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Tuesday Open Thread

Sep 06, 2016
962 Views 517

1919010_473095886227929_143345795178724667_n Woke up early to do some housework, and then slept right through my normal thread-making time. So, better late than never, here’s our open thread, for Today!







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Open Thread
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Monday GIF-a-thon

UnkaWillbur - Jul 10, 2017

I've been AWOL, sorry about that, big things in life, big things afoot here. More Later. In the meantime, what's your favorite GIFs?    

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Keep Them Doggies Rolling

UnkaWillbur - Jun 05, 2017

America's 2017 Derangement Tour continued this week. Starting of with Kathy "PLEASE LOOK AT ME!" Griffith proving that Democrats can be as eliminationist as their fellow conservatives…

Your Weekend of Weekends.
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Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

Here' some links to nosh on, to start of your weekend. I hope everyone's weekend is great; me, myself, I'm planning on jumping out of a perfectly…

  • Dosido3


    • Dosido3

      procrastination? maybe I should have waited…second!

      • SpiffyTheValiant


        • Dosido3

          Hi Spiff!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            hai 🙂

      • SmotPoker

        I’ve got the greatest cure ever for procrastinators, I’ll tell you about it tomorrow….

    • I’m tempted to comment “last” and then close the thread! 😉 LOL

  • SmotPoker

    Are you guy’s going to Washington to attend Hillary’s funeral this week? Pretty sure all the news outlets having her dying by the weekend….

    • Remember: If it comes out of the RNC Echo-chamber, the media pumps it through their own echo-peddle! Endlessly!

      • SmotPoker

        And by echo chamber you mean ass right?

        • Well, I think their asses face onto the chamber, but yeah, essentially.

          • SmotPoker

            I picture some dude in the echo chamber that sounds like Bullwinkle T. Moose doing a magic show…

            “Hey Guys, watch me pull some completely fabricated horse shit out of my ass….”

    • MsPythia

      It’s the pollen. Russian weaponized pollen. So advanced, it targets one individual and makes them cough for 4-5 minute intervals from January to December!

      • SmotPoker

        The Zika done got her….

        • MsPythia

          Or Parkinson’s Disease… It would explain the coughing, the falling, having to be held up, etc.

      • Dosido3

        LMAO. Russian weaponized pollen! bwahahaha!

  • SmotPoker

    I think UnkaWillbur opened a new thread as to not risk refreshing his screen, and seeing my latest bit of buds….

    • Dosido3

      he’s tech savvy!

  • SmotPoker

    So Gretchen Carlson walks away from Fox with a $20 million payday for her troubles. Fox settled because they sure as shit didn’t want to have their entire lineup of “star journalist” marched into the courtroom, and having their dirty laundry aired for all to hear, and on the record.

    $20 million is .02% of the profits Fox News brings in for it’s parent company. They have slush funds bigger than this so it’s really no big deal to them.



    Some of you know that I have two carers, one of which is as a scientist. …I get scientific publications in the mail and I try to read them!

    Much to my great surprise, I read a scientific paper today that cited, of all things, Democracy Now! as a source for information! WOW!

    The publication is “The Bridge” from the National Academy of Engineering, the paper is The Corrosion Crisis in Flint, Michigan, and it’s “a call for improvements in technology stewardship. The author is John R Scully, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, among other credentials. The citation to Democracy Now! comes at the end of the first full section, which is titled, “The Flint Water Crisis: A ‘Perfect Storm’.” The paragraph reads:

    “The problems add up to a perfect storm of corrosive water, lack of corrosion control, and nonconservative water testing that failed to either detect or report the corrosion, and they were compounded by a classic series of calamity-related behaviors, described below (Democracy Now! 2016; Eclectablog 2015; Erb 2015a; Hulett 2015).”

    I haven’t finished reading the paper, but that paragraph seems to allude to more about what Democracy Now! (and the other citations) has (have) to say further on…

    Very Interesting!

  • And how far has the greed-based copyright craziness gone, now?

    Warner Bros. flags own site for piracy, orders Google to censor pages

    The takedown demands from the company went beyond erroneously targeting itself. It also told Google to remove legit movie streaming links from Amazon, Sky, and IMDb.

    “Warner is inadvertently trying to make it harder for the public to find links to legitimate content, which runs counter to their intentions,” said TorrentFreak. Google spotted the anomalous requests to remove the Amazon, Sky, and IMDb links, and decided not to take any action. However, the Warnerbros.com URLs are apparently still being investigated.

    They should have honored the requests, and fucked Warner right good.

    • MsPythia


    • towerofbabel

      The world would be a better place without their crap anyway.

  • Dosido3

    ok, pups, I’m out for now. have a great day and see you later!


    So, I really hate this asshole Charles Krathanhamer-whateverthefuck, but he points out something in the “airplane press conference” that I myself had missed. At about 33:30 or thereabouts he points out that Hillary admitted that she knows about the “C” meaning Classified in all those fucking emails!


    This is an admission of lying her ass off to the public! FROM THE BEGINNING!

    Someone who has the ability should make a report calling this out, starting with the whole “press conference” – it’s short enough, after all, with her leaving in a coughing fit – and then focusing in on just her admission about the C, and then explaining to the less than intelligent / informed about what this means regarding her credibility. . . . Maybe that guy at Redacted Tonight could do it for us!

    (The video STARTS with the “press conference.”)

    • SmotPoker

      That coughing is troubling.

      Pretty sure she’s got the Zika…..

      • RTIII

        She certainly has the brain damage!

      • I’m purty sure that The Ziker is on of them Pinko Plots that commie, Putin is a skeeming on, fer the ‘Lumarnati!

        • SmotPoker

          Shhhhh, people will catch on….

      • Blue Basilisk

        She’s looked very rough in all of her recently published photos. I just assumed it was a combination of age, stress and her hideous fashion sense catching up with her.

        • Edwin

          All of that coupled with her infirmities and she’s a walking disaster.

    • MsPythia

      I’m disgusted with her endless lying and all the Russia bullshit. I also think she’s really very ill, and is lying about that as well. She’s now had numerous coughing fits that last minutes at a time. That’s not fucking normal. And I do think she’s got something like Parkinson’s disease, or some other serious malady.

      • Left of Eden

        Total bullshit deflection from domestic vote manipulation, the actual source of election rigging that “won” her the Democratic nomination. No focus whatever on the the exposed corruption, just constant innuendo on unproven Russian involvement.

        • towerofbabel

          Why didn’t the “media” ask about election fraud by the DNC? And, this make me think about Sanders and his unwillingness to take a stand against the cheating. It was our fucking votes that were negated by the DNC’s election fraud, Bernie! I’m sick of giving these “progressive” frauds like Sanders and Warren any more credit when all they really care about, when push comes to shove, is their own careers.

          • s k

            They are frauds and enablers.

          • kreskin

            Frauds , enablers , propagandists .

        • EdgarHF

          Stenography? Hell, Xerox copying.

      • kreskin

        Just wait til she takes office and starts dictating foreign policy ! Dick Cheney in a pantsuit , she might even be worse.

  • I’m sure if she had a cough, the media would talk about this, all day…

    No Charges For US Cop Filmed Attacking Black High School Student

    A South Carolina prosecutor has decided against charging a former sheriff’s deputy for his actions, caught on video, flipping a Black high school student out of her chair and throwing her across a classroom, local media reported Friday.

    • MsPythia

      I remember that story. It’s disgusting what he did to that girl. And I’m not surprised that there will be no charges. Cops get away with this insane violent shit (and murder) every fucking day in America.

      • SmotPoker

        We are a tinder box right now just waiting for a flame. You can taste it in the air you breathe. We don’t know where, we don’t know when, and we don’t know exactly how, but something is going to set the masses off, and all hell is going to break loose.

        All avoidable of course, but I don’t like the chances of any real effort being put into stopping the behavior that is leading us down that course of action. I don’t like them at all….

        • s k

          It sure is like a tinder box. I live 30 miles from Chicago and every Monday morning we get on the local news the weekend shooting report. Nothing changes it only gets worse with Neo-liberal Rahm running the city into the ground and I kept waiting for a spark.

    • s k

      Abuse a child in their class, choke a Black man to death, all on video and get a paid vacation.

    • EdgarHF

      No charges? What a surprise. /s

  • MsPythia

    #HackingHillary's speech today clearly explains where she stands on coughing and drinking water 😂😂#NeverHillary pic.twitter.com/fHjDlmeyQB— Demarcus Owens (@NubianAwakening) September 6, 2016

    • Nevin

      Tim, I’m a conservative, Kaine looks almost gleeful. If you can’t win the presidency on your own hitch your wagon to someone that might be very ill.

      • EdgarHF

        Kaine looks downright creepy.

      • MsPythia

        He’s an asshole, and Hillary is so desperate to be the first woman president that she’s willing to lie about her health. Despicable.

  • kreskin

    ‘On The Record’ Host Greta Van Susteren is leaving Fox News . No sexual harassment in this case.

    • MsPythia

      She’s leaving, or did they fire her?

      • Nevin

        Apparently she used an out clause in her contract.

        • MsPythia


          • Nevin

            I googled her and went to her twitter page. Her clause had a time limit so that is why it seems abrupt. She was in negotiations for a new contract and than quits. It just screams there is more to the story.

