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25 Apr

Saturday Links and Open Thread

Oct 08, 2016
983 Views 74

cutestpaw-008In “News From The Onion,” New Study Finds Most Of Earth’s Landmass Will Be Phoenix Suburb By 2050.

Mintpress details how the cozy relationship between current presidential campaigns and Booz Allen Hamilton reveal the deep and enduring ties between the Security State and private contractors.

Tony Butka rips corporations and “Mandatory Arbitration” a new asshole. And correctly so.

Truly, our health care system is as out-of-control as the rest of the corporate world: A woman had a baby. Then her hospital charged her $39.35 to hold it.

Over at The Intercept: Excerpts of Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs Finally Leaked.

The Insanity of The War Party is laid bare, in A terrible warning from US Generals.

The Utter and Complete Insanity of The War Party.

And, as if anyone doubted it, more proof that the Propaganda Industrial Complex is 100% behind Her Nibs.

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Open Thread
2232 views1

Monday GIF-a-thon

UnkaWillbur - Jul 10, 2017

I've been AWOL, sorry about that, big things in life, big things afoot here. More Later. In the meantime, what's your favorite GIFs?    

Keep Them Doggies Rolling
Open Thread
2773 views95
Open Thread
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Keep Them Doggies Rolling

UnkaWillbur - Jun 05, 2017

America's 2017 Derangement Tour continued this week. Starting of with Kathy "PLEASE LOOK AT ME!" Griffith proving that Democrats can be as eliminationist as their fellow conservatives…

Your Weekend of Weekends.
Daily Links
3672 views179
Daily Links
3672 views179

Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

Here' some links to nosh on, to start of your weekend. I hope everyone's weekend is great; me, myself, I'm planning on jumping out of a perfectly…

  • Am I my first this time? :^)

    • Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner!


    • Edwin

      Hurray for Stephanie. My hero!!

    • SmotPoker

      This abomination shall not stand.

      • Looks for a big stick….lol. Morning Smotty :^)

  • panem et circenses
  • towerofbabel

    Wakey, Wakey. Here is Gymnopédie to start you up in the right mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-Xm7s9eGxU

    • Wonderful music. But it’s too relaxing for me: I barely got out of bed as it was this morning. LOL.

      • For some reason this one has caught my fancy today.

      • towerofbabel

        I wanted to see if I could influence the tenor of the debate. And, no I couldn’t. Everybody here is irascible and incorrigible. 😉

        • Edwin

          I find some are also inscrutable and obstreperous.

        • We’re a basket of incorrigibles.

  • 17
    • Morning 17 :^)

      • 17

        Mornin’ Steph 😉

    • Edwin

      Good morning, 17.

      Good morning, Unka.

      Good morning, Stephanie.

      Good morning, Tower.

      Good morning, panem.

      • Heya, Eddie old buddy!

        • Edwin

          Hey, Unka.

          It’s Sunday here now. I was sleeping already, but I woke up so here I be.

        • Edwin

          That Edwardian Farm series I posted is done by 2 archaeologists and a historian. I binge watched it. Now I’m watching Wartime Farm and next will be Tudor farm. They are way more interesting than they sound.

  • Edwin
  • SmotPoker

    The harvest is over, and now the time has come for me to put in the scientific research, and personal sacrifice to determine if cannabis can kill a human being. Wish me luck fellow travelers…..

    • 17

      Takes guts.

    • Shaykayvah

      Wish I were there to support you.

  • towerofbabel

    I’m going to put out a SteinSign today.

  • panem et circenses
    • panem et circenses

      “Hello, you’ve reached your 911 Co. operator. Please tell us about your emergency after this short message from our sponsors.”

      • 17

        “While we review your account.”

  • SmotPoker
    • cathyx

      I’m waiting for his other statement denouncing hillary too.

      • SmotPoker

        Could be a while. GOTV passed on this video with the claim that it was too partisan despite him never even mentioning another party or person. Weird.

