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19 Apr

Immigrants Are Good, M’kay? (Open Thread)

Sep 07, 2016
2000 Views 1083

San_Jose_May_Day_01The LA Times today has an excellent OpEd regarding the fact that almost to a one, immigrants don’t commit crime.

This has certainly been my experience. When I first moved into the neighborhood I currently live in, it was filled with immigrants, many of them legal, most not. They hailed in large part from Guatemala and Bolivia,  but there were plenty of Mexican, Chilean and other Latino nations represented.  It was the quietest, most peaceful and friendly neighborhood I’d lived in, in a long time.

Come 2008, and the start of the Great Recession, most of these immigrants left: lack of jobs forced most of them to return home, where possible and the ones remaining had to seek even cheaper accommodations than they found where they were.  Then the Americans, newly down on their luck, moved in. White, Black, Hispanic, it didn’t matter, they brought with them litter, noise and crime, even violent crime.  I miss living with immigrants, quite a bit.

From the article:

Bottom line: We found no evidence supporting the idea that immigrants are especially prone to hide their criminal behavior. Over the seven years of the study, immigrants accurately self-reported their arrests 87% of the time, which is slightly more accurate, though not statistically different, than their native-born (86%) and second-generation (84%) peers. The finding that the foreign-born commit less crime than their U.S.-born peers is not a product of differences in reporting practices across these groups.

Have you had any experience with immigrant communities, what was it like?

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    • Nancy


      • RTIII

        🙂 Note I edited my comment (refresh?) to say, Morning everyone! … Don’t need that “first” business, everyone can see it was first! But I had’ta give Cathy a run for her money! 😉

        • Nancy

          it’s all just a bit of competitive fun as far as I see it!

          • RTIII

            Yes, but she doesn’t see the irony of her position; she was all against my saying, “1000!” here, but is at the same time quick to proudly proclaim “FIRST!” here! I find that kinda funny! 😉

          • Nancy

            I pointed that out to her how similar that whole thing was…I loved the adrenaline rush!

          • cathyx

            Here’s the difference RT. Calling out the first doesn’t take multiple people fighting over it like 1000 did. And it doesn’t take 50+ comments to talk about it before it happens, and then another 200+ comments to discuss it after it happens. And then another 100+ comments to congratulate the winner over.

          • RTIII

            Oh, so you’re impatient! :))

      • Morning Nancy.

        • Nancy

          hey Stephanie!

    • Morning RTIII

      • RTIII


    • MsPythia

      Good Morning RT! 🙂

  • Nancy


    • MsPythia

      Good Morning Nancy! 🙂

      • Nancy

        morning Ms!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          nancyness 🙂

  • 17

    17th !!

    • Nevin

      My you are bold.

    • RTIII

      Nope, that was only 10th! 😛

    • Ann Watson

      I think you must have visited the 19th hole along the way. ; )

  • Okay last post, of phone numbers :^)

    Ok guys,
    I plan on lodging complaints. I have already sent an email to the Secretary of State of North Dakota
    Here is the website and telephone number. I also added the Democracy Now article in my email.
    Here is a number for Energy Transfer Partners LP Dakota access LLC. I plan on phoning them to Lodge a complaint tomorrow, during business hours.
    Edited to add Governors email and telephone number.
    Second edit to add: Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier, phone number

  • SmotPoker

    Fools! Arguing, and vying to be first, when every school child knows that it’s the 15th comment that is prime spot.

    • Morning smotty.

      • MsPythia

        Morning Spiffy! How are you?

        • :^) well, thank you. How is your morning going?

          • MsPythia

            Doing good. Got a bunch of phone calls out of the way early, and have some paper work that I can push off for a bit. 😀 How’s your tooth doing?

          • Sorry MsPy, it’s Stephanie. I haven’t seen Spiffy yet.

          • MsPythia

            Oh jeeze. My bad! Sorry Steph! <3

      • SmotPoker

        Sup Steph?

        • Good, have you moved into your new apartment yet?

          • SmotPoker

            Nah, that happens at the end of the month.

          • Ah. Even though I’ve lived in the same house for the last 22 years.

            With four kids going to college and then moving into homes. I have helped to move and settle them into a place, more times than I care to think about. So I wish you luck :^)

          • SmotPoker

            Yeah I hear you. I’ve moved more times than I can count, but this place is the longest I’ve been in my entire life. Only moving within the complex so it should go rather smooth. (Fingers crossed) I’m due some good luck.

            On the plus side, going through some boxes today in the garage I found some of my missing “tools” for making oils with cannabis, and my beloved Master Tool Kit for doing my dabs. Yay! Don’t having any use for the tubes as I’ve moved past blasting to make the oils, and use strictly low heat, and pressure to make the oils now. Far cleaner, far tastier, far safer to make.

          • That is one of the fun parts of organizing stuff that you have packed away.

            Finding and remembering things that you have done in the past and lost touch with. I always end up asking myself the question, why did I pack it away, and put it off to the side?

          • SmotPoker

            That Master Tool Kit was very important to me. It has all the tools for working, and dabbing with the oils. Using the oils, I can make a gram of cannabis last me a few days rather than one joint.

            Here is a good example of what I’m talking about:


    • But it’s the 23rd that reveals the secrets of the Illuminati/Bildeberg/Jewish/Rothschild Conspiracy! o.O

      • MsPythia

        As I said yesterday, I’d love to know what “penance” Hillary had to perform for Lynn Rothschild:


        • And Unlike this 160th-odd richest person, you’re making a mountain out of a one-word molehill.

          Let me ask you, are one of these people who believe there is a “Secret Cabal of Jewish-Bankers” that runs the world? Because that’s the source of all the nonsense about the Rothchilds and their alleged control of the world: anti-semitic conspiracy propaganda.

          I assume you’re not out to spread anti-Semitic propaganda, right?

          • RTIII


            MsP ponders a very reasonable question and you go on about antisemitism? Bizarre.

          • She’s pretending that Lynn Rothschild, who was appealing for a meeting with Blair is someone holding Hillary Clinton is some sort of mysterious grip, when the opposite is true, if anything. And associating the Rothchilds with power is damn well right an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory as per my link above.

            I don’t think Ms. P is passing on such nonsense knowingly or I’d have banned her and not asked her is she knew that’s what she was doing.

            Your outrage is not warranted.

          • MsPythia

            You’re going to ban me for saying the Rothschilds are part of the banking elite in the world?!

          • Anyone claiming there is a “International Jewish-Banker conspiricy” would be banned, yes, you’re not claiming that, are you?

            I’m pointing out that crap about the Rothchilds having the kind of influence your “what penance” comment is based on is all wrapped up with these “Zionist Occupied Government” conspiracies, whether you realize it or not.

          • MsPythia

            I never said that — and you know it.

          • Then explain why are you so concerned as to keep bringing it, about some exchange between a relative nobody and Hillary, when there’s hundred of more damaging and important conversations in those emails, with the likes of JP Morgan, BofA, etc. There’s no “there there” but you keep bringing this up.

            I’m curious where did you discover the existence of this email? What site or person pointed you to it, and, given their relatively small holding, especially in the US, why do you think it’s so important?

          • MsPythia

            I just gave you the answer to why I thought it was a very interesting email above. I think that Hillary is a suck up when it comes to ALL of the banking elites.

          • SmotPoker

            This is your copy in case you missed the one I sent to UnkaWillbur.

            I’m going to post this to both of you.

            I think it would be wise to take a step back, and breathe. We’re all friends here, and this is starting to get angry.

            We all have our beliefs, and thoughts on what is going on in the world. Our success is linked with our tolerance of views outside of our own personal viewpoint. Let’s not have a repeat of what went down at the site that shall not be named.

            Personally I don’t put enough stock in conspiracy theories to get worked up arguing about it, but I hate to see a thread become contaminated with anger.

          • MsPythia

            I’m not angry at all. I just think that the Rothschilds do hold a lot of power, and that Shillz is the type to always suck up to people she thinks can make her more rich and more powerful.

          • Well, I’ve pointed out, repeatedly, that they do not hold a lot of power, that they’re small-time players, their business don’t even rate a listing among the largest financial institutions, and they have little to no influences, other than having a lot of social connections. And I just pointed out that ideas about them having such influence and pwer originate, squarely, in racist “International Jewish Conspiracy” theories.

            And I’ve provided a lot of factual, unbiased source-links to back my statements up.

          • MsPythia

            No, they do have a lot of power — and connections. And that is what the insane greed of the Clinton’s suck up to.

          • You keep asserting they have power, but I’ve posted numerous links in this thread, showing the opposite. I’m providing facts, you’re just asserting something that’s not accurate. Why?

          • MsPythia

            Right, no power at all. Anyone can throw parties for people at Kensington Palace — but you have to bring your own cups and paper plates! Come on, Unka. The Rothschild’s are part of the super-wealthy global elites and have been forever. In that sphere, who you know is just as important as how much money you have. Just like the Clinton’s suck up to the Rockefeller’s, they suck up to the Rothschild’s.

          • Yes, correct, Anyone Can Throw A Party At Kensington Palace.

            So, you’re completely wrong about that.

          • MsPythia

            Wow — the Royals are really slipping! Whatever. It still doesn’t change the fact that Shillz is a global elite, and hobnobs with them routinely.

          • And what does that have to do with your assertion that Lynn Rothschild, a socialite and not even in the top 250 richest people, has somehow forced Clinton to comply with her wishes, based on her alleged influence, despite a factual lack of such influence, except as a socialite. You’re not posting that email to prove Clinton is part of the social elite, that’s a fact everyone here knows.

            It’s OK to change one’s mind, when the facts changed. I’ve provided you a slew of facts that show your position about that email doesn’t comport with the facts. So….

          • MsPythia

            You’re really trying to make me angry now. It’s bullshit what you’re doing — and moreover you’re wrong. I’m not a person that believes in any conspiracy theories that the Rothschild’s rule the world, but I am a person that recognizes that there is a global elite and that the Clinton’s consider themselves part of that — and they do the bidding of the global banksters and they never met a war they didn’t love, because that’s how they make the 1% richer.

            Now I’m done here. Say whatever the fuck you want to say about me, but you should know that all the people who post here know me well, and they know I’m not the asshole you’re trying so hard to paint me as.

          • I’m not trying to do anything, other than get you to agree with the large number of facts I’ve posted, that point out that insinuations that the Rothschild manipulate global politics is anything but nonsense straight out of anti-Jewish conspiracies.

            given my experience with your distinctly anti-racist attitudes, I’m astounded you wont. I’m not trying to make you angry, you’re doing that to yourself. Period. End of Statement.

          • MsPythia

            This is your blog, and you get to make the rules around here, and all I’ve learned from this exchange is that there are going to be certain topics/people that you consider off limits to discuss. Maybe once you get to know me better, you’ll realize that I’m not the asshole you immediately assumed I am just because I brought up the fact that the Clinton’s and Rothschild’s/Rockefellers are very good friends and that this is something that is reflected in the emails.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Ms, he just said that anyone can throw a party at a palace. I’m getting the glitter cannon ready. Let’s go, party!!! 🙂

          • towerofbabel

            I think it’s fair to say that we need to avoid blanket statements about people especially when it seems to echo some of the antisemitic memes out there. That said, literally everyone here supported Bernie Sanders and now Jill Stein. So, I know there are no antisemitic commenters on this site. Let’s ALL take a deep breath and remember who we are and why we are here. I’m still trying to get my Bernie loving, Jewish wife to support Jill Stein! So there’s that.

          • I’m sorry as hell that I’m somehow not allowed to point out facts without having people jump me, because those facts disagree with something someone posted.

          • panem et circenses

            Honestly, if I pointed out every conspiracy or right wing bullshit meme I run into it’d be a full time job, so I mostly just let it go. Unka has a point that singling out the Rothschilds is rooted in antisemitic conspiracy theories, particularly when the point seems to be “look, Rothschild, ah ha!” like you’ve just sealed that Hillary Clinton is a lizard person. People start to realize things about the world are different than what they’ve come to believe they often end up falling into traps as they search for answers, because those that “have the answers” are usually far right racist assholes coming up with alternative theories to the truth they don’t want to face.

            The truth is that not-so-new world order is capitalism. You can’t vote it away or cut off certain “elite” heads and fix it, and you can’t reform it. It’s a monster with no soul that simply devours everything in its path.

          • Thank you for your reasonable post and honest words.

          • panem et circenses

            Well, I do more than just post memes and pray for an asteroid to hit the Earth.

          • towerofbabel

            Agreed. I don’t think Ms. was intending to be anti-Semitic but lets keep our eyes on the ball–the neoliberal capitalist religion.

          • panem et circenses

            I don’t either. I don’t think she has a racist bone in her body. That wasn’t really the point, as far as I saw it, but its hard to have disagreements on the internet without getting defensive or seeming accusatory.

          • MsPythia

            Agreed. But it also seems ridiculous to try to deny that the Rothschild’s are part of that sphere of elite heads of capitalism, simply because far right racist assholes have made up bizarre outsized-power conspiracy theories about them.

          • panem et circenses

            They were once the capitalist class, but now they’re basically just upper bourgeoisie chasing lost glory, like the British royalty. They don’t have nearly as much influence now as the bankers and CEOs of the largest corporations.

          • MsPythia

            Here’s a photo of the Clinton’s with the Rothchild’s when they threw Hillary a party at Kensington Palace after the launch of her book ‘Living History’:

          • So, they threw a party. That’s proof not of their power, but of their attempts to curry influence. (unsuccessful, seeing as How Hillary blew this woman off, according to the email chain.)

            If they had actual power, Clinton would be waiting on their wishes hand and foot, not blowing them off with an “I’ll try” and some weasel-wording about “penance”

          • .Again, I’m not angry, all I’m doing, with links to non-biased sources, is pointing out the mistaken idea that the Rothschild family have some outsized influence in world politics, and following on to state that any emphasis on them is unwarranted and an intellectual and practical a cul-de-sac.

          • I didn’t ask why you thought it was interesting, I was curious as to know where you learned about the email .

          • MsPythia

            I saw a link to it on The Political Revolution (formerly Bernie for President) subreddit. The person who posted it was talking about how Shillz is such a hobnobber with the elites.

          • Then, you should read my links, and see why that person’s misconceptions about the power and influence of the Rothchilds are wrong, and why such misconceptions have racist origins. And I say you should look this up because I’m surprised you would keep posting it, as I’ve never seen a drop of racism in you, but that’s where these ideas about the Rothschild families influence come from.

          • MsPythia

            Okay, I’m done. To say that the Rothschilds aren’t elites seems ridiculous to me. To me they definitely are.

          • SmotPoker

            I’m going to post this to both of you.

            I think it would be wise to take a step back, and breathe. We’re all friends here, and this is starting to get angry.

            We all have our beliefs, and thoughts on what is going on in the world. Our success is linked with our tolerance of views outside of our own personal viewpoint. Let’s not have a repeat of what went down at the site that shall not be named.

            Personally I don’t put enough stock in conspiracy theories to get worked up arguing about it, but I hate to see a thread become contaminated with anger.

          • I’m not angry, I’m just pointing out the original sources of the ideas about the Rothchild family being some global puppeteers, with influence reckoned far out of proportion to that they actually wield.

            Whether someone chooses to look again at why they believe these things or not is up to them, I’m just point out that the idea originated with racists.

          • SmotPoker

            Good to hear. Life is too short.

          • RTIII

            Unka has shades of Ricki… I think it’s ugly when he gets like this. MsP didn’t do a damned thing wrong and HE starts talking about banning and how she’s wrong and he knows better and … it’s as if he’s trying to tell her what to think. … Very unbecoming.

          • Wow. What a dick. I dont’ have shades of shit and your assertion is offense, asshole.

          • 17

            Shit. Am I gonna hafta moderate, or can we get Garza on the line?

          • No need for moderation, let RT show what a baseless asshole he is. If he can’t handle people disagreeing with contrafactual posts is his problem, not mine.

            I don’t silence opinions disagreeing with mine, I just either provide links that they’re wrong, or change my opinion.

          • Your nonsense assertions, and attempt to sling mud by calling me the name of the person you fell into a toxic relationship with is what’s unbecoming. You should step back and think about why you need to attack me, merely for pointing out facts, and defending those facts, that invalidate something someone else posted.

          • dayanmao

            So now you’re going to ban people? Wow, being provably wrong and insulting in my case, and then to continually go on to insult other posters. Those who’ve come to this site as a haven from CTR type sites. Amazing.

            I’ve watched for the past few weeks and have seen how you’ve handled yourself, and it’s not good. While I’m at it, before you were banned from TBR, you were not the innocent victim, you posted you were starting your own site and when Ricki went batshit you totally backed down and wrote you were offering your services to them – which you weren’t. Then you were banned immediately. So I gave you support because there’s nothing wrong with starting a site.

            I’ve been wondering how long it would take for this site to implode because of the way you respond to posters. It may be a while yet. Posters back down for whatever reason, but keep pushing it, and they’ll leave voluntarily.

          • I’ll ban outright racists, not “people” in general. Ms. P is not in any danger of a ban, no regular here is. I’ve never known Ms. P to be a racist. So, that’s why I’m confused an her insistence on not abandoning the idea that the Rothschilds have any outsized influence in global policy, when the facts say they don’t and only old, hackneyed anti-Jewish conspiracy say so.

          • RTIII

            Thank you for this comment I’m replying to.

            I pointed out he was being too rough – and thought police! – with MsP and he starts calling me names… more than once!

            He really needs a mirror! Thank you for doing your part to help provide one.

            …BTW, we should have more connections with each other than just at places like this. You can email me at Demo @ CAforJill.org


          • dayanmao

            Thanks. I often wish we still had the private message option.

          • kreskin

            Your fucking ego / lack off respect is making this site unbearable . Go ahead and ban me , I don’t REALLY care .

          • Why are you trying to start a fight, I haven’t banned or threatened to ban anyone here.. Sorry you have an issue with the fact that I disagreed with something posted here.

          • kreskin

            The first sentence , try it again .

          • I pointed out facts, and defended them, then I responded to people outraged over pointing out facts. Simple and plain. Other people asked about banning, I pointed out that I would ban racists. You think I shouldn’t ban racist posters? I also pointed out no one here had ever given me a reason to ban them.

