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29 Apr

Tuesday Links, 12-13-2016

Dec 13, 2016
547 Views 127

Jeffrey St. Clair, CounterPunch Editor, on The Corporate Media’s Assault on Free Speech.

US Court Of Appeals To Hear Arguments In Bush War Crimes Case. For a Pro-Forma, rapid dismissal.

And we get a perfect demonstration why pipelines near people are bad: Pipeline spills 176,000 gallons of crude into creek about 150 miles from Dakota Access protest camp.

“Polar vortex” expected to bring dangerously-low temps to U.S.

If you want an explanation, at least a partial one, for why America is where it is: One in six U.S. adults takes a psychiatric drug.

It’s true that a Trump presidency will result in a less equal Internet, but it’s not like Obama’s FCC was doing a lot to enforce their net-neutrality rules, any more than needed to look like defenders of a free Internet.

The new corporate censorship coalition wants to weaken fair-use provisions in a bid to stifle competing journalistic narratives, The EFF Begs to Disagree.

Because France isn’t pursuing some purist, dogmatic extreme-right economic model, France’s market-based economy is working worlds better than the US’s.

Medicaid for ex-prisoners saves money and lives, but millions are released without it.

Trump’s bait and switch. I don’t think any of our commenters were fooled, for even a New York Minute, about what Trump would really do if elected, and so far, he appears to be sticking to the script.

“Backpage” Editors beat “pimping” charges.

3D Printed Organs Look, Feel and Bleed Like the Real Thing.

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Open Thread
2246 views1

Monday GIF-a-thon

UnkaWillbur - Jul 10, 2017

I've been AWOL, sorry about that, big things in life, big things afoot here. More Later. In the meantime, what's your favorite GIFs?    

Keep Them Doggies Rolling
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Open Thread
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Keep Them Doggies Rolling

UnkaWillbur - Jun 05, 2017

America's 2017 Derangement Tour continued this week. Starting of with Kathy "PLEASE LOOK AT ME!" Griffith proving that Democrats can be as eliminationist as their fellow conservatives…

Your Weekend of Weekends.
Daily Links
3687 views179
Daily Links
3687 views179

Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

Here' some links to nosh on, to start of your weekend. I hope everyone's weekend is great; me, myself, I'm planning on jumping out of a perfectly…

  • notisaidthepig


    • Morning Noti. Hope your Tuesday goes well. Going to be a drive-y day for me. Work->Funeral->Work.

      • notisaidthepig

        Morning, Unka. I’m so sorry to hear that you have to attend a funeral. Never an easy thing, my friend.

  • notisaidthepig

    The Democrats “Russia Hacking” Campaign is Political Suicide

    h/t Hansjurg (from the other site I frequent; this is just too good not to share)

    • I’d sure like to hope it is.

    • EdgarHF

      I have no statistical evidence, but I find it hard to believe that the actual progressive supporters of the Democratic Party has left and they are not coming back. I know this doubling down they have done post election seals it for me.

    • Edwin

      Yup. Zackly!!

  • 17
    • Ann Watson

      Is there some way to allow us to comment directly on the introduced themes?

      • 17

        Do you mean the links for the day? They just point to the article at the source. Otherwise, just make the comment here. Highlight what the topic is in your comment if it’s one of the daily links.

        • Ann Watson

          I do.
          Thank you. ; )

        • Ann Watson

          Can you tell I’m still a novice, even though I’ve been around for a while? ; )

  • 17

    Is the Deep State at War–With Itself?

    The recent pronouncement by the C.I.A. that Russian hackers intervened in the U.S. presidential election doesn’t pass the sniff test–on multiple levels. Let’s consider the story on the most basic levels.


    • towerofbabel

      This explains a lot.

  • EdgarHF

    A glance at Alternet’s headlines today tell me they have gone full blown McCarthyite.

    • Edwin

      Egad. UGH!! Looks like I got banned just in time.

      I got banned for linking to one of Ricki’s rants in The Abandoned Room after she came into an Alternet thread, drunk out of her mind and slurring her words, attacking me.

      PS She had another drunken meltdown yesterday. Bill Pebbles was there to see, but he was very kind. It appears he took pity on the raging old tosspot. That Pebbles is helluva guy.

      • kreskin

        And the Soap Opera continues . ( sigh )

        • Edwin


          • kreskin

    • kreskin

      Monkeys see … monkeys do . So much bullshit , its overwhelming.

    • MeanValueTheorem

      It’s pretty fucking gross.

