anywhere else. But there are certain people reading this right now, they know who they are, and they know that every word in the following paragraphs actually happened.” http://usuncut.com/politics/michael-moore/

    • cathyx

      It needs to be said that the person speaking is Michael Moore.

      • cathyx

        Michael Moore said that Trump was doing it to increase his marketability to the networks so that he could make more money for his show The Apprentice. So why did Donald think that putting down hispanics was the way to get NBC to not only renew his contract, but give him more money? Because the opposite happened, and then no other network was going to touch him after that.

  • towerofbabel

    Support Jill. Help get her on The Daily Show to rebut false statements by Trevor Noah:

    • I said that guy was an un-funny scumbag, from the beginning, but would America listen to me? Noooooo.


      • SpiffyTheValiant

        I don’t like Noah. He was scolding Bernie supporters. It’s clear he’s just Clinton’s bitch.

        • It’s been clear to me, from the start, he’s been nothing more than an unfunny Jon Stewart, in terms of actually challenging the status-quo and not just excusing it.

          • MsPythia

            He really isn’t funny at all. I also always thought it was terrible they didn’t give the show to someone who was already one of their “correspondents.”

          • MsPythia

            Jessica Williams would have been a good choice.

          • Shohanna

            Yeah! She is so funny! And I approved of all her skits and laughed my ass off. /nod

          • Shohanna

            Yeah, that made me really question what was going on. Sam is awesome on TBS, not that I like the way she has done her own show… I don’t find her compelling enough for me to get that channel on cable like I did with GOT before HBO Now. But she was still funny! and Omar, why didn’t they offer it to him?! He was damned funny even if I didn’t approve of a few of his skits.

            There were others too who were KNOWN Faces that would have been a huge improvement over an outsider who has NO fucking clue about our culture to even make a damned joke funny. That and I saw his previous skits on Youtube and he was no where near funny for me. More like Misogynistic asshat.

          • Blue Basilisk

            I will forever be salty that it didn’t go to John Oliver (although Last Week Tonight is still amazing) or Asif Mandvi.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I always thought he tried to hard. But I was willing to cut him some slack until the Bernie bashing.

        • Blue Basilisk

          I quit watching his show several months ago. He just is not funny at all.

      • RTIII

        WAY down thread, Fixer and I were having a good chat about early days of computing technology – in line with this article’s subject! …Just FYI…

        • Yeah, I had to contribute a small nerd rant about a part of it. LOL.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Posted it. But glad to see a repost.

      • MsPythia

        I signed after you posted it! 🙂

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          <3 that's my ms.

          • MsPythia

            🙂 Yay me! lol!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • MsPythia


  • MsPythia

    Good article:

    Will Progressive Democrats Ever Support a Third Party Candidate?

    • cathyx

      Real ones already are.

      • MsPythia


    • “Progressive Democrats” ain’t no such thing. If you vote for Democrats, who aren’t progressives, you are, by definition not a progressive.


    • RTIII

      As if we have a choice!

      • Shohanna

        Yeah, I want to see a goddamned media network fucking ADMIT what the elite did. They STOLE that damned election and they stole any other election that would help their fucking bottom line. I am sick and tired of people IGNORING this point! Not punishing the people who did it! Not making our elections SAFE from tampering!!!

  • In honor of this webiversary, Imma post a bunch of memes…

    I know what you’re saying to yourself…

  • kreskin

    RT news is under attack again .

    This site can’t be reached

    http://www.rt.com’s DNS address could not be found.

    • WOMM, but then, my exit node is in Canada, which has a much more robust Internet infrastructure.

    • cathyx

      I just did. No problem.

      • kreskin

        It’s an ongoing battle .

        • Shohanna

          I have gotten DDOS attacks before, they are not fun. When it use to happen regularly I would shut my cable off, router off, and the comp let them hit air. After about a half hour or so it would stop. I guess I pissed someone off. No idea it was years ago.

        • smkngman3

          i run into that problem often.

          LIKE RIGHT NOW!

          • kreskin


          • kreskin

            Gee , I wonder who’s behind it ?


          • 17

            Is Squirrel and Moose.

          • Is always Moose and Squirrel!

    • RTIII

      It’s a DOS attack – denial of service – no doubt being perpetrated by our own government.

      • Shohanna

        Or someone at the NSA who doesn’t want the TRUTH out there… hahaha The IRONY!

    • 17

      Up for me now.

      • kreskin

        I was there as minute ago and it was down again . They’re being bombarded , apparently .

        There are many articles about it … in case anyone doubts it .

        • cathyx

          Not doubting, just not having a problem accessing it.

          • kreskin

            Try it now . I can’t even reach the site .

          • cathyx

            no trouble

          • kreskin

            Nope . I even switched browsers.

          • kreskin

            R U in the states ?

          • cathyx

            Yes, right below you in Portland.

          • kreskin

            Oh , that’s right !

          • kreskin

            Ah-huh ! I tried with BING search and had no trouble . Seems that Google is preventing me from reaching the site . . Working with Uncle Sam ?

        • I don’t doubt it, I posted an entire paragraph with several links about it to the front page, the other day. LOL.

  • R.I.P. Maru Chan


    • Shohanna

      NO! WTF?!

    • Shohanna

      Link, and story plz. I can’t find anything that confirms that.

      • I’m sorry, you’re correct. I must have had another famous animal in my head and substituted Maru Chan. My sincerest apologies for any distress.

        • Shohanna

          So kay! I spent a good hour watching his youtube channel to make up for it. 😀

  • 17

    Halt and Catch Fire. 2-hour Season Premier. Tonight @ 9 eastern. Fitting for the day’s theme, no?

  • smkngman3

    “More than half the people Clinton met with at the State Department were Clinton Foundation donors”

    At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.

    • kreskin

      Corrupt as hell , like something you’d find in a third world country . .

      • smkngman3

        Third world “r” US.

    • MsPythia

      So unsurprising! She’s a criminal who belongs in jail.

  • smkngman3

    “Officials Pull Water Supply as Dakota Access Protest Swells in Number and Spirit”

    North Dakota homeland security director Greg Wilz ordered the removal of state-owned trailers and water tanks from the protest encampment, despite the sweltering heat, because of alleged disorderly conduct, according to the Bismarck Tribune, including reports of laser pointers aimed at surveillance aircraft.


    • “disorderly conduct”

      • smkngman3

        Not knowing their “place”.

  • kreskin

    ” citing unnamed U.S. officials ” It’s those Russians again ! ( shakes his head )

    • Edwin

      It’s just getting stupid.

      • kreskin

        True, but the stupid buy it … and we’ve an overabundance .

  • Just a friendly reminder, all

  • smkngman3

    “Media Worried Too Many Americans Will Question Legitimacy of 2016 Election”

    But what if it’s the oligarchic political system and the corporate media that have delegitimized themselves, and not some manufactured Trump conspiracy that has suddenly turned half the country into skeptical anti-establishment rebels? Maybe the corporate media’s collusion with the corporate government is the real conspiracy. Or maybe we should stop complaining and just blame Russia and Julian Assange — that seems a lot more convenient to the New York Times.

    • MsPythia

      I think they can stop worrying — it’s already happened!

  • kreskin

    I hope it’s true . Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Leader ‘Fatally Wounded’ in Air Raid


  • smkngman3
    • kreskin

      • MsPythia

        She’s so “progressive!”

        • kreskin

          ” I’m a progressive ” That’s the biggest lie she’s told so far in this campaign. A whopper if there ever was one.

  • smkngman3

    “Toxic US Iraq War Legacy Includes Birth Defects, Cancers: Study”

    “A variety of birth defects, some never seen before, are observed in hospitals routinely,” as a result of military munitions from the U.S. invasion.

    • MsPythia

      The same is true of US soldiers who returned home. A lot of it is due to the use of depleted uranium munitions that were (are) used.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        *pounces the ms*

        • MsPythia

          Hi Spiffy! 😀

          • SpiffyTheValiant


  • smkngman3
  • smkngman3

    Crazy attracts crazies!

    “Trump’s New Billionaire Backer Also Funds Huge Stockpile of Human Urine”

    Mercer, who first spent over $10 million trying to make Ted Cruz president, just gave $2 million to a Super PAC supporting Trump. Mercer is also a top investor in the Breitbart News Network. According to the Post, Mercer’s daughter Rebekah nudged Trump to bring in Stephen Bannon, Breitbart’s executive chairman, to run his campaign.