            Even these assholeish attacks on me, on your and RT’s parts isn’t reason for banning, just a reason for me to be sad.

          • kreskin

            These assholeish attacks on me ? Thanks for proving my point . Your over blown ego and the way you disrespect people , that’s what I was talking about . You need to keep it in check . This is not an attack , assholeish or otherwise , it’s something that needed to be pointed out / said .

          • RTIII

            Thanks, kreskin. …I’ve pointed it out already, but he refuses to look in the mirror. He’s misattributing the issues we’re taking – namely, lack of respect. Last week he pissed of not less than six of us specifically because he took issue for what we think or believe and thought it his duty to correct our thinking…

            Anyway, thanks again for posting. I encourage you to email me at demo at CAforJill.org


          • RTIII

            I think your instant rush to go to antisemitism and conspiracy theory is downright bizarre and your attitude and comment about banning is unbecoming of an intelligent person. It’s apparent you’ve got a screw loose. How about you just let others chat if they want, no thought police is needed here.

          • It’s not instant, it’s experience of 30 years with conspiracy theories and theorists. And I’ve provided plenty of links showing that associating the Rothschild family with some sort of global puppeteering is sourced directly out of racist anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. I’ve just, repeatedly pointed that out.

          • MsPythia

            Sorry, but the Rothschilds are part of the banking elite. As for anti-Semitic? I’m married to a Jewish man!

          • SmotPoker

            The Rothschilds ARE the banking elite. I don’t have an ounce of hate for Jewish people in my body. Their government, the Apartheid system, along with the land thievery however, is another matter….

          • MsPythia

            I feel the same — and so does my husband.

          • SmotPoker

            Don’t know if I can trust you now though, you’ve deceived us all with your name of MsPythia rather than acknowledging it’s a MrsPythia….rofl…

          • MsPythia

            No, one can be a Mrs. and still be a Ms. 🙂

          • Nevin

            But are you a lady?

          • MsPythia

            When I want to be! 😉

          • RTIII

            I hope she’s not! >:)

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Damn… now i have to do it. Song moment.

            They want a lady in the street, but a freak in the bed. – Yeah sung by Usher.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 lol

          • The Rothchilds are mostly small-time investment players. They certainly don’t hold the kind of influence given to them by the endless International Jewish conspiracy theories.

          • towerofbabel

            But they own a beautiful office building by OMA in London’s Financial District. They’ve got good taste.

          • Then you should damn well know they’re not “elite” anything, other than being mildly rich: that, right there is nonsense generated out of the aforementioned anti-Semitic conspiracies.

            Read the link, and many more like it if you don’t want to believe me.

          • MsPythia

            No, they are elite. They are powerful people, just as all of the banking elite are.

          • MsPythia

            Btw, what I found interesting about that email is how Hillz is toadying up and groveling. In so many of her other emails she gives people only a line or two, but when it comes to the banksters, she’s all cozy and nothing but graciousness.

          • It came off, to me, as a very typical business blow-off, not toadying. This Rothschild woman wanted a meeting with Blair, and didn’t get it, Clinton gave her a glad-hand and blew her off. A complete non-issue, but you keep posting it.

          • MsPythia

            There are other emails in this regard that people are talking about — and what you’re saying is that it’s off limits to discuss them?

            We Searched Hillary’s Emails & Her Relationship With Rothschild/Rockefeller is Now on Full Display


          • Nothing’s off limits, but don’t keep getting bent out of shape when people raise objections to posting stuff sourced in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. [shrug]

          • MsPythia

            I’m not a goddamned anti-Semite, or a conspiracy theorist — these are Hillary Clinton’s emails and they show her super wealthy global connections to the elites, and who she chooses to call her friends and do favors for — and that’s newsworthy since she is being installed as the president of America Inc.

          • No one said you’re an anti-Semite, just that the idea that the Rothschild family has some sort of global influence comes out of Anti-Semitic conspiracies. You can see the difference, right?

            You’re getting awfully angry that I’ve criticized a piece of information, while going out of my way not to imply you don’t hold the same views as those sources.

    • MsPythia

      I’m an Oracle — I consider all comments worthy!

      • SmotPoker

        Burn the witch!

        • MsPythia

          We are not amused Smotty.

        • No, none of that.

      • Morning Delphi, I’ve always wanted to call you that :^)

        • MsPythia

          🙂 I like it!


    I was following up on a link someone posted this AM (on the previous thread), and on the side-bar I read that Raquel Welch is turning 76. . . Normally I’d never notice because I don’t pay any attention to the personal lives of people I’ll never meet, so I stay out of places that advertise that kind of thing. … But I have met Raquel!

    I had always wondered how it was my grandfather had managed to have met so many famous and important people and how he managed to get them to his home! He had a wall of what today we’d call “selfies” – images of him with various famous people at all kinds of interesting locations, including his home… He had pictures of himself with around 30 famous people – some I remember include John F. Kennedy – and Jackie – Ike, Churchill, Errol Flynn, Bogart, Bacall, and a wall full of others. …And so it was during the summer I was six and she was 29, Raquel Welch came to dinner with her friend (and fellow actress) Debbie Dalton. Unfortunately, I’d had a long day of hard playing behind me and didn’t stay up for conversation…

    And now, thanks to this article, I have at least something of a clue:


    From that, we learn that she called Dallas home at one point, and my family has ties to Dallas, and this place we met was at my grandfather’s house in Monroe, LA – a bit of a drive, but not as if it’s coming from Los Angeles or some such…

    I was also lucky enough to meet General Claire Chennault at my grandfather’s place, too – he was the founder of “The Flying Tigers” squadron.

    All I have is speculation, but it’s notable that my grandfather was half-owner of a savings and loan that survived the great depression by, according to family lore, extending the mortgages of people who couldn’t pay in full – so long as they paid something – and not foreclosing… After the war, they opened a sporting goods chain and the family was somewhat famous – famous enough that one of his sons, an uncle, became mayor of Monroe…

    • MsPythia

      Cool. I used to be a front desk receptionist at the Nassau Inn in Princeton NJ right across the street from the university — my brushes with the famous include instructing Brooke Shields and Chaka Khan to the bar downstairs, and checking in Walter Cronkite! 🙂

      • RTIII

        I think those were more meaningful “brushes” than what I had! :-))

        • MsPythia

          I don’t know — I was after all just a peon to them at the front desk. 🙂

    • The_Fixer

      I fixed a Hammond Organ for Phil Vassar’s keyboard player, and met him and the band. I also fixed an amp for Slash when he was in town with Velvet Revolver.

      Other than that, I have precious few connections to famous people, nor they to me 🙂

    • SmotPoker

      I’ve had a few run ins with famous.

      I sat in on drums for a short set with The Guess Who at a bar back in the 80’s.
      I’ve sat down, had pizza, and a good discussion with Jeff Daniels in my hometown. He’s a native of the area.
      I’ve stayed in the same hotel as Def Leppard, had a few drinks with them, got some pics for my kid brother along with autographs.
      I’ve chatted with Tommy Chong, and his wife after a show.
      I’ve met, and talked with Steve Mariucci after his bodyguards at Ford Field damn near knocked me down after a back surgery I had when they first opened Ford Field.
      I’ve also bumped in Melissa Gilbert from Little House On The Prairie fame a couple of times after she moved to my hometown.
      I also had a good chat with some survivors of Wake Island during WWII at a book signing. Those men were truly brave, and certainly hero’s in my book.

      • Dosido3

        IIRC, Unka knows a member of The Tubes (“Don’t Touch Me There…”)

        • I do, a couple celebrities, actually, but I’ll forgo a list, at this moment.

          • SmotPoker

            I left out my girlfriend Morgan Fairchild because I didn’t want to start name dropping or anything….

          • Well, yeah, me too:I didn’t want to talk about the children Stevie Nicks and I had in our secret, multi-year love affair! 😉 😛

  • SmotPoker

    Trump Spokesgoblin/Shoplifter Katrina Pierson reaches a new low claiming that The Dallas Morning News is a “liberal” paper, never mind them not having endorsed anything other than a conservative Republican since before WWII.

    Yeah, it’s all been a decades long plot to conceal themselves until just the right moment arrived to uncloak, and reveal their treachery….

    Has the whole world lost it’s fucking mind? Who would believe such utter tripe?

    • MsPythia

      Well, this country has definitely lost it’s fucking mind! No doubt in my mind over that!

      • SmotPoker

        If it were a living being it would be in a coma inside the ICU….

  • SmotPoker

    Oh this is too funny. 72 year old man goes to dentist with his firearms, hilarity ensues….


    • Typical stupidity of someone who shouldn’t own firearms. I’m not sure someone 72 should own them, in any case. Not without yearly checkups and licensing approval, anyways.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        😛 I’d argue that should be the case for anyone, no matter their age.

        • I would disagree, strongly, but that’s OK, we can disagree on this point.

          • RTIII

            Ah, ageist, we see.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I’d explain my reasoning,but i guess agreeing to disagree works.

          • I’d likely disagree with your reasoning, and provide evidence to the contrary, but I;m betting that wouldn’t change your mind, so, disagreement is best.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Probably not.

          • Seeing as how my opinion doesn’t sit comfortably in the two dogmas promulgated by the American ruling-class parties, to advance their own electoral concerns, and not to address any of the issues surrounding firearm ownership, that’s a certainty. 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol i see.

          • RTIII

            “we can disagree on this point.”

            can’t we disagree on ANY point?

            Gawd you should listen to yourself some time. You sound very authoritarian.

          • Still trying to pick a fight? Ain’t gonna work, buddy.

        • Afternoon Spiffy :^) hope your day is going well.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 it is.

          • Good <3

          • SpiffyTheValiant


        • panem et circenses

          And I’d argue that you’re part of a conspiracy to take my guns so you can come back later, and probably take other stuff or something.

  • Annaleigh

    Most of my community are immigrants. And when I was 11 years old and my Dad was dying of cancer, the trailer park suffered a bad gas leak affecting the whole trailer park. We had no heat from gas and limited heat from electricity for the better part of the month. The Red Cross came out to us for crissakes. The hospital sent my Dad home even though Mom tried telling them it was fucking freezing in our trailer and it could be bad if they sent him home. That meant there was no place for me in our trailer because Dad needed all the heat. I spent the month with the undocumented family next door and they looked after me. The bond is still there 20+ years later and I was more than honored to write the Mexican Consulate to ask they be allowed to return here to stay.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      o.o That’s rare, an on topic post. <3 such a touching story.

      • It’s always lovely, for me, to see a Open Thread’s top-line subject addressed, by it’s never any kind of requirement., since it’s an open thread. 🙂

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • MsPythia

      <3 That's lovely.

    • That really is a touching story thank you for sharing it. <3

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Hey, stephanie 🙂

    • That’s echos my experiences, though your circumstances were more dire than yours. My immigrant neighbors were always most generous and caring for their neighbors, and certainly prompted my family to respond in kind.

      I think immigrant communities are more than an economic good or a neutral influence, I think they enhance our communities’ moral fiber!

  • SmotPoker

    Strain – Deadhead OG
    Sample Size – .08g

    Very aromatic, pungent smell to it. You aren’t hiding this in a baggie. Tupperware might not even be good enough to mask that smell. I’m doing the taste test using Bee Lasso hemp twine as my flame. I love using the Bee Lasso because it eliminates the gas taste from using a lighter. I’m getting nothing but the good stuff, no outside petrochemicals. Bee Lasso doesn’t interfere with the taste of the buds. I’m using a freshly cleaned roller style pipe.

    Taste – Earthy with a bit of a citrus taste to me. Absolutely divine. There is another taste in there that I can’t quite put my finger on, but no matter, it’s still delicious.

    Effect – I’m feeling it as I write this review. The buzz starts before you are done exhaling your first hit. A nice, burst of creative energy, but I know from previous indulgences with this strain it will be followed up with a pretty good body buzz, and bring me down to earth gently, with a ravenous appetite (a plus for me), and a bit of couch lock, but nothing that can’t be overcome. My mouth of course is dry, but if you don’t get cotton mouth from smoking cannabis I suspect you aren’t smoking anything worth smoking.

    Feeling good on the .08g, but I know I’ll load up some more, because that’s just how I roll…..

    • Nancy

      *hopes for a contact high*

      • SmotPoker

        I blow a hit through the USB port for you kiddo….

        • Nancy

          thanks! 😉

          • SmotPoker

            How cool would that tech be….

          • Nancy

            if only!!!

          • Ann Watson

            Careful what you wish for, you might get a blast of something not quite so fragrant. ; )

      • Ann Watson

        Hi, Nancy.
        I see Ilyas was in.
        Just as a matter of interest, he was on RS advocating for your reinstatement, amongst others.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          ann 🙂

        • MsPythia

          Hi Ann! Yes, Ilyas and I had a nice chat here the other evening. It was good to see him!

          • Ann Watson

            He is someone I’ve chatted with quite a bit, I’m not in that much and I do tend to flit about, but now and then I try to catch up with people I’m familiar with. I saw him and a few others calling on RS to give an amnesty for people who’ve been banned.

          • MsPythia

            It’s nice that he’s doing that — but I’m not sure most of us would want to go back there after the way we were treated there… And besides, RS has really gone downhill over the past few years — not too many articles worth visiting the place for at this point.

          • Ann Watson

            That unfortunately is true. I miss the good old days when we could all get together there and have some fun, it was what first got me involved in posting, meeting everyone. I’ve hoped all along that we could all get back together again someday but as time wears on, people seem to grow further apart.

          • MsPythia

            It’s a shame what happened — I think it would have been fine if Roxanne and her mods hadn’t been so biased toward Hillary and had allowed people who supported Bernie to stay there — by letting in so many of Brock’s paid trolls who were allowed to personally attack and insult whoever they wanted to they destroyed a community of people that had developed over many years. What can you do? Whoever owns the blog makes those choices.

          • Ann Watson

            It is a shame, handled more sympathetically it need not have happened. People at RS were used to a fairly relaxed interpretation of the TOS, then when the election process began it seems they became more rigorous in enforcing the rules. There is no problem with that per se it is what many other sites have done all along, the problem was that there was little or no warning of the change in tolerance, and many people were caught out by the change without much warning and were banned in consequence.

            I have since learned that some general warnings were given on some threads at that time, but they were so vague and intermittent that few were aware of them or what they meant, since then they have been more explicit in giving examples of what is or is not acceptable, too late for those who were banned, and that is one reason that some of us were still hoping for all those caught out, unfairly in our view, to be given another chance en masse.

          • smkngman3

            I think you are to easy with your evaluation.

            The RS mods also work at AN. Many were banned there and/or had their posts deleted without having violated any tos there simply because???

          • panem et circenses

            I’m surprised anyone still posts over at RS. It must be boring as fuck with everyone just agreeing with the latest bullshit Clinton campaign talking points. I’d eat a bullet.

          • lindajoyous

            I quit posting there after Spiffy, Nancy and Rt got banned there, Lost all interest in that place!

          • Ann Watson

            I know those sites are twinned, which further limits people’s options of where they can go if they are banned from one. I do know from previous experience that they used to maintain at least some pretext of disconnect whereby if someone was banned on one it did not automatically follow they would be banned on the other, but now I think there is a greater risk if someone is banned on one they may well be banned on the other for little apparent reason. The TOS is applied according to the interpretation of the site’s owners, it is entirely at their discretion, if they choose to they can ban anyone according to their own whims, if you read the TOS it is a catchall to let the site decide who and what they allow.

          • lindajoyous

            Hi smokey!

          • smkngman3

            Hi Linda.

          • MsPythia

            The way many of us experienced it, the changes to the TOS only ended up being very strictly applied to Bernie’s supporters, while the paid Hillary trolls (who often had brand new Disqus accounts and a handful of comments) were allowed to extremely and viciously break the TOS at will. So for instance these people could call you every nasty name in the book, but if you came back with a response that had even a single insult, or sometimes even defended someone else who was being abused in that instance, you’d be immediately banned. As I said, the bias was so clear, and grew worse over time. I watched while longtime commenters disappeared one by one, and knew I was walking on eggshells when I commented there, and knew to expect that I would also soon be banned, which I was. And as Smokey points out in his comment, once I was banned at RS, I was banned from Alternet a few days later. By banning so many long time commenters, the message was being sent that RS and Alternet are blogs expressly for Hillary-supporting loyal Democrats only.

          • MsPythia

            Oh, and it turns out the exact same thing was happening over at Crooks & Liars as well.

          • Edwin

            That’s exactly what happened at C&L.

            I think that’s why Amato put Karoli in charge. She is a major obedient DNC/Clinton koolaid drinker, she got the Brock seal of approval (and attended the Brock paid troll army training course) and she’s a c#n’t say that word.

          • Ann Watson

            I didn’t see what happened with everyone, I just realised that more and more people were gone. I did see a few that were ‘disappeared’ just prior to their banishment and it seemed to me that being axed out of the blue without any warning or explanation was rather contrary to how such matters were dealt with in the past, particularly with long established regulars, I didn’t know why there was suddenly zero tolerance, but maybe certain ‘attitudes’ were no longer acceptable to those particular establishments, I don’t know, but I’ve heard from several people that they think as you do about the reasons behind such a move.

          • panem et circenses

            They had a similar policy, they just used to do it exclusively to people with right wing opinions that didn’t match their own, even if they weren’t rude in their disagreements. When they decided to fully hitch onto the Clinton train, anyone too far to the left who didn’t hop on board with them became the “trolls”, just like the people who didn’t agree before that. It just happened that it came to included the majority of older posters to the site.

          • Ann Watson

            I think you may be correct in your assessment of what’s happened, there does seem to have been a sea change in who is identified as a ‘troll’ by the management which now includes many who have posted there for years without any real problems.
            The now more restricting policy has curtailed much of the accustomed free flow of discourse and its original diversity of contributors, making the site less attractive generally and scattering displaced people far and wide in search of new places to comment.
            I’m glad to see that some people have found a new home here where they feel welcome and safe and can enjoy the company of like-minded friends again.

          • panem et circenses

            Oh, nobody’s like-minded with me, though they should be. 😉

            I’ve actually never been banned from anywhere either. I just left because it’s boring seeing people posting opinion after opinion with rarely an argument or even a link to back it up, and then attacking anyone who actually does post anything of value. By kicking out people who actually research their opinions those sites just became a vapid circlejerk.