      Joy fucking Behar straight up said “I mean, do we have to wait until the hammer and sickle is on the American flag before we stand up to this guy?” on the View.

      I mean for Pete’s sake, Hammer and Sickle? Hammer and fucking Sickle?
      Democrats didn’t even blow the fucking dust off the McCarthism play-book when the read from it.

      The fucking Berlin Wall came down in 1989. The Russians are NOT COMMUNISTS. Pathetic.

      • kreskin

        It’s scary how everyone is jumping on the band wagon, all of it orchestrated by our government . It’s getting dangerous , makes me wonder what the fuck they are up to . Install Clinton , or worse ? Joy needs to pull her he out of her as, it’s the year 2016 , the Soviet Union no longer exists . It’s hard to even find a hammer and sickle in Moscow , I’ve seen two , one in an old station in the Moscow underground / metro , the other was on an old building in Ulyanovsk , at the aviation college .

        Man , the sheep in this country are so easy to manipulate and herd . It’s frightening. Fucking idiots !

        • MeanValueTheorem

          They were red-baiting the shit out of Bernie supporters during the Primary. Now they’ve resorted to overtly red-baiting Trump of all fucking people.

          It’s an amazingly lazy and dishonest appeal to latent cold-war brainwashing among boomers. Beneath this facile bullshit there’s a refusal to admit that Millennials have become the largest voting generation in the U.S. and they couldn’t give less of a shit about red-baiting. Democrats are capable of all the idiocy and vile rat-fucking they’ve attributed to Republicans. As they desperately cling to power while Republicans continue to annihilate them in elections to come, the form of that power will increasingly be expressed as the ability to squash the left. Like a drunken wife beater coming home after the boss rides his ass at work. Democrats are going to exact revenge on liberals for each defeat they suffer against Republicans. The sooner Democrats cease to exist as a national party the sooner we can get on with our lives and mount a serious challenge against Conservatism/Neoliberalism. Democrats are the systemic poisoners of the left.

          • Edwin

            Yes. I agree. They are worse than Republicans. I blame the Clintons/Clintonites, mostly. The bottom-feeding, kooliad-drinking Clinton groupies are not innocent either. They feel the empire rightfully belongs to them. They make me sick.

            I have already published my feelings in this thread.

          • MeanValueTheorem

            This treachery has always been a fundamental contradiction native to the Democratic Party. They gave us the Palmer Raids, they were the home of the Dixiecrats before the CRA, they sabotaged FDR and Henry A. Wallace in 1944, they attacked McGovern viciously.

            This is who they are as a Party. But with the Clintons Democrats became a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall Stree & Sillicon Valley. They are internally autocratic and superbly elitist. As a faction they operate like a controlled asset of the Clinton mob. Incapable. Failure to fall in line and they will have your head on a silver platter. If you’re popular enough they’ll spare your career and turn you into a fucking sheep-dog. In any case everyone MUST BOW THE FUCK DOWN TO THE CLINTONS.

          • Edwin

            I don’t know all the history. New since around 2004. Thanks. (They’re cruds.)

          • MeanValueTheorem

            If you get a chance buy Death of the Liberal Class by Christ Hedges.
            here’s a link to download it for free. use the small download button.


          • Edwin


          • kreskin

            I could not agree more.

          • Blue Basilisk

            The Soviet Union fell before I ever started school. I know of it through history, books, and movies, but I can’t actually recall a time when it still existed and I’m almost 30 now.

          • MeanValueTheorem

            When the USSR fell the cold-war brainwashing kinda slowed down. Right now Democrats are ruing the day they got lazy when it came to instilling a rabid fear of all things socialist in next generation.

            Mark my words. Clinton nearly losing to a professed Democratic-Socialist in the primary, and then losing to Trump in the general, is the Democrat’s Sputnik Moment. As we type these words a mountain of money is being dedicated to wiping out everything left of MSNBC. Millennials and their “meh” response to red-baiting scares the ever-loving shit out of the Dems.
            If democracy means having to appeal to Millennials those bastards are officially over representative government.

          • oodaloop

            In all fairness, representative government has been a low priority for the unified establishment party for a long time.

          • MeanValueTheorem


      • The kayfabe has driven American politics to a cartoonish level. Just like it did to the WWF in the mid-80s.

        • MeanValueTheorem

          That’s a good word to know. So true.
          The entire media is a giant Punch & Judy show.

          Watching the MSM felate itself today is like watching an 80’s cartoon you remembered being much more believable than it actually is. The writing on He-Man was utter shit compared to Loony Toons.

          • It’s amazingly how accurately it (“kayfabe”) describes what’s been going on in D.C. for at least a couple decades now.

