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Saturday Links and Open Thread

Oct 15, 2016
528 Views 120
cuwfd67wcaaicke-jpg-largeEditorial Note: I’m going to try to include a “WWIII News” section each day, as it’s becoming an overwhelmingly important story.


The CIA is “possibly” preparing to launch a “cyber first-strike” against Russia. While this is probably just running some dirty underwear up a flag pole, it’s still totally fucking insane, as it would straight up start a war.

At the same time, the Obama administration and the corporate media are beating the drums of war, we must double-down on our resistance to such suicidal action. #NoWarWithRussia.

The DDP examines the “First Strike” policies of Clinton, Trump and Obama, in detail.

Assad pulls no punches, in this interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, declaring the conflict in Syria is about no less than World War 3.

Knowing where the “action” is, IS fighters and their gear are packing up and leaving Iraq, to head to Syria.


Other Links

The always Amazing Gaius Publius, lays out the coming mega-drought in the Southwest States of the US.

Wikileaks has won.

More and more people are waking up to the fact that corporate media outlets are completely untrustworthy.

The FBI finally gets one right, and, SURPRISE! It’s not Muslims who are the bombers!

Exposing the farcical idea that the Republican party is “dying” or “exploding” or whatever line the Democrats and corporate media are spewing today, Republicans are expanding their already massive control of state and local governments, routing the Dems in the polls.

The United States has launched a renewed effort to secure its right to seize information from computers around the world, in the name of “fighting crime.”

Photographer Sarah Frolova, taking inspiration from Instagram’s removal of one of her pictures, has created a series of photos of women with their nipples seamlessly removed. Challenging and strange to behold.

Lastly, in amazing news for fans of animation in general and Studio Ghibli in particular, Ronja, The Robber’s Daughter is getting and English dub and an American release!

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  • Chunga

    Happy Saturday EVERYBODY !!!

    • notisaidthepig

      Why, thank you. And a very happy Saturday to you as well. Oink!

      • Edwin

        Good morning, fine pig.

      • Chunga

        Le Oink yourself 🐷 !

    • Edwin

      Hurray. Hi, Chunga. You’re not around much these days. Good to see you.

      • Chunga

        Work has been a bitch lately, but it looks like the annual mid Oct drop off has happened right on time.

        • I hear that loud and clear. being able to be here and chat all week is what I miss most about not working at home.

          • Chunga

            I don’t mind the drop off in work so much. This is my favorite time of the year and it will be nice to be able to enjoy it a little.

          • Oh, I’m 100% appreciative of this contract. It’s going to pay my debt down to zero. And while it’s a small debt, compared to most Americans’ (about 1/3 of the average), it’s still going to be nice to have it off my back.

            If the contract is extended, or I’m offered a permanent position, that’s just a bigger cake, with icing. 😀

  • Your Song of the Day… A little Ukulele Ike, from me to all of you…


    • Chunga

      Hey Unka, wasn’t it you who was talking about Luke Cage ?? I started watching it earlier this week after getting home from work at night and I’m up to Ep 4. Enjoying it very much, really the first Marvel show I’ve liked.

  • notisaidthepig
    • towerofbabel

      Which fudge cycle do you prefer?

    • I wish I could upvote this till my mouse broke. LOL.

    • Dosido3

      Miss Piggy? 🙁 I think she’s very honest about her self promotion!

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Prosthetic limbs are getting better all the time, but they’re still not able to convey the sense of touch to the user. That’s a serious limitation given just how important touch is for hand use. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a piece of cake or the fork we use to take a bite out of it. A research team led by Robert A. Gaunt from the University of Pittsburgh is the first to develop a system that overcomes this limitation, allowing a paralyzed 28-year-old man to feel objects through a robotic limb.

    To make it work, the researchers implanted tiny microelectrode arrays—each about the size of a shirt button—into the primary somatosensory cortex of the patient’s brain—the part of the brain that receives all sensory input from the body. Prior to the surgery, brain scans were used to determine where the patient processes touch in each of his fingers and his palm.

    After the surgery, currents were delivered through the electrodes. With the help of a computer, this allowed the patient to experience the sensation of touch through a robotic arm.

  • Edwin

    Disregard the dipstick at the beginning. (ugh)


    • Edwin
      • towerofbabel

        Korea looks spooky.

        • Edwin

          That is one of my good spooky ones. I have a few more. Stay tuned.

