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29 Apr

Friday, Jan 20th, 2017, And Our National Nightmare Keeps Chugging Along

Jan 20, 2017
700 Views 98

The circus is in town, today.

How I turned a traffic ticket into the constitutional trial of the century. Or, how I got a cop to admit that he perjured himself in Alabama traffic court.

Climate Change Shut Down a Research Station in Antarctica, and Australia is Next.

On Scotland’s march towards a now-inevitable, brexit-fueled independence vote.

Yes, they do watch the facebook accounts of people who they see talking back to power.

All Russian puppets?


Short links today, running late and I just can’t deal with Trump Mania…




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Open Thread
2246 views1

Monday GIF-a-thon

UnkaWillbur - Jul 10, 2017

I've been AWOL, sorry about that, big things in life, big things afoot here. More Later. In the meantime, what's your favorite GIFs?    

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Your Weekend of Weekends.
Daily Links
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Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

Here' some links to nosh on, to start of your weekend. I hope everyone's weekend is great; me, myself, I'm planning on jumping out of a perfectly…

  • Your Song of the Day…Don’t judge… 😛


    • Chunga

      Gotta admit that’s pretty funny, sorry to judge.

      • Dosido3

        Lol. My dad was trying to convince me he was a P for perceptive vs a J for judgmental on the Myers-Briggs standard. I knew his game. Dad, the fact that you think being perceptive is better than judgmental is QED ipso facto etc that you are J. And he was, in spades. Nice try!

        • Chunga

          I know people who fuck unicorns, not that there is anything wrong with that……

          • Dosido3

            ROFLMAO!!! More power to ’em! Own it!

  • towerofbabel
  • panem et circenses

    The “NWO” police state navigates Alex Jones safely away from protesters lol


    • towerofbabel

      This doesn’t accomplish anything.

      • panem et circenses

        I agree, too passive. Like voting.

  • Chunga

    Ohh GuntherZ I miss you, where are you today??


    • 17

      Gunther is rehearsing for the big Village People Reunion Tour.

      • Chunga

        haha, along with America’s Sheriff, David Clarke.

      • Dosido3

        Gunther can kiss my lily white ass, too!!

    • Dosido3

      Brock can kiss my lily white ass!

    • EdgarHF

      He’s the guy to the left of Sanders in the screen cap.

    • notisaidthepig

      Hey, Brock: Fuck you!

  • 17
  • Dosido3

    Another song for today. How I’m feeling.

    • Chunga

      A most excellent choice !!

      • Dosido3

        Thanks! Love Joni’s stuff.

        • Chunga

          I as well.

          • Dosido3

            I was hoping The shit show started at 11:00 PST when I will be in a hermetically sealed room with noise cancelling headphones taking a two hour test. But no, nothing runs on west coast time. Phooey. Anyway, gotta get ready. Have a great day building up your immunity to toxic bullshit! Different bull, MORE toxic bullshit, I should say

          • Chunga

            Stay strong !!

    • towerofbabel

      Love Joni. Hope she is not too alone.
      This is off topic but this song is totally cool and sexy too.

    • kreskin

      One of my favorite albums .

  • Chunga

    Everybody has a song for today. Just substitute Donny Tiny Hands for Bobby Brown.


    • Dosido3

      LOL. I sense a music thread breaking out in response to today’s events. It’s the only way forward…

  • towerofbabel
    • The second they see multi-camp organization for defense or resistance, those “unarmed” rocket launchers are going to spit fiery hell, mark my words. And then the question will be “How fast do the white poser-protesters run away.” 🙁

  • kreskin
    • “Team by team, reporters baffled, Trump….”

  • 17
  • For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

    Fuck! Trump just won a second term. If he keeps talking like that, he’s heading into popular strong-man dictator territory.

    • notisaidthepig

      It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he won a second term. The Dims will hand it to him again. I’m just hoping we can get a viable third party going in the next year or so. Admittedly, it’s a long shot.

      • That’s the key. I’m working with my local Greens to get some proselytization going and arranging multiple candidates for local offices. Gotta start at the bottom.

        • notisaidthepig

          I wish the Greens were move active here in Nevada. Last time I contacted them…well, let’s just say: *crickets*

    • kreskin

      Another yes we can speech . I’ll be surprised if he makes it through his first term .

    • Shohanna

      That is not Trump’s “words”.. Someone else comprised that speech and it’s glorious rendition of Goebbels if I ever heard it. That is down right scary if you ask me.

      • Oh yes, there’s little doubt. It’s still effective, though. 🙁

        • Shohanna

          Too effective if you ask me. People aren’t even taught about it in high school history class, which if they were, it wouldn’t be as effective. I found out about it much, much later in life. That is fucking wrong and a disservice to everyone!!

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, Sho! How the hell are you?