          • MsPythia

            Indeed. In light of everything else that’s going on there…

          • Dosido3

            She defended Ailes. I’m sure it was awkward for everyone.

      • SmotPoker

        She was pissed that none of them hit on her….

        • MsPythia


      • kreskin

        She’s quitting .

    • EdgarHF

      Out with the old liars and in with the new.

  • s k

    The Unrelenting Pundit-Led Effort to Delegitimize All Negative Reporting About Hillary Clinton-Glenn Greenwald: https://theintercept.com/2016/09/06/the-unrelenting-pundit-led-effort-to-delegitimize-all-negative-reporting-about-hillary-clinton/

    IN HIS New York Times column yesterday, Paul Krugman did something that he made clear he regarded as quite brave: He defended the Democratic Party presidential nominee and likely next U.S. president from journalistic investigations. Complaining about media bias, Krugman claimed that journalists are driven by “the presumption that anything Hillary Clinton does must be corrupt, most spectacularly illustrated by the increasingly bizarre coverage of the Clinton Foundation.” While generously acknowledging that it was legitimate to take a look at the billions of dollars raised by the Clintons as Hillary pursued increasing levels of political power — vast sums often received from the very parties most vested in her decisions as a public official — it is now “very clear,” he proclaimed, that there was absolutely nothing improper about any of what she or her husband did.

    Paul Krugman ✔ @paulkrugman
    True fact: I was reluctant to write today’s col because I knew journos would hate it. But it felt like a moral duty http://nyti.ms/2bNvVmc

    • EdgarHF

      I have lost all respect for Krugman now that he has revealed himself as a worm.

      • s k

        But he is a brave worm-lmao

    • kreskin

      Krugman’s got his custom made blinders on . Objective he ain’t .

      • s k

        He’s been shilling for that bitch since 08

    • panem et circenses

      I can’t imagine the bravery it takes to abandon all dignity and regurgitate the latest Clinton campaign talking points, however laughably fictitious they are. Krugman is a true hero.

      • towerofbabel

        It takes intestinal fortitude.

  • EdgarHF

    I’ll post something later on this subject of procrastination.

    • I’ll upvote this comment, in a bit.

    • towerofbabel

      I’ll up-vote that when I come back through this thread.

    • Edwin

      I will gladly read it Sunday if you post it today.

  • Let’s Mine The Harbor…


    • 17

      Disregard. It was my security software causing the problem.

  • doubleplusliberal
    • That FB group is a RWNJ group, and when they say “Hillary Supporter” they’re talking about you too, because they think you support her, because you don’t support (insert RWNJ bullshit here)

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        You would be surprised at how civil RWNJ can be once, they find out you hate her as much as they do though.

        • Doesn’t mean I’m going to hang out with their craziness, nor am I gonna repeat it. You are who you associate with. (basic social dynamics)

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Oh come on, the meme was true 😛

          • No, it was the exact same thing that RWNJ’s say about anyone they think of as “liberal.” I’ve seen that exact image with the word “liberals” instead of “Hillary Supporters” and I’ve seen the same text, with “liberals” over multiple different images.

            We don’t need to use Republican, bullshit, anti-progressive propaganda to put down Hillary Clinton. That way lies madness.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I’m sure that the same image and words could be used to apply to any group, if one really wanted to. To me 2 + 2 = 4, even if I don’t like the person saying it or think they are crazy on most everything else.

          • Except it’s not used by any group, to apply to any group, it’s used by Republicans, to attack anyone who isn’t a Republican. And when you talk like a Republican, you turn away progressives, who you might otherwise get to vote against Clinton and for Jill Stein.

            Indulging in RWNJ propaganda posting is shooting the progressive push in the foot, in my experience (this ain’t the first election I’ve seen this happen.)

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            You actually think someone would see that meme (figure out it was originally from Republicans) and go, “I’m not voting for Jill Stein,” ?

          • They’d think the person posting is a Republican, and stop listening, yes, I “think” that because it’s well documented human behavior. The opposite effect of the psychological principle of “liking.”

            It’s also a really common tactic in politics, getting people to believe your opponent is associated with a group they already mistrust or hate: See: Clinton’s re-baiting.

      • doubleplusliberal

        I don’t FB and found the meme through some twitter links on a post of Noti’s.
        The meme made me giggle so I posted it here.
        Ease up man….is nothing to get in an uproar about.

  • s k

    U.S. Denies Entry to Former British Ambassador Craig Murray: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/us_denies_entry_to_former_british_ambassador_craig_murray_20160906

    The U.S. government, for no stated reason, and after having approved his entry in the past, has denied Craig Murray the usual approval to enter the United States without a visa that is given to UK citizens. Craig Murray was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from 2002 to 2004.

    Murray was forced out of the British public service after he exposed the use of torture by Britain’s Uzbek allies. Murray is scheduled to chair the presentation of this year’s Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence to CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou, and to speak about diplomacy as an alternative to war at a World Beyond War conference planned for September 23-25 in Washington, D.C.

    ……“It is worth noting,” Murray added,” that despite the highly critical things I have published about Putin, about civil liberties in Russia and the annexation of the Crimea, I have never been refused entry to Russia. The only two countries that have ever refused me entry clearance are Uzbekistan and the USA. What does that tell you?

    • kreskin

      America the beautiful .

  • smkngman3

    “How the CIA Used LSD to Destroy the New Left”

    Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and Other Activists is a virtual encyclopedia of the global drug trade. Author John L Potash devotes special attention to the long involvement of the British and US governments in illegal drug trafficking – for the political and financial benefit of the elite families who control these governments. Most of the book focuses on MKULTRA, the top secret CIA program devoted to developing and experimenting with mind altering drugs, such as LSD, MDA (an ecstasy precursor), STP, PCP and Scopolamine.

  • smkngman3
    • kreskin

      The last one I want to see in the White House .

    • Dosido3

      David Shuster!? whatever happened to that guy?

  • smkngman3
    • kreskin

      Gee, what a surprise .

    • Dosido3

      Sirota practices real journalism…it’s bound to give people headaches.

      • He’s definitely one of the few people left who has any claim on the title “journalist.”

        • Dosido3

          yep. I follow his twitter. He gets shit on daily by “fellow” “journalists”. I use those terms loosely.

  • smkngman3

    “Indians Staged One of the Largest Strikes in History, But No One on U.S. Cable News Covered It”

    TEN INDIAN TRADE UNIONS staged one of the largest strikes in human history on Friday, with tens of millions of public sector workers participating in a shutdown of parts of the Indian economy to protest Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s economic plans.

    But if you’re an American relying on cable news, it would be hard to know it ever happened.

    Not a single American cable news network ran a segment focused on India’s massive strike, even on Labor Day, the U.S.’s annual holiday dedicated to workers.

    The strike came after Modi began a push for increased foreign investment and privatization of some state-run industries. Unions fear these policies will undermine both wages and employment.


    • EdgarHF

      “But if you’re an American relying on cable news, it would be hard to know it ever happened.”

      What? And miss what crazy thing Trump said an hour ago?

    • In America, labor news is no news at all/

  • smkngman3

    “House probe targets Clinton contractor who deleted subpoenaed email; refused to answer key question from FBI”

    The chairman of the House Oversight Committee has sent a letter to the company that handled the technical side of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Rep. Jason Chaffetz wants to know why an employee of Platte River Networks (PRN), which was under contract with Clinton to handle the server, deleted large amounts of email after the Clinton team received a congressional subpoena for the material, and why a PRN technical employee, apparently the one who performed the actual deletions, asserted a legal privilege and refused to tell the FBI what was said on a conference call he took part in with Clinton’s attorneys on March 25, 2015, around the time the deletions were performed.


  • An editorial from Jill Stein.

    It is undemocratic to exclude me and Gary Johnson from presidential debates

    The CPD is actually a private corporation that refuses to disclose its current funders or sponsors. The Democratic and Republican National Committees both select its leaders. The CPD literally excludes the 50% of voters who reject their parties.

    This two-party cartel posing as a public service “commission” admitted in a 1987 press conference that independent candidates and alternative political parties should be excluded from the debates, and they create artificial barriers to exclude them.

  • Left of Eden

    Meanwhile in the alternate reality known as C&L

    Hillary Clinton To Trump: ‘Owes It To The American People To Come Clean’ On Tax Returns

    Clinton said, “He’s also said it’s none of our business. I just think he’s dead wrong.”…..She added, “He clearly has something to hide….He owes it to the American people to come clean and release those tax returns…..

    They used to just engage in false equivalence between the parties, but lately it seems Trump is such a terrible candidate, the media actually has to make stuff up and wilfully ignore what is really happening, just to keep the horserace going. Maybe their ratings would be better if they just told the truth.”


    Coming from the person whose complete transparency regarding her Wall Street speeches has won the admiration of friend and foe alike.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      My response about Trump’s taxes.


    • smkngman3

      It’s been up for an hour. 7 comments, 2 about the Dakota pipeline.


      • Edwin

        I was embarrassed for him just reading that dreck. That Amato had the nerve to publish that is beyond me. What a stooge.

    • kreskin

      According to new CNN poll Trump and Clinton are in virtual tie , CNN reported it just now . Someone should go and give those bimbos the news.