    But here’s what the mainstream media won’t tell you: Robert Mercer and his daughter have also funded a gigantic stockpile of human urine in Oregon.


    • The_Fixer

      Mr. Burns: “Smithers!”

      Smithers: “Yes, Sir!”

      Mr. Burns:”Fetch me a razor, draw me a bath, and get these Kleenex boxes off my feet!”

      Smithers: Yes, Sir! And the jars of urine, sir?”

      Mr. Burns: “Oh, we’ll be hanging on to those!”

  • smkngman3
    • 😉 😛

    • Edwin

      I don’t want a smartphone for this very reason. I already love the internet too much. When I go out walking around I want to enjoy my walking and look at people and things, and maybe even talk to someone– like for real. (It worked for us in the olden days. It will work now.)

      • MsPythia

        I have a smartphone — but I don’t walk around looking at it like a douchebag.

        • Edwin

          Do people phone you?

          • MsPythia

            No, most people text each other now. Occasionally I get calls — mostly work related.

          • Edwin

            They asked me for my cell phone number at one job but I wouldn’t give it to them.

            I haven’t learned how to text yet. 😀

          • MsPythia

            It’s not hard! 🙂

          • Edwin

            I did it once, just to teach myself. I sent it to hubby. It said something like “Hi. Here is a text.” But that was about 4 years ago and I forget how I did it.

            When I say I am a hermit, believe me!

          • MsPythia

            Ask someone you know to show you. You’ll pick it up in no time! 🙂

          • 17

            Grow a third arm before you try it, Edwin. You’ll need it. Amazing how we used to be able to do things while on the phone before, huh? Progress, I tells ya.

          • cathyx

            People don’t call each other, they text each other.

          • 17

            That’s a problem. If you have something to say, and expect an answer…call me. If I want to talk to you, I’ll answer. Why am I paying for texting service I don’t need or want? That’s why I have a gawd damned phone.

          • cathyx

            What’s that grandpa? You hate new fangled devices? Too hard to learn a new trick?

          • Edwin

            Ha ha. What in tarnation are all those whippersnappers in that picture doing?

          • cathyx

            They’re cleaning their fingernails I think. Or at least 17 thinks so.

          • 17


          • 17

            Cathy, we’ve been getting thousands upon thousands of complaints pouring in daily, some even by U.S. Postal mail, about your disrupting the community here. Now, I don’t want to be the “heavy-handed” one here, so expect a visit from Garza shortly.

          • cathyx

            Wait, you know how to use email?

          • Edwin

            Garza set to start drunk-posting within the next 14 hours, sources say.

          • I’ve already contacted Roxxane and Karoli. 😉 😛

          • cathyx

            I’ll cling to Edwin for dear life then.

          • MsPythia

            Please tell them hello — and FU from all of us!!!

          • MsPythia


          • MsPythia

            Is that the Roving Garza?

          • cathyx

            Hey, thanks to 17 and Edwin, that poor girl is out of a job.

          • MsPythia

            Yeah, and she’s so bummed about that!!! TBR was such a great gig.

          • cathyx

            And it paid so well too. Now she might have to get one of those jobs that earn thousands of dollars working on the internet while at home putting herself through school.

          • MsPythia

            Sounds like Garza can just go talk to her good friend TBR78 who can hook her up with a Brock CTR trolling job at home!

          • cathyx

            LOL. Yes, she has an in with Ricki. I hear they’re VERY close.

          • MsPythia

            I think this might be Garza who in her depression over losing her great gig, got really drunk and started yelling at people:


          • cathyx

            Wow. That’s all.

          • 17


          • 17

            Perhaps, but she lives on in our hearts, our memories.

          • 17

            Get off my lawn.

          • Edwin

            texting is free in Korea

          • I’ve already contacted Roxxane and Carol. 😉 😛

        • I don’t have a smartphone, but that’s because I don’t want the government and every tom, dick and harry marketing company know where I am, and what I look at, buy, and even think about, every minute of every day. 😀

          • MsPythia

            Yeah, but I need access to my email in order to do my job a lot. But, I don’t allow my phone to be hooked up to my location. It asks me all the time to do that too — which is annoying.

          • Edwin

            But the NSA can still find you. There’s a Snowden video on the net about all the things you have to go inside and disable to get off the grid. A lot of stuff!!

          • MsPythia

            I know, but if I want to get off the grid or not be found, I just leave my phone at home!

          • Edwin

            Chip implants. Coming soon. I am often untraceable. Can’t be having that.

          • But because you carry your cellphone, they can easily predict where you’ll be (Cops already use this tech)

          • MsPythia

            Well, if I’m running from the police, I’ll keep that in mind.

          • Same thing goes for the marketing agencies that your smartphone providers sells your info to.

          • MsPythia

            Yes — that should be against the law to sell that info. I’m not a huge wasteful capitalist consumer type though, so they can kiss my tuchus.

          • Yeah, that doesn’t stop anything. LOL. There’s about a dozen ways to know where you are. If your smartphone has a battery in it, it’s snitching on you.

          • MsPythia

            I don’t really care if the NSA knows where I am. When I don’t want them to, I’ll ditch my phone.

          • MsPythia

            You can also remove the battery.

          • Not on A LOT a newer smartphones, and on more and more of them every day.

          • Nope, I said everybody. And most importantly, your service provider, who sells that info to the lowest bidder. You go find out about it for yourself.

            And you should be worried about the government (it’s the whole government, not just the NSA), they aren’t out there looking for bad people, they’re looking for information on everyone, that they can use to manipulate them later. That how a surveillance state works. Russian, East Germany, China, and on, and on, and on.

          • MsPythia

            I know — and it’s fucked up. But I don’t live my life worrying about that stuff every day. I need it to do my job, so I use it.

          • Edwin

            I don’t need a smartphone and don’t want one for the reasons you stated.

      • cathyx

        You could chose to put your phone in you pocket when you walk.

        • Edwin

          Yes, that’s true. But it’s not the same as cutting the cord.

          I’m not sure how old you are, but I remember life before all this technology and we had helluva good time. 😀

          • cathyx

            I’m really young.

          • Edwin

            Young as in young at heart? Young as in there have always been ATMs and computers? Younger than me?

          • cathyx

            How old are you?

          • Edwin


          • cathyx

            Wow, that’s really old. I’m 54. But i look 29, just sayin’.

          • Edwin

            I would look 29 if I dyed my hair, but people like the silver fox thing I have going on so I can’t.

          • cathyx

            Gray hair on men looks distinguished. On women it looks 65.

          • Edwin

            My Mom let it go grey, she looked old, she went back to ‘tinting’ it. I’m lucky because my hair has gone grey nicely; starting with grey temples and then gradually spreading to everywhere. And I still have a full head of the stuff. (Often need to get it thinned.)

          • 17

            Edwin. Mrs. 17 wants to know how old you are. Please?

          • cathyx

            He said down below that he’s 56.

          • cathyx

            Scrolling is your friend. 🙂

          • Edwin

            a silver fox 56

          • 17

            Thank you.

          • Edwin

            She looking for a new squeeze?

          • 17

            I’m not gonna live forever, ya know?

    • 17

      That’s what my Mrs. is trying to turn me into. She thinks that’s better than sitting at a computer. Now she wants me to sit on the sofa and ignore her instead.

      • MsPythia

        Well, too much sitting IS bad for you! :p

        • Edwin

          I have a stool at my computer which prompts me to move more often and I get up to do leg stretches and knee bends and stuff. I used to use a computer chair, but I just parked my ass in comfy-land.

          • I just get up and walk or bike every hour or two.

          • kreskin

            I lay down , take a nap .

          • 😀 I do that every other hour or two. 😀

          • kreskin

            Seriously , I walk everyday , 2 1/4 to 4 miles , rain or shine. Can’t run anymore .

          • Edwin

            That’s great.

            Walking around here isn’t pleasant because in many places cars and pedestrians share the road (no sidewalk). And if you get to places with sidewalks it’s still too many cars and too many people and too much exhaust and dust and stuff.

          • kreskin

            I walk what amounts to a nature trail , goes around the local golf course . It’s two miles around , the trail itself is about 1/4 mile away . I don’t like walking the street / side walk .

          • Edwin

            I gotta get out of here. For many years it was a great gig, I had mega time off, and I was able to travel so very much. I could put up with some of the things I didn’t care for. Now they are starting to bug me.