          • Ann Watson

            I agree!
            Now what are you going to do? ; )

          • panem et circenses

            I don’t know, drink more I guess. L’chaim.

          • Ann Watson

            I’ll second that!
            It’s been nice talking with you, I hope to do so again some time.
            Cheers! ; )

          • RTIII

            You nailed it, Ann…. We’re just gonna build a NEW community…

          • Ann Watson

            You already have from what I can see.
            It’s early days I know but there seems to be a good sense of camaraderie, and a wide range of topics introduced on each thread to provide something of interest for everyone to comment on, including me.
            Good luck to you all. ; )

          • RTIII

            Here? No, we’ve yet to really build the community – this is a temporary landing spot, methinks.

            For more on that, get an opinion on this from: Cathy, Nancy, MsPythia, Spiffy, kreskin, smokey, dayanmao, and even 17 – maybe ask about “the Burka incident.” And maybe ask 17 why he asked the blog-owner if he was going to have to use his mod powers against the blog-owner!

            A real community needs leadership that’s not thin-skinned and who doesn’t alienate people because their ideas are different. It starts with a solid Terms Of Service that’s truly progressive and that’s adhered to and isn’t arbitrary and isn’t based on beliefs – as in, believe what I believe or I’ll make you uncomfortable while telling you I’m not going to ban you over it…

            We’re building something solid, as a team. Feel free to email me: demo at CAforJill.org

          • Ann Watson

            Well that’s interesting.
            At least you have a good idea by now of what not to do.
            I hope it all works out and you’re all happy wherever you end up.
            All the best to you and perhaps I’ll catch up with you all when you’re settled, I’ll make a note of your contact address for future reference.
            Take care, and I look forward to seeing how things shape up. ; )

          • Dude, you’re the only thin-skinned one I see here.

          • RTIII

            We’ll build a replacement that won’t do that to ANY community!

        • Nancy

          that’s sweet of him…it was good to see him. clearly he is on a different political wavelength than most of us here, but it’s always nice to see an old friend.
          speaking of that…how’s things?

          • Ann Watson

            All good here thank you, how are you?
            It is sad to see so much acrimony between people who have different political views, this election may go down in history as one of the most divisive ever.
            Hence the old adage about not discussing politics or religion with friends I suppose, nothing is more calculated to split people apart than those two conundrums.

          • Nancy

            nice to hear Ann.
            I know what you mean. I am not too invested in many people and pretty much live and let live. I am very tired of being told I am an asshole etc. for who I support. that attitude alone finishes any “friendship” I have with people online. seriously-it’s the internet.

          • Ann Watson

            I think of it as the Trump effect, anything goes, just like in a ‘Reality TV’ show, except that in this reality it is real people who are getting hurt not participants in a TV show, although I think that some cannot tell the difference.

          • Nancy

            I wonder how all of this is going to end up… time will tell but I think that there are many people that will never resume friendships.

          • Ann Watson

            I hope when it’s all over and the fever subsides that some at least will be amenable to rebuilding relationships with those they once regarded as friends, and let bygones be bygones. Ever the optimist, me. ; )

    • [shakes fist in jealous rage] LOL. 😉

    • Shohanna

      You scare me! You make me want to try it. *smdh* I bet it would help my HBP. /nod if I don’t die of a seizure first. LOL

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        sho 🙂

        • Shohanna

          Hey spiffy! I had to reload windows, it finally crapped so bad I couldn’t continue to do what I was doing. /sigh I lost a few things here and there but nothing serious. I keep all my good stuff on another drive entirely. Though I should back up my pictures more often. LOL

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol indeed. though your avatar is kinda the only one you need.

          • Shohanna

            Everyone loves this one?! What is it about this one that is so popular?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            🙂 It is just so much awesome.

          • For me, in order:

            The cat’s face.
            The devil-may-care flipping of the hair
            The silly juxtaposition of the advertising slogan.

            /Yes, I took several media-criticism courses, during and after college. LOL.

          • Shohanna

            haha Well thank you Unka, I appreciate it. 😀

      • Sho is in the house! Good to see you :^)

        • Shohanna

          Good to see you as well! I have to get back to setting up this machine. I feel unprotected for some reason. LOL

        • Shohanna

          Good to see you as well Steph, how you doing? <3

      • Nancy

        afternoon Sho!

        • Shohanna

          Hey Nancy! How is you?! *hug*

          • Nancy

            thanks for the hug-back at ya!

          • lindajoyous

            Good morning Shohanne, good to see you! 🙂

          • Shohanna

            Afternoon to you Linda! *hugs* good to see you as well. 😀

          • lindajoyous

            *Hugs* back to you my dear! 🙂

  • Dosido3

    Petra Lazlo, the Hungarian camera woman who tripped Syrian refugees fleeing police, is charged with misconduct. She’s going to sue the man she tripped after she’s done with her court matters. She claims she did it out of fear but I notice no other photographers tripping anyone.

    • That kind of bullshit should be thrown out of court, post haste. She is just a plain old racists and doesn’t have a moral foot to stand on.

      • Dosido3

        Frankly, I think she *should* have been charged with a hate crime…what a jerk! I first read this news at AOL (I know, sorry). The comments there were awful! Calling our fellow human beings “scum” and worse because they have the misfortune of living in a war zone.

        • Agreed, she should already be in jail, IMO.

        • Sad, I hate that we can be so vile.

          • Dosido3

            It’s really bad…The lady with the dog attacking the Protectors of the Dakota land is such a creature. Where is our sense of humanity? Where did it go? did we ever have it? is it the same as it ever was?

          • I’ve either been a party to or witness of such beauty and such horror, that defines humanity and nature. I’m not even sure that with the whole Collective knowledge and experience of humanity that we would be able to figure those questions out. The closest that I have come is to acknowledge that we are both, evil and good.

            My personal solution to that is to commit to the idea that I will try my absolute hardest to leave the world better than when I entered it.

          • lindajoyous

            Morning Stephanie, good to see you! 🙂

          • Morning dear :^)

          • lindajoyous


          • Dosido3

            thanks for the encouragement! 🙂

    • panem et circenses

      Fascist bag of shit. I guess she was terrified of the child she went out of her way to trip too.

      • Dosido3

        of course she should not have any consequences for treating people she doesn’t like in this manner. Because.

  • Dosido3

    trying to post on a thread downstream. Anyway…I love you all here. Sometimes we disagree or take issue with a source. I think that kind of challenge of each other should be allowed without getting up in each other’s grill. I think we are savvy enough to want to judge our sources of information or have others explain that it might be bullshit. I think it’s important to have veracity and facts on our side, especially when there is so much bullshit opinion to be had.
    For instance, I view Hillary very unfavorably. Others view her unfavorably as well. But why? Well, I don’t like her because she is very inconsistent about which policies she supports. I can find her own words to call out her bullshit. Others don’t like her because ZOMG Benghazi! Now, some people choose to dislike her for made up reasons because they actually support some of her nefarious dealings if it was conducted by one of their own. It’s these nuances we should be able to discuss and toss around without recrimination. We should also allow each other their opinions and then let it go. We will not always be able to persuade people of our rightness, but say it once or twice and be done.
    I just wanted to say that.

    • MsPythia

      I agree. Thanks Dosi! <3

      • Dosido3

        I saw a pretty thought provoking Ted Talk by a woman who studies being wrong. It was interesting. It isn’t being wrong that is so bad. Because we don’t really know. It’s realizing we could be wrong that is pretty debilitating and embarrassing. But there are good reasons to discover when we are wrong…brb with the link.


        • I’ve tried, for decades now, to fully cultivate joy at being wrong. Because it means I”m on my way to being right! It’s a lifelong struggle, as I’m working against basic human genetic programming, but I trying Vincent, I’m trying.

          • Dosido3

            It’s hard for me to practice when I’m wrong only maybe twice a year! 😛

          • 😛

  • SpiffyTheValiant

    Today is a very special day. It is our Nancyness’s birthday 🙂

    • Dosido3

      Ahh! Happy Birthday, Nancy! Yay!!!

      • Nancy

        thanks…60 today!
        I was just telling Spiffy that the end of a decade is very interesting. no more saying “50” is going to be very different.

        • Nevin

          Strangely it was my 55th b’day that bothered me. 60 was a breeze.

          • Nancy

            wow…it’s funny how we all see it differently…happy to hear that.
            it’s just going to be so odd to say “60’s” now.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            say it with me, 60 is the new 40.

          • Nancy

            what Spiffy said!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • lindajoyous

            In 10 more years I’ll be 3/4 or century lol!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            wow <3

          • lindajoyous

            Yep I’m getting up there! 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            you’ll always be sexy-three to me lol.

          • lindajoyous

            You put big smiles on my face spiffy! 🙂

          • Dosido3

            I’m right behind you, Nancy…my big brother is “in his sixties” now. weird. I’m thinking of going back to school and I was sitting in a room of 20 somethings. And one other person over 40…we immediately gravitated to each other, lol.

          • Nancy

            yes, I don’t feel old…I am actually good with aging-the number is throwing me off!
            that would be difficult to do for me. I love my daughter and her 20 something friends but not on a daily basis in a school setting.

          • Dosido3

            maybe this is more appropriate? I love melodrama!


          • Nancy

            love love love this! thanks!

          • Dosido3

            LOL! I’m so glad! 😀

          • MsPythia

            The year before I turned 40 I told anyone who asked me my age that I was 40, so when the day came it didn’t seem like such a big deal — and it didn’t!

          • lindajoyous

            Morning MsPythia! 🙂

          • MsPythia

            Good morning Linda Joy! Lovely to see you. 🙂

          • lindajoyous

            Good to see you too! I have a painter painting my living room! 🙂

          • MsPythia

            A painting of a painter? Reminds me of Stephen Colbert’s painting:


          • lindajoyous

            Lol! 🙂

          • Shohanna

            I cried. My husband had walked out. My brother died, and I was taking care of his son. My parents didn’t remember. My kids did. And my Dad ended up giving me a huge bday present because they were grieving. I didn’t blame them, I was not angry, I wasn’t even upset at them.

            I cried b/c it was the first bday without my brother. I was also angry at him too and I still feel guilty over it. (Still angry 5yrs later!) Suicide is so fucking selfish and don’t get me started..

            If I had one more crisis that hit in that month, I am not sure I would be sane. I am just glad I made it through that time. 45 came and went without even a notice. (Oki you can’t avoid kids, they remember, they love you and throw parties you don’t want. lol I won’t tell them no, cause they love me.)

          • Edwin

            That’s a lot of stuff to happen. 🙁

            Hope it is behind you now.

          • Shohanna

            Thank you Edwin, it is. I am much better now. 😀

          • panem et circenses

            I’m so sorry. I also lost my brother to suicide, and I haven’t even fully faced up to it, let alone recovered what there was of my sanity.

          • MsPythia

            I’m so sorry Sho. What a terrible bunch of things to deal with at once! How was 50? Or are you not there yet?

          • Shohanna

            Lmao! I just turned 45. 😀 Got a ways to go yet.

          • lindajoyous

            Morning Nevin!

          • Nevin

            Hi Linda. How is your day going?

          • lindajoyous

            It’s going great thank you! How is your day going Nevin?

          • Nevin

            Fine, thank you. Overcast day with a little bit of rain. We get so few of them I really enjoy it.

          • lindajoyous

            Our weather here is already down in the 60’s and 70’s! You’re very welcomed!

          • panem et circenses

            Being born was the worst for me.

        • lindajoyous

          Happy Birthday Nancy, I have 5 years on you mine is Nov 6th then I’ll be sexty five! 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            hey linda 🙂

          • lindajoyous

            Hi spiffy how are you? 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            good. you?

          • lindajoyous

            Good, the living room is turning out nice with new paint! 🙂

          • Nancy

            what colour is it now?

          • lindajoyous

            Mint Parfait! Looking good at least I think!

          • Nancy

            sounds fresh and clean! nice…

          • lindajoyous

            Yes it is, my dad had a guy paint it in 2012 and he didn’t paint the color I wanted. Then in a few days I get the new couch and loveseat!

          • Nancy

            it will be so lovely to have just what you want!

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you birthday girl! 🙂

          • Nancy

            thanks Linda!
            so nice to see you during the day…hope you are enjoying it!

          • lindajoyous

            You’re very welcome, yes it is good, right now I have a painter painting my living room! Good to see you! 🙂

      • SpiffyTheValiant


    • MsPythia
      • Nancy

        awe-that is so beautiful! thank you Ms.!!!

        • MsPythia

          You’re most welcome dearie!

          • Nancy


          • MsPythia

            <3 😀

    • Nancy

      you little bugger!

      • You specifically asked for no surprise party, didn’t you? 😉


        • Nancy

          ha…we were just chatting on FB and I mentioned it and away she went…
          lol, I normally let them just pass by without much fanfare…I should have known our resident party girl would not!

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • Dosido3

            omg, that is the cutest…I can’t even…

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Shohanna

            **Dies of cuteoverload** **plops**

          • Nancy

            here’s one for you…I saw it and laughed…enjoy!

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • Nancy


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • panem et circenses

            Fuck yes I do

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • I let them pass myself. I’ve made a habit of celebrating my birthday by sleeping through it, and letting everyone know that I do. 😀

          • Nancy

            when is yours? or just the month, at least?

          • I will have been extant a half-century, on the 18th of next month.

            /Saying with big words helps both sharpen and blunt the impact. LOL.

          • Nancy

            ahhh…whatever works Unka!

          • lindajoyous

            I’ll be 65 on November the 6th!

          • I normally try not to make any big deal about my age, but half-a-century is a big deal. So much has changed in that time, it’s an auspicious number of years to actually reflect on this free-ride we call “existence.”

          • lindajoyous

            I know my hair texture has changed. Have alot more aches and pains! Moved the laundry room inside the house from the garage!
            I wasn’t able to afford the dentist so now I have denture which I am not used to yet!

      • SpiffyTheValiant


        • Nancy

          xo anyway.

      • SmotPoker

        Happy Birthday.

        For the record, it’s all pretty much downhill from here….

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          *pat pat.*

        • Nancy

          how wonderful!

      • Shohanna

        Happy Birthday Nancy!

        • Nancy

          hahaha…I am listening to Fauna’s video and watching this gif-perfect!

          • Shohanna

            Most welcome. I celebrate being happy! It’s rare enough that we need dances! 😀

  • Hey, @nancystillhopeful:disqus


    • Dosido3

      Sterling Hayden AND Weird Al! What a party!

    • Nancy

      that’s funny.

      • I made it myself. Well, OK. Just the video. 😀

        • Nancy

          they are the best kind of gifts!

      • Happy birthday Nancy! :^)

        • Nancy

          that is so sweet! thanks so much!

          • Sorry busy today. I hope you had a relaxing birthday! <3

          • Nancy

            was wonderful. just full of love!

          • So glad to hear that :^)

        • Shohanna

          That was awesome video! 😀 I loved it.. haha

      • 17

        Happy Birthday, Nancy (if that’s your real name. I have my suspicions.)

      • FaunaAndFlora
        • Nancy

          lovely! thanks Fauna…he takes me back to my teens.
          ahhh it’s good!

      • Edwin


        • Nancy

          beautiful! thanks Edwin 😉

          • Edwin

            Ha ha. Once I got it posted I thought it looked a bit tacky, but who am I to say no to a free birthday GIF?

          • Nancy

            it’s purple and flamboyant and sparkly.
            I expect nothing less from you!

          • Edwin

            Yeah, but I have good taste. And that ain’t it. 😀

          • Nancy

            well, it’s the thought that counts!

          • Edwin


      • cathyx

        Happy Birthday Nancy. I hope you have some big plans today.

        • lindajoyous

          Hi Cathy, good to see you! 🙂

        • Nancy

          thanks cathy-so far it’s been lovely!
          later I will have dinner with Annie and her BF, and go for a long walk…

  • SmotPoker

    Update on my last post. It’s been an hour, and I actually didn’t do anymore hits of the Deadhead OG until just now. Everything was rolling along smoothly, and still was, I just wanted to taste it again.

    It’s funny, I’m blowing out the smoke, and the taste hits me, I think I have it nailed down as to what it is I’m tasting, and it’s gone, disappeared into the smoke. Dammit.

    I almost want to say it had a taste of sour candy that is popular with the kids, but that’s not precisely it either. Sadly. the more you smoke, the less you can taste so you need to grab it on the first couple of tries, or try again next time.

    I blame Obama….

    • Shohanna

      Isn’t that always the way it goes when you attempt to place what ever it was that caused it?! Then at 3am on a boring Tuesday morning, you suddenly realize what it is and shoot out a bed and scare the crap out of the cats by yelling “EUREKA!” LOL Not that I have done that before… .. Oh damn it, you know I have. The cats were mad at me for a month after that. lol

    • Nevin

      But you spelled literally wrong. 😉 Joking

      • SmotPoker

        Damn your eyes! You made me look…

    • MsPythia

      Soon you’ll have to blame Shillz…

  • Good advice from US uncut. I’m certainly an advocate of not funding our own oppression and I’ll use this information to continue to advocate that all my relatives and friends abandon any of these banking systems they use (My credit-union is not on that list, fortunately,) Mostly BofA and Chase, from the looks of it.

    Boycott These Banks Financing Attacks on Native American Protesters

    A groundbreaking investigation by Food & Water Watch has identified the main financial backers of the Bakken Pipeline project, which would carry as many as 570,000 barrels of crude oil through 1,100 miles of pipeline across four states every day. Indigenous tribes putting their bodies on the line to stop construction argue that the pipeline could rupture and poison drinking water supplies and sacred lands protected by generations of Sioux. Dozens of indigenous activists were attacked this weekend by private security contractors using attack dogs and pepper spray.


    • MsPythia

      Wow. I love Food and Water Watch — they do good work.

      • I find them a good group, for a lot of reasons. Not the least of which is that they properly address the problems with food and water regulation and the FDA, and especially regulatory capture, without giving into any of the vast craziness about GMOs that surrounds the issue.

        • MsPythia

          Yeah — I’m on their email list.