      Tied with Donald Trump ! LMAO ! And he’s doing and saying everything he possibly can to lose !

      • Left of Eden

        And they’ll manufacture every excuse under the sun rather than admit the truth – that their candidate is a corrupt, lying, charisma-less warmonger.

        • kreskin

          Of course they will , the truth is their worst enemy .

    • Edwin

      Ha ha. I hadn’t seen yours when I posted mine. It’s really pathetic over there these days. Putting Karoli in charge was a big mistake.

      C&L’s once unique and once cool community has been completely destroyed. Can’t get that back. All those years of careful nurturing gone.

  • Inside Bill Clinton’s nearly $18 million job as ‘honorary chancellor’ of a for-profit college

    The guest list for a private State Department dinner on higher- education policy was taking shape when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered a suggestion.

    In addition to recommending invitations for leaders from a community college and a church-funded institution, Clinton wanted a representative from a for-profit college company called Laureate International Universities, which, she explained in an email to her chief of staff that was released last year, was “the fastest growing college network in the world.”

    • Dosido3

      Bill Clinton’s Curriculum:
      How to Get Rich in Public Service – you can charge for anything!
      Accounting for Public Servants – start a charity!
      How to Avoid Responsibility – Russian 101
      Third World Development – How to keep the money flowing into your charity
      Hobby Lobbyist – Pick a Passion or How to Choose the Most Lucrative Special Interest and keep them knocking on your door!

      • EdgarHF

        Isn’t there an elective course in used car sales too?

        • kreskin

          Yes , Barack Obama is the instructor .

        • Car Salesmen are amateurs. They only use a small subset of the Psychological Compliance Mechanisms, that people like Clinton use every day.

        • Dosido3

          Yep but it’s one of those self-paced classes if you need extra units to graduate…

    • The_Fixer

      Is there anything that he won’t do in an effort to hoover up every last dollar on earth?


  • smkngman3

    “Exclusive: Clinton charities ignore law requiring them to disclose millions from foreign donors”

    New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has the power to force the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative to publicly disclose the names of foreign governments and the millions they donate each year to the charities but he’s not doing it, a Scripps News investigation has found.

    Schneiderman’s failure to require compliance with New York law and written instructions from his own office keeps the public in the dark about whether the foreign governments that gave money to the Clinton charities also had special access to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, experts in private foundation law say. New York state has long required more transparency from non-profits operating within its borders than many other regulators.


    • towerofbabel

      Rotten through and through. When does it end?

    • “Clinton … ignore[s] law”

      I’m not so sure that it’s appropriate to describe that information as “exclusive.” LOL.

  • Nancy


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      needs a few more nines.

      • Nancy

        how’s Lily?

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          i’m good 🙂

          • Nancy


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            😉 yes, you are.

          • Nancy


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 🙂

    • kreskin

      It’s a good time to go take a leak .

      • Nancy

        lol Kreskin!

  • smkngman3
    • s k

      Cheap whore, only 1/2 million, that’s like two speeches

      • smkngman3

        State dept regulations allow only gifts up to $350 but made an exception so as not to upset the Saudis.

  • smkngman3
  • MsPythia

    Apologies if this has already been posted:

    The Unrelenting Pundit-Led Effort to Delegitimize All Negative Reporting About Hillary Clinton

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Someone give me a mic… I can make them have a hard time keeping up with me.

      • MsPythia

        LOL Spiffy!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          I can overload their circuits.

    • Edwin

      you know who (Karoli the liar) is leading that charge along with bff sass-mouth smelly pee

      a couple of real douchebags 😀

      PS Good morning 😀

      • MsPythia

        So is most of the mainstream media.

      • s k

        She must be brave also

    • s k

      It shows how brave Krugman is-lol

      Paul Krugman ✔ @paulkrugman

      True fact: I was reluctant to write today’s col because I knew journos would hate it. But it felt like a moral duty http://nyti.ms/2bNvVmc

      • smkngman3

        He must have the same mythical morals as the Clintons.

      • MsPythia

        Laughable. He’s such an ass kisser for all things Clinton.

        • s k

          Since 08

          • cathyx

            Is there a position for an economist within the administration?

          • RTIII

            Bureau of Labor Statistics.

          • cathyx

            Well, there you go, maybe he’s shooting to add that job to his resume.

  • Late Lunch/Early dinner: Satisfying my craving for some Jerk Chicken from my favorite local place, The Jerk Hut: Chicken Rice & Peas, and (@Edwin:disqus, some greens), steamed cabbage.


    • Edwin

      Good lad. Those greens help you grow up to be healthy and strong.


      • “Spinachk” is probably me favorite green veggie, except when out of can, like Popeye. Canned spinach makes me vomit.

        • Edwin

          I loves all me veggies. Eggplant is the only one I can think of that I don’t really care for.

          Did you know you can cook fresh spinach in a “frying pan”? I have a wok-like frying pan with a glass lid. Clean and rinse your spinach thoroughly and put it into a colander. Heat frying pan to med-high (put nothing in it, dry), then toss in the (slightly wet from rinsing) spinach and cover. Stir once or twice. It cooks in about 2 minutes and it’s not all soggy, no excess water. It’s really a good way to cook it.

          If you want my microwave Eggs Florentine recipe (an easy dinner)… I can post.

          • cathyx

            I bet you’re a slender guy. You sound like you eat very healthily.

          • Edwin

            I quit smoking earlier this year and put on a few lbs, which bug me, but basically I have maintained a fairly consistent weight throughout my life. Never been overweight. Not doing bad for 56.

        • Fresh spinach is our favorite green around here. You can put it in anything pasta dishes soups, fillet a chicken smear with a mixture of mushrooms, spinach, garlic little bit of cheese roll it back up… great.

          • s k

            We eat it in eggs for breakfast

          • Delicious!

          • Edwin

            I do that for dinner. My Eggs Florentine recipe. I don’t have a recipe; cooks can follow along. Adjust to size of dish being used. You want about 1~1.5″ of spinach mixture in pan.

            1 or 2, 10 oz pkgs frozen spinach (or use fresh cooked)
            make a cheesy cream sauce (butter, flour, milk, cheese, pinch powdered mustard)

            I put a shot of lemon juice on the spinach and then mix it with the cheese sauce and put it in a pyrex baking dish. Save a bit of cheese sauce for later

            Make 4 or 6 indentations on top of spinach mixture. Put an egg in each.
            Put remaining cheese sauce around the eggs.
            Sprinkle with bread crumbs

            microwave — depends on your dish and microwave and how you want the eggs cooked. I do it for about 7 minutes. If you want your eggs cooked more cover near end.

          • This sounds absolutely delicious.
            I’m assuming that you make a roux with the butter and flour.

          • Edwin

            A roux. That’s right. I once had a recipe many years ago, but now I just wing it because it’s very simple. It makes for a tasty snack/meal/brunch/dinner.

          • cathyx

            Can I serve a nothingburger with this, or does it stand alone just as it is?

          • Hay…hay, don’t pick on the foodies ;^) Good food is one of the reasons, why it’s good to be alive.

          • cathyx

            My sister is a self proclaimed foodie. She and her husband live for great food experiences.

          • I’m a former pastry chef. I absolutely loved the field.

            Really the only thing that you need to be considered a foodie is a love of food and usually a Love of Cooking.

            And yes foods snobs can be annoying :^) I’ve been known to be one myself, but that demanding perfectionist nature also means whatever I make you- you are more than likely to absolutely love.

          • cathyx

            My sister and her husband ARE very annoying. It’s true.

          • lol :^)

          • Edwin

            you could put one of the eggs inside the nothingburger and make it a somethingburger

          • Edwin

            I like spinach, but I’d say my favourites are Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus.

          • You just named the green veggies I won’t eat. LOL.

          • Edwin

            If I have all those at once, I cut up a huge bowl of them (+ carrots) and then steam the mixture in a large dutch oven and chow down on them and enjoy the leftovers for a few days. Sometimes with cheese sauce and sometimes not.

          • So you like your cruciferous veggies, so do I :^) With brussel sprouts being my favorite. Broccoli I usually have to have mixed in something else, like brown rice and cheese.

          • Edwin

            Brussels sprouts are my favourite too. Hot or cold, I pop them into my mouth like candies. I always cook double so I can eat them cold later. Great TV snack.

            They (sprouts) were never seen in Korea for my 19 years here and then they hit the store this spring for a few weeks and I haven’t seen them again. I’m hoping they come back soon. It’s also rare for me to find cauliflower, but every now and then they have them. Asparagus is super rare here too, but every now and then…

            When I first came here there was no broccoli ever. Now it is a staple. I eat it about 5 times a week. I like green beans, but they don’t have those here either. 🙁

            Poor me. 🙁

            Foods here are all geared to Korean cooking. This stuff I like is new-fangled foreign imports. A lot of Koreans don’t even know what they are. It’s that way for a lot of fruits and veggies and all foods actually. (Poor me. 🙁

  • s k

    Did Dakota Access Pipeline Company Deliberately Destroy Sacred Sioux Burial Sites?


    • smkngman3

      Of course they knew.

      That’s why they did it on a sunday.

      • s k

        Yup, before the courts could stop them. That’s corporate law 101

  • MsPythia

    Interesting email from Hillary to Lynn Rothschild. I wonder what her “penance” was…?