  • panem et circenses
    • kreskin

      Rather hypocritical , isn’t it ?

  • kreskin
  • EdgarHF

    I am not sure if I agree with Jimmy Dore time. I am afraid they are going to normalize putting these asshats in direct policy control. It is already normal for The Secretary of Treasury a Wall Street crook. I suggest next, the CEO of GE be put in charge of The Department of Defense.

    • towerofbabel

      I think the US is going though the 12 steps of neoliberal capitalism. This level is where we wake up naked in a street gutter with vomit everywhere. The naked part is Trump as the face of America and the vomit is all of the corrupt business leaders that normally hide behind the curtain. That’s a mashup of metaphors but you get the point. We have to go though this process of awakening to the horror of what we really are under the leadership of these mobster capitalist scumbags. Wake up America!

      • Edwin

        The people are already there. The 1% have to hit bottom.

        • towerofbabel

          That’s why, in answer to Edgar, I said we have to go through this. It’s better than keeping it hidden.
          Decent Americans, and I believe they are in the majority–if they are informed–need to say NO.

      • MeanValueTheorem

        So true!

        What frightens the hell out of me is the refusal by Democrats to admit there’s anything wrong. They won’t admit they have a problem. They haven’t hit rock bottom yet.

        That will come when the Party’s family has enough and walks out on it. The family’s checking out as evidenced by consistent electoral failures…but the party wont hit the bottom so long as it can pretend to have a constituency. When #demexit begins to REALLY move on and rebuild they’ll be up shit’s creek.

        • EdgarHF

          They won’t hit bottom until they run out of donors.

        • Blue Basilisk

          I think what this election has really shown is that at their core, the Democrats and Republicans really are the same. They pay lip service to different social and economic issues but when elected a lot of them do the exact same shit.

          • MeanValueTheorem

            People laugh at me when I ask what the differences are. When they name a few almost superficial differences I’ll grant it. Nevertheless, for a growing number of people, the differences which do exist between the parties are simply not enough to outpace the long dark shadow of policies both parties share in common.

            Differences between Republicans and Democrats are what one would reasonably expect to see in any single big tent political party. There’s the Democratic Wing of the Republican Party and the Republican Wing of the Republican Party the way I see it.

            Historically speaking I think it’s fair to say the ideological differences within the Democratic party before the Civil Rights Movement allowed for more daylight between Democrats than we can see today between Republicans and Democrats. This is especially true when we drop the marketing and juxtapose their policy practices.

            Say this to any partisan Democrat and they’ll howl bloody murder at you for days on end. But it’s true. Clinton agrees with Republicans more than George Wallace agreed with Northern Democrats.

    • MeanValueTheorem

      Wasn’t Robert McNamara the Secretary of Defense right after being the first non-family president of the Ford Motor Company?

      • EdgarHF

        You are right! I forgot about that

        • MeanValueTheorem

          He’s the reason the U.S. started to overproduce arms and used the surplus in direct government aid/sales. McNamara’s logistical analysis lead to the global small arms trade which the U.S. still dominates, fueling countless low intensity wars for the better part of half a century with no end in sight.

      • What was once a rare slippage, is now just Standard Operating Procedure.

        • MeanValueTheorem

          Indeed. And look what damage McNamara was able to inflict. The DLC/Clintons and Republicans have all but made public service into a department of the private sector.

  • 17

    Obama Opts to Archive, not Declassify, Torture Report

    A Senate report on torture and other harsh interrogation tactics that the CIA used in the war on terror will remain secret into the next administration, the White House revealed Monday.


  • 17

    CIA chief warns Trump against torture

    Mr Brennan told the BBC, in an interview broadcast this morning, that “the overwhelming majority of CIA officers would not want to get back into” the use of torture such as waterboarding. He added: “Without a doubt the CIA really took some body blows as a result of its experiences.”


    • Edwin

      I say the ones who tried it go to jail and that puts a dampening effect on others who are thinking about trying it.

  • Edwin
  • towerofbabel

    Mark Blyth is Excellent Again: “Global Trumpism” And The Revolt Against The Creditor Class


  • 17

    Forget Tillerson, Bolton Will Drive Foreign Policy

    Forget the United Nations. Bolton is a frontline neocon who wants war with Iran.


    • kreskin

      I think Trump really is insane .

      • No more insane than any of our would-be royalty. But even that is abhorrently bad.

        • kreskin

          I think Donald has got them beat , am not sorry that Clinton lost , just saying .