          • kreskin

            Bummer. The exercise does wonders , mentally and physically . It’s become a habit , I enjoy it ( I quit smoking as you know ) .

          • Edwin

            I quit this year too. 8 months now.

          • The heat prevents me from making it every day, and even then it’s early morning when I do it.

          • Edwin

            I go out and deadhead flowers.

      • Edwin

        My father (87 yo) refuses to touch any of this stuff, even though my Mom (86 yo) is a whiz on the computer. I asked my sister why. She said last time the whole family was together everyone had a device with them and they spent more than half their time on their devices and ignoring the people around them… and it made him sad.

        Every time he’d turn to talk to someone their nose was parked in their device.

        • MsPythia

          I never look at my device when I’m around older people because it annoys them so much. I’ll often put it on airplane mode.

        • cathyx

          I think it’s a personality thing. Some people are just willing to take the time and make the effort to learn new stuff, whatever it is, and some people aren’t.

          • Edwin

            That could be part of it, but I also see his point.

          • cathyx

            I see his point too. But that’s not why he won’t learn about them. We don’t have our phones at the dinner table, that should be a rule at everyones homes.

          • Edwin

            Koreans go into panic if their phone leaves their hand for a microsecond. They might miss something important.

        • kreskin

          My dad never touched the computer , mom was addicted to it . She’s in a nursing home now , i-pad in hand at this very moment , I can almost guarantee it .

      • s k

        She can watch you text her now.

    • kreskin

      No kiddin.

    • Edwin
      • cathyx


    • s k


  • kreskin
    • The_Fixer

      Jeez, Hadrly Runninson comes out with 4 valves per cylinder. My 1998 car has that. Talk about bleeding edge!

      • kreskin

        Does your 1998 car have a V twin engine ?

        • The_Fixer

          Nope. An inline 4, which doesn’t loosen every bolt on the engine, either. It also has an overhead cam.

          And it is not exactly a performance car – it’s a Dodge Neon.

  • notisaidthepig

    These people are shameless. Clinton has already cost many people, including children, their lives. Idiot.

    Carville: Shutting down Clinton Foundation would kill children worldwide

  • notisaidthepig
  • notisaidthepig

    She truly is putting herself in the line of fire!

    EXCLUSIVE Jill Stein op-ed: In praise of WikiLeaks

    • MsPythia

      Hi Piggie! 😀

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, MsP! Just trying to catch up on all my Jill news before I head out to have dinner with my sister and her husband.

        • MsPythia

          Thanks for all the good links! Enjoy your meal!

    • towerofbabel

      Excellent op-ed.

  • notisaidthepig

    Very interesting to hear what the different Latina ladies had to say.

    Why These Latinas are Voting for the Green Party’s Jill Stein in the Presidential Election

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      😀 yay

      • notisaidthepig

        Did you notice that they are not old, white men? What’s going on????

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          hmm how strange.

        • MsPythia

          They’re sexist misogynists chasing rainbows and unicorns!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


  • notisaidthepig

    Green Party Presidential Nominee Jill Stein News Conference

    Jill Stein, 2016 Green Party presidential nominee, held a news
    conference at the National Press Club to talk about her visit to
    Louisiana to tour flooded areas in the state. She also talked about
    climate change and run for the presidency.

    I thought the calls afterwards were very illuminating. So many people are fed up with the two establishment parties. The polls, methinks, just aren’t reflecting what’s going on out here.

    Open Phones on Third-Party Presidential Candidates
    Following a news conference with 2016 Green Party presidential nominee
    Jill Stein, telephone lines were open for viewer comments on the impact
    of third party candidates.

    • towerofbabel

      This make me feel that much stronger in my support for Jill. The Green Party should start to coordinate volunteer relief efforts. It will help people in need and lay the foundation for a growing political movement.

  • notisaidthepig

    Did you see this? Jill is about 50 votes from her goal. We are awesome!


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Yup. Me and Ms signed it.

      • notisaidthepig

        Sorry if I’m reposting a lot of stuff!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          lol nah. she needs all the signatures she can get.

    • cathyx

      Yeah, you’re the third one to post that. But it’s good that you did, you can catch the dinner crowd now.

      • notisaidthepig

        Thanks, cathyx. I don’t think it took Jill long to get to the 10K signatures. That’s a good sign!

        • cathyx

          I wonder how many will actually be enough that they would consider it.

          • towerofbabel

            With 10K she can do some Jill-splainin’ to Trevor.

      • smkngman3

        Perhaps Unka can give a spot on the FP for current petitions

    • s k

      49 votes short now-thanks noti

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Signed, almost 12k though.

  • kreskin
    • s k

      I saw that the other day, it’s bs

  • s k

    This was just on NBC national news.

    NEWS AUG 23 2016, 6:34 PM ET

    Hillary Blasts For-Profit Colleges, But Bill Took Millions From One:http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hillary-blasts-profit-colleges-bill-took-millions-one-n636786

    She has also slammed her opponent for the problems at his namesake school. Said Clinton, “[Donald Trump] is trying to scam America the way he scammed all those people at Trump University!”

    But Trump isn’t the only one who has profited. Over five years, former president Bill Clinton earned $17.6 million from the world’s largest for-profit education company, Laureate Education, Inc. In his role as “honorary chancellor,” Clinton has traveled the world on Laureate’s behalf, extolling the virtues of the school.

    And some two dozen former and current students at Laureate’s flagship school in the U.S. — an online, for-profit school called Walden University — told NBC News they feel victimized by the kind of practices Clinton has promised to fight. A 2015 study found Walden students had compiled the second-highest debt load of any school in the U.S.

    “We pursued [our degrees] because we wanted to be successful and not be put in poverty,” said Sondra Beall-Davis, a current PhD candidate at Walden and a former corporate consultant, who now owes over $200,000 in student loan debt incurred during her time at Walden. “Now you’ve taken me from a successful career to poverty.”

    ‘Here for Good’

    According to tax returns released by the Clinton campaign, the Clintons earned a total $22 million from for-profit education companies. Laureate’s paychecks to Bill Clinton made up the bulk of that, with $17.6 million going to Clinton in his role as honorary chancellor from 2010 to 2015. He quit that role 12 days before Hillary Clinton announced her run for president. A spokesperson told NBC News Tuesday that his five-year contract expired at that time.

    • cathyx

      That’s ok then. That’s Bill’s spending money, not hers.

    • towerofbabel

      Just one more way the parasites feed off of the public good.
      And the Democrats are up to their chins in it too.

      • s k

        Everything that nightmare throws at her best friend Trump, gets thrown right back at the disgusting Clinton’s.

        • towerofbabel

          They are all organized criminals only the Clintons are way better at it.

  • Edwin

    Emails Prove No ‘Pay To Play’ Between State And Clinton Foundation
    By shelleyp

    To sum up…. it’s a CHARITY. And… “Clinton emails” … latest fooflah… And… let’s focus on Donald Trump.

    Then there’s NBC News, bereft at the loss of the Olympics, reporting
    Donald Trump’s demand for a special prosecutor to investigate the
    emails—not to mention his demand to shut the Clinton Foundation down.

    Donald Trump…the man who will not release his IRS tax forms. The
    man who will not create a blind trust for his businesses if he were
    elected. The man who would leave his children in charge of the
    businesses, and also invite his children to get involved in his


    Gawd, this chick is one stupid stupid pitch.

    The comments over there are too stupid to read. They’re about the worst on the internet now.

    • Edwin

      The comments over there are too stupid to read. They’re about the worst on the internet now.

    • s k

      They are now the Breitbart on the left.

      • Edwin

        Did you see Karoli’s full-on red-baiting the other day? Worse than Breitbart.

        • s k

          I only go there once in a while now, it’s just bs there

          • Edwin

            I posted it. It was really sick. She’s lost her damned mind.

          • s k

            The whole blog is now just Clinton propaganda.

          • Edwin

            Or, anti-Trump propaganda.

            Yeah, same same, I guess. Lazy (lying) Karoli doesn’t do dick all anymore except post what Brock emails her. 😀

          • Carol is a piece of work, that’s for sure.

          • Edwin

            I’m starting to think you may be right.

      • MsPythia

        That’s it. Nailed it.

    • The_Fixer

      Umm, can’t she read? The E-mails prove the exact opposite of what she’s saying.

      Brock is sure getting his money’s worth out of that one.

      • Edwin

        She is annoying cutesy and stupid.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        I think she’s cheap.