        • Shohanna

          I am doing alright! Just hanging until my “procedure” on Feb 1st. *read operation*, I have to meet with the Dr. Doing the procedure on the 25th I think, gotta check the calendar. This is for my kidney this time, and once I meet with this Dr. He will schedule the procedure *read operation* for my pancreas. That’s the one that I have a feeding tube for, to by pass my stomach and pancreas into the intestines themselves. To give my pancreas a break. I am not allowed to eat but I do drink lots of water and I sometimes take bites of the food being prepared or eaten around me. I am not suppose to mind you, but I am not eating full meals. That would defeat the purpose of this NG tube. lol

          My daughter and her husband will be here until I get my procedure for my pancreas and they aren’t too happy with me right now. LOL But that’s to be expected. I hope we can get this done quickly, I MISS eating SO MUCH!!! The tastes and textures and flavors … /sigh This is hell I tell you!! HELL not being able to eat. I don’t recommend it.. /nod Not at all. I also don’t recommend going from a normal weight to 102lbs. /sigh I keep losing it. Not that I am TRYING mind you, it just melts off when you are only getting 350cal a day. 🙁

          But other then that, I am DEALING. Which is the best I can say for right now. It fucking hurts to have a tube at the back of your throat. It hurts to have food pumped into your intestines when they aren’t exactly USE to it. It’s painful when I taste or eat bites that require my pancreas, that shit hurts. Basically I have a birth defect in my pancreas and instead of having a single large high way for debris to flow through, I have 3 small tiny high ways and the debris filled my pancreas and of course it had a cow and caused pancreatitis and that’s why this all started. So the surgery will create a single high way to empty this debris of 40+ yrs. (Kinda built up) and I should be just fine after that. **crosses fingers and prays**

          My kidney is a happen stance that the artery is blocked and causing dysfunction and they will put a stint in it and open it up lowering my blood pressure as a result! *yay!* *This procedure is coming up on Feb 1st* The pancreas will be a little later after I meet with the Dr.

          Was that TMI? Ah well, such is life, you get to live with it. ROFLMAO!

          • notisaidthepig

            That sounds like a hell of a lot to deal with. But Life often doesn’t give us a choice. You sound nice and fiesty! I’m sure you will be fine at the end of the day. Lots of (((gentle))) hugs and keep us posted.

          • Shohanna

            **HUGS** I am hanging on, /nod

          • notisaidthepig

            So happy to hear that, Sho! (((hugs)))

    • towerofbabel

      If he’s smart he’ll make a populist move in a way that is tangible and the throngs will adore him. Meanwhile his friends are in place to rob the joint. They will be able to walk out with everything. But I doubt that he is that smart.

  • kreskin

    Hillary could not wipe the scowl off her face . LOL

  • notisaidthepig

    Good morning….

  • Chunga

    Dialed up the live feed from the Woman’s March in DC just in time to see Debbie Fuckin Wasserman Shultz standing up on the stage next to the speaker Kamala Harris. Two corporate sellouts trying to convince people they are really one of them.

    • Dosido3

      This is why I can’t get excited about the March. These corporate Dems are going to appropriate it for their own ends. But Trump is making it easy for them to leverage this issue. Oh and I’ll include this tweet again because it cracks me up. https://twitter.com/susan_hennessey/status/822845005467439105

      • Chunga

        Unfortunately I can’t see the tweet here, or the one above.

    • notisaidthepig


    • kreskin

      If they wanted to be taken seriously they should have told Wasserman Schultz to go home. For her to be on stage after what she got caught doing ? What a joke . Clinton’s V brigade , still pissing and moaning , I think it’s funny .

  • Chunga

    Another survey of the person on the street about the ACA/Obama care. As you can guess they don’t know the difference. The best part is the kid at the end, hilarious.


  • 17

    Palestinians react to the Trump inauguration

    As Americans gather across the country in a mixture of celebration and protest following the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, Palestinians in the occupied territory are expressing their own concerns of what a Trump presidency will mean for them.


  • 17

    Hackers downloaded US government climate data and stored it on European servers as Trump was being inaugurated

    As Donald Trump was sworn into office as the new president of the US on Jan. 20, a group of around 60 programmers and scientists were gathered in the Department of Information Studies building at the University of California-Los Angeles, harvesting government data.


  • 17

    .Trump’s Inaugural Address: A Call For Holy War

    President Donald Trump used his inaugural address to call for the “civilized world” to unite “against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.” It received one of the most enthusiastic responses from the crowd in attendance at the National Mall.

    The words evoked memory of President George W. Bush and his administration. After the September 11th attacks, Bush referred to the “war on terrorism” as a “crusade.” It suggested the Bush administration meant to fight terrorism as a kind of holy war against Muslims.


  • Dosido3
    • Chunga

      Now I can see it, for some odd reason I can see it on my iPad but not my desktop, weird.

      • Dosido3

        I have interface differences like that too. Sigh.

      • Ad Blocker, maybe?

