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Debate Open Thread

Oct 19, 2016
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culture-and-politicsYou can watch the Democracy Now Simulcast here or at the embed below…






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Open Thread
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  • It’s barely started and I want to vomit. Clinton spewing her typical lies.

  • The live stream is embedded in the post, above.

  • towerofbabel

    No content. Yada, yada, yada.

  • Chunga

    This is a mistake to watch this garbage, we’ll see how long I last.

    • I’m on a rapidly shortening fuse, myself.

      • Chunga

        I can’t wait until Now 28th or 35th or whenever this sham of an election is, at least it will be over and we can move on to preparing for the wars. What’s the fucking point. Hillary blames Wikileaks and the Russians for all her woes and tRump blames anybody he can think of. I’m gonna check into the Vomitorium.

        • I’ve been accelerating my “gethefuckouttadodge” plans immensely, as I expect nothing good to come of this election, even if we manage to avoid any sort of nuclear exchange.

          • towerofbabel

            Same here.

          • Chunga

            I wish I had the means to get out of Dodge, but I think I’m stuck on Boot Hill.

          • I’m getting ready to forego the buying of land and planning on an off-road vehicle and liberal amounts of camping and off-grid supplies. So, if you’re willing to be a “forest hobo,” you can get into that pretty cheap.

  • towerofbabel

    “How did we get on to Putin.” Good question.

  • Chunga

    This must be what it sounded like to my parents when my sisters and I fought when we were in Elementary School.

  • towerofbabel

    Hillary accuses Russians of encroaching on the DNC’s election fraud.

  • Christ, this is the most intellectually retarded conversation I have heard since I last listened to my neighbor’s children arguing about who get to play with the bicycle.

  • towerofbabel

    She is unwilling to criticize Bush.

    • Of course: She doesn’t want to criticize her friends and allies, :..(

  • Edwin

    The Misogyny Election.

    That’s why they started that meme 8 months ago.

  • Chunga

    The only thing that would make this better is if Sarah Palin was the moderator with Glen Beck giving focus group reports during the commercial break. At least I could laugh at the ubsurdity.

  • Edwin

    Is this a presidential debate or a mud-slinging contest?

    • Is there a difference, these days? [shakes head in shame]

      • Edwin

        This shit show is worse than the first two. A disgrace.

        • towerofbabel

          They are both in their natural habitat–the mud.

    • Chunga

      It’s a vapid display from two morally bankrupt cleptocrats trying to convince stupid Americans to vote for them.

  • Chunga

    Same shit different day.

  • towerofbabel

    You’re a crook.
    No you’re a crook.
    You’re crooked Hillary.
    You are a crooked businessman.
    You lied about me.
    You lied about me lying about you.
    You stole money form the poor.
    You locked the poor in prison.
    You’re disgusting.
    You’re more disgusting.
    Let me respond to that…

    • Chunga
      • towerofbabel


        • Chunga

          I don’t know where the thought came from but when it hit it was like a locamotive plowing through a wall of jello.

  • You know what scares me? What really scares me? The times Clinton sounds the most sincere and confident is when she’s talking about military strategy and authoritarian social policy (“not trusted to fly, not trusted to…”)

    • towerofbabel

      She thinks she’s the next Thatcher. So do I.

      • She’s passionate and interested, when it comes to military violence. Libral social policies? Not so much.

      • Chunga


  • towerofbabel

    “The little boy with blood on his face.” That’s Hillary’s mantra–focus group tested. Do Americans really buy this propaganda?

    • Chunga

      She’s betting on it.

  • Chunga

    And right there was the quote of the night: “Such a nasty woman”. That was even better than “Ripping babies from wombs”.

    • Edwin

      Ha ha. I was washing dishes and burst out laughing. A gem. A classic!!

    • towerofbabel

      True. But I think that Hillary scraped by again, at least in the eyes of low info voters.
      I never thought I would see our politics get this low and that’s saying something.

      • Chunga

        No doubt she scraped by, but how could she not.

      • As the poll showed, most Low Info voters have made up their minds and there no moving those granite rocks they call a brain.

        • Chunga

          Well they do deposit little chunks of their brains into the toilet every morning.

  • Jesus H. Christ. That was the worst thing I’ve seen in 40 years of following American politics. Every American citizen should be ashamed that we let it come to this clown pissing-contest.

  • Intercept and Jacobin, represent! Should be some good commentary up next.

  • “I found that pretty soul-crushing, I can’t wait for the election to be over.” Nice to know we’re in good company. LOL.

  • Blue Basilisk

    Trump calling out the media for corruption and saying the voters see through it. That’s a hell of a thing.

  • Chunga
  • Chunga
  • Chunga
  • I’m proud to be an American
    Where at least I know I’m free..
    To say what I want, and do what I’m told,
    And to stay down on my knees.