    • kreskin

      When that rabid airhead made her first post , that was it for me .

      • Edwin

        Frothy Pee. Yup she’s an idiot.

  • s k

    I don’t know if this was posted today, but it’s a good interview, about ten minutes.

    Native Activist Winona LaDuke: Pipeline Company Enbridge Has No Right to Destroy Our Future:


    • towerofbabel

      Winona shops at our local coop. She is a powerful woman.

      • s k

        Yeah, I like what I have seen of her.

  • smkngman3

    Another one…………..

    “KING: Black Indianapolis man shot by cops after calling police to report robbery ”

    Early Tuesday in Indianapolis, an African-American woman was being carjacked in front of her home in her working class neighborhood. She ran back in the house, told her husband, who is also black, and they called the police to report the robbery. That seemed to be the right and safe thing to do.

    As the police pulled up, the husband opened the garage to their home and was immediately shot in the gut by police.


    • Edwin

      So sad.

    • RTIII

      There’s a very important video on YouTube titled:

      This is what happens when you call the cops!

      EVERYONE should see this video.


      • So accurate. So sickening. So ashamed of my country.

        • towerofbabel

          Thank god the Democrats are all over this. They’ll stand up for due process and against neonazi-thuggery.

        • Edwin

          I don’t think we’re quite there in Canada (yet) and it’s not even close in Korea.

          This was the cause of one of my big blowouts with mudshark. He got some mad ‘splainin’ to me how things work.

          • cathyx

            There’s probably not a lot of African American people in Korea.

          • Edwin

            No, there aren’t. Many years ago I was talking to an African French on the subway and asked about discrimination and he said it’s pretty bad. In Asia it seems racism is only what white people do to others. Anyone with darker skin than a Korean is often wang-ta(roughyl, outcast), to be ridiculed. Of course, not everyone thinks that, but the ones that do don’t think it is racist, it’s common sense.

          • cathyx

            That sounds like the US about 70 years ago.

          • IMHO, it’s unlikely to come to Canada: Canada has not had the decades-long assault, by religious extremists, on its public education system, from which the US has suffered greatly. Canada’s population is still relatively well-educated. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the US.

        • MsPythia

          Me too – ashamed of our police.

    • MsPythia


  • So, Computer and Job Hunt update: Talking to their current CTO tomorrow (for slot he had), First new video card (R7 240) was Not Working On Arrival, had to take it back. Got a new one, one step up (R7 250) which works fine and is a nice step up from the previous card!

    • s k

      When would the position be available?

      • Well, if they’re just going to offer me the senior dev position, which seems likely, immediately, but they may be making plans to push me further whenever their current CTO leaves. At least that’s the impression I got.

    • RTIII


    • Edwin

      Good luck with the job. No idea what the other thing is.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      But can you run VR?

      And good luck.

      • Well, unlikely that I can support the current hardware that’s out there. But, this is the third time that I’ve seen an attempt to sell VR, but I think this one will end like the others, because VR has no practical application in the home.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          It is a bit of a solution looking for a problem at the moment.

          • It’s certainly go industrial and academic uses. Unfortunately, I don’t think those niches can support the kind of console video-game sized industry certain people think VR deserves.

          • The_Fixer

            It’s kind of like 3D. They’ve tried to sell it several times in different forms, but it never has taken off.

  • Edwin

    Here’s What Became of 5 Cities and Their Expensive Stadiums After They Hosted the Olympics (Photos)

    Cost overruns and crumbling stadiums are only two hazards of hosting the world’s biggest party.


    The right people make a bundle and the taxpayers foot the bill.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      A lot of waste there.

      Hi Edwin.

      • Edwin

        Hi, Toad.

  • panem et circenses
    • panem et circenses

      It’s on right now, but already 17 minutes into the hour long program.

      • s k

        He is on now.

        • towerofbabel


      • RTIII

        Damn, and I hear about it 2 hours later! 🙁 Oh well, at least now I know to go look for it on YouTube…

        • panem et circenses

          He was concise. Of course they also had a Clinton toadie on to obfuscate on her behalf. “Fair and balanced”.

    • s k

      I will tune it for that, but otherwise MSNCB just sucks now.

      • panem et circenses

        Ugh, he has James Carville on right now, so his guests are an investigative journalist and the reanimated corpse of a biology class frog.

        • s k

          The lying Cajun is a POS

  • Edwin

    Whut is yer kids lernin at sk00l?? (To be good participants in the Empire’s police state.)

    Why on Earth Are We Allowing the Homeland Security Department into Public
    High Schools?

    About 15 high schools in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, New York and California now boast their own formalized Homeland Security programs.

    Algebra teacher Ms. Simmons, for instance, described a
    “power lunch” with a Northrop Grumman engineer to develop eight lesson plans
    related to national security. These lesson plans included applying the
    probability factor to determine the threat level at international airports and
    studying parabolas to calculate the trajectory needed for a U.S. sniper to shoot a target in North Korea.
    For Ms. Simmons, connecting mathematics to the national security industry
    showed her students “why you need to know this,” thus sparking interest in her

    Mr. Hopkins later explained that another nearby high school
    designed an engineering-focused Homeland Security program “because it’s more
    affluent.” Milton, conversely, created a program with “more of a military
    focus,” training students as future Transportation Security Administration
    (TSA) agents, U.S. Customs and Border Protection guards, cybersecurity
    technicians, and even “military grunts” rather than for the upper echelons of
    the national security industry. While all kinds of communities host high school
    Homeland Security programs, schools often slated poor and working-class youth
    of color for a military-style national security education while “more affluent”
    students enjoyed an engineering-focused program.


    • s k

      I tried to get my son out of his high school on 9/11 and the police that surrounded the school, told me I would go to jail if I did not leave. I said to him, do you really think it’s smart to have 3000 students locked up in the same location if you are worried about another attack- Again he said , I will go to jail if I didn’t leave and wait for the school to call.

      I was so happy when my last child got the hell out of high school.

      • smkngman3

        Meanwhile Homeland Security/TSA did a wonderful job with that NY airport scare.

        • s k

          It’s all about fear. After 9/11 Americans were like the walking dead, I never realized a whole country could turn their brains off.

          • smkngman3

            It seems the only thing HS has accomplished is to acquire the means to spy on US and waste billions.

          • s k

            That and it preps them for life in a private for profit prison.

          • towerofbabel

            The real question is can a country turn their brains on? It looks doubtful.

    • MsPythia

      That is sick!

    • The_Fixer

      Ah yes, the poor are trained as cannon fodder, the rich trained in safe jobs. Kinda the way it’s always been, but now with extra DHS!

      Jeebus, these people are just so sickening that it’s hard to even call them people.

  • 17

    Is there anyone here who has “first-hand” knowledge in the field of “Personal drones”? Serious replies please.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      What are you looking for exactly?

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Toad 🙂

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Hiya 🙂

          Read through chapter 9 of demonic desires.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            yay 😀

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Enjoying it so far so just waiting on the rest 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            😀 that mean you are going to review? i do have part of the next chapter written up. i really should update that one. maybe tomorrow.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I told you, waiting for the finished thing 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            awe * pouts XD*

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I’d just rather have a complete opinion, but I’m liking it so far.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            🙂 ok

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Silly Spiffy. Hugs.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *hugs back*

          • MsPythia

            Group hugs!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            yay :3

          • *Hugs*

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *hugs back*

      • 17

        I have an opportunity to get into promoting “Personal” drones. I’m looking for any help in the field.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


      • 17

        I’m not sure what I’m looking for yet. I just wanted to know who here might be able to help. I’ll get back to you directly when I find out more.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Are you looking to design one? Then you need CAD designers for the chassis as well as whatever board you want to control it. How much functionality, do you need arduino, raspberry pi, TI microcontrollers? Camera? Bluetooth, WiFi, IR, 2.4 GHz? Does it need to interface with a PC/Mac/Mobile?

          • 17

            No. no no no no. I’m trying to help out my neighbor, but I’m not sure what kind of help he needs. He’s gonna get with me in a few days. I’ll know more then. He started a company dealing with drones and GPS, and is struggling at it. His wife is a hottie, so I’d hate to see them fail. Priorities, ya know. 😉

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Riiiiiiiiiight 😛

            Well keep us posted.

  • smkngman3

    I need some help with Pilgers assertions on Kosovo.