      • Chunga

        I’d say that was North Korea but everyone knows they are so evil everything is in B&W.

    • towerofbabel

      Who is that idiot with the squeezy voice?

      • Edwin

        I’m guessing it’s the Robert guy because there was one other video where the Robert guy was a dipstick. (But I don’t know for sure, so maybe I should STFU.)

        • notisaidthepig

          Of course it was Robert. He’s an asshole sometimes.

          • Edwin

            I don’t pay attention to who the off-camera voices are. (I am simple like that.)

    • panem et circenses

      I love watching as Jimmy becomes more and more disillusioned and radicalized. He’s getting close to becoming the next Carlin.

      • panem et circenses

        *Without the millions of fans.

  • towerofbabel
  • WOW, Just a marvellous article, from Topher Sanders, over at ProPublica…

    ‘Only White People,’ Said the Little GirlWe don’t have a choice but to talk to our son about Ferguson, Eric Garner, workplace frictions, Baltimore, Charlotte, Alton Sterling and on and on. And yet I mourn each of those conversations. With each degree of awareness comes a corresponding loss — of silliness, of whimsy, of childhood.

  • “This is the conundrum of the current welfare state: For the most part, there isn’t one.”

    Some examples:
    • TANF, meant to connect women to education and jobs, is set at 1996 funding levels and has a 5-year lifetime limit.

    • SNAP, meant to provide food assistance, provides less money than is necessary in most states’ grocery stores, and requires recipients to visit agency offices during work hours.

    • EITC, meant to provide low-income families with a cash-infusion big enough for emergencies, comes once a year — so is irrelevant for most emergencies.

    The list goes on…

    The American Social Safety Net Does Not ExistIn 1996, Aid to Families With Dependent Children—that is, welfare as we knew it—ended. The Republican Party, which had dominated the federal government since the Reagan Revolution, had had welfare in its sights ever since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society expanded antipoverty programs. Liberals and progressives labeled welfare reform one of the worst things President Bill Clinton did, and rightly blamed it for the increase in child poverty that followed.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      So many moochers right Shillz.

      • Blue Basilisk

        Lots of moochers in the system. Most of them making well over a million dollars a year!

  • towerofbabel

    Disturbing news about post coronation plans:

    D.C. Hivemind Mulls How Clinton Can Pass Huge Corporate Tax Cut


  • towerofbabel

    This is just fucking evil:
    D.C. Hivemind Mulls How As Deadline Looms, WikiLeaks Reveals Corporate Demands from the European Union in the Trade in Services Agreement



    • kreskin

      The corruption is just overwhelming. Even a political junkie can’t even keep up with the stories.

      • Edwin

        And probably only a fraction hit the public radar to begin with; tip of the iceberg.

        • kreskin

          I’m sure it’s worse than we can even imagine.

  • Dosido3

    Wow…I think is true contrition. Billy Bush donated his $10m severance to women’s charities. I’m speechless. I don’t like the guy but I can stop hating him now. Does that make me cheap?

    • He’s some kind of sports announcer, right?

      • Dosido3

        He is Jebs cousin and was the other guy on the Access Hollywood tape with Trump. He was a host on that show before going to the Today show.

        • Well, then, imo, it’s just another part of the biggest propaganda coup since “Welfare Queens.” Given how important people are treating Trump’s comments, with the help of the Clinton campaign, while ignoring the proof of her corruption and entitles aiding and abetting of the mass-murder in the Middle East.

          • Dosido3

            As much as I don’t like him, he was collateral damage. NBC was going to leak after the debate but some rogues leaked it before…with Billy on it. Makes sense that if you’re lower on Clinton’s food chain you might not like a Bush.

    • notisaidthepig

      You’re not cheap at all! This just means that people are redeemable. It CAN happen.

      • Dosido3

        Hi Pig! Did you watch the Senate debate last night? Heck of a guy you have there! :). Anyway, I have mixed feelings about Bush. I think he’s still a jerk. And maybe he had to donate the settlement to get his career back. And he still relates way too much to entitled white guys like Ryan Lochte. But I didn’t see this move coming.

        • notisaidthepig

          Hi, D! No, didn’t get to watch the Senate debate. I’m afraid I was cramming for the Praxis which I took this morning. Fingers crossed I passed it and my Nevada teacher certification won’t get revoked.