  • Edwin

    This is rich. I guess all the gleaned during coughing fit #2 was the Trump still hadn’t released his tax returns. Meanwhile Clinton deletes all her emails and hasn’t given a press conference in 280 days. Her quarter-million-$$$ speeches to the banks are still top secret. Boy, has C&L ever gone down the tubes. It’s pretty dreadful writing so I don’t blame you if you don’t click.

    There’s a 59 second video clip. I guess that’s the only 59 seconds when she wasn’t coughing her head off. I really think she needs to release a health report. The old gal looks very frail and is probably consumptive.

    Hillary Clinton To Trump: ‘Owes It To The American People To Come Clean’ On Tax Returns

    By John Amato

    I wonder if the press will begin to cover Trump’s refusal to release
    his tax returns as vehemently as they have reported that Hillary hasn’t
    held a press conference because as you know, they’re both equally


    • s k

      The morons posting there are the same ones that didn’t want to see Hillary’s speeches

      • Edwin

        Same as the morons writing the posts.

    • MsPythia


  • smkngman3
  • s k

    Canine Expert Decries “Egregious” & “Horrific” Dog Attacks on Native Americans Defending Burial Site


    • s k

      “they looked like alligators on leases” said the canine expert

    • MsPythia

      The Native Americans should bring clubs with them, and club those dogs that are instructed to bite people.

      • s k

        If anything gets clubbed, it should be the animals holding the leashes

        • MsPythia

          Both. Those dogs need to be put down anyway. They’ve been trained to attack people by total morons. Dogs like that can kill.

    • Left of Eden

      Improperly trained? That’s an understatement. These were completely untrained, hired goons armed with assault weapons.

      • towerofbabel

        Hire terrorists.

      • s k

        and no police anywhere in sight-strange

  • Nancy

    Jill is such a badass!

    KX News – Bismarck ‏@KXMB 2h2 hours ago

    Sheriff Kirchmeier says plans are to pursue charges against presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein

    • MsPythia


  • smkngman3

    “Local residents say their names are being used fraudently but a lobbying group claims otherwise”

    A Brunswick man said his name was used on an official letter sent to the federal government to show support for a proposed natural gas pipeline, but he never sent the letter.

    “It’s crazy,” said Albert Oliver. “I’ve never said none of those words. I don’t have a typewriter, I don’t have a computer to make a letter as such.”


    • s k

      Fossil fuel corporations lying-shocking

  • smkngman3

    “Linking Alzheimer’s to Pollution, Study Finds ‘Abundant’ Toxic Nanoparticles in Human Brains”

    Toxic magnetic nanoparticles from air pollution have been discovered in “abundant” quantities in human brains, according to a new study.

    The study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is particularly alarming because other research recently raised the strong possibility of a link between such particles and Alzheimer’s disease.


    • s k

      I would bet they would find link to autism in children also.

    • cathyx

      The link between brain inflammation and Alzheimer’s is well-established, but there’s a growing body of evidence that suggests this inflammation could be the cause of the disorder rather than the result of it. Theoretically, that means if the inflammation can be stopped, so can Alzheimer’s – or at least some of the effects of it.

      • towerofbabel

        Sounds like you have some expertise. I find this article from Stephanie Seneff of MIT interesting but a lot of it goes over my head:

        APOE-4: The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s

        • cathyx

          I have no expertise in this, but I had heard about this about a year ago, and then just again 2 weeks ago. I’m really excited to see that it’s becoming more than just a hunch.

          • Selling my Alzheimer’s runs in my family.

        • cathyx

          That’s another interesting idea. I’m a big proponent of the Atkins diet; low carb, high fat, high protein diet.

  • smkngman3

    “Enbridge Spreads Tentacles to Acquire Spectra, Creating ‘Pipeline Enemy #1”

    “The proposed Enbridge-Spectra Energy merger is just the latest example of an evolving corporate energy monopoly—call it the Frackopoly—that is working to bind our society to a long future of dirty, dangerous fossil fuel extraction and consumption.”

    —Wenonah Hauter, Food & Water Watch


  • smkngman3

    “Ex-Rangers coach John Tortorella warns Team USA: Stand for the anthem or sit out the World Cup of Hockey”

    Team USA skaters who follow in Colin Kaepernick’s footsteps by sitting out “The Star-Spangled Banner” will ride the bench under head coach John Tortorella at this month’s World Cup of Hockey.

    Tortorella, the fiery former Rangers coach who is leading the U.S. squad during the two-week tournament in Toronto, told ESPN on Tuesday that players who take a seat during the national anthem can forget about representing their country on the ice.


    I guess this FUCKER doesn’t understand this is America, and the players have the same rights as we have!

    They should stand with their backs turned!

    • RTIII

      Yes, or ALL sit down in protest.

    • Better yet, just stop paying attention, or money, to professional sports! Problem Solved!

  • smkngman3

    “Hillary Clinton evokes 9/11 anniversary to tout her national security credentials”

    “I am a very patient person. I don’t quit, I don’t give up, I don’t blink,” she said. “I knew people who were killed. I worked with families and the few survivors. I worked to get healthcare needed by the first responders and emergency workers who ran toward danger. I worked to make our country safer and to rebuild New York and the Pentagon. But I always, always was determined to do anything I could to bring Bin Laden to justice.”


    • Hmm, just like certain other Republicans I can recall…

    • s k

      Well she did save Wall Street

      • smkngman3

        During one of the later debates with Bernie, Killery turned the Iraq War vote question into her claim that she worked so well with Bush in getting 20 billion to assist SMALL BUSINESSES harmed by the attack in the Wall Street area.

        The NY Daily News published an article that NO ONE TOUCHED explaining how most of that 20 BILLION never made it to those that were entitled to receive that aid!

        Most all of that 20 BILLION went to big companies that did NOT meet the requirements. One of those that picked up some free cash was DONALD TRUMP!

        • s k

          That’s what best friends are for.

  • smkngman3
    • Edwin


  • Edwin

    Ferguson activist Darren Seals dies at 29

    A locally known Ferguson activist who protested in the streets seeking justice for Michael Brown Jr.’s death was killed early Tuesday, September 6 in North St. Louis County.

    Police say their investigation revealed that Seals suffered a gunshot wound before the car was set on fire. The incident is currently being investigated as a homicide.


    • The_Fixer

      Well, that’s not fishy at all, is it?

  • smkngman3

    Jill Stein the graffiti artist!

    “N.D. pipeline protesters, presidential candidate Stein spray-paint construction equipment”

    Protesters, including Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein, spray-painted equipment Tuesday morning used in the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.


  • Edwin

    OMFG. Grab yerself a puke bucket if you dare click the link. Karoli should have a post up on this in 3, 2,1…

    Hillary Clinton Suggests Alleged Russian Hacking Is Designed to Help Trump

    “If you find a turtle on a fence post, it didn’t get there by
    accident,” she said. “I think it’s quite intriguing that this activity
    has happened around the time Trump became the nominee.”


    • Left of Eden

      The statement is included in the video of the Amato post that both you and I shared here.

      • Edwin

        You didn’t expect me to read the whole thing, did you??!! 😀

        Suffice it to say if it is posted at C&L these days it’s garbage.

        That’s why we got banned. We refused to swallow the pablum. It’s now a major POS blog. Hope it goes down the tubes.

        • Blue Basilisk

          Their credibility is long since down the toilet and is clumping up in the septic tank right now. Hope Brock’s money lasts Amato a while because C&L is proper fucked once the Hillary trolls ship out after the election.

    • s k

      This is what both parties and the MSM won’t talk about-

      The “Shocking” Truth About Election Rigging in the United States:http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/37486-the-shocking-truth-about-election-rigging-in-america

  • smkngman3
    • That’s true… everywhere. 🙁

    • Edwin

      Did you see the “Split Estate” video (documentary) I posted the other day. People don’t own what’s under the land (gas, minerals) so these companies can enter anyone’s land and start drilling anywhere and any time they want.

      re-post: http://thoughtmaybe.com/split-estate/

      • Left of Eden

        I would think it’s covered under eminent domain law.

        • Edwin

          I think it’s criminal. The poor people in that video. 🙁

  • Edwin

    A follow up to Hangul; Korean writing. Interesting video. Lots of other vid about writing systems over there too.


  • smkngman3
    • Left of Eden

      Glad that’s out of the way. She probably won’t have another one until halfway through her first term.

  • I know it’s late in the day but I got really busy today and didn’t have time to post. So I’ll post it one more time tomorrow in the morning as well but here are the numbers to contact to Lodge complaints.

    Ok guys,
    I plan on lodging complaints. I have already sent an email to the Secretary of State of North Dakota
    Here is the website and telephone number. I also added the Democracy Now article in my email.
    Here is a number for Energy Transfer Partners LP Dakota access LLC. I plan on phoning them to Lodge a complaint tomorrow, during business hours.
    Edited to add Governors email and telephone number.
    Second edit to add: Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, phone number

  • You don’t need to have “done something wrong” the Surveillance State is not about finding criminals, it’s about manufacturing criminals. And your “anti-virus” program won’t stop them.