      • towerofbabel

        I’m though listening to people trash Trump without acknowledging the appalling fact that Clinton is the other choice, and this was foisted on the voters. To play along with the lesser evil argument is to tacitly approve of what has transpired. This election is illegitimate and irrelevant.

      • SmotPoker

        I dunno, I bet Bobby D would punch Trump right in the face…..

  • SmotPoker

    Take note that even in his condemnation Pence tried to diminish the remarks by stating that they were made 11 years ago when his master was just a youth of 59…..


  • kreskin

    450 people killed & injured after reported Saudi-led airstrike hits funeral in Yemen https://www.rt.com/news/362037-yemen-blast-strike-killed/

  • 17

    Police Caught Whitewashing DPS Racial Profiling Stats

    Whitewashing tricks the system by padding the stats. Instead of reducing profiling stops, they play the system by altering the numbers. Show more of those profiling stops as a white person no matter what race or
    ethnicity they are. It’s subtraction by addition. Subtract the Hispanic and black numbers by adding them to the white numbers.


  • 17

    From Toledo to Standing Rock

    The recent decision to call up the National Guard at Standing Rock conjured up images of Guard–led repression throughout US history.


  • 17

    BTW…Fuck Israel.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


  • kreskin

    ” A terrible warning from US Generals. ”

    On a scale not seen since Korea ? Seriously ? If there’s a full scale war between the major powers it will make Korea look like a snowball fight . WTF is with all of this war talk ? These people are insane !

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      You’re just not seeing the upside to a nuclear war /s fuck them.

      • kreskin

        Guess not .

    • I think the far more relevant quote from that is, “A conventional conflict in the near future will be extremely lethal and fast, and we will not own the stopwatch.”

  • Hope everybody had a good Saturday. Here’s a segment from Redacted Tonight.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Hey Stephanie 🙂

    • Shohanna

      Ty, I am surprised he didn’t annoy me at all in this clip, he even made me laugh. LOL That’s a first!

      • I’m curious what annoys you about him? I watch Lee Camp because I think he speaks truth, I don’t particularly find him that funny.

        • Shohanna

          I am not sure.. He just gets on my last nerve usually. His jokes aren’t funny, and I hate the way he delivers the news. It’s annoying.

  • panem et circenses

    Hypocrite. I haven’t touched the site in months so idk, but did they ever rescind the “no calling people Hillbots or Bernie bros” policy at RS? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that they partially rescinded it.


    • cathyx

      That site has so much shit attached to it, it’s a total joke.

      • panem et circenses

        If you’d have just read her facebook page like I accidentally did because I happen to follow Katie, you’d probably be pretty nauseous. I recommend staying far away, just like her own friends apparently do. It’s pretty much a ghost town where she has to tag people to come argue with her.

    • Edwin


      I guess that’s the infamous Roxanne. Not sure what’s going on tho’.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        It’s against the site rules to call someone a Berniebot or Hillarybot or any variation. Of course, Roxy doesn’t need to follow the rules herself.

        • She doesn’t practice what she preaches because she’s not one of the people she’s preaching at. 🙁

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Yep. Thus a Hillary supporter.

        • Edwin

          I see. It’s like at C&L you’re not supposed to make personal attacks, but it’s OK if it’s “site team” against guests.

      • Roxanne: She actually enjoys putting out the Red Light.

        • Edwin

          Tee hee. I only know the name and have heard a few tales. I guess she’s other people’s Karoli.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      But that’s okay, for her to do it. :))

  • Could be just about any DNC Veal-Pen web log out there, right about now…

    Can You Believe Donald Trump Did That Thing?My God, can you believe Donald Trump did that thing?! It was despicable! It was offensive! I am furious! I am saddened! I could barely stand to watch the video. But I did watch it… about 400 times (So many pre-roll ads for antacid!) getting more and more outraged with each successive viewing.

  • SmotPoker

    Happy Birthday John, you are sorely missed. Cheers.


  • Sunday Links and Open Thread are here! What a time to be alive!

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