          • Dosido3

            Oh. Best of luck. I remember you mentioning that. I hope to sit for the CSET soon.

          • notisaidthepig

            Thx. Good luck to you as well.

          • Blue Basilisk

            Good luck, Pig! 🙂

  • notisaidthepig

    OMG, Unka. I read that Gaius piece and I’m not happy. I live in Las Vegas, you may recall. I knew the situation was bad but…..it’s more dire than I imagined. Sigh.

    • The country is riddled with maggots, there’s no other way to see it, IMO.

    • Dosido3

      I think our states should sell its drops of water to the highest bidder! Great plan, don’t you think?

      • notisaidthepig

        Oh, dear.

  • notisaidthepig
  • Edwin

    This is pretty cool if you like that history stuff


    • 17

      Edwin, there’s a love letter waiting for you. You know where.

      • Edwin

        O, geez. And I bin a good boy.

      • Edwin

        The loss of her blog looks like it will be the final nail in her coffin. All the people she fooled into thinking she was a nice person now know she’s not. She’s pretty much broadcast that to the world all by herself. (I didn’t even know who she was 5 months ago.) It’s just her and Neb against the world now…… and Neb might even be one of Ricki’s socks, so there’s that.

  • kreskin

    October 16, 2016
    Clinton Emails Admit Counterrevolutionary Role of Saudi Arabia in Middle East

    Saudi Arabia is known to be have facilitated the 9/11 attacks and fund ISIL, but why does the monarchy get so much leeway from the US?


  • Edwin

    Great photos and film/movies of NYC, San Fran, Japan, China and (still watching so I don’t know yet). Very cool.


    • cathyx

      By the looks of Ricki’s comments at TBR, it sounds like you DID send her another email, lol.

      • Edwin

        Nope. She just drank an extra bottle of gin.

        • cathyx

          Oh funny, she makes it sound like you were sending her email after email.

          • Edwin

            All her days just blur one into the next. The only marker for the passage of time is another empty gin bottle and a few more tears.

          • cathyx

            And more oculus comments.

          • Edwin

            Usual kind or about me?

          • cathyx

            Ricki’s latest? All about you, my friend, lucky you.

          • Edwin

            Yes, I saw that.

            The thing about Ricki (and Neb) is I hardly know them and have no history with them. They are just a couple of pathetic whackjobs I had the misfortune of meeting online. I don’t really care about them.

            C&L is another matter because the way they abused so many of us and they have power to sway a lot of minds. They are evil.

        • Oh, you naughty children prompted, **someone** to flag these comments. LOL.

          • Shohanna

            Hahaha makes you wonder who is “LURKING” doesn’t it? As if it’s a mystery!!

          • It definitely is a pitiable thing.

          • Edwin

            Gives me a part-time hobby: mock the douchebags. (Douchebags deserve it.)

          • Edwin

            People lurk. They can’t help but. 😀

    • Edwin

      There are 3 videos in this series and I found them very interesting!!

  • Shohanna

    Microsoft sucks so badly, that with in a few weeks my account was compromised already, and suspended on Skype!! WTF?! talk about insecure. I had a 16 alphanumeric password on the damned thing?! SIXTEEN!! That means someone got my fucking password EVEN through a program that suppose to protect and encrypt my password!! I love how Microsoft gives your passwords out like they are candy. /s

    Looks like I won’t be using Skype anymore. Fuck that noise.

    • notisaidthepig

      So sorry to hear about all that, Sho. I better check out my stuff…..


    • In all honesty, it sounds like you local system is compromised and sending out your information.

      • Shohanna

        I have ran all the programs I am familiar with, there isn’t anything I can detect atm.

      • Shohanna

        Possibly, it even had a SYMBOL on it. Encrypted, which means some sort of either keylogger, or screenshot.

        FUCK! goddamn it all.

  • Today’s links and Open thread will be a bit late.

    • notisaidthepig

      Morning, Unka.

  • Shohanna

    Anon official page put this out. You won’t see it on TV, or other places. It scared the crap out of me.


    • notisaidthepig

      That was indeed frightening.

      • Shohanna

        Yup, other news sources will spin it. Anon did not. O.o **SHIVER** We are a hell of a lot closer then ANYONE has said. This is pants wetting….