    Watch How Government Spyware Infects a Computer in This Leaked Demo Video

    Motherboard has obtained a never-before-seen 10-minute video showing a live demo for a spyware solution made by a little known Italian surveillance contractor called RCS Lab. Unlike Hacking Team, RCS Lab has been able to fly under the radar for years, and very little is known about its products, or its customers.


  • s k

    Someone needs to tell the billionaires there is now Planet B.

    Humans Have Pushed Oceans to Their Absolute Limit, Warns Report

    Oceans protected us from worst effects of climate change by absorbing most of humans’ CO2 emissions, report finds, but they can’t take anymore—and will soon release that CO2 back into the:http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/09/06/humans-have-pushed-oceans-their-absolute-limit-warns-report

    The oceans have been shielding us from the worst effects of climate change, according to “Explaining ocean warming: causes, scale, effects and consequences” (pdf), by absorbing 93 percent of the excess CO2 that human industrial activity has emitted into the atmosphere—and humans have produced so much CO2 that without the oceans, surface temperatures worldwide would have risen by 36° Celsius since the 1970s.

    • s k

      Source of Half Earth’s Oxygen Gets Little Credit:http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/06/0607_040607_phytoplankton.html

      Oxygen Supply

      Phytoplankton need two things for photosynthesis and thus their survival: energy from the sun and nutrients from the water. Phytoplankton absorb both across their cell walls.

      In the process of photosynthesis, phytoplankton release oxygen into the water. Half of the world’s oxygen is produced via phytoplankton photosynthesis. The other half is produced via photosynthesis on land by trees, shrubs, grasses, and other plants.

    • I’ve been seeing Climate Scientists saying this for around 2 years now, shortly after the oil-company propagandists started pretending that warming had stopped.

      • s k

        It’s such a complex system, but they have underestimated the effect of CO2 for decades

        • Yes, this is true, the models have been too conservative, but the nonsense coming from the denial brigade isn’t a part of that. And climate scientists have known that the ocean was absorbing some of that temperature gain.

          As I understand it, much of what the models have underestimated is how quickly the effects would progress, and less so the actual temperature changes.

          • s k

            We are burning the candle at both ends when it comes to oxygen production. Poisoning the oceans and clear cutting/burning the rain forest, at the same time the boreal forest are going up in flames.

  • smkngman3

    “Oil Company Takes Dozers on 20-Mile Detour to ‘Deliberately Destroy’ Ancient Native American Sites”

    Following Saturday’s brutal attack on peaceful protesters by private security mercenaries and vicious guard dogs acting on behalf of Dakota Access Pipeline interests, it has been revealed the company responsible for construction deliberately targeted documented sacred and culturally significant areas for demolition — and crews likely chose the holiday weekend in order to avoid a court injunction.

    On Sunday, the Army Corps of Engineers backed a motion for a temporary restraining order halting further construction. A federal judge ordered an emergency hearing, which will take place later today.

    Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/dakota-pipeline-destroy-native-sites/#bMmeXszWS5Wf8xSA.99

    • Blue Basilisk

      Vile bastards. They deserve to have a lot more than a book thrown at them!

  • Nancy

    more lies from Hillary:

    • s k

      Good for Susan, now she will be hated even more at *&*

      • Nancy

        yup-kill the messenger!

    • She’s a good person, and can cross examine you like a top prosecutor, when she want to know more about your ideas. Plus she engages folks on FB like she’s not a celebrity, which is a big plus.

      /from experience

    • Left of Eden

      Maybe I’m a little slow. How does this caste Hillary in a negative and not a favorable light?

      • Nancy

        she is doing nothing about what’s happening in the Dakota access.
        hiding, is about it after she spouts all of these promises.

        • Left of Eden

          Yeah, empty platitudes and promises aren’t enough, certainly in this case.

          • Nancy

            it’s typical of Hillary-pandering and promises with nothing done, or the opposite done, being the reality.

          • Left of Eden

            You and I know this, but I’m afraid it will resonate but little with the hard-core Hillary acolyte who will see this as an affirmation of her good character.

          • Nancy

            lmao-they are beyond hope Left…

  • smkngman3
    • Nancy

      cause birds.

    • Dosido3


  • Nancy

    “NBC News Faces Criticism For Story About Clinton’s ‘Coughing Attack’”

    oh the irony-the Hillary/DNC machine has done nothing but lie, cheat, and steal this nomination with saying all they can, other than any of it being the truth.
    they have deflected with blaming the Russians and now they are upset because the right wing is questioning her health?
    SMDH. they sure don’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot and it’s being done to them.
    difference is-one of these sides is telling the truth.

    • And the side that’s correct is neither the corporate media, nor the RNC echo chamber, which has been selling this brand of snake oil for years now. There’s plenty of legitimate reasons that Clinton isn’t fit to serve, fantasies about her immanent death from [insert illness of the day here] simply aren’t needed by anyone but the RNC, who can’t use the legitimate reasons for her lack of qualification, because they are all the same lack of qualifications their other politicians suffer from: Voodoo Economics, Warmongering, Bigotry, etc. etc.

      • Nancy

        excellent point Unka…indeed.

      • Left of Eden

        True. On the other hand, I really don’t care whether the tactics being deployed against Hillary at this point are fair or foul. If it’s something that might cost her votes, use it. She must be defeated even if it saddles us with Trump for four years. As high minded as your approach is, it’s not the world we live in, and the media won’t stop being the media. They do what they do, re-direct, misinform, mis-prioritize, minimize, distract, distort, lie outright, and exhaust the entire bag of deceptive, underhanded, manipulative tricks. The fact that they are pointing out ANY of Hillary’s negatives, be they real or ghosts of the mind, is good enough for me and must be exploited to help defeat her. And her coughing fits, whatever the cause, lend plausibility to claims that she is medically unfit for office.

        • “If it’s something that might cost her votes”

          Do you think, among the people likely to vote for her, that the same RNC chatter they’ve heard for years is likely to change a voter’s mind?

          • Left of Eden

            Personally, I think our elections have been rigged since at least 2004 and that this one, barring some unforeseen circumstance, is in the tank for Hillary. But on a more hypothetical level, it might influence undecideds, particularly if her apparent poor health continues to afflict her appearances.

    • Dosido3

      Ms. Pythia says it’s the Russian weaponized pollen that’s bringing her down. I’m sure C&L has a story on the latest outbreak…

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


      • Nancy

        Ms. is a very smart woman. I’ll take her word for that!

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Indeed, hi Nancy.

          • Nancy

            evening Daniel!

  • Left of Eden

    Jimmy Dore on Trump catching Hillary in the polls.


  • Sickening. The Syrian people are being slaughtered for the sake of two sociopaths-by-proxy: The Putin-backed Assad Government, and The Obama/Clinton-backed “National Coalition” rebels.

    Syrian government ‘drops chlorine gas’ on rebel-held part of Aleppo

    Accusations involving use of chlorine and other poisonous gases are not uncommon in Syria’s civil war, and both sides have denied using them while blaming the other for using it as a weapon of war. Last month, there were at least two reports of suspected chlorine attacks in Aleppo, while the Syrian government also blamed the opposition for using the gas.

    • smkngman3

      Forgot Turkey playing both sides while carving a section out of Syria for themselves.

  • smkngman3
    • *** Inspired by a Breibart article, complaining about Net Neutrality and Human Rights Compliance. ***

      I don’t like Soros, one little bit, but this is a non-issue: He wanted to try to preserve Net Neutrality (what RWNJ’s call “regulation”) and force Latin American countries to follow the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights, via the TPP. An agreement he has otherwise shown only tepid support for anyways. As a progressive, I consider those laudable goals, even if doing it the through the TPP is a stupid idea and the TPP itself is an act of evil.

      Complain about his real evil acts, and I’ll cheer you on, but I’m not going to cheer on Breibart’s far-right, anti-regulation whining.

      • towerofbabel

        He funded a Toronto institute that booked philosopher John Ralston Saul who served up a serious critique of neoliberalism in his lecture. Soros is not all bad, honestly.

        • He’s an odd bird. A Neoliberal rent-extractor of the first order, and a supporter of the current plutocratic regime, par excellence, he still seems to have qualms that force him to the occasional moral action.

          • Dosido3

            I admit to being confused by Soros headlines. I appreciate you and Smoky sussing it out here.

          • In this case, to try to super-simplify it:

            • Net neutrality, a founding principle of the Internet, says “you can’t favor or discriminate against
            content from one or more sources, you must carry all content, that goes through your network,
            equally. This is a fundamental good.

            • Corporate extortionists, like AT&T, etc. Don’t like this, because they can’t gouge some people, and outright censor others.

            • RWNJs want corporations to get their way, so they hate that net neutrailty is (mostly) enforced in the US, right now.

            • Because RWNJs are scared of “regulation” like some people are scared of The Devil, they have associated that word with net neutrality, in order to try to vilify net neutrality

            • Among many other horrible things, the TPP guts the ability of countries to enforce net neutrality.

            • George Soros, for unknown reasons, decided to try to influence the TPP writers to enshrine net neutrality, not gut/ban it.

            • So, the RWNJs at Breibart wrote an article, entitled “Leaked Memo: Soros Foundation Eyed Stronger Internet Regulation in TPP Negotiations

            • That headline became the top-line text for the meme @smkngman3:disqus posted.

          • Dosido3

            Very nice cliff notes! Thanks Unka.

