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28 Apr

Links, Thursday, 1-19-17

Jan 19, 2017
546 Views 47

Obama Carried Out Ten Times More Drone Strikes Than Bush.

Even the small wins can have lasting and, in the end, large effects: 5 Years Later, Victory Over SOPA Means More than Ever.

Enraged Political Establishment Would Have Been Okay With Chelsea Manning Dying In Prison.

Discredited Former New York Times Reporter Disregards Her Own Record While Smearing Chelsea Manning.  Judith “Pants On Fire” Miller hoists her own Twittard in a MoDo-Level case of foot-in-mouth disease.

Jeremy Bowen tours the utter destruction that was once Aleppo.

Life is a preexisting condition waiting to happen

There is no turning back—at least not on a human timescale.

U.S. Faces ‘Abrupt and Substantial’ Crop Losses.

Dramatic ACA metaphors and the meaning of “access.”

Long live populism! – Thomas Piketty

Assange weasels out of pledge to surrender if Manning received clemency.

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Open Thread
2243 views1

Monday GIF-a-thon

UnkaWillbur - Jul 10, 2017

I've been AWOL, sorry about that, big things in life, big things afoot here. More Later. In the meantime, what's your favorite GIFs?    

Keep Them Doggies Rolling
Open Thread
2785 views95
Open Thread
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Keep Them Doggies Rolling

UnkaWillbur - Jun 05, 2017

America's 2017 Derangement Tour continued this week. Starting of with Kathy "PLEASE LOOK AT ME!" Griffith proving that Democrats can be as eliminationist as their fellow conservatives…

Your Weekend of Weekends.
Daily Links
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Daily Links
3683 views179

Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

Here' some links to nosh on, to start of your weekend. I hope everyone's weekend is great; me, myself, I'm planning on jumping out of a perfectly…

  • Shaykayvah

    Woohoo, Thursday!

    • It’s like near-beer for the weekend! “It’s not Friday, but you’ll swear it is!”

  • notisaidthepig

    How’s your mom doing, Unka? I trust she is well.

    • Thanks for asking, Noti! She’s doing well, was raring to get out of there after the procedure, and the recovery time. But, it’s all good news, no heart problems for mom!

      • notisaidthepig

        That’s excellent news. I’m off to work so will check in later this evening. Have a good one. Oink!

      • FaunaAndFlora

        Glad to hear she’s doing okay, Unka.

      • Dosido3

        Yay mom!

      • SmotPoker

        That is excellent news my friend. Excellent indeed.

  • Your Song of the Day


  • I somehow missed this story, on other sites…somehow. In any case, this is a real win for labor, at least, for postal labor.

    How the American Postal Workers Union Scored One of its Biggest Wins Ever

    • Chunga

      Great article and good news. I don’t do a whole lot of online ordering but when I do I insist it be delivered by the USPS. I’ve chastised my mother enough times that when she sends anything to me she goes to the Post Office not the UPS Store.

  • EdgarHF

    “Discredited Former New York Times Reporter Disregards Her Own Record While Smearing Chelsea Manning.”

    New York Times r̶e̶p̶o̶r̶t̶e̶r̶ corporate whore

  • SmotPoker

    Hey gang, it’s been a while. I’ve been going through my own personal hell with the family splintering. Right now, I’m about as depressed, and angry as I’ve ever been in my life.

    38 years ago my mother met a woman that would be her best friend for life, they were like sisters. She lived with us for a while when I was young, and as the years went by they remained close as sisters. My mother before she died told all of us that she was fine with dad remarrying, anyone but that person. She had those “mom eyes” going on when she said it, and she was serious as a heart attack.

    Any guesses as to what went down recently? Yeah. I had the temerity to call bullshit on it, and now the family is flying apart. It’s their life, but I personally view it as an insult to the memory of mother. She raised his child from a previous marriage (who of course is siding with his dad, wanted him to throw me out…) made a home for him, and after she dies he hooks up with her friend of fucking almost 40 years? Ewwwww.

    So tell me, how wrong am I?

    • 17

      Glad to see ya, Smot. You’ve been missed. I’m sorry about your situation, and believe me, I’m not the one to be taking advice from on almost any situation. Hang in there, brother.

      • SmotPoker

        By a thread baby, by a thread….

        We’ve all seen the motivational kitten poster….

        Truth be told, it’s not so much advice I’m truly looking for as it is a few friendly words.

        • Dosido3

          hi ya smot. hugs. You’re having a ballet of emotions!!! a parent’s remarriage after another parent’s death is a really tricky minefield. More hugs!

          • SmotPoker

            Yeah, anybody else, and i’d have been deliriously happy for him. Tricky indeed.

          • Dosido3

            I don’t really understand death bed wishes anyway, no offense to your mother.

          • Ann Watson

            From what you’ve said about how awkward your dad can be at times it might be difficult for him to find someone else, at least this woman knows what she is taking on, and so does he.
            I don’t know what reason your mum had for not wanting such a union, but whatever happens it can’t hurt her now, only you if you allow it to.

        • Dosido3

          I’m here to support a friend…and a work colleague!