  • panem et circenses

    I’d like to thank whoever made this sign for giving me the perfect band name “Vagenda of Manocide”


    • MsPythia


    • It’s a good band name. But… I think it’s even better as two band names:

      • MsPythia

        Opening act: Beware the Beast

      • EdgarHF

        Sound like a new and improved douce. Or was that Steve Doocy?

        • I always, deliberately, spell his name Douchey. Oh man, does it piss people off.

          Of course, I feel bad about it, I mean, what did a douche ever to to hurt me?

  • A great article on research that sheds light on all the ways, besides cookies, that advertisers track and monetize you, especially on mobile devices. The biggest is, of course, “browser fingerprinting” which I’m familiar with as it’s part of what I set up for clients, but only clients who deliberately ask for it, because I’m uncomfortable with it. But there’s a couple in there even I wasn’t familiar with.

    Massive new study lifts the lid on top websites’ tracking secrets

    So, just how tracked are you? Plenty, according to the largest, most detailed measurement of online tracking ever performed: Princeton University’s automated review of the world’s top 1,000,000 sites, as listed by Alexa…Princeton’s Steven Englehardt and Arvind Narayanan have captured the clearest picture of third-party web tracking that we’ve ever seen.

    To begin, huge numbers of folks are trying to track you: 81,000+ third-party trackers appeared on at least two of the top million sites.

    • panem et circenses

      I like advertisers tracking me. It makes me feel less lonely.

  • lindajoyous

    Well since the topic is about immigrants I’ll tell you some of my story! In 1980 newly divorced, I met my youngest sons father where we played black jack. Well Ricardo is from El Salvador, we were together for 5 years. I gave birth to his son in 1983. His dad never came to see his son and spend time with him. Last year his dad passed away and this is the first time he got to meet his dads family some from California and some came from El Salvador! I was happy that my son finally got to meet his dads family! They want to take my son on a trip to El Salvador, they said they knew parts that weren’t dangerous. I would worry frantically if my son went there!

    • Thanks for sharing. Being raised without a father myself, I understand how hard that can be on a child. I was drawn like a magnet to my father’s side of the family because of this, and was well rewarded with a richness of love, even if not from my father, so I’m glad your son got some time with that side of his heritage.

      And my only advice is: Let him go, you’ll be doing him the biggest favor you ever could. Your worry is just the parental price, but it will pay dividends that will last you the rest of your lifetime.

      • lindajoyous

        He had a hard time being angry for along time, his father broke my nose. I worry so much since my oldest son passed away in 2008 from an overdose. I also have a daughter who is 12 years older.
        I come from a huge family, my grandma had 16 kids!
        My son is doing great, he has his own landscaping business! Thank you!

        • While I’m an only child, and my grandmother only had 4 children, my great-grandmother, whose household I grew up in, had 13 children (12 survived), so holidays were more like a church service, in size, than a family get together: Christmas dinner could top 40 people, with her Children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, every year until i was 11, the year my great-grandmother passed.

          So I can sympathize with growing up in a huge family, as well.

          • lindajoyous

            Two died as infants and my uncle died in ww11 and is buried in the American Cemetery in the Netherlands!
            I found the site and showed my mom and it brought tears to her eyes. I found out who adopted his grave and putting flowers at his grave every year!
            My one aunt was taken away when she was 8 years old because she had convulsions. This was in Minnesota, my grandma and aunts lost contact with her, The place that cares for her told her that all her family was dead. So in 2004 my aunt found her and she came to Oregon to meet her family for the first time!

          • That’s so beautiful. I’m actually named for the one of my great-uncles who dies (in WWII as well). So it’s a constant reminder.

          • lindajoyous

            His name was Cliff same as my grandpa! The cemetery there is so beautiful too! That is cool to be named after your great uncle!

          • I’m honored. Of course, it’s now tradition in the family and I have 3 cousins with the same name. LOL. Nothing like getting bill-collector calls that aren’t for you! (really, I don’t mind, I just give them an earful.)

          • lindajoyous

            Ok get aload of this my moms name is Alma, my sister name is Thelma and we have a cousin named Velma! And my dads nick name is Red for his red hair!

          • LOL, that’s a riot!

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah I have a brother-in-law named Lyndel and sometimes it sounds like they are saying Linda! And my one aunts name, her initials spell Bill, so that was her nickname!

    • MsPythia

      It’s very nice that you’re son finally got to meet his extended family, Linda. As for El Salvador, I’d be worried too, although if he did go, he’d no doubt be safer because the relatives would know how to keep him out of the trouble zones. Does he want to go?

      • lindajoyous

        I have to tell you something very funny, I went to my family reunion when my son was about 8 in Hillsboro Oregon at this park. There are also alot of mexicans at the park to. I was sitting on the grass talking to my cousin and my son came up to me to say something. My cousin thought he was with the group of mexicans and I had to laugh and said that he is my son!
        Yes I do believe my son want to make that kind of a trip!

        • MsPythia

          If he’s mature and responsible, you should let him go — it would probably be a great trip and a nice way to truly connect with those relatives!

          • lindajoyous

            I agree MsPythia, I met some of them on facebook, so glad they have translate!

  • Shohanna

    well, we are at the 4.5 hr mark from the crash. Perfect install, same with drivers. (still getting them updated) virus protection and fire wall. (AS IF they even helped! Damn thing is the reason why I have had to reload.) Restored pictures, and music… Now to see if I can update to the point where I can say no to win 10. lol **rolls eyes**

    • Congrats! OS reinstalls are always a nerve-wracking situation. There’s a program out there that will do the hard work for you, in turning off that Windows update-to-spyware crap, but I can’t remember it’s name.

      And, yeah, one of Windows’ only virtues is it’s ease of installation, even for non-standard installs.

      • Shohanna

        GWX I have it. But I need to update windows to the point I need it. If that makes sense.

        • Oh yes, all too perfectly. I’m the guy who has to fix most of my friends’ and family’s PCs, So, counting both installs for my various workplaces as well as for kin & friends, I’d say I’ve installed Windows in all it’s varieties, literally, hundred of times. SIGH.

          • Shohanna

            YOU TOO!? Oh if only my Dad would let me install his windows….. No, we aren’t going there. He is an engineer, and he works every single day on PCAD, so he isn’t computer illiterate. It’s just he knows enough to do damage and get into a wicky pickle. He calls me RARELY, to ask what happened.. I am suppose to answer by osmosis or something. O.O

            He has a dual boot, Win95, and Win something else? Mostly the 95 is for DOS to run PCAD. (Only way you can!) So when he is working, he is still connected to the INTERNET. In DOS?!?!? And he wonders why he gets viruses while he is working on PCAD. O.O

            Oki so yeah he has gotten some nasty ones, and I told him to uninstall the internet when he is working on PCAD and he is like I can’t do that, I am working from work, and need to connect to the servers!

            Holy cow we will go round and round. He will not or rather doesn’t care that he is so vulnerable it’s not funny. But he asks me why he is getting viruses?! **smdh** I gave up on it tbh.

          • “am suppose to answer by osmosis or something”

            LOL: I tell people, “You’ll have to bring it over, I’m like a neighborhood garage mechanic, I have to get my arms in the engine!”

          • Shohanna

            Right?! They ask me questions I CAN NOT answer until I look at it. O.o /sigh I hate having this experience sometimes.. Like my mother calls me everyday or every other day for her BALANCE.. She can’t look it up her self or get the app so she can see it herself. I couldn’t explain it to her either. She professes to be stupid. So stupid she has to enlist helpers to help her….
            I am not her fucking slave. I have refused to cooperate until my dad yells at me. 🙁

          • That’s my mom: She’s an expert with Excel, used it for two decades, has taught me stuff about it, but she cannot seem to accept that she doesn’t need to close the browser tabs (gmail and fb) I pinned for her and doesn’t need to open a new tab, for fb or gmail, when she hasn’t closed the pinned ones!


          • Shohanna

            ROFLMAO! Oh classic.. So she ends up with all these tabs and the computer doesn’t have the memory to keep opening new ones.. /nod

            Been there done that too!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      lol <3

  • Edwin

    More pathetic dreck from the Liar-in-Chief at C&L, Karoli Kunt. I keep thinking at some point she’ll be too embarrassed to click ‘publish’, but NOPE.

    Ronald Reagan did it so it’s cool for Hillary too.

    Mark Cuban Destroys Neil Cavuto By Citing Reagan’s $1 Million Speaking Fee

    By Karoli Kuns


    • Edwin

      *Kuns ……….(oopsie) 😀

    • IOKIARDIF – It’s OK If A Republican Did It First!

      • Edwin

        Both Sides do it.

    • EdgarHF

      ‘Destroys’, ‘schools’, ‘shuts down’, damn are these writers are lazy. Then there is this tidbit from today:

      “CNN Admits They Serve As Parrots For The RNC” — Karoli Kuns. Like she’s not a fucking stenographer for the DNC.

      • Edwin
        • Use the label the Scottish call Trump: Cock-Juggling Thunder-Cunt.

          • Edwin

            Oh, my! I looked it up on urban dictionary and it’s the nuclear option.

          • LOL, Damn, never looked at the UD entry. That makes it even funnier!

          • But I use it in the Britannic sense, so it’s not just usable in reference to a woman. LMAO.

            /Americans are so chauvinistic about their vocabulary.

          • Edwin

            I think people get too uptight about it.

            When you attack someone directly, e.g., “You are a smelly douchebag c_nt,” it’s a bit much, bit strong. But to say, as a matter of fact, in passing, “Karoli is a c_nt,” is no big deal to me and people need to get the fuck over it.

          • Nancy

            you are right-there is a big difference.
            although I use it once in a while-I really am torn.

          • I just distinguish how it’s being used. It’s pretty clear, at least to me, when someone uses the word to a female as a direct insult of their merely being female. And I have no mercy for folks who use that way.

            Though I admit, here in the US, I’m much more circumspect in using towards a female, but that’s more on the people around me, than on me.

          • Edwin

            Yes, right. When I say K is a c###, it has nothing to do with her sex and everything to do with being a douchebag and nasty-rotten person.

          • Edwin



          • RTIII


            I just heard! 😀

            Hope you’re having a great day! 🙂

          • Nancy

            thanks RT-it’s lovely.

          • Shohanna

            Yeah I saw that “example” I don’t do BJs, there are very strong reasons why….. Wouldn’t want to bite it off in a panic attack.. Or in a state of PTSD. Which would be the first way to make me do that. FOR THAT REASON.


          • Yikes! Good reasoning!

          • Shohanna

            Isn’t it though? Do you know I have had guys say it’s bullshit and then attempt to force me to do it? yes, this is how I know what my reaction is. /sigh I don’t feel sorry for them though. When a woman says No, usually there is a damned good reason why. But don’t tell the idiots though they wouldn’t listen anyway.

  • Edwin

    If anyone needs more proof C&L is circling the bowl and just needs another good flush. Even Amato has coughing fits. Everyone does. No one should ask any questions about Hillary’s health. Sure she wants to be POTUS, but it’s none of your beeswax.

    Newt Gingrich Breaks Out Coughing While Discussing Hillary’s Coughing Attack

    By John Amato


    — -Just recently Newt was Amato’s hero. What gives?? (It’s one nutty blog.)

    Newt Gingrich Defends Hillary Clinton From ‘Junk Medicine’ Diagnosis

    By John Amato


    • smkngman3

      Saw that about Gingrich last night on the Hill!

      Amato is truly pathetic.

    • Shohanna

      WTF!! The universe is turning inside out. It’s really making me question my sanity. Guys, help a gal out and remind me what’s real?!

        • Shohanna

          Thank you Unka I needed that! 😀

        • MsPythia

          I love PKD.

      • Edwin

        Nothing those clowns post is real. They’ll stick up any old bullshit. Most of it they pull right out of their asses and publish with their atrocious writing skills.

      • panem et circenses

        Party politics is make-believe.The people who buy every fantasy their party or politician approves of are generally people you don’t want to associate with. They have no ability to discern fact from fantasy, and their fanaticism is downright scary.

        • Edwin

          I started at C&L during the bushCo years and I thought back then it was pretty cool to actually get some news we weren’t seeing on CNN etc., or in newspapers.

          Then Obama came along and I noticed that when Dems do bad stuff it’s either not reported, there’s a double standard, or it’s OK. But by then I liked the community and stayed for other posters (not for Karoli’s bullshit propaganda,)

          Then this election came along and C&L (Amato, Karoli, Susie, Nicole) went off the fucking deep end into major fucking asshole territory. (They’re cunts.) Good riddance to that load of asshole bullshit artists.

        • MsPythia

          Reality doesn’t matter in politics — it’s the NARRATIVES that matter! And the new narrative is that everyone coughs like Hillary chronically!

    • MsPythia

      Yes, simply everyone has four minute long chronic coughing attacks and spits green gunk into their water glass while trying to stop them. It’s a sign of Perfect Health!

      • Edwin

        She had an attack on the stage and then another attack on her plane.

        I am sure she has a staff of top doctors to attend to her. Something wrong!!

        • MsPythia

          She’s hiding whatever it is, and it seems to be getting worse. I’m hoping she’ll have an attack that will be so over the top (even more than on Labor Day) that it will be impossible for the media to ignore — like at the debate.

          • Edwin

            You mean like she starts coughing up blood and it runs down her chin? Coming soon.

        • panem et circenses

          Yeah, the entire appearance was because there were rumors that she was in poor health, and she couldn’t even hold herself together for one day. That they still have the cognitive dissonance to cling to the “she’s in perfect health” narrative is surreal.

          • MsPythia

            Seriously. She hadn’t been seen at all by the public at rallies in a while, and with the declining health rumors floating around about her she couldn’t manage that one speech for Labor Day, and the accompanying questions from the press without an attack. It looks bad, no matter how much they try to spin it.

          • panem et circenses

            I imagine if she actually keeled over and died on stage they’d be saying she’s just resting her eyes and telling anyone who disagreed to stop spreading conspiracies about her.

          • panem et circenses

            They’d probably drag her out Weekend at Bernie’s style and she’d still have the same number of supporters telling us everything is fine.

          • MsPythia

            LOL! The 1% would get the best taxidermist they could find and prop her up in a chair in the Oval Office! Or maybe contact Disney for some top rate animatronics! She is a puppet anyway.

          • Edwin

            It’s her turn!! Damnit!!

            To hell with the other 320,000,000 Americans.

      • Edwin

        followed by another attack on her plane and how many others we didn’t see?

  • lindajoyous

    This is for the cat lovers!


    • Edwin

      Hi, Linda. Good to see you.

      • lindajoyous

        Hi Edwin sorry forgot to say hi to you! Good to see you too!

        • Edwin

          You always say hi to me first, it seems. I thought this time I would be first. 😀

          • lindajoyous

            I’m glad you said hi, my mind was on telling stories about my family! And I have an uncle named Edwin! Think I already told you that! 🙂

          • Edwin

            I bet uncle Edwin is way cool. 😀

          • lindajoyous

            Yes he was, his nickname was Nevada Eddie, he took me and my sister to see the Harlem Globe Trotters in 1964 or 65. When I got married he sent me a yellow orchid! 🙂

          • lindajoyous

            I saw them in Eugene, Oregon, it is a great memory to have! And I had my photo taken with Sky King when I was 13. Not sure if you know who that is! Here is a website about Sky King.


          • I know of Sky King, though I’m not sure I’ve ever actually seen it. Mostly from text and by reputation. The Globetrotters came to Phoenix regularly when I was growing up. Got to see them a couple times. Good fun.

          • Edwin

            I guess I would be (cool) Korea Eddie.

            I only have one nephew and no nieces. I last saw my nephew when he was in a play pen, now he has his own car.

          • lindajoyous

            You put smiles on my face! I have a huge family! lol 🙂

    • Pirate Cat Approves!

      • lindajoyous


      • MsPythia


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      lol yes, still fucking awesome.

      • lindajoyous

        Aim to please! 🙂

      • lindajoyous

        And I love Butterflies, cause they are ugly catipillars then they turn into a beautiful Butterfly!

        • SpiffyTheValiant


          • lindajoyous


        • Edwin

          caterpillars aren’t ugly :/

          some of them are beautiful

          • lindajoyous

            I just love Butterflies and Rainbows. After two of my loved ones passed away I saw a double rainbow!

  • Title says it all…

    No More Lesser-Evilism

    A strategy of “lesser evilism” won’t prepare the Left for the long fights ahead….

    The premise of lesser evilism — an electoral strategy frequently employed by progressives to the left of the Democratic Party — is quite simple: given the limited choices on offer in a two-party system, the Left should work to elect the least-damaging of the two options. The strategy is historically counterpoised to calls to break with the Democrats and use elections to build an independent third party.

  • File Under: Even a small win is worth some celebration…

    Changes To Federal Solitary Confinement Rules Modestly Improve Cruel Conditions

    “My reaction [to the new guidelines] is as my reaction is to the entire federal overhaul of its use of solitary confinement, which is any improvement is an improvement,” said Jean Casella, co-editor of Solitary Watch—a national watchdog organization for prisoners in solitary confinement.

    • Edwin

      solitary = torture

      it needs to be abolished

      • I agree. Wholeheartedly. But, anything that alleviates some of the torture, as we work to get rid of it all together is, IMO, worth at least celebrating, for the limited victory it is.

  • smkngman3

    “Shadowy Global Security Firm G4S Guarding Dakota Pipeline As Protesters Attacked By Dogs”

    G4S is one among several private security companies protecting the pipeline construction, a spokesperson told teleSUR.

    G4S, a U.K.-based security multinational, admitted to having personnel deployed at “remote sites” where Native Americans are defending their lands from the planned US$3.8-million Dakota Access pipeline that they say would pollute the drinking water of millions.

    The actions have brought together over 200 tribes in solidarity and faced a heavy offensive by private security companies and state officers deployed under a state of emergency.


    • “Private Security” PR-talk: Mercenaries, that’s what they are, with all the negative connotations that implies.

      • smkngman3

        Thugs for hire!

      • Dosido3

        whenever I heard “mercenaries” I think Fall of the Roman Empire…as in when is it going to happen? and what will take its place?

  • smkngman3

    “The Wild West Of Money In Politics’: Dakota Access Pipeline Builder Spends Millions To Influence Elections”

    The corporation behind the controversial Dakota Access oil pipeline also operates its own political action committee that has a record of donating to the campaigns of candidates who support the company’s pro-corporate, pro-fossil fuels agenda in Congress.