          • RTIII

            “• George Soros, for unknown reasons, decided to try to influence the TPP writers to enshrine net neutrality, not gut/ban it.”

            Probably because he thinks it will pass – TPP – and knows that ending Net Neutrality will be a disaster for EVERYONE, even the idiots who think they want to end it.

          • Honestly, that’s as good an explanation as any. I just put “for unknown reasons” as neither the leaked memo or the Breibart “reporting” on it gave a reason. 😀

      • smkngman3

        Your point?

        It says he wanted stronger regulation than the TPP proposed.

        Overall, the TPP’s provisions that recognize the rights of the public are non-binding, whereas almost everything that benefits rightsholders is binding.

        • No, he wanted Net Neutrality enforced in the TPP, when TPP “regulations,” as they stand, actually gut net-neutrality.

          He wanted 100% the opposite of what that Briebart headline (and that image based on it) says.

  • smkngman3

    “5 Years After Brutality Firing, 2 Chicago Cops Still on the Job”

    The department had fired the officers for beating a man in a restaurant while off-duty in 2006, but a judge overturned the decision.

  • towerofbabel

    Rule Britannia! The British sure know how to rule:

    Viewpoint: The truth of Britain’s chaotic and violent rule of India

  • smkngman3

    “Database Reveals U.S. as Financial House of Horrors Since Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act”

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has set up an online database of financial horror stories that shows what happens when an average American interacts with one of the financial supermarkets (a/k/a universal banks) that grew out of the repeal of the investor protection legislation known as the Glass-Steagall Act. The complaints are concentrated against the biggest Wall Street banks.


    • Well, of course, that’s what happens when you let corporations have their way. And what Breibart and RWNJ’s want for the Internet, if the TPP passes with its current internet “annexes” unchanged…

    • Dosido3

      Don’t forget! Bill Clinton is a helluva guy! KK will tell you he repealed GS with a gun to his head, but Bill himself will tell you he did it willingly and would do it again. No regrets!

  • smkngman3

    “U.S. companies tout climate policies, fund climate skeptics”

    U.S. companies that have expressed the most fervent public support for President Barack Obama’s environmental agenda are also funding its biggest enemies – the scores of U.S. lawmakers who are climate change skeptics and oppose regulation to combat it, according to a Reuters review of public records.

    Ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential and congressional elections, the donations from companies including PepsiCo, Dupont, and Google reveal a disconnect between how these companies present themselves to the public on environmental issues, and how they manage their political contributions to support business-friendly policy.


    • kreskin

      Greed and the almighty dollar , savages in suits and ties . If a higher up objects / show signs of having a conscience … their career is over with. They’ve created a monster and it’s outta control .

  • towerofbabel

    Lawn Ornament Incarceration. Good Night All!

    • smkngman3


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Take care.

  • smkngman3

    “Tel Aviv University researchers have transformed humble pond slime into an engine for clean fuel.”

    In the ground-breaking research, the scientists disproved the theory that micro-algae only produce hydrogen for a few minutes at dawn, producing only a minimal amount of hydrogen. Yacoby’s team discovered not only that this was not the case, and that algae continue to emit hydrogen throughout the day, but that through genetic engineering they could radically improve the pond life’s work rate.


  • smkngman3
    • Dosido3

      It’s temperament versus trustworthiness, it seems. Thanks for including the actual poll…

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Is her face frozen like that due to the stroke? Tee hee.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Voßhoff said that the BND not only broke German law by using XKeyscore, but also because it sent the information it gathered to the US: “The content and metadata collected via XKEYSCORE are transferred to the NSA, following an automatic clearing of information falling under the G-10 law (G-10 assessment). These transmissions are additional severe violations of fundamental rights.” The data transfer was on a huge scale—some 14 million items every day. As Ars reported a year ago, handing over data to the NSA was part of the deal for the BND to obtain the XKeyscore software.

    Just as the so-called Snoopers’ Charter aims to put surveillance activities by UK spies on a firmer legal footing, so the German government has proposed a new law that would effectively legalise the activities criticised so harshly by Voßhoff in the leaked report. According to Netzpolitik, the legislative package is scheduled to be adopted this year and will probably come into effect at the start of 2017.

    I wonder where they got that idea eh.


  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    When AT&T purchased DirecTV, merger conditions imposed by the Federal Communications Commission required the ISP to offer Internet service for either $5 or $10 a month to people with low incomes.

    But AT&T has found a way around this requirement in areas where the company has failed to upgrade its network to anything remotely resembling modern Internet service. If you live in a place where AT&T’s maximum download speeds are less than a paltry 3Mbps, you can’t get the discount from the new “Access from AT&T” program.


    • Stronger Regulation: It’s a Public Good.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Let’s break up monopolies.

        • 100% with you on that. Enforcing anti-monopoly law, or rather, revoking the endless exemptions congress has legislated, is incredibly important to restoring America.

    • smkngman3

      I’d like to know what scumball allowed those weasel words into that agreement!

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Microsoft’s quest to put a stop to the US government’s habit of demanding access to customers’ digital records in court-ordered secrecy has won dozens of allies in the tech world.

    The likes of Apple, Google, and Mozilla—among many others—have put their names to an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit Microsoft filed against the federal government over its controversial and continued use of gagging orders.

    The latest development means that an eclectic mix of outfits has now lined up against Washington, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Washington Post, the US Chamber of Commerce, Delta Air Lines, BP America, and Fox News. According to Reuters, five former FBI and justice department officials have also written in support of Microsoft’s crusade.


    • I’m betting each and every one of those companies would be happy to sell the US government that data….

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    On Tuesday, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced that his office is investigating Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc, the maker of EpiPen, for potentially using anticompetitive terms in contracts it had with many school systems. Those terms allowed schools to receive Mylan’s EpiPens for free or at discounted prices—as long as they didn’t buy any competitors’ products for a year.

    The terms may have helped Mylan hike the price of the life-saving medical devices without facing stiff competition from similar epinephrine-injecting products, such as Adrenaclick. Since 2007, the year Mylan acquired EpiPen, the company has raised the price of the pens by more than 400 percent, pushing the list price above $600 (~£446) and drawing sharp public and political criticism.

    “No child’s life should be put at risk because a parent, school, or healthcare provider cannot afford a simple, life-saving device because of a drug-maker’s anti-competitive practices,” Schneiderman said in a news release. “If Mylan engaged in anti-competitive business practices, or violated antitrust laws with the intent and effect of limiting lower cost competition, we will hold them accountable.”


    • Well, let’s hope something comes of this, and it’s not just grandstanding. Those people need to have someone put a foot up their asses.


      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Yes, but we also need patent reform. The Mylan CEO is also the daughter of a conservative Dem senator so I’m not holding my breath for action.

        • And copyright reform. Both have been skewed beyond belief, much of it in the last couple decades. Sadly, much of that is in the form of administrative agency-regulations, which can be hard untangle.

          • The_Fixer

            And of course, every time that the copyright on Mickey Mouse was ready to expire, Disney saw to it that the government extended copyright terms. What’s it up to these days, something like 75 or a hundred years?

            Until the vested interests are kept from stuffing money into politician’s pockets, copyright reform, like so many other things that need to change, will be a pipedream.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            75 but it’s up next or the following year so you know what’s going to happen.

          • The_Fixer

            Not content to own stuff for as long as the lifespan of an average human, they want to take it to the next level. Yes, they’ll try for longer yet.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Corporations are immortal.

          • The_Fixer

            Yup. And their logic follows, why shouldn’t they be allowed to own something forever?

            Greed really is the horse collar around civilization.

    • smkngman3

      Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is only pissed he didn’t get his payoff.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Probably just threatening so they increase it. [edit clarification]

  • smkngman3


    Accidentally had Charlie Rose on.

    Pimping the Russia wants Trump, interfering with the election…………………..

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Because no other country could possibly be hacking them, or groups within the US.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        toad 🙂

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Hola, what’s up?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            nm. you 🙂

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Just a long boring day at work. Looking at some shirts from King of Games, might order some.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Dosido3

      FFS…like it’s impossible for Hillary to lose for being a SHITTY CANDIDATE! Sorry I’m yelling.

  • Annaleigh
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      So she’s all phlegmy I suppose. Either way, ugh, wish we would ship her and Donald to the sun.

    • smkngman3
      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        I’m sure her body has adapted to that, I mean it’s always coming out.

        • smkngman3

          Forum tomorrow!

          Hillary goes first.If she is asked a question she would like to avoid……………………

          • Dosido3

            …Drink! Drink more water than Marco Rubio !

        • kreskin

          But she’s been over producing lately .

    • Shohanna

      She have TB? HOLY SHIT is she exposing everyone to TB and b/c she some kind of “ROYALTY” they aren’t going to fucking tell us she has some communicable disease?! OMFG THEM MOTHERFUCKERS!!! O.O

  • notisaidthepig
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      She’s a fighter. Just donated some more.

      Hi noti, how goes the new week?

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, Toad. I’ve had a 14 hour work day because of….stuff. Tired and about to head upstairs to bed. I think it’s going to be a good week. Hope you are doing well.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Get some rest my friend.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          This is for Pig.