    “John Pilger: Provoking Nuclear War by Media”

    The exoneration of a man accused of the worst of crimes, genocide, made no headlines. Neither the BBC nor CNN covered it. The Guardian allowed a brief commentary. Such a rare official admission was buried or suppressed, understandably. It would explain too much about how the rulers of the world rule.

    The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia has quietly cleared the late Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, of war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, including the massacre at Srebrenica.

  • smkngman3

    “US Plan Requiring Social Media for Entry Visa Criticized”

    Civil society organizations Monday joined tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter and Google to denounce a proposal by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to require foreign visitors to list their social media accounts.

    “This program would invade individual privacy and imperil freedom of expression … (and) lead to a significant expansion of intelligence activity,” the ACLU, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the New America Foundation said in a joint statement on Monday.

    • MsPythia

      Wow- that is so police state style.

    • cathyx

      This kind of shit just slips by most of us and gets implemented. How disgusting.

  • smkngman3

    “Argentine Farmers Protest by Donating 22,000 Pounds of Fruit”

    The export tax worked, essentially, as a subsidy, and without it, fruit growers’ say they receive a pittance for their crops compared to what they received under the Kirchner Administration. Simultanesously, they say, consumer pay more than 850 percent more for apples than what producers receive, while for pears the markup is over 1,000 percent. The difference, they say, goes almost entirely to intermediaries who rake in fat profits while smaller producers endure “bankruptcy,” worsened in recent months by rising costs of utilities and other neoliberal policies implemented under Macri’s administration, forcing many growers to go out of business.

  • smkngman3

    WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 9m9 minutes ago
    67 emails between Hillary & Chelsea Clinton under the latter’s covert name ‘Diane Reynolds’ https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/?q=%22diane+reynolds%22&mfrom=&mto=&title=&notitle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=&noto=&count=50&sort=1#searchresult

    • cathyx

      Why the need for a covert name?

      • RTIII

        When you’re doing covert activities……

        • smkngman3

          As in Chelsea controlling the “Clinton Foundation”.

          • MsPythia

            As in mom has a blood clot, so Chelse is in charge.

          • MsPythia

            As in sickly mom is down for her five o’clock nap again — send messages to Chelse.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad
          • MsPythia


          • smkngman3

            Chelsea is Vice Chair of the Foundation.

  • smkngman3

    WikiLeaksVerified account


    Big story burried: NYTimes outsourced all its email to Google which is part of the NSA’s PRISM intercept system: https://archive.is/Ols6C#selection-1419.0-1419.69

    The article…………..
    “First on CNN: FBI investigating Russian hack of New York Times reporters, others”

    • MsPythia

      I thought it wasn’t clear WHO has been hacking? They make it sound so certain that it’s “The Russians.”

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        The NSA “hack” where their tools got released into the wild was an internal leak.

        • MsPythia

          I’m getting tired of the misinformation campaign. It’s just too obvious!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Propaganda and fear.

          • MsPythia

            It’s sickening!

      • smkngman3

        The point here, no matter who hacked the NYTs emails, they actually hacked Google itself to get them.

        • MsPythia

          Which is awesome

  • smkngman3

    “EXCLUSIVE: Missing: FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the ‘suicide’ of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished from the National Archives”

    On two separate occasions, this author visited the National Archives and Records Service in College Park, Md., to review the reports generated by FBI agents assigned to investigate the 1993 death of Bill Clinton’s deputy White House counsel.


  • smkngman3

    WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 14h14 hours ago

    UK police took 2h to respond to Assange Embassy intruder despite 24h covert op & police station 2 mins walk away.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Low interest rates, negative yields on government debt and quantitative easing are part of the biggest financial experiment in world history, and the consequences are yet unknown, says RIT Capital Partners Chairman Lord Rothschild.
    “The six months under review have seen central bankers continuing what is surely the greatest experiment in monetary policy in the history of the world. We are therefore in uncharted waters and it is impossible to predict the unintended consequences of very low interest rates, with some 30 percent of global government debt at negative yields, combined with quantitative easing on a massive scale,” Rothschild writes in the company’s semi-annual financial report.

    The banker notes this policy has led to a rapid growth of stock markets – US stocks have grown threefold since 2008 – with investments growing and volatility remaining low.

    However, the real sector of economy didn’t enjoy such a profit, as “growth remains anemic, with weak demand and deflation in many parts of the developed world,” according to Rothschild.


    • Hi Daniel, I hope your day went well today.

      Like other people I’m having problems connecting to rt.com.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Hi Stephanie, yeah, they’ve been getting hit hard. Don’t know what’s up with that.

        Just my usual frustrations with work, you?

        • Spent the day with my mom it’s been hard for her, since my grandmother has passed.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Sorry to hear that, at least you got to spend time with your mom.

          • Thank you, and we did have a pleasant day.

          • MsPythia

            Sorry to hear that. <3

          • Ty <3

      • MsPythia

        I had no problem earlier, but now I am…

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


        • Hmm.. after the primary, I don’t trust anything anymore.

          • MsPythia

            Me either – especially since RT does such a good job throwing back the carpet on these scurrying cockroaches.

        • kreskin

          Uncle Sam does not like RT .

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Part 2 for those that can’t see it

      The billionaire underlined that many risks remain for the global economy with the deteriorating geopolitical situation. Among those risks Rothschild included Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, the US presidential election, and China’s slowing economic growth. Another risk is global terrorism, which Rothschild says is a consequence of the continuing conflict in the Middle East.

      According to a Bank of America Merrill Lynch report in June, interest rates in developed countries, in particular America’s 0.5 percent, are now at the lowest level in 5,000 years. In their battle against deflation, countries such as Sweden, Switzerland or Japan have even turned to negative key lending rates.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Part 3

        Another woe is negative yields on government bonds. In June, 10-year German government bonds dipped below 0 percent for the first time in history. Janus Capital has estimated that global yields are the lowest in 500 years, and the total amount of such bonds is $10 trillion. The investment group’s lead portfolio manager, Bill Gross, is calling it a “supernova that will explode one day.”

        • Ty for posting the full article.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


    • MsPythia

      Funny how these people continue to focus on nothing but money generation after generation. You’d think they would have enough by now to start focusing their lives around something else besides greed and aquisition.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        They’re parasites.

  • Had a really busy day today, but I finally have a free moment so Hello Everybody :^)

    I’m watching John Oliver on YouTube topic is about charter schools.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      hai 🙂

      • Hey Spiffy! :^) good to see you. How did your day go?

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          so so <3 yours?

          • Helping my mom. We did grocery shopping today, and some other chores.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


    • MsPythia

      Hi Stephanie!:)

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      I hate Michelle Rhee.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


    I’m also enjoying reading Batman 66 meets the Avengers (the British ones).

    • MsPythia

      Looks so awesome – I can’t wait to see it! 😀

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Me too 🙂

        • MsPythia

          To the crosswalk Daniel! 😀

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


  • notisaidthepig
    • SpiffyTheValiant

      my piggie <3

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, Spiffy! <3

        Just back from dinner with my sister. She's lovely! Did I miss anything?

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          🙂 Well I guess I could babble here or at the other place.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I’m curious too.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 lol same thing applies.

    • Hi Noti:^)

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, Stephanie. Hope you are having a good evening.

  • I know Smokey has covered the leaked Hillary’s emails, concerning the Clinton Foundation but I don’t know if this video has been posted. It also ties in with what Jill Stein is talking about that Noti just posted.


  • smkngman3
    • He’s in the wrong line of work then :^) Hi Smokey!

      • smkngman3

        What’s up?

        I needed a break from depressing stories.

        • Relaxing at the moment. I definitely need breaks from the news, otherwise I think I wouldn’t trust or like anybody on this planet.

          It’s important to remember that we have goodness within us.


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            How do you feel about the upcoming sequel?

          • There’s a sequel to Mary Poppins?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Yep, I forget who they cast for it.

          • Generally I’m not a big fan of the newer stuff that Disney comes out with. Although I did approve of the last movie they made Jungle Book I think they did a good job.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I haven’t seen it but I’ve heard good things about it.

          • I’ll have to keep an eye out for it.

  • smkngman3
    • kreskin

      Someone needs to explain that to the morons over at C & L .

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Too dense.

        • kreskin

          I know , goober/ bagger-itus .

      • notisaidthepig

        No, thanks. I’ll pass.

      • smkngman3

        Why do you think we were banned?

        • kreskin

          Good point

          • smkngman3

            BTW, you forgot an “s”

            The only posters left at & are morons, a mutual admiration sewer.