        • Chunga

          I don’t think so, I thought I had disabled that a while back. I’ll have to check. I noticed this starting a couple weeks ago. I did an OS upgrade but I’m positive I started having problems viewing tweets before that. I’ll have to investigate further.

  • Well, no shit, Sherlock. Also, ”

    Clinton Democrats In No Position To Call Themselves ‘The Resistance’While Democrats marinated in the unverifiable news of President-elect Donald Trump’s “golden shower” dossier, Senators Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders put forward an amendment, which called for the establishment of a “deficit-neutral reserve fund” to “lower prescription drug prices for Americans by importing drugs from Canada. It was rejected, 52 to 46, even though Trump favors renegotiating drug prices and said pharmaceutical companies are “getting away with murder.”

    Also, Business As Usual, for the last 4 decades:Thirteen Democratic Senators voted against the amendment, an early sign of what’s to come. Their votes ensured the amendment failed.

    • kreskin

      They’re are worse than the Republicans as far as I am concerned. At least the Republicans are honest and open about who they are and what they want to do .

      • Shohanna

        Tell them how pissed off you are at the midterm elections. Reject the losers and install people who will do what you want them to. HAHAHAHAHA as if that would actually work, but that’s the advice I have been getting.

        **dies laughing**

  • A Must Read, I think…

    An Open Letter To The J20 ProtestersThese are not emotionless times in the United States of America. Anger is running high all across the country. If you have a moment, I urge you to calmly please consider just a few things I have to say. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I have some deep reservations about the “Anti-Trump” movement.

    • Shaykayvah

      Fuck Trump and the morons that voted for him.

      • kreskin

        Eff Clinton and those who voted for her . They need to wise up .

        • Fark the supporters of both of them!

          • kreskin

            A sorry lot , for sure. Geese , what a fuckin mess this country has become.

      • notisaidthepig

        Oh, dear. Divide and conquer?

    • kreskin

      Good one Wilbur , I agree . By claiming that Clinton’s loss was due only to bigotry , racism , misogynists and / or the Russians they are avoiding the truth and the real reason that Clinton lost .
      What happens now ? Your guess is as good as mine , but I’m glad that Clinton / the Dems and the establishment lost .

    • notisaidthepig

      That was excellent.

    • EdgarHF

      My guess is it will fall on deaf ears.

  • Chunga

    After reading Unka’s Open Letter link to MintPressNews I got to poking around there and found this very interesting article. What I find most depressing is that we are powerless to stop these events or have any mitigating effect whatsoever on the people really in charge.

    The Oil Siege Is Over, “The Cartel” Looks East


    • It took the world 40 years to get to this low point, this time. We should expect no less an amount of time to turn things around. If we’re given that time by the climate.

      • Chunga

        Even more than my arthritic knee that makes me feel old, is the knowledge and understanding that these problems will outlive my brief existence. Futility is my word of the day.

  • 17

    After DAPL: Wisconsin EMAC Recommends More Militarization, Less Transparency

    Shows of force by police in Standing Rock, North Dakota broke into the mainstream as violent spectacles. Few, however, questioned what occurs once out-of-state officers are sent back home. What do agencies learn from defending the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)? How will they use what they’ve learned in the future?

    Inquiring about this, Fifth Column journalists were directed to a Wisconsin State Patrol after-action report
    by an anonymous source. Released November 12, 2016, it details WSP’s deployment under an EMAC (Emergency Management Assistance Compact) agreement.


  • 17

    .Trump sojourns to CIA and kisses the ring

    For a second there, it looked like Trump might actually go after the CIA, but as we know looks can be deceiving. On Saturday, the new president traveled to CIA headquarters to kiss and make up.


  • EdgarHF

    Echos my feelings

    • 💚 Debbie

    • Chunga

      Very powerful. I wish more people had the wherewithal to actually sit through her messages and apply a little introspection instead of running away screaming NOT ME, NOT ME, NOT ME.

    • notisaidthepig

      This is the epitome of truth to power.

    • kreskin

      She’s dead on right .

  • EdgarHF
    • Chunga

      Just sat down to get my Sunday fix of Jimmy.

  • 17

    .The Sinister Agenda Behind the Washington War On Cash

    It’s kinda sneaking up on us like an East Texas copperhead pit viper. It began to get some wide attention in 2016, with prominent economists and financial media suddenly talking about the wonderful benefits of a “cashless society.” Then the government of Narenda Modi completely surprised his citizens by suddenly announcing withdrawal of larger denomination currency notes from circulation, forcing Indians to put their cash into banks or lose it. Now, everywhere we turn, it seems, someone is arguing the Nirvana benefits of a cashless, “digital” money world. It reminds me in an eerie way of a statement attributed to then US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger in the 1970’s. He reportedly stated, “If you control oil, you control entire nations; if you control food, you control the people; if you control money, you control the entire world.” Consider the following in this regard.


    • towerofbabel

      The grip is tightening around our throats.

    • The financial class has had it in for cash for a century or more.

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