          • notisaidthepig

            OMG. that’s exactly what I need. Thank you, Spiffy!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            yw. 🙂

  • notisaidthepig

    Well, I suppose it’s official. I’m in a pickle as I can’t vote for Stein and there is no write in option here in NV. 🙁

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      ;/ oh nos. i can’t believe they don’t allow write ins? WTF.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        The corrupt system we have.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Seriously like how many people do write ins? it’s not like she’d be a threat. they can’t even like what would likely be less than 1% of people write her in?

          • Dosido3

            Can’t have any challengers to the queen. Besides it throws off the bookmakers odds…

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I am the Queen around these parts and Hillary better learn dat.

          • Dosido3


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            And the crown looks much better on me.

          • Dosido3

            Come on Spiff. That’s a low bar to beat Hillary on that! It’s goes without saying!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Well I never said that it was hard to look better than her, just that I did. 🙂

          • notisaidthepig


          • SpiffyTheValiant


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


      • SpiffyTheValiant

        An outrage! An injustice, I tell you. An injustice! Time to storm the Bastille, errr casinos!

    • I thought they were litigating it. Did it get resolved no in the Greens’ favor? Their site still has it marked as “Under Litigation”

      Vote Libertarian. At least you won’t be voting for evil.

      • notisaidthepig

        I just got this off the Jill Stein for President website. I know that the judge was not looking favorably on it and figure if they have put this on the website, then it’s official. 🙁

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          I’d half say fuck it and vote for Trump out of spite, if you have stomach for it. They effectively stole your vote from you.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            It’s NV, it may likely go to Trump anyway.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Nah. Hillary has Reid there to save her ass again.

          • notisaidthepig

            Oh, I couldn’t vote for Trump. Just can’t do it. I’d rather vote for Gary.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I understand. I might if I were in your position, just to say… the bitch isn’t getting my vote. If you aren’t going to let me vote for who I want, I’ll vote to cockblock her.

          • Yeah, Evil is Evil. I’d leave my presidential ballot-line blank, before voting for Clinton or Trump.

          • Dosido3

            My 80something mom isn’t casting a vote for president!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            le gasp :O what state is she in?

          • Dosido3

            CA. She’s really traditional. I don’t expect her to even know 3rd party names.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Oh well in CA, no offense.. but that’s going blue anyway.

          • Dosido3

            I’m still smarting over the rigged primary!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            me too

          • Dosido3

            I never thought I’d see it in California …

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            If anyone should have gone green or to bernie, it should be CA.

          • Shohanna

            Yeah, if they can rig the primary blatantly and get away with it. (Which they did). There is no reason to really vote, she will win and they will make sure she does. It’s fucking stupid, and illegal and worthy of a damned rebellion if you ask me. 🙁

        • Ah, OK, just updated today. That’s why.

        • Shohanna

          I am sorry Noti. but the powers that be did not want her to be able to win and they made sure of it. She could 100% of the vote in all the green states and she couldn’t win. B/c she isn’t on the ballot in 3 states. Even 1 state grey and she can’t win. Such a damned shame too.

  • Dosido3

    Old Un-journalist Matt yglesias is at it again. Sheesh. Wants weaker FOIA requests!

    Against Transparency.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Draw and quarter him!!!!!

      • Dosido3

        He’s competing with Jonathan Capehart for space to kiss Hillary’s ass.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Vying for that prime spot on her taint. [apologies]

          • Dosido3

            Ew. I hate that word, toad!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • Dosido3

            Well I went there…my bad.

        • doubleplusliberal

          Kiss her ass? Both have their heads buried so far up her ass they’re competing to see who can kiss her liver first.

    • notisaidthepig

      I just don’t understand why these people twist themselves into all sorts of whatever just to defend and support the establishment. Why?

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        They know who pays their bills.

        • Dosido3

          Do they? Do they pay their bills? Will all this ass sucking truly pay off or is it enough to bask in Hillary’s death ray light?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I’m sure they don’t really like her, so it’s just money.

          • Dosido3

            I’m sure that it is for some. But there are lots of others who are cheaper because they freeing suck up to power. And if that’s the case, they are in the wrong profession!

      • People don’t tend to like my explanations of human psychology, it seems because they always see some small part of themselves in them, so I’ll pass on the explanation. 🙁

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Loyal serfs.

  • Dosido3

    I can’t find a good all around news article on the subject, but the judge today has issued an emergency stay on the bulldozing of tribal land by Dakota Access Pipeline. The more final decision is coming down on September 9.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      I hope it works out for them.

      • Dosido3

        I do too but I don’t put anything past the pipeline people after the stunts they pulled on a holiday weekend!

    • notisaidthepig

      I’ll be very curious to see how it turns out. This all reminds me of Naomi Klein’s book This Changes Everything where she stated that indigenous people and their lands may be one of the keys to fight climate change.

      • Dosido3

        Oh! Interesting…

  • notisaidthepig

    Time for bed. Good night, everyone.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Good night.

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Noti, sweet dreams!

    • The_Fixer

      Good Night, Mr. Pig. Hope that your day tomorrow is better and shorter.

    • Nevin

      My bed is calling me, but I have something important to post….;)

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Good night to you as well.

        • Nevin

          Daniel, I’m not leaving until I post my important comment.

      • lindajoyous

        Hi Nevin. and goodnight! 🙂

        • Nevin

          Hi Linda. You can’t get rid of me that easily.

          • lindajoyous

            Good, don’t want you to leave! 🙂

      • The_Fixer

        well, now I gotta stay up and see it 🙂 Hi, Blue.

        • Nevin

          Hey Fixer. I’m looking for the video and can’t find it to make my point. Maybe I will just have to describe it and hope everyone gets the visual.

    • Dosido3

      Nite Pig

  • smkngman3

    What is the world coming to?

    “Paul Ryan: FBI acting like ‘arm of Clinton campaign’

    “[The Labor Day weekend is] like the most buried time you could put out stories. I’m surprised,” Paul Ryan told Wisconsin-based WRJN radio on Tuesday. “I mean, I can’t believe they would do what is such a patently political move. It makes them look like political operators versus law enforcement officers.”


    I agree with Ryan?

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      End times confirmed.

    • Shohanna

      Gawd, I don’t want to agree with RYAN of all people. Are you kidding me?! The world is so fucking topsey turvey now. GAHHHHH

      NO, I am not a damned republican! I am not. /sigh I agree with Ryan, we have some serious covert operations going on in the FBI and other alphabet agencies to keep these stories from the press!!

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Laters, but before I go, I noticed that the mod labels don’t show up on my iPad but they do on my laptop.

    • The_Fixer

      ‘Night, Daniel. Sleep well.

    • Dosido3

      Nite Toad!

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight toad!

    • smkngman3

      See you later…….

  • Nevin

    The new Hillary ad is a fucking joke.


    Now Hillary making fun of who the knows what.


    I hate both of them, but one gets a pass and the other is ridiculed.

  • smkngman3

    “5-key insights on the Syrian conflict via Hillary’s email and the Stratfor Wikileaks”

    1) British and American special forces were already on the ground advising anti-Assad militants in the first year of the Syrian conflict (2011)


  • smkngman3

    WikiLeaksVerified account
    How Clinton got off but a journalist’s mother was charged with obstruction for putting his notes in the kitchen https://wikileaks.org/Assange-statement-on-the.html

  • smkngman3
  • The Absolute Best: a supercut of Tim Curry laughing…


  • SmotPoker

    My kid sent me this last night, and it is so true…

    • Shohanna

      Sounds about right. I don’t buy kitties things. I use things. Like the shipping box I just got. I cleaned it and put it on the floor for them and they had a ball all afternoon!

      • SmotPoker

        I’ve got a 4 ft long box in a my living room from a vacuum cleaner we bought a few years back. My big boy Lenny loves to hang out in it. He’ll crawl his ass into the back of the box, and sleep. Worries me at times because cats have a tendency to hide out when not feeling well so it spooks me, but he always comes running, well waddling when I call him though….

        • Shohanna

          hehe Yeah, my babies do that too. RIght now we are fighting a flea infection. :/ My daughter isn’t taking care of her animals and she brought fleas with her at some point. So I have collars (I am allergic to) on them and tomorrow we will sprinkle the carpet and start vacuuming the worst of it. Hopefully I won’t need to dose them with pills. They just got them so, I am praying I don’t have to spend 100+ dollars to fix it.

  • Shohanna

    Morning my kitties!!


    I love corruption in the morning, don’t you? haha Someone is being a vigilante justice! Enjoy while we can.

    • SmotPoker

      Hey lady, I’m 100% dog. I’ve had countless girlfriends, and one ex wife tell me this so it must be true….

      • Shohanna

        Hahah You better hope it’s not true, I am not a dog person. /nod I mean I don’t mind dogs persay. I just prefer Cats.. They just get me. You know? So like, you get me, that means you have to be a cat person. Seriously.. This isn’t rocket science.. /nod **giggles**

  • panem et circenses
    • Shohanna

      ROFLMAO! I love that pic of Hillz. So true!!!

    • towerofbabel

      She’s a Badass!

      • panem et circenses

        Don’t get too excited about a politician. You’ve had your heart broken before.

  • Shohanna


    WISH the hell they had done this with the other for profit school I got lost with, Louisville Tech. Spent 40k and basically my job dried up in 3 yrs. I haven’t used my degree since. Awesome huh? /not.