  • Blue Basilisk

    With all the chicanery and fraud that’s gone on in this election, I don’t think Trump was wrong to say he wouldn’t concede until he examined the results.

    Excuse me. *gag*

    • I would have never believed you, if you told me 5 years ago, that I’d ever agree with Donald Trump. Just typing that makes me slightly ill.

    • Dosido3

      If only Bernie had said that…

      • Blue Basilisk

        It’s disgusting how he rolled over at the end and just gave it up to Clinton. Almost makes me regret supporting him in the first place.

        • Dosido3

          I know. He was castrated for sure. I have no doubt the Clinton cabal put the screws to him.

          • Blue Basilisk

            I wonder what would have happened if he’d kept fighting until the evidence that proved he got fucked came to light? The media clearly doesn’t give a shit about it now.

          • Dosido3

            Hillary is already impeachable.

          • I’m afraid I have to agree.

        • towerofbabel

          They must have something on him, or something over him.

    • Edwin

      I thought he gave a very sensible answer.

      They wanted him to say he’d accept the results no matter what, even if they burned down the Reichstag Capitol Building.

      • Edwin

        edited because N-ess-A terror w#tchl1sts

  • Dosido3

    Hi gang! What’d I miss? 😀

    • towerofbabel

      Pain and suffering.

      • Dosido3

        Yikes. Well I did have a hunger headache because I skipped dinner for a work event. Better now. Funny. Excedrin had an ad on Twitter for debate headaches!

        • Annaleigh

          Yup, normally I hate Twitter ads but this one was genius!

          • Dosido3

            Wow. Who could NOT have a headache after watching Hils say she wants to overturn CU? She must be on heavy sedatives.

    • Much “debate” you could see in a kindergarten at recess.

      • Dosido3

        Mr D3 says he couldn’t watch. All trump did was attack Hillary. Period.

        • And all Clinton did was attack Trump… and wax eloquently and passionately about how she would pursue military strategies in Iraq and Syria.

          • Dosido3

            I knew it! I asked Hubs who are we going to bomb and why? He told me to go eat dinner.

    • Edwin



    • EdgarHF

      I feel very refreshed and relaxed today. Oh yeah, I missed watching the debate.

  • Dosido3
  • Dosido3
    • Blue Basilisk

      “Hillary Clinton is running for president to be a champion for everyday Americans.” WOOP WOOP BULLSHIT ALERT

      • Dosido3

        Lol. She won’t be happy until she has Bernie’s vacuum pennies.

        • towerofbabel

          Vacuum pennies. Ha!

    • towerofbabel

      The dissonance is deafening.

    • panem et circenses

      That’s a step up from the $1 she was asking for in emails simply to get the “average donation” amount down and make it look like she has grassroots support.

  • Annaleigh

    Just a random tweet I found tonight (fundamentalist Mormon husband/father calling out evangelicals):

    Even the fundamentalist Mormons are Never Trumpers (The Darger family are fundamentalist Mormons who’ve had a book, a TV special, and an appearance on Sister Wives as they are friends and acquaintances of the Browns). However Joe (Joe is the husband/father of the family he tends to handle a lot of the family social media and I think he’s the one who does the political posts) is also anti-Hillary as well.

    A college age daughter of the Browns was a Berner but is now supporting Hillary.

    • towerofbabel

      Any Berner who now supports Hillary never really was a Berner. And that includes Bernie.

  • Blue Basilisk

    I got into a fight with my dearest friend last night after the debate because I called out Clinton and the Democrats’ hawkish red baiting. I’m almost out of friends now. 🙁

    • EdgarHF

      Same happened between me and a life long friend in August over the Clinton nomination. I went from a Sanders supporter to a Stein supporter and he went over to dark, boo hoo, but…..but…..Trump is evil side. I got sick of hearing about the selective outrage of the day about Trump.

      • towerofbabel

        The Trump Card is played to hide the truth. Unfortunately it works on lot of people who are too afraid to admit what is happening right in front of them. But, ignoring the truth is not acceptable any longer.

  • EdgarHF

    Hat tip to Dosido and the David Sirota posting. Here’s Bagdad Donna.


    • towerofbabel

      Another lying Democrat.
      “We are the victim. We are the victim. We are the victim. Putin. Putin. Putin. There is nothing to see here”

      • EdgarHF

        Note the first thing she did is play the misogyny card.

        • towerofbabel

          I have to admit she is well rehearsed.

    • notisaidthepig

      Love how Jordan looks at the camera at 2:17 and just opens his eyes wide to call out the bullshit. Oink!

      • EdgarHF

        Journalist sightings are just as rare nowadays as unicorn sightings. I think we witnessed an act of journalism there.

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