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26 Apr

Friday Links and Open Thread.

Oct 14, 2016
637 Views 66

spy-vs-spy12Much, maybe most, of the nation’s corporate, financial, and imperial establishment loathes Donald Trump. But they loath him for not playing along with their favorite projects, like war with Russia.

Yahoo wants to take advertising to the next level—that is, the Orwellian level—bombarding people in public places with targeted advertising served up by the surveillance society.

Talley said he was held for nearly two months in a maximum security pod and was released only after his public defender obtained his employer’s surveillance records. How a Facial Recognition Mismatch Can Ruin Your Life.

How Hillary Clinton and U.S. officials bungled nation-building in Afghanistan.

Charles Smith asks, “Where Will All the Money Go When All Three Market Bubbles Pop?

Diane Feinstein is one of the most loathsome of conservative Democrats. Most recently she barefacedly insulted UC IT Workers, seeking her help.

Study: Millennials Are Not Lazier Than Boomers.

Bernie Sanders engages in some classic Neoliberal Kabuki, while offhandedly pissing on the hard work of the #NoDAPL activists.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg reveals her fundamental jingoism and racism, to Katie Couric.

Over at Democracy Now! “Amid Media Blackout over Climate Change Links to Hurricane Matthew, Top Scientist Speaks Out

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Open Thread
2232 views1

Monday GIF-a-thon

UnkaWillbur - Jul 10, 2017

I've been AWOL, sorry about that, big things in life, big things afoot here. More Later. In the meantime, what's your favorite GIFs?    

Keep Them Doggies Rolling
Open Thread
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Open Thread
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Keep Them Doggies Rolling

UnkaWillbur - Jun 05, 2017

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Your Weekend of Weekends.
Daily Links
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Daily Links
3672 views179

Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

Here' some links to nosh on, to start of your weekend. I hope everyone's weekend is great; me, myself, I'm planning on jumping out of a perfectly…

  • Shohanna

    First and best (Be WARY, this video is a fake, it did not say the tag line at the end. Anon may disown it. But it is FIRE!)


    • panem et circenses

      Another name for “hacker group anonymous” is “someone on the internet wearing a Guy Fawkes mask”.

      • Shohanna

        Yes, I am aware but they do have some cohesion and if it’s not them they are quick to call it out.

        • panem et circenses

          This guy’s claims are more ridiculous than most, though. He claims Epstein blackmailed the Clintons when he’s the one giving millions of dollars to them, and claims that they payed off Bill’s rape victims and had those same victims claim that Trump assaulted them, among other things.

      • Shohanna

        Sorry you felt you had to delete your comment, I was agreeing with it by my edit to be wary. I just thought you guys would like to know this is OUT there, rather then be blind sided when they use it for fodder. It was for information purposes and I I thought I made the disclaimer that it does not resemble Anon.

  • Et viola! Your Friday Cyriak!


    • Shohanna

      Oh that’s creepy..

  • panem et circenses
    • The very first item in today’s links! LOL

      • panem et circenses

        I forgot to check today. I use the disqus format so the links don’t show up unless I open the full page in another tab.

  • Late breaking…

    Prison Strike Leader Transferred To ‘Bully Unit’ As Alabama Tries To Break StrikeOne of the leading voices behind the national prison strike against slavery was transferred to Kilby Correctional Facility, known among Alabama prisoners to be a “bully unit,” where prisoners deemed disruptive are brutalized.

    Kinetik Justice-Amun, also known as Robert Earl Council, is a member of the Free Alabama Movement and was previously incarcerated at the Holman Correctional Facility. He used contraband cellphones to communicate with journalists and publish videos and audio recordings from his solitary cell at Holman.

  • panem et circenses
  • Shohanna

    I watched the Ginsberg video. Why does it feel like she is just as brainwashed as the populous?! I love Ginsberg, but this just feels like more kabuki theater and she is a main character. 🙁

  • Shohanna

    Let’s hope they don’t try to influence who you vote for, that would be fucking creepy. Always be cautious on where your data is going and who you allow to see your private details. Not like we can stop it right? But do due diligence in keeping as much to yourself as you can. As in blocking tracking cookies and tracking your internet in general.