    However, the political war chest of the Energy Transfer Partners PAC amounts to pennies compared to the wealth of Kelcy Warren, the chairman and CEO, who has spent millions becoming one of the most politically powerful oil tycoons in Texas.

    “Unlike the federal system, here in the state of Texas, for state candidates, there are no limits on campaign contributions. We call it the Wild West of money in politics,” Andrew Wheat told MintPress News.

    • MsPythia


  • smkngman3

    Another Dem I’ve always despised!

    “Once rivals and allies, Clinton, Schumer eye new partnership”

    If Clinton wins the White House, Schumer is expected to be her top Democratic partner in the Senate — with the November election also determining whether he’ll be leading a majority or minority. In either case, their relationship would quickly become one of the most important in Washington, a linchpin in Clinton’s efforts to garner congressional support for her priorities.


    • Oh, Schumer is scum, for sure.

      • MsPythia

        He’s as crooked and fake as Shillz.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      🙂 I think of Schumer as Israel’s bitch.

      • MsPythia

        Most of Congress is willing to do the Likudists bidding — Schumer is just more proud of it.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


  • smkngman3

    “Undocumented foreign fishermen are confined to US boats in Hawaii and California for years at a time; they earn as little as 70 cents an hour and catch prized tuna in US waters, selling at restaurants and markets nationwide. Their working situation is legal, thanks to a loophole in federal law.”


    • This is just one of the smaller reasons I stick to only fish I’ve caught myself. Or, in the extreme, seafood I know is farmed (yes, I know how bad farmed seafood is). I’ve never eaten Tuna, though, and I almost never eat seafood, and rarely fresh-water fish these days, anyways.

      • lindajoyous

        Unka, my dad bought his boat in 1967, it had a steel hull and he rebuilt it himself and new diesel engine. Well we would deep sea fish at the mouth of the Columblia River and catch Salmon. My mom made the best smoked salmon and canned salmon. I will miss all of that now that they are gone!

        • The primary problem, for me, is commercial over-fishing. And yes, salmon. The above mentioned “in the extreme” is that every so often, I’m down to once a year or longer, I simply must have Salmon, Shrimp and Lobster, I have a deep, physical craving for just those seafoods. The farmed stuff isn’t as good, but at least I know I’m not participating in the genocide against those species in eating the farmed stuff.

          Mostly I eat catfish, as they’re massively stocked in our local canals, and I can, essentially, walk across the street and catch them, in season.

          • lindajoyous

            I hate buying store bought salmon, nothing compares to what we caught when we fished. My dad had another boat that was about 59 feet long and built in 1916, we tried to sell it but now one wanted it. So we had to salvage, the boat ended up being in super bad shape. couldn’t keep paying the boat moorage! So my son and a crew got the job done and also made videos of demo the boat!

          • Before over-fishing drove me not to eat wild-caught salmon, I would have it monthly. It’s my favorite fish. The taste drive my sense of taste and smell crazy, literally an uncontrolled physical reaction.

          • lindajoyous

            One time a darn seagull took off with my dads bait and flew off with it! Many boats have capsized where my dad took his boat out. He took no chances!

          • Edwin

            Last incarnation you were probably a bear.


          • Edwin

            This is about damns, but covers a lot about fish populations too. It was quite interesting.


            Ben Knight, Travis Rummel 2014

            Travelling across North America, DamNation
            investigates the growing change in national attitude from strange pride
            in big dams as domineering engineering projects, to the growing
            truthful awareness that dams have always been the great killers of
            rivers, wildlife, the salmon, the forests, coastlines, watersheds. Life
            is bound to water and health of rivers, and now, dam removal in many
            forms—including Monkey Wrenching—is reclaiming that life and spreading.
            Where dams come down, rivers come back, allowing the salmon to return
            after decades of being concreted out
            . By making firsthand unexpected
            discoveries moving through rivers and the landscapes altered by dams, DamNation presents a much-needed metamorphosis in values, from conquest of the natural world to knowing ourselves as part of nature; to respect, and be
            humbled. With over two million dams in North America alone—75,000 of
            them over six feet tall—there’s much work to be done. Let’s get to it.


          • Yeah, watched that one. Excellent information. I love thoughtmaybe. So many good docos.

          • Edwin

            I’m going through thoughtmaybe’s library now. I pretty much watched all of these at Films for Action, which is a great site.


            Hey, they’ve added some new ones. Hurray!!

        • Example of the fish You can catch in our canals: A Canal Carp.


          • And here’s an example of the flatheads I catch regularly…

          • towerofbabel

            Was that one heavy?

          • Edwin

            I wanna hear about the one that got away. 😉

          • I’ve seen fish in those canals bigger than that guy in the pic above, lengthwise. They stock the canals in order to keep the growth of weeds and such in check, so those fish, with no predators, have nothing to do but get REALLY big. (You have to put the white Amur back, but there are catfish and regular carp there too)

            I know, you’re saying “but humans are predators!” Yes, though most folks around here don’t know there’s even fish in the canals, and those who do have the mis-impression that they aren’t edible, people think the canals are polluted, but they’re quite clean, so there’s really only a small number, out of the millions of people in the valley, who fish the canals.

            Here’s the pic from the above link, with a particularly big one:


          • Nevin

            Camelback mountain?

          • yeah, that pic looks like it’s from the Camelback Corridor, near 50th street or so. probably just above or below the original “Arizona Falls”

          • Edwin

            Looks pretty clean.

            Koreans love fishing the waterways here, but I’m not sure how clean they are. In the mountains I bet some of the streams are very clean. Very little manufacturing here now. It’s mostly moved to China.

          • They used to dump all kinds of shit in those canals, in the 60s and 70s, (they were clean in the 50s and earlier, for other reasons, mainly that the canal system was still largely localized and a remnant of the native canals) including herbicides to kill the weeds, but in the mid 80s, they realized it was cheaper and cleaner to use fish.

            We’d always had Bass, Catfish, Carp and turtles in the canals, come in from river inlets, but that’s when they started deliberately using them, and keeping them clean.

          • LOL, not my picture, I generally fish alone and fishing is “non-technology time” so I’ve got no pics. Fish I’ve caught in that size range turned out about 10-12 pounds of edible meat, though. Maybe a 15-20 pound fish, all around.

  • Edwin

    Wow. More proof they’ve lost their damned minds over at C&L. I’m only about halfway through (Amato, learn to fucking type and learn English, Jebus) and it’s jaw-droppingly un-self-aware.

    Trump’s House Co-Chair On Pay To Play With AG’s: He Just Likes To Donate Money

    By John Amato


    • Dosido3

      I wonder what the response would be if you took a story they wrote, blanked out the names and party affiliations, and reposted?

      • Edwin

        I got half-way through reading it and it was so terrible I was looking for my ice pick to gouge out my eyes.

      • panem et circenses

        Fill in the opposite party and I know exactly what would happen. The story would be brushed aside and garments would be rended with piercing cries about how unfair the media was being toward our beloved Hillary.

  • smkngman3

    “Costa Rica Has Been Running on 100 Percent Renewable Energy for Months”

    Costa Rica’s electrical grid ran on 100 percent renewable energy between June 17 and September 2, according to a report published Tuesday by the state-owned energy company, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), which controls energy production and distribution. (Data after September 2 has not yet been released.)

    “We are a small country with large goals!” ICE wrote on Facebook, alongside a video about Costa Rica’s plans to become “the first carbon-neutral country” by 2021.


    • I read this somewhere, and was both overjoyed and disheartened at the same time. Overjoyed some country has made the commitment, Disheartened that mine wont.

  • lindajoyous
  • smkngman3

    “One Out of Every 200 Children in the World Is Now a Refugee: UNICEF”

    Nearly 50 million children have been uprooted from their homes around the world, and 28 million of those are refugees fleeing violence and conflict—and “that is a conservative estimate,” according to a UNICEF report published Tuesday.

    The total number of child refugees doubled between 2005 and 2015, the report says, and children now comprise half of all refugees despite accounting for less than a third of the global population.


    • Edwin


    • s k

      and we have two war pigs running.

      • Generals gather in their masses… (see smk’s post about endorsements, below)

  • smkngman3

    “Hillary Clinton is bringing an armed forces entourage to NBC’s military forum”

    The Trump campaign on Tuesday released the names of 88 retired generals and admirals who have endorsed the Republican presidential candidate, to which the Clinton camp responded Wednesday by announcing its own roster of 95 such backers.


    • Edwin


    • MsPythia

      Oh for fucks sake — she’s the best little Neocon Evah! USA! USA! USA!

    • No doubt she will encourage them to break military law/regulation and show up to endorse her in uniform.

      • MsPythia

        Clinton’s can bend the rules whenever they want, and if that will make for good political theater, they’ll get the green light on that.

      • Edwin


    • s k

      From the Indigo Girls:

      I kicked up the dirt, and I said to my neighbor

      We keep making it worse, we keep getting it wrong

      He tucked in his shirt, he stood a little bit straighter

      We need a few less words dear, we need a few more guns


  • smkngman3

    I’m sure Hillary approves.

    “Abby Martin Barred from Gaza Due to Israel ‘Enemy State’ Claims”

    Israeli officials told the teleSUR host her application for a press pass to enter the Gaza Strip was being probed due to teleSUR’s alleged ties to Iran.

    Abby Martin, the host of teleSUR’s “The Empire Files” was did not have a press pass to enter the Gaza Strip approved by Israeli authorities due to what officials claimed was “some sort of collaboration between the Iranian state-run channel HispanTV and teleSUR.”


  • MsPythia

    New Guccifer 2.0: DCCC Coordinated With Clinton Campaign in 2015

    Never mind that Bernie Sanders fellow—Democratic elites called Hillary their candidate in 2015

    • s k

      What’s up with that class action lawsuit against the DNC?

  • Sad, but true. “Think Different” indeed.

  • I don’t own a car, but I want this bumper sticker. I’ll find a way to display it on my bicycle!

  • Makes as much sense as any other explanation I’ve seen proffered!

  • Yes, I’m on a picture binge, so? 😀

  • OK, just one more. I ROFL’d. No, literally, I Rolled On the Floor, Laughing.

  • MsPythia

    Jill Stein Spray Paints a Bulldozer and More Protesters Lock Down at #NoDAPL


    • s k

      Good for her

      • MsPythia

        Just makes me like her more! 🙂

  • smkngman3
  • smkngman3
  • MsPythia
    • panem et circenses

      I’m going to wager a guess that investigating his murder isn’t going to be a top priority for St. Louis pigs.

      • MsPythia

        Right? I’m sure they’re very glad that a leader of these protests is now dead.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          i emailed you 🙂

          • MsPythia

            Okay. 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            yep x.x

    • I saw this earlier. Highly suspicious. Adopting a “we’ll see” stance, atm.

      • MsPythia

        Yeah. 🙁

  • Shohanna

    Goddamn it! Some reason windows is listing my SSD drive as SCSI, and the WEI reports it at 6.9 when my last install was correct and I got the 7.9 score. HALP!! So far nothing worth while on a google search. NOTHING?! WTF.

    • Well, first the WEI is not to be cared about, it’s not really a performance monitor, just a consumer-recommendation tool. Second. That’s weird that it’s reporting as a SCSI device. Lemme see if my double-blackbelt in Google-Fu will help. Probably not, but worth a try.

      What model SSD is it, and windows 7, I assume?

      • Shohanna

        yes Win 7, let me get my box, I don’t have it memorized yet. It’s brand new.

        It’s an ADATA 2.5 SATA 6gb/s SP550 😀

        • Do you know your motherboard model?

          And: Have you tried shutting down, plugging the SSD into a different SATA port, and rebooting?

          • Shohanna

            Yes, it’s a Z170-K ASUS, (didn’t touch the bios from the first set up.) It says SATA in the Bios, along with my other SATA (slower but still fast).

            R/W on WD is 10k so… Yeah I am losing through put on both drives. But one is NOT an SSD. It’s a ATA drive. (older about 2 yrs old)

        • This link is about your drive, in particular, but the solution seems specific to the mobo. Might work for you.

          • Shohanna

            Honestly, this is the cleanest install I have had with this combo of parts, since Feb. 7 installs all together. This is the CLEANEST. No errors, no problems installing drivers. No lost connections, or drives, no lost mice, or USB, nothing… Perfect install..

            Guess what? Fuck it. I am leaving it alone unless it affects my games. If it does, then I will worry about a non-existent issue. If as you say and (10 other pages say) that it just “says” that and doesn’t affect the speed, then I am going to leave it alone.

            Thanks for your help. 😀

    • panem et circenses
      • Shohanna

        That would be awesome if it didn’t effect my performance and it does unfortunately. I have lost speed and I can “feel” it. So, we’ll see. I might have to unplug and replug in it in. It’s IN the SATA III plug now. It’s the only SSD I have. /sigh

        • But, IS it slower? Do you have some statistic besides that worthless WEI “score”?!? Have you tried not believing it’s slower? LOL. 😉 😛

          In any case, make sure, use parkdale.

          • Shohanna

            Used, and yes I am only getting MEGA BYTES / SEC. O.O yeah It’s slow.. 🙁

          • It’ only registers in MB/Sec. For instance, my SSD gets: Read: 2254 MB/s · Write: 1448 MB/s, which can be stated: Read: 2.254GB/Sec · Write 1.448GB/Sec

          • Shohanna

            Read speed 458.4 MBytes / sec Write 442.0 MByte/sec

            It’s definitely affecting my speed which is not going to fly with my games. I bought this damned drive so I could play my games without LAG. 🙁

          • Weird. Now comes the part that makes me a developer and not a System Admin: Slowly, deliberately trying every solution you can find, one at a time, resetting everything in between tries. UGH, I totally feel for you.

          • Shohanna

            I am going to test my games before I do anything. Seriously, why can’t we have industry standards?! WHY?!

          • Well, we do, mostly, it’s just there’s a LOT of variety. Better than the old days, in many ways, where everybody’s base hardware, and hence their peripherals all had different interfaces, and we paid through the nose for it. My first hard drive was 10mb, and I paid $500 for it!.

          • Shohanna

            OMFG I remember that.. Our first drive was 1mb. /nod right after floppies! Well, we did deal with floppies for a few years before we could afford to buy a harddrive! hahaha OMG it was so fun digging inside and getting SHOCKED. Learning all the pieces and how they go together.

            It wasn’t too long after the 286 intel came out that we learned that there are now “Politics” between companies and accessories and Intel did NOT like ASUS at the time and AMD developed their new 286 and got in bed with ASUS. Whom they were in bed with for a good 10 yrs.. Then all the sudden about 2 yrs ago, INTEL decided they wanted to sleep with AMD and I was like WTF. They developed the gigabyte motherboard this past season to work perfectly with INTEL and Not AMD. You would not believe the ripping I gave them with the GA UBH motherboard. I wanted my money back invested in two of them and neither worked. Well “technically” they worked but crashing every day on boot up is not “working” especially with the AMD I had in it.

            I was pissed. ASUS, and other MB manufactures were already on their way to producing for the next step up from my AMD processors. I was out money on BOTH sets. That was not a fucking cheap investment. it took me 2 yrs to save up. I had to go to Intel with ASUS to get a working machine.

          • I have owned a lot of ASUS products: 3 mobos, 3 tablets, networking cards, my USB3 card and some miscellany. My current mobo and tablet are ASUS. I love them, I’ve found their products to be just so freaking reliable.

    • Hmm, any of these results help?

      • Shohanna

        Nope, read most. All of them are saying that it doesn’t effect performance. but I can tell the difference and I need the speed. I mean I fucking paid for it. AND it was just working as intended in the last install. So I am not sure what’s going on. I checked the Bios. I didn’t change it from last install. You have to make sure that it’s listed. Which it is, it even lists it as an SATA in the bios.

        • Well, like I said, WEI isn’t checking the speed of your drive, in reality, so what it reports is just feel-good info and not reality. My advice: Stop believing in what WEI tells you and it will go away. LOL.

          • panem et circenses

            I still don’t understand what an ancient Chinese province is doing inside her computer machine.

          • Shohanna

            Windows Evaluation I… Not sure what that stands for but basically it’s windows evaluating your hardware and it can show you where your bottle necks are. 😀

          • Index

          • Shohanna

            Thank you! Mind went blank at the wrong moment. LOL

          • Three Kingdoms! I am a fan of the KOEI games. LOL.

          • panem et circenses

            Also Dynasty Warriors. Not that I’m bragging.

          • LOL.

            Tactical Action on a Console. Not the kind of thing I’d ever play, so I can’t judge: Is it good?

            I’m much more a 4X/strategy/wargame kind of guy.

          • panem et circenses

            I enjoyed them, though it’s not for everyone. It’s more action-oriented than tactical.

          • Mostly, I’m just not a console guy. For me, it’s all about the Arcade (and I mean the real thing, not console/pc games they call “arcade.” (I currently own 2, have owned up to 10 at once) and 4X/strategy/wargames.

            I only play Computer RPGs when they’re MMOs and give me lots of opportunity for team cooperation, that is, raiding. I play A LOT of pen and paper RPGs though, since the early 80s.

            I pretty much haven’t owned a console since the Playstation, and even then I ordered a mod chip, before I went out and bought it: I’ve come to see consoles, from my POV as rip-offs. Too much money for limited hardware and expensive software which you have to buy anew, every 3-4 years. While that’s changed some, in the latest generations, the price thing is now even worse. S’Ok by me though, plenty of great stuff for PCs, and less genre-repetition, IME.

            But, to each their own, YMMV.

          • panem et circenses

            I like all types of games, but I don’t get into them anymore like I used to. Way too much of a time-suck. I used to play an MMO called Voyage Century (Chinese f2p with item mall) and led a guild (and basically alliance/server) until I got bored with it. I met some good friends there though.

          • Same here, but with Lord of the Rings Online. Made some friends I’ll likely keep for life, but Warner Bros. killed raiding in the game, and I hardly play anymore.

            Just some genres of game I could never get into. Unfortunately for me, they seem to be the most popular of genres: FPS (burnt out on them around 2000), CRPG (burnt out on them in the mid 90s), as just two examples.

          • Shohanna

            Oki.. it still like a bug.. you gotta fix that crap. lol

          • Shohanna

            Have to reboot. BRB.