          • kreskin

            hit refresh . I didn’t forget .

          • smkngman3

            Watch who you call son, son. 🙂

  • smkngman3
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      I wouldn’t bother fixing her though.

      • smkngman3

        She’s beyond “hope”

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    EpiPen, the life-saving allergy product, is now a $1 billion a year business for Mylan, a drug company that’s currently enduring a wave of bad publicity over the extraordinary surge in EpiPen pricing. In 2007, an EpiPen cost about $57. Today that price has skyrocketed to over $600—all for about $1 worth of injectable medicine.

    But Mylan wanted more, and a series of savvy maneuvers allowed them to get it. From FDA policy changes that expanded the number of consumers to which the product could be marketed, to legislation signed in 2013 that put EpiPens in schools across the country, the federal government has helped Mylan stack the deck for its product. Oh, and Sarah Jessica Parker helped too.

    Mylan acquired the EpiPen when it bought a group of medications from drug company Merck in 2007. At the time, the product only produced about $200 million in revenue. Today, according to Bloomberg, it makes about $1 billion per year for the formerly US-based company, now headquartered in the Netherlands after a corporate inversion last year.

    The EpiPen is no longer covered by patent protection, but it still has no real competitors. Auvi-Q, the only thing that came close, was recalled for delivering faulty dosages almost a year ago. A competing drug company, Teva, didn’t win approval for its generic version of the EpiPen this year. Teva won’t try to win FDA approval again until at least 2017.

    In 2013, President Obama signed the School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act. It was that rare piece of legislation that both Democrats and Republicans agreed upon (Klobuchar was a co-sponsor of the legislation). “This is something that will save children’s lives,” Obama said.

    The law did two things: It essentially protected anyone at public schools from any damage, provided they injected students with EpiPens in good faith. Which is to say, it was basically a Good Samaritan law for allergy-specific situations. Previously, first responders and public school nurses were the only people allowed to inject children with epinephrine if they were having an allergic reaction. And in the case of the school nurse, it was almost always the case that they could only inject the child if the EpiPen belonged to the child. The new legislation encouraged the stocking of EpiPen reserves, and made those reserves communal.


    • The_Fixer

      There are times that I think the government of this country is hopelessly corrupt and there is no way out of this rabbit hole into which we’ve fallen.

      And good evening, Daniel. Hope things are going OK for you tonight.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Just downloading stuff I need for work. Stupid cap. Was trying to install VS2015 but thanks to cap couldn’t. Boss is handling that, I downloaded some other tools I need. I’ll see how it goes tomorrow.

        How are you doing?

        • The_Fixer

          Shit, you have a data cap? That sucks. And I’m sure alternatives are few and far between for you. Or at least affordable alternatives.

          Doing OK. Got 6 of the 7 speakers reconed, the 7th has a little voice coil alignment problem that I’ll be able to fix. Otherwise things are going a little better this week. Just wish I didn’t have to wait for the weekend for a day off 🙁

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            You have been working too many days in a row, sorry about that. Do you get any comp time?

            Yeah we have a stupidly small cap and the install is supposed to be 36 GB.

          • The_Fixer

            Well, I will take comp time 🙂

            I don’t work for large companies in either of my jobs, and all of my bosses are really decent people, so I am willing to do this once in a while. There are interesting perks, one of my bosses is in a Pink Floyd tribute band. He gave me free tickets for me and 6 of my friends for one of their shows. Here they are in action:


            They are really, really good. So, I don’t complain too much about them – it’s some of the customers to whom I want to do bodily harm 🙂

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Nice 🙂

          • The_Fixer

            Any time I need to work on my car, the garage/warehouse, equipped with lots of tools, is at my disposal. The other place, where I work on computers and phones, pays me well, allows me to set my own hours, and is owned by equally nice people. Instead of cussing about customers there, I cuss at Microsoft 🙂

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Glad you get that sort of flexibility. Just don’t do too many long stretches 🙂

          • The_Fixer

            Sometimes ya gotta do that stuff. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen too often. I know that I will go out this weekend to blow off steam, which helps in spite of making me a bit more tired. But that’s all right if the weekend is spent resting.

            The only downside to working for smaller organizations is that there are no major benefits like health insurance. I figure that if I get sick enough, then I’ll just have to adopt the Republican health care plan – die quickly.

            Come to think if it, that’s also become the Democratic health care plan.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


            I hope it doesn’t come to that, live long and prosper.

          • The_Fixer

            You too, my friend. These days, we all just try and do the best we can and hope for the best. Don’t always work that way, but wallowing the the world of expecting the worst does one no good.

        • Data-caps are fascism. There, I said it. 😉 😀

      • kreskin

        We’re too far gone now . The rot is right down to the core .

      • kreskin

        I just hope that the rest of the world can survive us.

        • The_Fixer

          As much as the powers that be would like to think it’s the case, we are not invincible. Someone is going to get pissed off at us for all we’ve been doing, and any action taken against us could mean grave trouble for the whole world. As much as they talk about Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un being crazy, I wonder if we aren’t more dangerous.

          Well, really, I don’t so much wonder as I know it and fear it coming.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Look at what we did in response to 9/11.

          • The_Fixer

            Yup, case in point. Imagine if we try that shit with Russia or China, or one of their protected nations. It could go south very quickly.

  • notisaidthepig
    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Not surprising.

      • notisaidthepig

        It’s always an uphill battle.

        • Dosido3

          I see what you did there. Hi Pig.

          • notisaidthepig


        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          The establishment does not like challengers.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


  • notisaidthepig
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Did you to go the rally? Was that even today?

      • notisaidthepig

        No, it’s tomorrow. Not a rally but an open house event. Bernie is going to speak at 6pmPST about the next step in “Our Revolution.” I just got an email from the guy hosting the event in my area. Looks like a small turnout (about 9 people not counting the host). I’m not really interested in what Bernie will say. I want to talk about Stein. We’ll see how that goes.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Good luck!

          • notisaidthepig

            I just want to test the waters to gauge how other Bernie supporters are feeling and what they are thinking about the future. Should be informative.

    • kreskin

      I was there for a while , but Trump has no intentions of becoming President , he never did have.

  • smkngman3

    “The Latest: Magnitude 6.1 quake rattles Rome, central Italy”

    The mayor of the Umbrian town of Amatrice, hit hard by the 6.1 magnitude quake, says residents are buried under the debris of collapsed buildings and that “the town isn’t here anymore.”


    • Nancy

      jesus…my daughter is travelling in Italy.
      yikes. how awful for these people.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Nancy 🙂

        • Nancy

          hey Lily!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Is Lily your real name?It’s very pretty.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Nope. it’s a reference to my huffingtonpost screen name,i had back in the day. TigerLily2012.

          • Ok, I never posted to Huffington Post after they went to Facebook, posted little even before the switch, but Tigerlily actually sounds familiar to me.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            😉 Am awesome that way.

          • Lol, yes you are ;^)

          • SpiffyTheValiant


      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        I hope all is well.

        • Nancy

          they are out of that area…by a couple of days.

          • Oh that’s good to know. Hello Nancy :^)

          • Nancy

            hey! such a shock.
            good evening to you!

          • Good evening Nancy :^) Good to see you. I’m glad that your daughter is ok.

          • Nancy

            thanks, me too.

        • Nancy

          thanks Daniel-nice to see you!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            You as well 🙂

      • Have you contacted her?

        • Nancy

          she is not in that area at the moment-just spoke to her this morning…
          close call. they were in Rome a couple of days ago. will return there in a few days.

          • FaunaAndFlora

            Hey Nancy… Just lurking here. Glad to hear your daughter is safe.

          • Nancy

            hello! thanks.
            what a feeling that is to read his post and know your child just missed it!

          • FaunaAndFlora

            As another mom, I know that feeling. That’s why I had to say something to you!

            Anyway, I’m off to bed. Just dropped in here to see if anyone posted something interesting before logging off for the night. See you later!

          • Nancy

            thanks again-have a good sleep!

          • lindajoyous

            Hi Nancy, very glad your Daughter is safe!

          • Nancy

            thanks Linda! I am very pleased as well! I just read in the update posted by Smokey that there are 2 confirmed dead and a strong likelihood that 4 others are too. early news coming out now.

          • lindajoyous

            Wow, this is the first I heard about it! How horrible and scary! How long before your daughter comes home? 🙂

          • Nancy

            2 more weeks. they will be back in Rome in a few days. hopefully the aftershocks will be settled by then.