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Sho 🙂 my profile is open. XD

      • Shohanna

        I saw that, what changed your mind? *hug*

  • OK, I’ll post links when I get chance later, but let’s just carry over the open thread here today (I’m in and out of the house today on errands.)

    In the mean times, here’s some advice from Craig Robinson, in his role as your screen saver…


    • towerofbabel

      It is bizarre to listen to Jill knowing that the fix is in and the oligarchy has choses her opposite. With the last brazen display of anti-democratic behavior, the autocratic and self-centered mediocracy running this country, and the world into the ground, has no legitimacy whatsoever.

      • Hear, hear! Couldn’t agree more. It makes me wonder how people can be so dense. Here’s someone who is for every policy that, objectively, does what people say they want done in the country, and they, in most cases, simply refuse to hear it, going to any lengths to not hear it.

  • Edwin

    National Guard, State Police Descend on 81-Year-Old’s Home to Seize One Marijuana Plant

    One more reason for Massachusetts to legalize marijuana at the polls next month.

    Holcomb said he was at his mother’s home eating a late lunch with his
    sister when they heard whirring blades and looked up to see a
    military-style helicopter circling the property, with two men crouching
    in an open door and holding a device that he suspects was a thermal
    imager to detect marijuana plants.


    • towerofbabel

      Gotta keep the pharmaceutical companies happy.

    • I was pleased to vote for (a limited form of) legalization here in Arizona, just yesterday. (Early voting.)

      • Edwin

        Hurray for Unka!!

  • towerofbabel

    Politically speaking, I don’t know if I am in the grief stage or the anger stage. I never went though denial. Fortunately I live next to a public park on the Mississippi River where I walk the dog. The last days have been stunning. It’s magical this year because of the abnormal amount of rain. Oddly, with humanity spinning blindly toward disaster, I notice the beautiful moments a lot more.

    https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b0f7ad9110e281c984b9ce7742ac5c9496121613d1a8a057e41b95e291670f32.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ae012b7bf9d262cfac78ef437153f6b6721ae893165645e801a5c70d0e18ab7e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eecb300ac2657594379ffe4b4405198b5537f2e9e996e8e9536fce585897da69.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/747d934788f844d6a118075cc249f51cccd10536053627372a585700a98ee26a.jpg

    • Shaykayvah

      I hear ya, We were driving home from northern Michigan this evening. there was a weird sun infused murkiness, that and the fall colors, was soothing and magical

    • notisaidthepig

      Thanks for sharing. That’s lovely.

    • notisaidthepig

      Now I have to share. I live just south of the Sheep Range and the Las Vegas Range and tonight coming home from an errand the light was just hitting the ranges. Stunning! I wish I had taken a picture.

      • towerofbabel

        I would love to see some pics from the southwest. I’ve never been to Nevada but have driven through Arizona. There were plenty of jaw dropping moments.

    • Those are some truly beautiful pics…

  • Dosido3

    Truly unbelievable.

    WATCH: CNN Claims It’s Illegal for Anyone But the Media to Read Clinton WikiLeaks Emails


    • Pravda nyet Izvestia, Izvestia nyet Pravda.

    • Edwin

      This guy is an impressive journalist (forget his name right now, or I’ll screw it up.) Have watched tons of his videos. He has a couple of shows.

      • I’ve enjoyed much of Al Jazeera’s work, and have become enamored of the work of several of their reporters, including Mehdi, on Upfront.

  • Virginia Apgar, the Woman Whose Name Saves NewbornsShe was a pioneer in several fields of medicine, helping to establish anesthesiology as a medical specialty, working to study and improve obstetrical anesthesia, and advancing the study of birth defects. She helped organize and administer the first Division of Anesthesia at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, her alma mater, and became the first woman to be a full professor there.

    As a teacher of medicine, Apgar was known for her uninhibited sense of humor and could talk about anything without embarrassment. Because her own tailbone was at an odd angle, she would have medical students feel for it to help them learn how to administer spinal anesthetics. She always traveled with a resuscitation kit that included a penknife and an endotracheal tube (a plastic tube inserted into the windpipe to ventilate the lungs). “Nobody, but nobody, is going to stop breathing on me!” she reportedly declared.

  • Annaleigh
    • Edwin

      Hi Annaleigh.

      • Annaleigh


    • Cutting communications is often the first step in a more serious set of actions. 🙁

  • Monday’s Daily Links & Open Thread is up!

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