      • Shohanna

        MOBO? Z170 K ASUS….

        Damn it, nothing changed between installs, besides the OS. 🙁

  • Edwin

    Isn’t this where Ricki lives?? Just sayin’ 😀

    Florida Woman, Angry At Her Ex, Allegedly Set Wrong Car On Fire
    “I’ve never seen her in my life,” the car’s owner said.


    • LMAO. Oh you, Eddie. 😀

      • Edwin


    • MsPythia


    • s k


    • Nevin


    • Shohanna

      ROFLMAO!! I guess if she doesn’t post for awhile we might have our answer. HAHAHA

  • s k

    IMMIGRANTS ARE GOOD, M’KAY?This is how the US treats immigrants seeking political asylum with children.

    Trauma, Then More Trauma: How Long is Too Long for Immigrant Children to Be Detained?


    • It’s a fucking disgrace. Every American should hang their head in shame that we are allowing it. I know I do.

      • s k

        Torturing mothers and children, it’s disgusting

  • lindajoyous

    Is anyone else having to constantly sign back in, it is getting annoying?

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      nope. everything is working fine for me.

      • lindajoyous

        Good yours is, it is annoying here!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          awe *hugs*

          • lindajoyous

            Awe *hugs* back!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • lindajoyous

            The living room is looking awesome! 🙂

      • MsPythia

        Me too. I haven’t had many problems here… Only that one day did things get a bit weird, but it didn’t last long.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Not right now, but I’ve had that happen before, with Disqus.

      • lindajoyous

        Today is the first time happening for me!

        • Shohanna

          Sorry I didn’t even think to mention or ask if anyone else had been having it. I have had it go on all damned week!! Except now that I reinstalled windows.. **knocks on wood** I haven’t had to!

          • lindajoyous

            This is the first time having trouble going directly through internalexiles website! So far on disqus working better! 🙂

          • Shohanna

            Try clearing your history and cashe for your browser and see if that doesn’t change anything. OH and delete Disqus cookie. (just that one) and relog in. See if that helps.

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah if I use ccleaner it wants me to close the pages, so I’ll use the computer one to clear it! Thank for the info Shohanna! 🙂

          • Shohanna

            Np 😀 I don’t promise it will work. But I figure if I have a new install and it worked for me. Deleting the old stuff including the cookie from disqus might solve the issue for you.

          • lindajoyous

            Thanks, boy it sure is a nice day here!

    • s k

      When I try and post, it won’t let me unless I upvote someone.

      • Edwin

        That’s just plain nutty.

        • s k

          and it’s not just here, some other sites I am forced downvote someone to post-lol

          • Edwin

            How do you decide who to downvote?…. Or… I guess that’s not too tough (come to think about it)

          • s k

            Not at C&L

          • Edwin

            90% downvotable

            downvote bootie-wootie-wootser twice

      • That’s so weird. A couple weeks ago, it wouldn’t let me upvote anything that already had an upvote.

    • cathyx

      I have to sign back in every time i refresh or go to a new page.

      • lindajoyous

        Same here, getting tired of it!

      • lindajoyous

        That is very annoying, so far on the disqus page working better, It ‘s funny cause always going through unks webpage! 🙂

    • panem et circenses

      Try going through disqus directly. Less artifacts to load:


      • lindajoyous

        Thanks I’ll see if that helps!

    • Shohanna

      YES YES YES I had that issue for a damned week!! But just got new setup and so far so good. I haven’t had to reloggin kinda liking it and don’t want to jinx it. LOL

      • lindajoyous

        I hope you don’t have any problems, it is just being tempermental lol! 🙂

        • Shohanna

          HAHA it could be! For all I know it’s not on my end but on Disqus’s end. bah

          • lindajoyous

            I think it is disqus acting up today lol!

          • Yeah, that’s usually my assumption as well. the Disqus software handles gargantuan amounts of traffic, maybe as much as Facebook, and there’s bound to be glitches here and there, now and then. Especially because I don’t think they get anywhere near the revenue that FB does. LOL.

          • lindajoyous

            I do facebook to keep in touch with family and friends that live all over. And if I see my kids posting I know they are ok! My living room is looking great, having it painted to go with new furniture!
            It seems to be working better on the disqus site, so i’ll stay here til it gets better!

          • MsPythia

            It could be on their end Sho! Disqus is glitchy as hell! Sometimes I find if you log out and then log back in the problems go away.

          • Shohanna

            Well, if it makes me log in one more time I amma smack someone! Seriously, every post, every page change, for a SOLID week! After the install. I have been good. maybe logging me out was what did it. LOL

          • MsPythia

            Yeah, I hear you. When I have that happen, instead of logging out and back in on the page where it’s occurring, I go to the main Disqus page for my account and log out, wait a few minutes and then log back in again. Seems to work for me — although of course it might not for everyone.

          • Shohanna

            I will remember that MsP. Thank you! <3

          • RTIII

            When I need to log in, I just click an upvote somewhere and it logs in automagically! 🙂

          • Edwin

            it’s magic

          • Edwin

            I think you should smack someone just for the hell of it. Why the fuck not? 😀

          • MsPythia

            Punching bags are fun! 🙂

          • Shohanna

            Oki ** Smacks Edwin **

            Thank you I feel better now! 😀


          • Edwin

            Any time. Happy to oblige.

  • Edwin

    More Red Scare. The Russians chased off a US spy plane near their border. Reverse the situation.

    Russian Fighter Jet Flew Within 10 Feet Of U.S. Spy Plane, Officials Say
    U.S. officials deemed the incident “unsafe and unprofessional.”


    • s k

      CNN is all over that story-Planes and Russia

    • cathyx

      Who put the russian border so close to an american plane?

      • s k

        The same thing happens with Iran’s ships

      • Shohanna

        It was over the Baltic sea if I am not mistaken.

      • panem et circenses

        Probably Jill Stein. She’s clearly the ringleader of the Putin-Trump-Stein axis of evil.

    • towerofbabel

      These fuckers are just itching for war with Russia. Of all the things we don’t need right now. They are the horsemen of the apocalypse apparently and they run (read ruin) the world.

  • s k


    Activists Sit In at Sen. Kaine’s Office to Demand Release of Families Detained at Berks for 1+ Year


  • s k

    Neonicotinoids: How Pesticide Giants Influence Research on Bee Impacts: http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/37505-neonicotinoids-how-pesticide-giants-influence-research-on-bee-impacts

    The chemical giants which make products linked to the decline of the wild bee population enjoy “substantial influence” on research around pesticides at UK universities, according to leading scientists.

    The comments come as Energydesk reveals that Bayer and Syngenta have given more than £2 million to UK universities for research related to pesticides and plant sciences between 2011 to the start of 2016……………..”It does seem to be the case that research funded by agrochemical companies rarely seems to find evidence that their products harm the environment, while independently-funded research often finds major adverse effects caused by the same products.

    • Regulatory Capture: Its effects extend way beyond the regulatory agencies.

      • s k

        Another gift the US is exporting

    • Shohanna

      Ready round up is a neonicotinoid. They manipulate this pesticide to bond with seeds. The food grown from these seeds is poisonous to humans and bees alike. If planted together with a “normal” seed. The bees will come for the normal pollen but not the ready made. I found a home grown study more then one actually proving this. It was scrubbed and my link doesn’t work anymore.

      The people don’t even understand what is happening. One corporation has control of 90% of the seeds. For the WORLD. They control them. They take farmers to court and sue them for damages when “Nature” takes it’s course! They put farmers out of business if they don’t use their seeds. Cows, chickens, goats, all the animals get sick when fed with GMO seeds. People wonder why they want labels.

      I WANT labels. I really don’t want your seeds mixing with my “NON ready round up pesticide”. But if I can get them fucking labeled I would be happy. This shit is not been tested over the long haul of whether they are bad or not. And studies are scrubbed from the net. Universities are penalized for putting the truth on the net.

      Monsanto has a lot to answer for, the least of which is being able to patent NATURE!! This should not be allowed in any way shape or form.

      *graphing, selecting the best* is Not GMO. K? k..

    • towerofbabel

      There is Science and there is Corporate Science…and then there is science. Bruno Latour argues that Science is always partly political, inevitably political in its consequences, and we have to come to terms with that–so we need to be reflexive and admit this human tendency if we are going to overcome it.

  • lindajoyous

    Do they make anything in America anymore, my dog has to take medicine for a heart murmur and the dang medicine is from Mexico!

    • s k


      • lindajoyous

        True they do!

        • s k

          If we went to war with China Walmarts would be empty in a week, not to mention no iphones

          • lindajoyous

            I won’t by an Iphone to much money for it! I have a cheapy that and works ok for me!

          • s k

            I stop using mobile phones, quite happy with my land line.

          • lindajoyous

            I did the opposite, got rid of the landline and have a cell phone! Didn’t want to pay for both!

          • s k

            I used it for work, it was nice not having that thing with me 24/7 now

          • lindajoyous

            It’s nice if I have car trouble to call my son If I need help. I’ve been disabled from an on the job injury since 2000!

          • s k

            That’s just me, I know people need them

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah my son has his own landscaping business so a cell phone works out for him! He got a different carrier that works up the mountain where he lives and he is using for cell phone for a hot spot for his computer!

          • kreskin

            Land line at home , a pay as you go cell phone for the road / emergencies . All we can afford.

          • lindajoyous

            I had the landline for years, so now I only have cable and internet! I like the phone, my niece texts me every night to say good night! 🙂

          • kreskin

            TV , Internet & phone , bundled package . Can make long distance calls nationwide , no extra charges … which is great for us . .

          • lindajoyous

            Just the cable and internet, we don’t get good tv where I live, I get the Portland channels! I’m happy though!

          • MsPythia

            Land lines are more expensive than cell phones where I live. I prefer having one too, but it’s ridiculous.

          • lindajoyous

            Actually the cell phone is cheaper for me! I’m a happy camper!

          • MsPythia

            Way cheaper for me too Linda — but running a business and having to make a lot of client calls I kind of wish I had an old fashioned phone on my desk that doesn’t cut out all the time!

          • lindajoyous

            Don’t blame you there, my son drives alot to each job so cell works for him! And with cell phone I can block alot of calls I don’t want!

          • MsPythia

            Yup. My problem is that I need both, but the cost of having both would be truly absurd!

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah I hear ya, my son got a better phone that works up in the moutain where he lives and turned off the landline! It used to be so expensive to call long distance long time ago!

          • MsPythia

            I remember those days well! I used to time my calls to family!

          • lindajoyous

            I used to call person to person when I got home from my 150 mile trip from my moms. so it didn’t cost anything! Things sure have changed!

          • s k

            Yup, Sundays and the evenings

          • s k

            I know they are fading them out. They want everybody on contracts and disposable mobile phones. The land line phones from 50 years ago still work.

          • 17

            Also, landlines make lousy tracking devices.

          • lindajoyous

            Oh my in the 1950’s my mom had to run to the neighbors house to trace a phone call, a man was calling me and my sister and telling us dirty stuff, we told our parents, and he got arrested and my dad knew the man!

          • MsPythia

            I know — I have an cool Art Deco Bakelite phone from the late 1920’s that still works perfectly! But now it’s just a cool object on my shelf.

      • panem et circenses
        • s k

          I didn’t know that. So it now makes sense why Bill Clinton wants to bring Syrian refugees to re-build Detroit.

          Is that national prison strike this week?

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah while Clinton gets around in a new jet! These people make me sick!

          • 17


          • s k

            Thanks, I thought it was this week.

          • lindajoyous

            Hi 17, how are you!

          • 17

            Still on this side of the dirt. How’s you?

          • lindajoyous

            I’m good, came to the shed the other night, and wow. Having my living room painted too!

          • 17

            I saw you were there, and I’ve been reading about your painting. I see everything, remember?

          • lindajoyous

            Ok, good to see you!

          • 17

            You too, Linda 😉

          • lindajoyous


          • panem et circenses
          • MsPythia

            Starts September 9th.

      • kreskin

        Even the U.S. military is dependent on foreign manufacturers , oh , but they did ban U.S. flags that aren’t made in Amurika . ( shakes his head )

        • s k

          I know those morons outsourced our national security. one electric grid attack and we are finished

        • lindajoyous

          I hate calling on the phone and cannot understand what the person is saying! It is hard for me to hear on this phone!

    • panem et circenses

      No, they can’t legally pay US citizens $4 a day.

      • lindajoyous

        I know they love that cheap labor!

      • Left of Eden


    • MsPythia

      Years ago, I used to buy the medicine for my dog with Addison’s Disease online via Canada — for about 50 dollars. Here it was over a hundred, and I had to buy it every month.

      • lindajoyous

        Wow spendy, I also have to buy the diabetic food, insulin and syringes! Not sure if I want another dog though! He can’t get on the bed by himself now so I can give him his shot. Sorry not sure if I already told you!

        • MsPythia

          Yeah, dogs that are sick can be so expensive — but I figure the karma of taking good care of a dog with a disease means we get healthy dogs from here on out! Plus, it always helps to get a mutt! 😀

          • lindajoyous

            Next dog if I get one will fit in the kitchen sink, This dog is so scared of a bath!

  • s k

    PAYING TAXES IS A LOT BETTER THAN PHONY CORPORATE COURAGE, APPLE:https://theintercept.com/2016/09/07/paying-taxes-is-a-lot-better-than-phony-corporate-courage-apple/

    EVERY FALL THE internet and its resident tech mumblers congregate for The Apple Event, a quasi-pagan streaming-video rite in which Tim Cook boasts of just how much money his company is making (a lot) and just how much good it’s introducing to the world (this typically involves a new iPhone). This is merely annoying most years; but in 2016, when Apple is loudly, publicly denying its tax obligations around the world, it’s just gross.

    Today’s iteration of the ritual, which spanned roughly two hours and included about five minutes of news, began with a rundown of some very large numbers: Apple’s streaming music service has over 17 million paying subscribers, its App Store has topped 140 billion downloads, and that store’s revenue is double that of its Google counterpart. After a brief preview of an upcoming Super Mario game for the iPhone, sure to be a revenue blockbuster, Cook segued into a spiel about the importance of education and the necessity of providing proper resources to students. His solution: a new version of iWork, Apple’s productivity software suite, that allows for multiple kids to edit the same document at the same time. It seems unlikely this will make a substantial difference in the quality of education for children around the world — particularly in countries where public schools are underfunded because companies like Apple deliberately avoid paying taxes.

  • smkngman3


    “As some states curb high fines, Oklahoma’s go even higher”

    Behind the move is Oklahoma’s miserable financial condition. The state faced a $1.3 billion budget hole this year because of the energy industry’s slump and the Republican Legislature’s earlier income tax cuts, which sharply reduced revenue. Many state programs absorbed deep cuts.

    Also, wringing more money from offenders makes for good politics in a conservative law-and-order state. But the idea still has a few catches.

    It’s not clear how much more money can be extracted from people who usually have little to begin with. The average parolee in one nonprofit’s post-release program earned $10.25 an hour, barely covering living expenses. And arresting nonpayers puts them back in prison at state expense, at an average of $40 per day, or $17,100 a year, for minimum-security inmates.


  • smkngman3

    “Dems Worry: What If There’s an Election and No One Shows Up?”

    “What am I supposed to do if I don’t like him and I don’t trust her?” a young Black woman in Ohio asked in a Monday New York Times article. “Choose between being stabbed and being shot? No way!”

    “She was part of the whole problem that started sending Blacks to jail,” piped another young Black man about U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.The two were part of a New York Times focus group, that is one in a series conducted by liberal advocacy organizations in the last few months. Polls reflect a disturbing lack of support among the Black population in the U.S.


    • s k

      After rigging the primary, they should be worried.

      • MsPythia

        I want Trump to win over Shillz for this reason, but I fear the voting machines are already all set to go for a massive Shillz “Win.”

        • s k

          It’s going to be interesting with all of the GOP controlled states.

          • MsPythia

            The 1% will do whatever is necessary — and they won’t give a shit if we know they stole it, just like in the primary. And the media will report whatever the fuck it takes to convince the masses that it was all on the up and up.

          • s k

            I know the local boys in the GOP like to cheat, but cheating for Hillary, this could get ugly

          • MsPythia


          • notisaidthepig


          • MsPythia

            Piggie! Hi! I was having my dinner and now I’m back. So good to see you! How is school?

      • lindajoyous

        That pissed me off, I donated money for Bernie! Never again will I do that!

        • MsPythia

          I think we’ve all learned our lessons on our rigged elections, Linda. I don’t think most progressives believe we ever have any chance now.

          • lindajoyous

            Bernie was a dream come true, but didn’t happen! I was reading all the nasty comments towards Jill at Rawstory, it was disgusting! It was when she went to Russia a few days ago!

          • MsPythia

            I know — it’s so depressing. These folks have bought so deeply into the propaganda, that they now sound just like a bunch of Republicans, and they don’t even know it.

          • lindajoyous

            I agree and this has been eye opening! Jill is smarter than Hillary and Trump anyway!

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      This is why everyone should revolt and give the finger to both R’s and D’s.

      • MsPythia

        Yes! Hi Daniel! <3

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Hi Ms 🙂

  • smkngman3
    • lindajoyous


    • s k

      That’s one half of the debates coming up, two 2nd graders lying and calling each names.

      • MsPythia

        And maybe Shillz will start coughing and hack up a bunch of mucus and/or fall down! Lots to look forward to but the two of them saying anything to the American people that matters to our lives.

        • smkngman3

          May she choke on her LIES!

          • MsPythia

            AND then fall down in an epic unveiling of her fragile health!

          • RTIII

            We can only hope!

          • MsPythia


        • notisaidthepig

          What will Trump say if she has a coughing fit right there at the debates? Whatever else you might think, it’s must-see tv.

          • MsPythia

            I’ll be watching! We should have a watch party here!

      • cathyx

        Maybe they can have a loogie pitching contest.

        • MsPythia


        • s k


        • The one who doesn’t pass out wins!

  • smkngman3

    “How the U.S. Government Is Helping Corporations Plunder Native Land”

    A 6-month investigation reveals that the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs—tasked with negotiating the best possible deal for Native landowners—often makes it cheap and easy for outside corporations to exploit Native resources. As a result, corporations are able to drill, frack, farm and fell timber on Native lands, paying landowners little in return. Companies like Koch Industries and Walmart, however, reap huge profits.