    • notisaidthepig

      Hi, Smot! It’s been ages. So sorry to hear about your family troubles. Sigh. There’s no way to avoid family troubles. (((hugs)))

    • I’m sorry to hear all that, you don’t deserve it, from what I’ve seen. I think though, as distasteful as it is, you may already have your answer, in “It’s their life”, but that doesn’t make it an easier pill to swallow, know. But as to the “wanted him to throw me out” that’s some serious party-foul territory and calls for a righteous and burning anger.

      In any case, gooble-gobble and all that; you know you’re always welcome here, just prompt me and I’ve got a world of dumb and sometimes funny shit at my fingertips, though with the 9-5 work I’ve been doing, answers will be in the morning or evening, MST. 😀

    • towerofbabel

      Hang in there. I hope you sort it out. I know how hard that can be.

  • 17

    Yellow Journalism Morphs into Yellow Government

    The Theater of the Absurd continued this past week as a three ring circus. Corporate media pretends it has not been outed as the alter ego of Wikileaks, where it is exposed now as the Fort Knox of Fake News. The
    last gasp was Aleppo, where all the Western media massacre lies came tumbling down like the walls of Jericho.


  • 17

    .What’s Really Behind US Claims of “Russian Hacking?

    Had the elementary e-mail “hacks” required state sponsored resources, would Russia have been willing to accept the political, economic, and military risks associated with sponsoring such an operation? The answer is likely no.

    In reality, regardless of who sits in the White House, US foreign policy is primarily dictated by unelected
    corporate-financier special interests. This explains why the US has exhibited treachery and subversive tendencies toward Russia for decades – transcending US presidencies, and even entire eras of US

    politics. Banks, energy firms, and defense contractors have seen Russia as a competitor since World War II – a competitor to undermine, overrun, buy-off, or otherwise isolate and eliminate.

    Skewing elections in favor of president-elect Donald Trump over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have made little to no difference at all in this decades-long struggle between East and West.

    Understanding this, however, does much in explaining why the US is exploiting the DNC’s compromised e-mails to blame Russia. It provides yet another opportunity to further justify attempts to encircle, contain, and ultimately overthrow the political, financial, military, and industrial order in Russia – eliminating a significant obstacle to Wall Street and Washington’s ambitions toward global hegemony.

    Without being able to cite “election hacking” and other alleged threats Moscow poses to the West, the immense expenditure on military expansion – particularly by the US in Eastern Europe – would be inexcusable.


  • 17

    .US Republican leaders love Ayn Rand’s controversial philosophy—and are increasingly misinterpreting it

    Ayn Rand’s books are over the top and cinematic to a fault. Her characters are all stylish or bloated cardboard cut-outs of people, and the heroes are profoundly selfish. Yet a century after she was born, the
    Russian-born novelist endures as a deeply influential artist and intellectual in the US—particularly among the American right. Though philosophers have never taken her seriously, Rand’s controversial “objectivist” ideas have been invoked by generations of conservatives, from Reaganites to the Tea Party, and now Donald Trump.

    But the political leaders who love Rand don’t seem to entirely grasp the truth of her philosophy, says Stanford historian Jennifer Burns, author of Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right (2009). Quartz spoke with Burns to explore what’s made Rand such a symbol for US conservatives, and what her devotees get wrong.


  • 17
    • Dosido3

      our local jewish school had another bomb threat yesterday – the second in about six months.

  • Dosido3

    Ellison hitting up Bernie for his list before meeting with Brock! https://twitter.com/alexand3rthemeh/status/821923396145606658

  • panem et circenses

    “The fact is, that civilisation requires slaves. The Greeks were quite right there. Unless there are slaves to do the ugly, horrible, uninteresting work, culture and contemplation become almost impossible. Human slavery is wrong, insecure, and demoralising. On mechanical slavery, on the slavery of the machine, the future of the world depends. And when scientific men are no longer called upon to go down to a depressing East End and distribute bad cocoa and worse blankets to starving people, they will have delightful leisure in which to devise wonderful and marvellous things for their own joy and the joy of everyone else. There will be great storages of force for every city, and for every house if required, and this force man will convert into heat, light, or motion, according to his needs. Is this Utopian? A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. And when Humanity lands there, it looks out, and, seeing a better country, sets sail. Progress is the realisation of Utopias.”

    Oscar Wilde- The Soul of Man under Socialism


  • panem et circenses

    Unfortunately, the rumors of the overthrow of capitalism have been greatly exaggerated. It is, however, spiraling toward the gutter all on its own.

    ‘Communist Takeover’ Paranoia Gets a Final Resuscitation for Trump’s Inauguration


    • 17

      Fuck the SPLC.

  • panem et circenses
  • panem et circenses

    Morton County Sheriff’s Department attack another journalist Jon Ziegler


  • panem et circenses

    Republican Lawmakers in Five States Propose Bills to Criminalize Peaceful Protest


  • panem et circenses

    Angela Davis is speaking live right now, I’ll try to get a link.

  • towerofbabel
  • Edwin

    Just stopped in to say hi. I didn’t make it in here today. Hope everyone is well.

  • notisaidthepig

    Good morning. Today is finally here. Let’s see what happens….

    • Chunga

      Mourning in America dawns.

      • notisaidthepig


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