          ( Sorry , Unka , having trouble getting comments posted , long delay , apparently . diqus or my VPN ? I dunno .

          • No worries. Probably Disqus: I’ve had similar issues.

        • Edwin

          The choices: Would you like death by slow poison drips or firing squad?

    • kreskin

      This is not a good sign . Glad he didn’t get the top spot , deputy sec is plenty bad enough .

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


  • 17

    The Long, Cruel Career of Rudy Giuliani

    After decades of polluting the political landscape with authoritarianism and race-baiting, is Rudy Giuliani’s career finally over?


    • MeanValueTheorem

      I remember when Giuliani took office in NYC. My neighborhood became an occupied territory.

      • kreskin


        • MeanValueTheorem

          Seriously. Suddenly there were cops jumping out of cars everywhere throwing you up against a wall. Fucking turned the place into a police state. Bloomberg continued the broken windows shit.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Sounds like Arpaio and his brownshirts and how they treat hispanics in Arizona.

        • MeanValueTheorem

          NYC among other cities were the shock testing grounds for anti-minority/anti-working-class policies.

          Adolf Jailiani pioneered the use of broken window theory to spearhead gentrification. Incarcerate the breadwinners, shrink social program spending, evict their families when they sink into poverty, crush small businesses with big box stores, criminalize the unemployed, repeat.

          He’s a real piece of shit. Arpaio and him suffer from the same affliction when it comes to hispanics. Arpaio’s penchant for building almost “no-kill” concentration camps is something out of a Neo-Nazi wet dream.

    • kreskin

      ( Sigh ) Let’s hope so .

  • 17

    Donald Trump is picking people to run agencies they hate

    As US president-elect Donald Trump pulls together his cabinet, many of his nominations share the distinction of being people that have indirectly, and in some cases quite directly, fought against the missions of the very agencies they’ll be overseeing.


  • 17

    Obama’s Legacy: Institutionalizing Assassination Complex For Any President To Play Judge, Jury, And Executioner

    Now, Donald Trump will be president, and he will have a vast apparatus for carrying out targeted assassinations. He will be able to order the deaths of individuals in countries where it is known drone and
    airstrikes have taken place, as well as in countries, where U.S. drones have not been used to kill.

    Trump will be judge, jury, and executioner, but it should not be all that much different from what Obama did as president. The only difference will be the person with the authority to sign off on who lives and who dies.


  • 17

    Blowback from America’s Disastrous Policy in Yemen Will Be Profound

    Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners are enforcing a naval blockade of Yemen. Yemen — already the poorest country in the Middle East — imports 90 percent of its food and medicine. Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis face starvation as food prices have soared and aid is either non-existent or slow to arrive. The United Nations estimates that more than 80 percent of Yemen’s population of 23 million are in immediate need of humanitarian assistance.


    • kreskin

      We ARE what we once hated.

  • 17

    Someone Has Officially Called the CIA’s Bluff over Russia

    The scapegoating of Russia is now so widespread, Dirty Wars author and investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill took to The Intercept to call the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on its bluff.

    In the article, “Obama Must Declassify Evidence Of Russian Hacking,” Scahill and Jon Schwartz called out U.S. intelligence agencies for their record of deceit, asserting that the American people are not going to
    simply “take their word for it.”



  • “Earth 2100 is a television program that was presented by the American Broadcasting Company network on June 2, 2009 and was aired on the History channel in January 2010 and was shown through 2010.”

    The accuracy of this documentary’s depictions of our current time period are all to familiar to us from the news. Its predictions for the future should terrify you!


  • 17

    How America Disgraces Itself

    The ugly spectacle of the U.S. election is spilling over into the transition with new conspiracy theories about Russia and Donald Trump, as the world looks on in shock and dismay, says ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller.


    • Edwin

      Uuuuuuh, yeah. Understatement. Shaking our damned heads. We want these crackpots leading the planet onward. yup.

    • kreskin

      How the fuck can anyone be a proud American is beyond me , gotta be a complete ignoramus , as naive as can be . No shortage of those on this country .

  • 17

    But I Thought the Cold War was Supposed to Have Been About Ideology

    The Cold War should have ended in 1991 when communism and the Warsaw Pact did, but instead it continued on in the form of NATO (very profitable for what Dwight Eisenhower called “the military-industrial
    complex” — and its U.S. military is also the employer, direct or indirect, of much of our workforce, especially when arms-manufacturers are counted in). And now Donald Trump is being called by haters-of-Trump (who are almost exclusively lovers-of-Hillary) a U.S. national-security risk because he wants to end the Cold War on the U.S. side — 25 years after it had ended in 1991 on the communist side. Oh, it’s still too soon to do that? Really?