    “US Govt Helps Companies Rob Native Americans of Their Land”


    • MsPythia

      No doubt this is why Walmart heiress, Alice Walton, donated $353,400 to Clinton’s Victory Fund? I’m sure that will buy a lot of grief for Native landowners under Shillz watch.

  • panem et circenses
    • MsPythia

      😀 Kind of like “Our Revolution” under the leadership of Jeff Weaver.

    • s k

      He needs help, someone should call Wall Street, they are good at doing nothing.

    • kreskin

      As the rain comes down …

  • smkngman3
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      They left out the part where she overthrows the governments in their home countries and creates more chaos and destruction.

  • s k

    Eminent Domain? Iowans Sue to Stop Dakota Access PIpeline, Say It Provides No Public Service:


    • s k

      This is a great video, the pipeline corporation is lying about everything.

      • MsPythia

        Corporations Lie About Everything.

        • s k

          Isn’t that why they incorporate, legal LIE-Ability

          • MsPythia

            Nods vigorously.

    • Unfortunately pushing back against eminent domain has never been very successful in regards to the Supreme Court. Literally all it takes is the loosest definition of economic development to use eminent domain take land from one private owner to give it to another private owner.

      • s k

        The lawyer did say the supreme court ruled that it had to have some social good for the community it is applied, which in this case there is no benefit for Iowa.

        • It largely depends on how the judges determine benefit of Economic Development. Look at the two cases that I posted, the economic benefit to the public that resulted of the eminent domain decision.

          ~However, the aftermath of the Midkiff decision failed to achieve the stated purpose of the redistribution legislation, which was incapable of creating new housing because it transferred title from the land lessor only to the lessee-homeowners who already occupied existing homes on the subject property. As soon as the former lessees acquired fee simple titles to their homes, those became attractive to Japanese investors and speculators who paid outlandish prices for those homes (largely located in the upscale Kahala and Hawaii Kai neighborhoods), causing a ripple effect throughout the island. Home prices on Oahu, far from falling as intended by the legislature, surged upward and more than doubled within six years.~

          The Kelo

          ~In 1998, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer built a plant next to Fort Trumbull and the City determined that someone else could make better use of the land than the Fort Trumbull residents. The City handed over its power of eminent domain—the ability to take private property for public use—to the New London Development Corporation (NLDC), a private body, to take the entire neighborhood for private development.~

          ~Meanwhile, in New London, the Fort Trumbull project has been a dismal failure. After spending close to 80 million in taxpayer money, there has been no new construction whatsoever and the neighborhood is now a barren field. In 2009, Pfizer, the lynchpin of the disastrous economic development plan, announced that it was leaving New London for good, just as its tax breaks are set to expire.~

          Unfortunately like I said it is the loosest definition of economic development look at these two cases that I posted the disastrous economic effect that it had. Not only did it not help the public good, it made things worse.

          • Dosido3

            Thanks. I was just going to point to Pfizer/ New London CT as proof these arrangements dont always turn out very well

          • Yw

          • s k

            If you watch the video, he sites that case as a reason why this pipeline would not meet the SC guidelines

          • s k

            I know it’s wrong to use common sense when one is up against our corporate courts, time will tell.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    A new study, released this week by Nature Microbiology reveals that fracking creates an entire ecosystem 2.5km below the Earth’s surface, one that can persist for at least a year after the frack. And the microbes that thrive there may actually have implications for the production and durability of the fracking wells.

    The people behind the work (14 of them at three different institutions) took a relatively simple approach: sample the fracking fluid at a couple of wells before it’s sent underground, then sample the fluid that comes back up the wells at various time points, including over 300 days after the fracking. The sampling included a look at the organic chemicals in the fluids, and DNA sequencing that’s sufficient to reconstruct entire genomes from anything present.

    The chemical analysis revealed that the fracking fluid that’s injected actually contains chemicals that can act as energy sources for microbes, including sucrose and ethylene glycol. After the fracking process is complete, some of this fluid comes back up the wells, but it’s typically quickly displaced by the salty brines that are common deep below the surface. But those brines were accompanied by molecules that are typically produced by salt tolerant bacteria and archaea (more on that below).


    • Wow. I must know more. (off to do some “research”)

  • smkngman3

    The game is rigged!

    “Silent Tax Foreclosure Auction Is Detroit’s Largest Missed Opportunity”

    Back in July, the American Civil Liberties Union filed suit against Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree for foreclosing on owner-occupied homes in the area around Detroit. The lawsuit, which was anticipated for years, could dramatically affect the fate of thousands of families if it is successful. But even so, it will only impact about one-tenth of the properties headed for auction starting this Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 9 a.m. EST.

    The Wayne County Tax Foreclosure auction is seen nationwide as an opportunity to buy Detroit homes on the cheap. But the people who have the most to gain and the most to lose in the auction — the homes’ current residents — in many cases have little access to information in order to take advantage of it.


  • panem et circenses

    Everyone knows about the Dakota Access Pipeline protest, but few people know about the Energy East Pipeline protests that’ve also been happening in Canada for the past month over the plans to build a pipeline from the Alberta Tar Sands all the way to the east coast:


    Here’s Canada’s version of Rush Limbaugh who actually calls himself “the rebel” asking whether or not the protest and direct action to stop the pipeline is “terrorism”.


    • towerofbabel

      Divide the environmentalists from the construction workers.

  • smkngman3

    “WARgrams released: How NSA used Iraq War as springboard for global intel gathering”

    Newly published documents from the beginning of the Iraq invasion reveal how the NSA used the “war on terror” to develop its global intelligence capabilities and strengthen the surveillance network exposed by Edward Snowden.

    The information was revealed in a series of documents dating back to 2003-2004, referred to as WARgrams. This was essentially a series of newsletter-style communiqués distributed to a vast number of NSA employees by the agency’s former director, Michael Hayden. These short messages, which number close to 70, contain colorful (when not redacted) descriptions of the NSA’s plans to insert itself into the Iraq war effort. The revelation was made by VICE’s Motherboard, which obtained the documents through an FOI request from back in 2008.



  • smkngman3
    • s k


      • lindajoyous

        Me too!

  • Shohanna

    Oki night time. Good night everyone! I hope you guys had a great day and I will talk atya tomorrow! *wave*

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Good night Sho 🙂

    • notisaidthepig

      Good night.

    • smkngman3


    • Oh sorry I mostly missed you. Have a goodnight sho:^)

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Sho, see you and take care! 🙂

  • notisaidthepig

    Green Party’s Jill Stein to face charges after North Dakota protest

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Always protecting corporate interests. Fuckers.

      • notisaidthepig

        Stein walks the walk. I’m happy to see her get in trouble.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Yep, but she’s doing good for the country and she should not have to face charges.

          • notisaidthepig

            I think it only helps her. People see that she fights for what she believes. When’s the last time you say an establishment politician fight for anything the way Stein does?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            They fight for tax breaks for their class.

    • lindajoyous

      Oh they’ll charge her, but not Hillary!

      • Well of course, Stein wasn’t representing/ protecting business interests.

        • lindajoyous

          Damn Hillary should show her transcript, wonder what all promises she made!

    • s k

      Spraying the blade of a bulldozer that destroyed ancient Indian’s burial sites and artifacts. Yeah that’s a lot of damage.

      • towerofbabel

        This is how they are going to do it. Let the mobsters run wild and make everybody else bow before them.

    • Nancy

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


        • Nancy


  • notisaidthepig

    It’s Been a Very Bad Week for Hillary

    More evidence emerges, proving Clinton is incompetent

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Incompetent and incredibly stupid. Remember, she’s had 3 decades of training and she can’t figure out how to handle classified documents. She also can’t hire competent people to save her ass.

      • s k

        The only thing she is good at is taking money from wealthy people and corporations

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          And staying bought.

          • MsPythia

            She’s good at sucking up to the power elites too. Both she and Bill are whores for money and power all over the world.

      • Dosido3

        It’s a RWNJ conspiracy I tell you!

  • notisaidthepig

    It’s nearly final. There’s only one more state we are waiting for: Rhode Island (hard to see on this map as it is, of course, so tiny). So at the moment folks in 46 states and the DC will be able to vote for Stein.

    • cathyx

      That’s great news.

    • s k


    • Boom Goes The Dynamite!

    • Dosido3

      This year I learned just how much corruption our smallest state could hold. And it’s a lot!

    • towerofbabel

      I’m surprised those pink republican state are bending over backwards to get Jill on the ballot.

    • MsPythia

      But no Nevada, huh? No chance there?

  • smkngman3

    Jill gets some media attention!

    “Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate, Is Charged Over Role in Pipeline Protest”


    • Dosido3

      Frankly, I’m disappointed she did that…

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        I’m fucking proud. 🙂 They built that pipeline on private land, messed with ancient burial sites, and Im supposed to be outraged at spray paint. Pft. That pipeline should be ripped to shreds. (Assuming oil isn’t flowing through it atm.)

        If you mean that you think it will look bad for her, maybe. But honestly, I think she’ll get a lot of press for it.

        • notisaidthepig

          Hi, my Queen! I’m with you. I think this is great any way you look at it.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Hillary supporters and her loyal media corporate whores will be forced to cover the issue now. Because le gasp,s he spray painted a bulldozer. (Hillary supported Iraq which resulted in at least 100k Iraqi’s deaths, thousands of American soldiers losing their lives, God knows how many refugees, and helped to create a power vacuum for Isis. ) BUT OMG SHE SPRAY PAINTED SOMETHING. SHE’S A VANDAL!LAW AND ORDER. LAW AND ORDER.

          • notisaidthepig

            Yellow blue tibia!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 yellow blue tibia.

      • smkngman3

        The MEDIA took notice after totally ignoring the story!

        • Dosido3

          Well I know. But they were picking up coverage before that. Amy Goodman was making the rounds on cable news anyway. Also saw stuff in NYT and I think wapo

          • towerofbabel

            The corporate media will find a way to dis Jill no matter what. We have to ignore them.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            We might as well give them something to talk about.


          • Dosido3

            Lol. Love that song.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


      • I understand somewhat where you’re coming from.

        But I am sick to death of these companies reaping the planet, the workforce and Society in general. They can count themselves lucky that all she did was spray paint a piece of machinery.

      • towerofbabel

        If people are repeating your name, that’s a start. Who else is going to stand against what’s going down under the guise of democracy? This protest may be how it starts.

        • Dosido3

          I think it makes it easy for low info, authoritarian people to dismiss you. How can you run to hold the highest office in the land if you disrespect basic property law? I know it’s small potatoes compare to the corporate rape of the land but her actions should be above reproach and this makes it easy to criticize her. IMHO it just isn’t smart or savvy. I DO appreciate that she is THERE!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Well the low info authoritarian types were never going to vote for her anyway. 😉 I think it’s smart. She’ll get lots of press coverage.

          • notisaidthepig


          • Dosido3


          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • panem et circenses

            I hate to break it to you if this is truly news, but Jill Stein isn’t going to be president no matter how many laws she doesn’t break.

          • And that’s a valid point as well what does she really have to lose here?

          • panem et circenses

            Nothing. She seems to be trying to win the respect of true anarchists but getting arrested once every election year isn’t exactly radical, and seems more like a photo op to increase her street cred. The move of running with Baraka was a much bolder one and something I actually do respect.

          • notisaidthepig

            She went to Louisiana to shed light on the flooding there. She talked to local activists and amplified their voices through her bully pulpit (such as it is). Stein seems sincere to me and when you put her side by side with the others she’s miles ahead. She talks the talk and walks the walk.

          • panem et circenses

            I have no doubt she has sincere intentions. Her motives are also political. Everything she’s doing is also to expand her party into a more competitive one. Good luck to her.

          • notisaidthepig

            Agreed. She’s practicing politics. But she does it so much better than the others because she actually IS thinking about the people.

          • Agreed.

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • Dosido3

            Lol. Very good point.

          • Your point is a valid one.

            However there’s Nuance here that I think people can be receptive too, because people are more aware than ever before of the quote on quote respectable politicians who are above reproach publicly, but break all the laws behind doors to our disadvantage no less. While Stein is breaking the law out front for our advantage.

          • notisaidthepig

            Very well-stated, Stephanie! (Good evening!)

          • Hello Noti :^) I have my moments..lol

          • notisaidthepig

            You do! Oink!

          • TY :^)

      • panem et circenses

        Yeah, she should’ve torched it.

    • MsPythia

      Jill Rocks. I like her more and more. Harvard trained physician who isn’t an elitist, and knows how to stand with the people, and “endorse this message” by standing up at Standing Rock.

  • smkngman3
  • notisaidthepig

    ICYMI (I certainly did!):

    FBI Data Dump Shows Clinton Is Criminal and Clueless
    Hillary is either dishonest or dumb—there is no third choice


    • cathyx

      There is a third choice. C, Both

      • notisaidthepig


      • MsPythia

        Yup. Gets my vote.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      pig 🙂

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


        • SpiffyTheValiant


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            How’s it going?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            🙁 didn’t get the job.

          • lindajoyous


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • lindajoyous

            You’re very welcomed!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hugs the Spiffy, sorry to hear that. I hope someone values you enough to hire you soon.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Need anything?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            >.> A job? Faster dental appointments. Hillary to get sucked up into a twister for a few months and Jill stein to win teh presidency?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I would like that too but something more realistic that I can help you with 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ah well *cuddles toad* i take some cuddles.

          • *Group cuddle* Cuddles the spiffy.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *cuddles back*

          • Hang in there lovely. Something will click eventually. <3

          • SpiffyTheValiant


  • smkngman3
  • smkngman3

    FIVE Disqus errors trying to post this.


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      WTF is that? I think the errors were a sign 😛

      • smkngman3

        Matt Lauer. host of the NBC “Commander-in-Chief Forum”.

        • Dosido3

          I think you just broke the Internet…

          • smkngman3

            Couldn’t resist, he looks so purty/

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • towerofbabel

            One good thing you can say about Matt is he never pretended to have integrity.

          • Edwin

            The first day that guy walked on the set I knew he was in love with himself and he would ingratiate himself with whomever he needed to to be adored and rise to the top ASAP.

          • lindajoyous

            I was pissed when they replace Ann Curry!

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        toad 🙂

      • Nancy

        he’s persistent if nothing else
        evening Daniel!

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Good evening Nancy 🙂

          • Nancy


      • towerofbabel

        A little bit of everything.

      • MsPythia

        I’m hoping that’s the Today Show’s Matt Lauer — finally finding his true self! LOL.

    • Nancy

      I got nothing.
      well done.

  • smkngman3
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      They both SUCK!

      • RTIII

        Would be nice if it read


  • smkngman3
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


  • smkngman3
    • Dosido3

      OT. Hey smokey. How do you copy and paste from Twitter? I’m on a mobile device, if that matters…

      • Just paste the URL of a tweet. Not sure how you’d do that on the phonespy version of twitter.

        • Dosido3

          Thanks. LOL spy wallet! XD

          • 17

            For Mrs. 17, it’s an emoji locker.

          • Dosido3

            Bwahaha! I’ll use that one with my kids. It’s emoji city.

          • For everyone, it’s your government and corporations’ personal representative inside your private social and financial information.

  • notisaidthepig
    • smkngman3

      Dr. Jill SteinVerified account


      What we want in a Commander in Chief is not someone who drags US into reckless wars like Iraq and Libya, @HillaryClinton. #NBCNewsForum

      • notisaidthepig


        • smkngman3
          • notisaidthepig

            This is why we need Stein in the debates. She will speak honestly about the MIC and, of course, that’s the reason (one of many) why we’ll never see her there.

          • smkngman3
          • lindajoyous

            I inject my dog with insulin twice a day!

          • MsPythia


          • Dosido3

            It’s disgusting…

          • kreskin

            Show what this government is all about , doesn’t it ?

          • kreskin

      • Dosido3

        No! We want a CIC who will drag us into a reckless war with Russia!

      • notisaidthepig

        No kidding: she’s not qualified.

    • smkngman3
  • Dosido3
    • Dosido3

      It worked! Yay!

      • MsPythia

        How did you do it? — I always screw up posting tweets!

    • Is the Super Series going on? I hope they didn’t do any fumbles, and scored a lot of baskets!

      😉 😛

      • Dosido3

        Ugh. Casilla gave away the game last night. Double ugh!

  • notisaidthepig
  • notisaidthepig
    • Dosido3

      All the things are rigged!!! But hey, Carly and Chris Christie could keep their seats at the RNC baby table with lower percentage. Because grift!

      • notisaidthepig

        Excellent point.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


  • notisaidthepig

    This is coming to us from the future (look at the date on the byline):

    Assange Says He Has Proof Clinton Lied, Shows It On Live TV (VIDEO)

    • MsPythia

      Wow — she’s a LIAR. I’m glad he pointed that out so clearly.

  • smkngman3

    “Gathering Up the Generals, Clinton and Trump Compete for Best Imperialist”

    “Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are unabashed militarists, seeing no shame or dysfunction in America’s wars overseas, and seemingly promising to escalate current wars or begin new ones.”

    • MsPythia

      Another reason why this election should be between Jill Stein and Gary Johnson (even though he sucks on most issues).

      • smkngman3

        He sucks less than the other two.

        • MsPythia

          On the issue of militarism — he does!

          • lindajoyous

            Trump wants to spend even more on the military! While they put a cap on the military pay!

          • MsPythia

            Hillary will be just as bad — while saying other things that exactly sound like she’s “a great admirer of the sacrifices of the military.” It’s really now the only difference. Republicans are out an proud about what assholes they are, while Democrats only lie about what assholes they are.
            Both of them are sure to start more wars.

          • lindajoyous

            And send everyone else’s son’s and daughter’s and theirs don’t lift a finger!
            That is what scares me is another damn war, shit we always fighting someone! I’m glad my boys wouldn’t make it in the military!

          • MsPythia

            I’m glad they won’t too. Our government elites have always done this — ever heard Masters of War?:


          • lindajoyous

            No, thanks for posting it so I can listen to it! 🙂

    • kreskin

      We have become what we once hated . This country , under this government , is not worth defending as far as I am concerned .