          • lindajoyous

            I sure hope so, I know I’d be so worried about my daughter too! Take care Nancy! 🙂

    • The_Fixer

      Ugh. Hope there is little loss of life and those who need aid get it quickly.

    • smkngman3

      Live updates.

      Italy earthquake: buildings collapse and people trapped after strong 6.2 magnitude quake – live


      • Nancy

        thanks Smokey.

        • smkngman3


          • Nancy

            this is very interesting…seems lies, spin and bullshit are happening over there as well-this is from the link you posted with the live updates:

            “This is not the first time this region of Italy has been struck by a high intensity quake. Rieti, the epicentre of the quake, is only 60km from L’Aquila where hundreds of people were killed in an earthquake in 2009.

            More than 300 people died after a 6.3-magnitude tremor hit the capital of the mountainous Abruzzo region. The earthquake wrecked L’Aquila’s historic centre, injured more than 1,000 people and left tens of thousands homeless.

            The disaster also sparked a long-running legal battle which saw some of Italy’s leading experts on natural disasters convicted of giving fale assurances about the risk of an earthquake in the region.

            Three years after the quake, seven scientists from the National Commission for the Forecast and Prevention of Major Risks were found guilty of offering an unjustifiably optimistic assessment to the local population a week before the disaster. By then, the area had been hit by some 400 tremors over a period of four months and a local researcher had warned of the risk of a major earthquake, largely on the basis of abnormal radon emissions.

          • Applies just as well to this, I think…

          • Nancy


          • Edwin

            other things to watch for: Insiders says, some people think, reliable sources say, rumour has it, say spies (the last one used to be used all the time in one of those grocery store tabloids) (my ex-mother-in-law bought them all for news)

  • kreskin


    Use any suitable network interface (recommended)

    Use default public and private network interfaces only

    Use default public network interfaces only

    Disable non-proxied UDP

    What are they talking about ? Anybody ? It’s in Opera settings .

    • The_Fixer

      Web Real Time Communication. It allows video and audio chats directly from the your browser.

      Apparently, certain implementations allow a leak of your IP address when you use it through a VPN or other anonymizing service, There is an extension to Opera and other browsers that will correct that problem, however.

      If you never do video or audio chats through your browser, then it’s a nothing – it will not have any effect and the setting will not matter. If you do use such a program with a VPN, then it would be best to download the extension for your browser.

      • kreskin

        Got it . thx

        • The_Fixer

          You are most welcome. Hope you’re well this eve.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    In the first century BCE, right around the time when Julius Caesar was dismantling the Roman Republic, the great city of Teotihuacan dominated the region now known as Mexico. The sixth largest city in the world at the time, it was known for massive pyramids and sprawling neighborhoods. Centuries later, the Aztecs claimed the famous city as part of their own heritage. At its peak, Teotihuacan was home to more than 100,000 people. Residents were living in such close quarters that architects invented multi-story apartment buildings to house them. In one neighborhood, urban farmers kept rabbits to feed the hungry Teotihuacan masses.

    A group of anthropologists describe their discovery in PLoS One, filling in details of what appears to be a rabbit farm and butcher shop in a Teotihuacan neighborhood called Oztoyahualco. From roughly the 4th through 6th centuries, this neighborhood was home to an apartment compound that immediately stood out for a few reasons. Several rooms contained an enormous number of cottontail and jackrabbit remains, as well as soil with high phosphate levels that would indicate a lot of blood or fecal matter on the ground. One room had low stone walls “suggestive of a pen for domestic animal management,” the researchers write. Other rooms were full of obsidian blades and rabbit limbs, as if they were part of a butcher shop.

    Add all those findings together and you’ve got what appears to be an apartment complex devoted to raising and slaughtering rabbits. One more piece of evidence strengthened the hypothesis: a previous excavation had uncovered an unusual rabbit sculpture (pictured above) on the site. Bunnies were obviously important to the people in this place.


    • smkngman3

      Saved for later.

    • Love me some archaeology.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    And this will keep going and going

    Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, has sent subpoenas to three companies that provided services related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server. The subpoena seeks information on how secure the server was and whether it was protected within the guidelines set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for systems used by government employees. Smith’s subpoenas were supported by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

    The subpoenas were sent to executives of the data security firm Datto, SECNAP Network Security, and the ISP and managed services provider Platte River Networks. Datto’s SIRIS disaster recovery service was used to back up the e-mail server hosting ClintonEmail.com, and SECNAP provided its Cloudjacket managed intrusion detection and prevention service to the Clinton server. Platte River Networks apparently managed the server for at least part of the period that Clinton and her staff used e-mail accounts on it while at the State Department. All three companies had previously declined to provide information to Smith’s committee voluntarily.


    • smkngman3

      Wouldn’t Pagliano have had that info?

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        True, but you know how they are, mostly about the theatre.

        • smkngman3

          I just want to truth.

          All these tools want are sound bites for their next campaign.

          • Yep

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Our political class ladies and gents. What a disgrace.

    • notisaidthepig

      It will never end because she keeps lying and lying and lying.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Details 😉

      • kreskin

        • notisaidthepig


  • smkngman3

    “US Postal Workers Protest TPP and the Threat of Privatization”

    “Like NAFTA and other hard-sold multinational deals, the TPP was negotiated in secret and has very little to do with trade between nations. It’s about increasing the power of multinational corporations to dictate our future, and it’s about taking away the rights of citizens and workers to advocate for a better quality of life.”

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Anyhoo, time for bed. Good night all.

    • Nancy

      night Daniel!
      sleep well!

    • SpiffyTheValiant


    • smkngman3

      See you later.

    • Sleep Well Daniel:^)

    • spatz horrorshow, my little droogie! 😉

    • The_Fixer

      G’Night, Daniel. Good talking to you tonight.

  • Nancy

    just for laughs-

  • smkngman3

    Your tax dollars at work protecting Corporate interests over the rights of the people!

    “US Extends Ban on Dakota Pipeline Protests, but Support Grows”

    A federal judge extended a temporary restraining order for another two weeks on “unlawful protest” against construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, a move that comes as activists say their peaceful actions are attracking broader support.

    “Why launch a federal investigation into a laser pointer instead of asking what right the U.S. government has to fly surveillance planes over sovereign nations in the first place?” said Houska in a statement released

    She told teleSUR “ there is increased pressure and isolation being put on an already isolated place,” including armed guards that record the identities of people traveling through the checkpoint. Police blockades are forcing people an hour and a half away from their reservation to reroute “troublemakers.”

    • lindajoyous

      Hi Stephanie, good to see you! 🙂

      • Hi Linda:^) How are you feeling?

        • lindajoyous

          Pretty good at the moment, thank you, but my poor dog has a heart murmur, not sure you were here the night I mentioned it! How are you doing? Good to see you! 🙂

          • Aw <3 sorry for you dogs condition. Glad your feeling well, and that you're here:^)

            Just relaxing trying to catch up with the news, but my eyes are tired and apparently so is my brain:^)

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you, take care and get some needed rest my friend! 🙂

          • You as well Linda:^)

          • lindajoyous


  • SpiffyTheValiant

    x.x Cher is campaigning for Clinton.

    • The_Fixer

      Greatly talented people have always been a little weird.

      Not you of course, My Queen! Hope you’re well tonight.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        <3 I am. gonna get some sleep. ngith.

    • smkngman3

      She has been busy fund raising for the liar too.

      • SpiffyTheValiant


  • smkngman3

    “Over 26,000 Refugee Children Arrested at US Border: UNICEF”

    The United Nations’ children’s agency also said another 16,000 unaccompanied minors from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, never made it to the U.S. as they were stopped at the Mexican border, which the U.S. government has paid to step up its immigration enforcement, effectively outsourcing its deportations.

    “They seek to get away from brutal gangs that target them or poverty and exclusion that deprive them of education and hope,” UNICEF said in a report, adding that many also hoped to be reunited with their families.

  • smkngman3
    • The_Fixer

      Good way to look at it! Hi, Smokey.

      • smkngman3

        You show up when I’m ready to give up.

        What happened to that recone? Slight rub?

        • The_Fixer

          Yeah, a little M.E.K. to the glue, it will soften up and I can realign it. A hassle for sure, and not quite sure how it happened. But it’s fixable.

          Yeah, I am running out of gas, too 🙂 Good thing this stuff doesn’t disappear when we shut the computers off at night.