    My Dad helped get me out of that hell hole, and I haven’t been back to school since. Nothing transfers, it’s all wasted money and time. I am so angry over it. I am GLAD they shut this one down. I was even debating going back a few yrs ago. I looked them up on BBB and oh boy was there problems. So it came as no surprise to me that this occurred. Surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

  • panem et circenses
  • cathyx

    Goldman Sachs bans employee donations to Trump’s election campaign, but Clinton not subject to rule

    Goldman’s email does not specifically mention Donald Trump or his political activity. However, the memo cited by Fortune Magazine defines “the Trump-Pence campaign as an example of one Goldman partners can no longer support.”
    “Among the type of donations that are banned are any federal candidate who is a sitting state or local official (e.g., governor running for president or vice president, such as the Trump/Pence ticket, or mayor running for Congress), including their Political Action Committees (PACs),” the media reports.
    Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton doesn’t hold office and her running mate, vice presidential pick Tim Kaine is a US senator. Neither would be subject to the rules.

    • towerofbabel

      Word From On High

    • panem et circenses

      It’s illegal for them to donate to state or local candidates seeking any federal office.

      • cathyx

        Is that right? Well, that makes the article useless, without that fact.

        • panem et circenses

          It’s in there, but they sort of twist it like it’s a new company policy when it’s actually a memo about the law. I’m the first person to hate on Goldman Sachs, but it was the SEC that created these rules. I’m sure they’re happy about the law and their desires lining up in this instance, though.

          • cathyx

            And pointing it out to the employees wasn’t a public service either, i’m sure.

    • RTIII

      “Goldman Sachs bans employee donations to Trump’s election campaign”

      That’s actually illegal, but I’d bet $1000 nobody calls them on it.

  • notisaidthepig

    Good morning, everyone.

  • notisaidthepig
  • notisaidthepig
  • The_Fixer

    I know that there is likely far more to this story, as Aravosis is fond of taking things out of context, twisting context, and omitting any facts that would counter his narrative. Right now he is trying to align Jill Stein with the big, bad Ruskys. Here is his latest attempt:


    I am going to do a little more looking around to see if I can find the rest of the story. I just know that there is more.

    • notisaidthepig

      Hi, Fixer. On my way out the door. Good luck with your search!

      • The_Fixer

        Have a good day, Mr. Pig!

    • The_Fixer

      And of course, there is always more to the story (as I suspected). Look here:


      One of Aravosis’ tactics in this article is to link her calls for peace – as well as the wrong accusation that she praised Russia’s human rights record – as tacit endorsement of Russia’s horrible treatment of LGBT people. We have to look at a couple of things here.

      First of all, this was a lighthearted gathering, somewhat of an anniversary party for RT. It should be noted that it is no wonder that she accepted the invitation (along with, I might add, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency) as RT is one of the few TV networks that actually cover her and report more completely on the U.S. election than our domestic networks.

      Second, her mission, as she clearly stated, was to promote peace. Nowhere on the agenda was any discussion of LGBT rights. Understand that LGBT rights are a cause near and dear to me. However, as stated before, this was not to be a high-level discussion between two heads-of-state centered on LGBT and human rights. How could it be, it was an anniversary party for a TV network and she’s not the president, she is a candidate.

      I have to add that, as a candidate she has forcefully spoken out about LGBT rights, as well as for the rights of indigenous peoples and racial/ethnic minorities. Because she failed to address one of Aravosis’ (and one of my) pet causes in a venue that was clearly not meant to discuss such issues does not make her anti-LGBT. That’s simply silly.

      Much is made in Aravosis’ blog post about the fact that she was critical of U.S. foreign policy while giving Russia a pass. Again, this was not a meeting between heads of state and her criticism of the current U.S. government is not only valid, but something that a Presidential candidate is going to do. It is obvious that Hillary Clinton plans to embrace, and even extend the worst of President Obama’s foreign policy. To criticize those policies is an expected part of an opposing candidate’s activities. Those remarks were intended to address her supporters as well as the American electorate.

      Also note that Aravosis, and others who are critical of Dr. Stein, make much of the fact that she sat near or next to Putin. Umm, that’s what one does in such situations. It shows an ability to be diplomatic and an attempt at treating a foreign leader (in his own country) with respect. What in hell is wrong with that?

      It is clear to me that this is part of an orchestrated attempt to gin up Cold War era thinking in a ridiculous attempt to help get Hillary Clinton elected. That’s not journalism, it’s partisan blogging of the worst kind – devoid of a neutral examination of the subject.

      • RTIII

        It’s propaganda.

        • The_Fixer

          Of course it is.

  • notisaidthepig
    • panem et circenses

      Coincidentally, I’ve never met a Clinton supporter or over privileged celebrity with anything meaningful to say, either. Maybe she should ask her rape apologist buddy to write her some better material.

      • RTIII

        I met Seinfeld one – boring, pompous, conversation didn’t last long. And I tried to get something out of him. We were at a car show and I asked about his favorite(s)…

    • MsPythia


    • Nevin

      I’m proud to say I have never seen her in anything except your clip.

      • notisaidthepig

        Actually, I’ve heard the name lots but I haven’t seen her in anything. Whatever. Right?

        • Nevin

          I’ve heard her name and that she is related to Chuck, who is another POS.

  • MsPythia

    Clinton’s embrace of Republicans will harm her own party’s future


    Meanwhile many of us understand that so much of what Clinton and the DNC did during this election season has already driven out a huge number of progressives.

    • That is her party’s future.

      • panem et circenses

        And past.

    • panem et circenses

      Good. Nobody to the left of Margaret Thatcher has any business being in the Democratic party.

  • MsPythia

    Thomas Frank: With Trump certain to lose, you can forget about a progressive Clinton


    • Like there was ever a “progressive” Clinton in the offing…

      • MsPythia

        That’s what I was thinking too. He just means everyone can forget that she intends to honor anything she said in order to compete with Bernie during the primary. But all of us here knew that was bullshit too!

  • MsPythia

    Paul Krugman’s Latest Clinton Defense Reaches New Low

    Having concerns over the Clinton Foundation is not ‘bizarre,’ as the Op-Ed claims—but his elitist dribble of condescension is

    • panem et circenses

      He just dusts himself off every couple months to write an article echoing the latest bogus Clinton campaign talking points. Nobody should take anything Krugman has to say seriously.

      • MsPythia

        The Clinton supporters love him.

  • panem et circenses
  • MsPythia

    EmailGate and the Mystery of the Missing GAMMA

    Hillary Clinton’s ‘unclassified’ email included highly classified NSA information—why didn’t the FBI mention this fact?

    • cathyx

      Because Hillary is the chosen one. Be quiet.

      • MsPythia

        That’s a very interesting article. And no. 😀

        • cathyx

          I don’t want you to be quiet, the FBI does.

          • MsPythia

            Good morning Cathy. I don’t care what they want.

        • panem et circenses

          Maybe I have a twisted sense of humor, but I find it pretty hilarious that all the warmongering, lying and corruption have zero effect on Clinton’s presidential chances but if she’d just have hacked a little harder and that huge glob of phlegm had come flying out of her mouth, or puked it onto the ground, she’d probably be finished. ‘Merica.

          • RTIII

            Given how much she’s coughing, we can still hope this happens sometime soon!

          • MsPythia

            She spit large chunks of phlegm into that water glass at her big Labor Day Hack-A-Thon speech, and then continued to drink from it. So Nasty!

          • The_Fixer


          • MsPythia
          • panem et circenses

            The best part is realizing that after she coughed she was standing there with it in her mouth in a panic about what to do with it before slyly picking up the glass and spitting it out while pretending to take a drink.

          • MsPythia

            It looked to me like she DID drink from it! And drank from it again!

          • panem et circenses

            I don’t know, she could have been pretending or she could’ve really taken a drink to sell the illusion that that was the purpose of picking up the water. Either way it’s still funny.

          • MsPythia

            It’s Phlegnny. LOL!

          • panem et circenses

            I find the whole thing fascinating. Probably too much so. Like, imagine what would’ve happened if she didn’t have the glass handy or if she swallowed it and ended up puking all over the podium?

          • MsPythia

            Hello — has Madam Secretary ever heard of Kleenex? She’s so fond of enormous pockets, and with that coughing and hacking up phlegm issue of hers you’d think….

          • panem et circenses

            If Trump were smart he’d be all over this. Accusations of sleaziness and corruption don’t make a dent, but a video of Clinton hacking up huge gobs of phlegm played over and over is what American voters really want to see. He could even start calling her the “Mucus Queen” or something.

          • MsPythia

            And it wouldn’t even be off the mark!

          • cathyx

            Oh, i just watched that, that’s gross. But looks like something else, not phlegm. A pill? Gum?

          • panem et circenses

            It’s definitely mucus.

          • MsPythia

            It’s green and comes out in two chunks! Eewwwww!

    • Nevin

      Just below that is an article about Hillary being either dishonest or dumb, no third option.


      • MsPythia

        It’s the truth — and I think she’s both. The Observer has some very good articles.

      • panem et circenses

        Clinton defenders always try to “disprove” the dishonesty while completely ignoring what it says about her if she was just innocently incompetent on so many occasions.

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