    At least they are going to help as much as possible to get you to the “Show”. lol

  • Shohanna

    I am going out for abit, going to get my hair cut. 😀

  • Dosido3

    I hate Clinton for different reasons than the GOP. just sayin’

    • Chunga

      At least you can articulate some intelligent and fact based reasoning behind your disgust. I work with too many people whose only reason for hating her is because she ate Vince Foster’s heart after she murdered him, or because of her love affairs with one legged bearded muslim lesbians, or some other such nonsense.

  • Chunga
  • EdgarHF

    I Just read the Computer World article on Diane Feinstein. It is a perfect example of how democracy is dead in the USA.

    • Dosido3

      Yep. Feinstein is right about one thing…UC is a company.

      I used to get fundraising calls all the time (I’m an alum). When I finally took twenty minutes of my life to explain to the young lady why I would never donate to the UC, I never got any more calls. I patiently explained to her all the bullshit she was being asked to believe and to fundraiser for that should be budget items, and that she should “turn around” and ask the higher ups for the donations. My kids got STIFFED by my “state” higher educational system.

  • EdgarHF

    On the ‘Millennials Are Not Lazier Than Boomers’ story I was reminded that younger generations have been getting flamed for at least 2400 years.

    “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
    authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
    of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
    households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
    contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
    at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” — Socrates

    • panem et circenses

      The generational blame game is bogus anyway. The idea that entire generations of people make world shaping decisions is a fallacy. A tiny minority are always making the decisions that affect the rest of society. Nearly all baby boomers, millennials or members of any other “generation” are simply along for the ride.

      • Dosido3

        Why can’t they be like we were? perfect in every way? What’s the matter with kids today?

        • Edwin


          • Dosido3

            I think I posted the clip from Bye Bye Birdie with Paul Lynde singing that brilliant song a while back. It cracks me up…

      • EdgarHF

        But, that leg crossing stuff Socrates has pointed out has got to stop!

  • Dosido3

    Ben Carson opens mouth. hilarity ensues. https://twitter.com/teapainusa/status/786976287118069760

  • Edwin
    • 17

      Good afternoon, Sir 😉

    • Shohanna

      Evening Edinnian! /grin

      • Edwin

        Hiya. I thought it was time to break out the Halloween pics.

        • Shohanna

          They are quite nice! I like them. Ty.

          • Edwin

            I love Halloween stuff. We don’t celebrate in Korea so I only have pics.

          • Shohanna

            Well, if you were to email me your addy, I could mail you some special Halloween candy! 😀

          • Edwin

            Halloween candy?!… hrm.

            let me know and I’ll delete afterward.


          • Shohanna

            Done Ty! I send so you know where to send. 😀

          • Edwin

            Did you send me something? Nothing in there.

          • Shohanna

            I sent you an email, so you would get my email lol I send again. 😀

          • Edwin

            Did you put the R between my first and last name? Will it show up as Shohanna? All I see is stuff in my spam folder, like this:

            New F*ckHookup Notification

          • Shohanna

            It’s a message?!? It says “I sent this to you yesterday” email ending in twc.com Not spam!

          • Edwin

            Nothing there. I’ce checked the spam folder too. Did you put yahoo.CA

          • Shohanna

            Yes, I have sent 3 now. I am sorry!

          • Edwin


          • Shohanna

            I have no idea why I can’t send you an email. I have never had an issue like this. I wonder if it has to do with our connection or NSA.. hahaha Wouldn’t that be a hoot.

  • Edwin
  • 17
  • Dosido3

    Hiding US Role in Yemen Slaughter So Bombing Can Be Sold as Self Defense


  • Dosido3

    Where’s Pig? At the Nevada senate debate perhaps? Twitter reports its a lively one!

  • Dosido3
  • Edwin
  • Dosido3
  • Edwin

    I’ve got some kind of bug in my computer, but I’m not sure what. My plug-in container keeps crashing and sometimes I click something in my bookmarks, but a different webpage opens.

    I ran an Avast boot scan this week and that usually fixes me right up (cleans everything out), but something in still in there. (!!)

    Any recommendations for a virus good zapper?

  • Our Saturday Links and Open thread is up, and 17’s Friday Music Thread is still alive and kickin! Have a great Saturday!

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