      • MsPythia

        Indeed. We’ve always been bad, now we’re monstrous.

  • notisaidthepig
    • MsPythia

      But, we’re not standing alone — and we’re so much smarter than this! 😀

      • notisaidthepig

        Sometimes it feels like I’m standing alone like this but, you’re right, just like Snow above, there are others who have our back.

        • MsPythia

          We’re a whole army, Piggie. Occupy taught me that. We filled stadiums to the rafters for Bernie. We just aren’t actually harnessing our true power, yet. <3

          • notisaidthepig

            Thank you for that!

          • MsPythia

            😀 We’ll get there.

  • notisaidthepig
  • notisaidthepig

    I wonder if they are stupid enough to actually try to jail her. Probably, yes. smdh


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      she’d probably get more interviews in jail than out.

      • notisaidthepig

        Yeah. I’m thinking this could be a win. Am I crazy? (don’t answer that!)

        • SpiffyTheValiant


          • notisaidthepig

            If she was in jail, they would invite her to the debates because she couldn’t make it. Maybe there could be a live feed from her cell though. Doesn’t that sound epic?

          • SpiffyTheValiant


        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          We all are in one way or another.

    • lindajoyous

      That is fixable, the indian tribal not so much, what they did was way worse then what Jill did imo!

    • smkngman3
  • smkngman3

    “Hillary Clinton has a new defense to tackle questions on her handling of classified information”

    On Wednesday evening, Clinton appeared to offer a slightly revamped defense, telling NBC anchor Matt Lauer that “there were no headers” on any of her emails indicating the information was classified.

    “I have a lot of experience dealing with classified material,” Clinton said. “[C]lassified material has a header which says ‘top secret,’ ‘secret,’ ‘confidential.’”


    • notisaidthepig

      Oh, $hillary. You aren’t winning any voters with your constant clarifications. You best hope the Diebold machines are primed for hacking or else you won’t win. I’m just sayin’!

      • smkngman3

        She’s like a little kid trying out lies hoping one will stick,

        • MsPythia

          No, children don’t know any better. Hillary is a psycho and a narcissist. And so is Trump.

    • kreskin

      And she wonders why people don’t trust her ?

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Because she’s a woman [rolls eyes].

        • MsPythia

          No, she’s an asshole.

    • kreskin

      She has a lot of experience dishing this stuff out .

      • lindajoyous

        And a lot of experience lying!

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      She also sent out an email asking her subordinates to remove those headers. Lets not forget that she also created classified materials by the very nature of the position so not everything will have a header. You also only get those headers if you submit the documents to be reviewed which she didn’t.

      • MsPythia

        She’s the last person who should ever be president.

      • smkngman3

        You’re not supposed to mention that!

        Nor should you mention she FAILED to show up for her “Classified Handling 191” class/

        • MsPythia

          Or “can’t remember?” It’s hard to keep all her lies straight.

    • MsPythia

      She should try shutting the fuck up now. We all know what she is, and she’s not fit to lead this country.

  • <3

  • smkngman3

    “Kaepernick Vows to Donate Proceeds From Top-Selling Jersey”

    Colin Kaepernick’s jersey became the top-selling jersey on the National Football League’s official online store, after he protested racial injustice and police brutality in the U.S., but the San Francisco 49ers quarterback said Wednesday he was donating all the proceeds he receives from the jersey to communities affected by injustice and racism.

    “I want to thank everyone who has shown me love and support, it truly means a lot! I wasn’t expecting my jersey sales to jump to number one because of this, but it shows the people’s belief that we can achieve justice and equality for ALL!” Kaepernick said in an Instagram post commenting on the jump in sales.

    “The only way I can repay you for the support is to return the favor by donating all the proceeds I receive from my jersey sales back into the communities! I believe in the people, and WE can be the change!”


  • 17


    • smkngman3

      Later 17.

    • MsPythia

      Good Night 17!

  • smkngman3

    “Australia Wants to Make it Easier to Kill Civilians in Syria”

    The Australian government announced a plan to overhaul a law to protect the Australian Defense Forces from being charged with war crimes for bombing Islamic State group targets that could lead to civilian casualties, sparking much criticism.

    International law expert Gideon Boas said the government’s plan was ambiguous in Syria and Iraq, and could potentially have devastating consequences. According to Boas, if laws are overreaching, heavy civilian casualties resulting from Australian bombing raids could occur with no legal accountability.


    IOW. make WAR CRIMES legal.

  • smkngman3

    “Email shows Clinton sought Powell’s advice on how to use private email”

    “What were the restrictions on your use of your blackberry? Did you use it in your personal office? I’ve been told that the [diplomatic security] personnel knew you had one and used it but no one fesses up to knowing how you used it!” she wrote.

    “President Obama has struck a blow for berry addicts like us,” she concluded. “I just have to figure out how to bring along the State Dept. Any and all advice is welcome.”


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Yes, blame it on the Bushies she can bear no responsibility for her actions.

    • MsPythia

      in case anyone missed this article I posted earlier:

      EmailGate and the Mystery of the Missing GAMMA

      Hillary Clinton’s ‘unclassified’ email included highly classified NSA information—why didn’t the FBI mention this fact?

      Hillary Clinton is too fucking stupid and dishonest to entrust with this nation’s security.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Going to collapse. Didn’t get any sleep last night and I’m beyond exhausted. Excelsior.

    • Dosido3

      Sweet dreams, Toad!

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Toad! Sweet dreams! 🙂

    • MsPythia

      Good night Daniel! Hope you have a good nights sleep!

    • Sleep well Daniel :^)

    • smkngman3


  • smkngman3

    “FBI director defends Clinton email decision in memo to employees”

    FBI Director James Comey defended the work of his agents Wednesday in a memo to staff, arguing the decision to spare Hillary Clinton and her aides from prosecution for their mistreatment of classified information was not a difficult one.

    “I have no patience for suggestions that we conducted ourselves as anything but what we are — honest, competent, and independent,” Comey wrote in the memo, first obtained by CNN. “Those suggesting that we are ‘political’ or part of some ‘fix’ either don’t know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both).”


    Comey is a liar!

    • MsPythia

      Just another a liar in the tank for the 1%. How bizarre is it that I find myself agreeing with some of the GOP on this? No one else would have gotten away with this. NO ONE.

    • Shohanna

      I just bust out laughing at that shinola. My mom would have slapped my face for lying so boldly thinking I could get away with it. I would have done the same to my kids. Did his parents ever discipline him at ALL?! Does he really think that lie flies? **ROFLMAO**

      Oh if only we had fucking proof that this is a lie.. Oh wait. we do!

  • smkngman3

    You knew she was going to make this claim!

    “Did Hillary Clinton hold a press conference? Journalists debate”

    “Clinton denies reporters one of their favorite whines by doing impromptu press conference,” the liberal Daily Kos wrote in a headline Tuesday morning.


  • !!

  • smkngman3

    “Veteran confronts Clinton on handling of classified info”

    “Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned,” said the veteran, identified by MSNBC as a Republican. “Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who were and are trusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security?”


  • smkngman3
    • Night smokey :^)

    • Night.

    • Dosido3

      Ha! Keeper! Good night Smokie!

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight smokey and sweet dreams!

  • Nevin

    I don’t usually watch my local news, but did tonight. A woman called the police saying a vehicle was aggressively following her. They heard three shots. One hit her in the head and she died at the hospital. Surprisingly there was just minor accidents due to her car crashing. They are looking for a “workers truck” with three people. Can you imagine the terror that poor woman felt?

    • lindajoyous

      That’s terrible, hope they find who did this!

      • Nevin

        The truck sounds very common. It happened on the freeway and the police believe they got off the freeway shortly after shooting her. Phoenix is becoming crazy. I think there is still another shooter out there does drivebys.

        • lindajoyous

          I think my moms cousin and I have a cousin who lives in Phoenix! My sons wife to be, her best friend was stabbed to death, they found who murdered her!

          • Nevin

            It is spooky that you can just be driving along and someone shoots you for no reason.

          • MsPythia

            Our nation is totally out of control. Too many people are sick in the head and kill for sport.

          • RTIII

            That’s what happens when the ultra-rich rake in so much of the wealth of the nation they leave virtually everyone poor, working multiple jobs and desperate. people are made angry from this and act out…

          • lindajoyous

            Dam I remember you could buy a house, car, and furniture and only 1 person working! Shits gone up, wage gone down!

          • MsPythia

            And, they can’t get any access to mental health care or drug addiction treatment on top of all that, even though either one can drive people over the edge.

          • lindajoyous

            That is horrible and a scary way to live. Think I’ll stay up here in Washington, but we have bad people up here tooo!

    • Honestly, it sounds like pretty typically liket he F.U.D. that the awful local news stations here broadcast regularly. “LOOKOUT MEXICANS ARE KILL RANDOM PEOPLE!!!” (“Workers Truck” is a dog-whistle for “Mexican”*, on local news.)

      Given a long experience with the ways of Phoenix’s local network affiliate news, I’m betting there’s more to the story, and that there’s a very good reasons she was shot. Not that they’ll follow up on the story with such a reason, seeding fear of brown people is their only job.

      But that’s just my 2¢

      *By which they mean anyone with brown skin.

      • MsPythia

        Blue didn’t say anything about Mexicans or Brown Skin. Workers truck doesn’t automatically mean that.

        • RTIII

          It does to conspiracy nuts … I mean, the kind who think there aren’t any, of course!

          • MsPythia

            But in reality, it could mean anyone.

          • Nevin

            I wouldn’t say worker truck. More likely I would say it was a pickup with ladders. Don’t know if it was a witness that described it that way or the TV station. I’ve never known our local news to be racist.

          • I actually just heard 12News broadcast about it, and they said, “work truck” so, yeah, it’s typical of the dog-whistle language I hear all the time.

            And they’re openly saying the “suspects were Hispanic” on 15’s site.

          • Stop with your hostile horseshit, RT. You’re only making yourself look like an ass.

        • No, the TV said it. And, in my experience, when local news in Phoenix says “Worker Truck” they mean “A Truck Full of Brown People.” And that’s what they definitely mean, according to ABC15.

          And further on my contention that there’s more to it than those initial reports said, they’re now saying “She didn’t say whether she knew them or not,”

      • Nevin

        When someone says “worker truck” I don’t think Mexican’s. There are so many white trucks with ladders on them around here that I don’t think twice when I see one.

        • I wasn’t saying or implying you think that, I was saying that, in my experience that “worker truck” and its variants are dog-whistle language for “Hispanic.”

          Your experience and impressions might be different, which is why I said “But that’s just my 2¢”

      • lindajoyous

        Yeah we had a white supremicist murder 3 people up, it turns out his girl friend rented this house from my dad!

    • Dosido3

      Awful. Where did this happen?

      • Nevin

        Phoenix. It happened around 7pm

  • MsPythia

    Let’s all take a guess:

    • Nevin

      Another promise Obama broke too.

      • MsPythia

        He’s a Third Way Neoliberal Fraud.
        Today in Laos, Obama was asked about the Dakota Access Pipeline.
        This was his response, in it’s entirety.


        • RTIII

          Facebook links NEVER work for me… Any idea what I search for on YouTube?

          • MsPythia

            Hang on, I’ll go look RT — I’ll post it here if I can find it for you.

          • RTIII

            TY, warming food, about to retire! 🙂

          • Nevin
          • MsPythia

            I was just going to post it Blue! Thanks! <3

          • RTIII

            THANK YOU!

          • RTIII

            “As you know, the way that Native Americans were treated was tragic.”

            WTF, you mean ARE treated, dipshit!

            “And one of the priorities I’ve had as president is restoring an honest and generous and respectful relationship with Native American Tribes. So, we have made an unprecedented investment in meeting regularly with the tribes, helping them design ideas and plans for economic development for education, health, that is culturally appropriate for them. And this issue of ancestral lands and helping them preserve their way of life is something that we have worked very hard on. Now some of these are tied up in laws and treaties and I cant give you details in this particular case and tell you how we’re doing on this one…” [lip-service about all he’s done in the last 8 years nobody else did] “… But it was an excellent question.”

            Yeah, asshole, you’re too concerned with your legacy to worry about what is happening in real-time to real-people’s-lives and DO FUCKING SOMETHING to protect these people!

            Fucking sell-out.

            But it was an excellent question.

          • MsPythia

            He’s a failure in so many ways.

          • Shohanna

            How can he just spew those lies with no conscious!? How?! *stomps* GRRR.. I can’t articulate how this pisses me off!

          • Nevin

            Doesn’t work for me with Firefox. When I use microsoft edge the videos will play.

          • RTIII

            I’m sure it’s a deeper technical issue… …Simply – I mean simplified some – they load on too much crap that I have intentionally turned off to allow my computer to function normally. Only a few sites have this trouble, and NONE of them are really worth the damned trouble. I’m NOT putting my computer at risk for those assholes, no matter how valuable they think their content is…

          • MsPythia

            I’m a big fan of Firefox.

          • Nevin

            Some of their recent updates have been screwy.

          • MsPythia

            Sometimes the updates are indeed screwy, but they tend to work the problems out very quickly! I stay with them because of that!

          • They have an incredibly short release cycle, so there’s bound to, occasionally, be some slippage, but you’re right, the work out any bugs very quickly.

          • It’s the goto browser, for me. Allows me to be the most safe and secure, when browsing that I can be. Some browsers, Chrome and MS’s browser are actually insecure by design (because “marketing”).

        • Well, yep, that’s pretty typical Obama Brand Obfuscation™. And the “people for bernie sanders” group thinks all that needs to happen is “We need to keep up pressure on him.” Oi Vey, they must still think he’s their boyfriend.

    • See comments below about “brown” skin…

      • MsPythia

        Indeed. It’s bullshit.


    OK, time for me to retire people! Hope you all have a great evening! (or day or morning, as appropriate!)

    • Nevin

      Nite RT. I’m not far behind.

      • lindajoyous

        Goodnight Nevin sweet dreams! 🙂

        • Nevin

          Nite Linda.

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight and sweet dreams! 🙂

    • MsPythia

      I’m off too — good night everyone! See you tomorrow.

      • lindajoyous

        Goodnight MsPythia, sweet dreams!n 🙂

        • MsPythia

          You too Linda! <3

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you! 🙂

    • Edwin

      Good night, RT, MsP, Linda and Nevin.

      • lindajoyous

        Goodnight Edwin! Sweet dream. 🙂

      • MsPythia

        Good Night Edwin! <3

  • MsPythia

    Before I head off to bed, I want to share this website with you. It’s a site where you can donate to the legal defense fund of the Standing Rock folks:

    • lindajoyous

      I wouldn’t mind if the all the money goes to them!

      • Well, no matter what they do, they’re not going to get all the money. It’s just a fact of Credit Card Donations and such, the bastards take their cut off the top. But, I’ve gotten the impression (just from who I’ve seen use them) that Fundrazr is pretty good about getting the max amount of money to the folks actually fund raising.

        They’re definitely not like some of these big charities whose administrators live the high-life off peoples’ donations. I hope my impressions and experiences go some way towards alleviating your worry. In this one case, at least.

        • lindajoyous

          Thank you for clearing that up! What they are doing to the sacred land there pisses me off!

          • Yeah, me too. Especially because I’ve known so many first-nations folks, here in The Valley and have intimate knowledge of how the federal government treats the agreements they have with the First Nations.

          • lindajoyous

            Take their land and break the promises! They deserve much better!

    • Gave to their fundrazr earlier today! Just $15, which is what I could afford (no dinner out for me this week!), but it’s worth it.

  • How about a little “Late Night Theater” with the Italian Space Opera, “War of The Robots,” featuring Antonia Sabato?

    Be sure to get out some wine, to go with this cheese…


  • This is a couple of days old, but worth the post (or re-post, hard to keep track of all your great posts.)

    Beyond Bernie: The Hidden Potential of Progressive Third Parties

    What Bernie no longer articulates, and what relatively few of his new fans may realize, is that left third parties can be effective. Resisting the two-party system, even against the so-called odds, is not futile or irrational. Contrary to popular myth, it is a proven and still relevant method for advancing progressive change in the United States. Much evidence (documented in my new book and elsewhere) counters the pervasive dogma that progressive third parties “can’t win” and “can’t make a difference.”

  • Bad news. Hopefully it is just an single crab.

    Why a Single Crab Has West Coast Researchers Worried

    Starting next week, a “rapid response team” will be out laying traps and trying to figure out if there are more crabs out there. The aliens pose a threat to the region’s native species.

    “I’ll admit, I have a lot of respect for these crabs,” Sean McDonald, a research scientist at the University of Washington, told me. “They’re tough and resilient,” he continued. “They make a living anywhere they can.”

  • My Name is Wile E. Coyote, Super-Genius!

    How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Supersmart Children

    On a summer day in 1968, professor Julian Stanley met a brilliant but bored 12-year-old named Joseph Bates. The Baltimore student was so far ahead of his classmates in mathematics that his parents had arranged for him to take a computer-science course at Johns Hopkins University, where Stanley taught. Even that wasn’t enough. Having leapfrogged ahead of the adults in the class, the child kept himself busy by teaching the FORTRAN programming language to graduate students.

  • I didn’t see hide nor hair of this story in American media!

    Yosemite National Park unveils 400-acre expansion

    Ackerson Meadow features wetlands and rolling hills that are home to endangered wildlife… The land, on Yosemite’s western boundary, was bought for the park by conservation group the Trust for Public Land for $2.3m (£1.7m).

    The new addition, which was traditionally used for logging and grazing cattle, will be preserved as habitat for wildlife including the endangered great grey owl, the largest owl in North America, the officials said.

  • Edwin

    A British TV expose of American prisons and a comparison with Abu Ghraib (same same). You never see this on American TV.

    Torture inc. America’s brutal prisons


    • Christ. I was appalled at the conditions in American prisons two decades ago, when my mother worked for our state “corrections” department, but this, what they are now, holy fuck, even knowing, intellectually, doesn’t prepare one for the impact of the level of depravity that our prison system has achieved. The interviews and image sin this video are like a punch in the chest.

  • Edwin
    • Go post that in the new thread, so I won’t forget to watch it! Now to a short nap, before I have to accompany my mom (see new thread).

  • And your Friday Linkstravaganza Open Thread is up.

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