  • 17

    Released ‘Operation Condor’ Files Show CIA Torture in Argentina

    One of the documents highlighted by the archive was a National Security Council summary of the torture of Argentina’s Alfredo Bravo, president of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights. President Jimmy Carter’s
    National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski received the report from his top aide for Latin America, Robert Pastor, detailing the torture by the military of Bravo.


  • towerofbabel

    This lecture delves into the global phenomenon of rightwing xenophobic politics and the left’s complicity in creating the social and economic conditions for it to fester:

    Mark Blyth ─ Global Trumpism


    • towerofbabel

      Blyth: “When the Center Left see the New Left coming up, they try to strangle it in the bathtub.”

    • kreskin

      Russophobic … in our case .

  • Shohanna

    Man I wish it was easier to post, I’d spam w all the news! However, tiny phone screen even makes it hard to read much less post!

    The pain is no different then when I was admitted 6 days ago. Calls for another CT scan, tomorrow morning! 🙁 don’t know when I will be healthy enough to go home. I am falling asleep so will message tomorrow, night everyone!!

    • panem et circenses


    • Edwin

      Thx for letting us know. Sorry to hear about the pain. Hope they can help you.

      Thinking of you xoxo

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Hugs sho.

    • notisaidthepig

      Take care, Sho. And good luck. Hope to hear from you again soon. (((hugs)))

      • Edwin

        Hi, Noti.

        Hope you had a good day.

        • notisaidthepig

          Thanks, Edwin. They are going by in a blur….

    • oodaloop

      Good Luck, Sho.

    • Take care of yourself first, Sho, the news will still be there when you’re better!

      We’re all thinking good thoughts for you and can’t wait till you feel that you’re back in top form!

      • Shohanna

        Aww I love you guys!!

      • Shohanna

        well of course it will

  • Edwin
    • panem et circenses


      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        dun dun dunnnnnnn

      • Edwin

        or lies

        • panem et circenses

          Possibly, but “intelligence gathering” is newspeak for the same type of practices they’re trying to condemn Russia for.

          • panem et circenses

            If Russia had a hand in pushing Trump over the finish line, you could say that they Pinochet’d the US government.

          • Edwin

            Payback for Boris Yeltsin.

            Although all they (whoever) did is embarrass a few jackasses by showing the public their dirty underhanded dealings. Nothing more.

    • Blue Basilisk

      “We can’t reveal our sources because it would prove we’re making this up”

      • Edwin

        and then you’d see we made everything else up… right back to 1945

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Try 1845.

      • kreskin

        LOL Exactly .

    • towerofbabel

      After all it’s just a claim of Russian interference in US elections. So that doesn’t matter enough to put the evidence out there in the light of day and fix the “problems” with the electoral system. This is a joke.

  • kreskin

    Breakout the chest waders , you’re gonna need them . .

    U.S.-led air strike killed militants involved in Paris terror attacks, Pentagon says

  • Annaleigh

    Hi everybody!

    I may be going to bed soon, but I guess I have to mention that come later today my general area will be making national news most likely because of a police shooting. We have the highest per capita police shooting rate which doesn’t get a lot of attention and is debated (some people blame Black Lives Matter, and say that BLM doesn’t care about people killed by police here because most are Latino, but I think that’s unfair…many BLM people do tweet and talk about police shootings of non-Black POC and of white people too), but now it’s unavoidable. Last night a rookie officer shot an elderly man with dementia seven times near his home. The Bakersfield police are trying to say the elderly man didn’t obey police bullying orders and the officer thought the crucifix Mr. Serna had with him was a gun (Mr. Serna was struggling with insomnia because of the dementia…he often took walks to pray, try to relax, get tired, etc. which is what he was doing last night no problem until the police showed up because someone claimed someone was running around with a gun):


    There are probably a lot of people who don’t have sympathy when a young cholo gets shot down by police, but someone’s Grandpa is another story. At least I hope so.

    • oodaloop

      Thank you for providing the close-range context on this one, Annaleigh.

      • Annaleigh

        You’re welcome. If I end up going to Bakersfield because of this (for a protest, or a hearing/meeting, etc.) I’ll let everyone know what happens.

    • Hi Anna! Thanks for the good info!

      • Annaleigh

        You’re welcome!

  • Edwin
  • 17
  • Good morning my lovelies. Here’s today’s links for your approval.

    Happy Hump Day! (is it here again, already, Time Flies!)

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