          • smkngman3

            Back in the day, I’d watch my friend recone. He lived / worked not two blocks from Sam Ash in Brooklyn and handled their overflow.

            Catch you later.

          • The_Fixer

            Ah. It’s nothing I have done on a regular basis, it’s not fun work for me. But once in a while I’ll do stuff like that.

            Sounds like your friend had a sweet deal there. But then again, it seems that there are not a lot of people that do that kind of work. He was likely in demand.

            Yup, I am heading off, too. Have a good night!

    • It always amazes me how Hillary supporters don’t connect the dots with neoliberal economic policies and the rise of Trump.

      • The_Fixer

        That would require independent thought, something in which these folks would rather not engage.

        • True that:/

          • The_Fixer

            Oh, and where are my manners? Hi, Stephanie. Gonna be heading to bed soon, so will say good night as well 🙂

          • Hello Fixer and have a good night sleep :^)

  • SpiffyTheValiant

    night peeps.

    • The_Fixer

      Good night, Spiffy one. Rest well!

    • Night Spiffy <3 sleep well.

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Spiffy!

    • smkngman3

      Night Spiffy!

      I’m out also. Night all.

      • lindajoyous

        Goodnight Smokey!

      • Goodnight smokey thank you for the wonderful links:^)

        I guess I need to stop trying to fight sleep and go to bed too. Goodnight everybody:)

        • lindajoyous

          Goodnight Stephanie, sleep well! 🙂

  • Shohanna

    So, I was reading this article and they are saying all sorts of hugely expensive crap has to happen in order for certain other things to happen. If they have to spend nearly 2 billion dollars to clean up this mess… (The things happening are down right frightening!)

    Wouldn’t it be easier to take those nukes and send them to space? Isn’t there already radiation in space? I mean, if we can send a nuke half way cross the WORLD, wouldn’t it stand to reason we could send that nuke out in to space to “explode” far enough away that it wouldn’t come back on us? Or hell, give the sun some more energy and send it there! I doubt it would hurt The Sun!!

    There is enough radiation in space that it’s the highest worry about the trip to Mars. If there is that much radiation, that fall out from the nuke wouldn’t be that much different. With our powerful engines put enough fuel on it to make sure it’s a long ways away before it detonates. I don’t know the math, or the logistics it was just an idea.


    Figured doing that would be a hell of a lot cheaper then dealing with the cleanup and possible MORE explosions when they decide that 277,000 gallons of nuke waste in 1 area would be a VERY bad idea. That’s enough to blow the planet and then some. Think about it….

    What happens if Yellow stone blows? That’s right we are all dead in less then 5 yrs. Now, imagine 277,000 GALLONS of nuke waste being blown up…. Possibly by some idiot who has a death wish? Less then 5yrs promise ya. I mean it even listed where this shit is stored as if it’s just “ASKING” for someone to come waltzing in and blow it up. Are they fucking out of their minds?!?!?!?

    That doesn’t even mention the incompetent, stupid logic factor either. I mean do they pay the people who do this well enough to be experienced and scared outta their minds?! It’s the government. I fucking doubt it. I had no idea they were even doing this stupid shit. What happens if a fire got loose? An earthquake?! What in God’s name did they think was going to happen?!

    The last people who put shit down there used organic matter that had not been tested to be safe with this nuke waste and what did they do?! That’s right they blew 1 drum up that contaminated the entire 35 mile radius. (Under ground)…

    That was just ONE barrel out of how many they have down there and how many they are planning to put down there in the future?! This is a fucking recipe of BAD IDEA mixed with STUPID IDEA… I would bet dollars to donuts it was some stupid repukes idea. :/ Seriously, they have the hardest time thinking of the future. **SMDH**

    No we we won’t be killed by ISIS, it will be stupid fucking christian repukes who want to save a few bucks that end up costing billions to fix.

    • Just think what happens when one rocket, laden with nuclear material, explodes in the upper atmosphere. That’s why we don’t shoot nuclear waste into space.

      • Shohanna

        If it was in an appropriate vehicle it wouldn’t? Still cheaper and safer for us, then the amount they want to scarf off of us to attempt to clean it. They can’t make it safe.

        • Yeah, no such thing as an explosion-proof rocket. And the results of an explosion would be: No life on planet Earth. I’ll stick with the cleanup costs and keeping it buried, far away from people. In a scenario with no totally safe choices, that’s the safest.

          • Shohanna

            If they are going to do it. I rather it wasn’t in huge enough quantities that would leave us devastated in any event. :/

  • cathyx

    The Progressive Movement is a PR Front for Rich Democrats

    Leave The Nation and Mother Jones on the shelf; turn off Ed Schultz, Rachel Madow and Chris Hayes; don’t open that barrage of email missives from Alternet, Media Matters, MoveOn, and the other think tanks; and get your head out of the liberal blogosphere for a couple days. Clear your mind and consider this:

    The self-labeled Progressive Movement that has arisen over the past decade is primarily one big propaganda campaign serving the political interests of the the Democratic Party’s richest one-percent who created it. The funders and owners of the Progressive Movement get richer and richer off Wall Street and the corporate system. But they happen to be Democrats, cultural and social liberals who can’t stomach Republican policies, and so after bruising electoral defeats a decade ago they decided to buy a movement, one just like the Republicans, a copy.


    This article was written 3 years ago, but certainly still holds true today.

  • cathyx

    Here’s What Happened After Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs, from Pot to Cocaine

    By systematically moving to decriminalize all drugs, from marijuana to heroin, Portugal has successfully reduced their addiction rate by roughly 50 percent. In Portugal, addiction is seen not as a crime to punish, but as a public health crisis that should be addressed holistically.

  • Edwin

    More hard-hitting journalism, this time tag-teaming the bullshit. Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel, a great news source. They’re certainly earning their big bucks over there.

    Hillary Clinton Isn’t Worried About Emails …………(Because her emails are boring.)
    By Frances Langum

    blah blah blah…

    Our own Karoli….(Oh, Brother!)… read all the emails from the Summer batch, and said:

    …something else I learned about her through those
    emails: She’ll fight. And she’ll fight hard. She won’t shy away from a
    renegade Congress and she won’t always play nice. But she does play by
    the rules, which is more than I can say for a lot of the candidates on
    the other side.


    • Edwin

      Makes me want to become a US citizen, stat, so I can vote for this angel.

      fergawdssakes • 9 hours ago

      She’s on her game here, pretty damn charming.

      mongopat fergawdssakes • 9 hours ago

      She’s exponentially smarter than Don the Con, with a much more pleasant personality. I doubt I’d be as nice after constant unfounded attacks on my character and honesty over a 25 year period!

      This is what makes her so presidential in Dumbdumbville.

    • 17

      All 99.000. Remember that bullshit story?

      • Edwin

        no, remind me

    • Christ, the stench of it all.

    • The_Fixer

      Excuse me, but I have to pick myself up off the floor after reading the sentence “But she does play by
      the rules, which is more than I can say for a lot of the candidates on the other side.”

      Comedy Gold!

  • 17


  • notisaidthepig

    Good morning, everyone. Just have a few minutes before I have to head out the door. Here’s something I found looking for some news:

    Hillary Clinton parties with Cher, while Jill Stein meets with flooding victims in Louisiana

    • Have a good day Noti.

      • notisaidthepig

        Thanks, Stephanie. You too! Out the door right now…. Oink!

    • cathyx

      That’s because the flood victims don’t have money to donate to Hilary’s campaign.

      • notisaidthepig

        That would be exactly right.

  • And today’s Open Thread is up: Keep it poppin!

    • 17

      Thank you, Sir.

  • 17

    Reasons to Thank Your Local Criminal

    What causes societal change? Crime. From acts of civil disobedience to organized criminal endeavors; it’s somebody willing to stand up and claim a dormant or unasserted right that forces government’s to change.
    Contrary to the founding documents of this country, rights are not “self-evident”. If they were, “we the people” would have meant more than “we the people who are white” when the words were first penned. Rights are claimed, asserted, and sometimes taken by force.


  • 17

    Gunmen attack American University campus in Kabul

    Explosions and gunfire reported as armed men remain inside campus with foreign professors and hundreds of students.


  • 17

    If a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s there to hear or see it, is Mrs. 17 still right?

  • 17

    Syria war: Money transfer ‘a matter of life or death’

    From refugees to international NGOs, many have been forced to rely on the centuries-old hawala money transfer system.


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