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Daily Links and Open Thread

Mar 21, 2017
962 Views 14

File Under “Gander”: Russian Parliament Calls For Inquiry Into US Media Outlets.

Racism isn’t just a problem with whites. On Being the “Right Kind of Brown”

Automated Economy Explained: Mechanics of a Basic Income.

The Democrats have so bamboozled their followers, they’ve got them desperate to preserve one of the largest corporate-welfare programs in the history of the U.S.

Infrastructure Go Boom! Massive Tijuana sewage spill that polluted San Diego beaches part of larger problem.

One goes out of the room, gets replaced by another. Still, we should always celebrate the death of a billionaire: One less opponent to deal with.

Across the Middle East, governments are cracking down on non-belief. But Arab atheists are becoming more visible. The antidote to the religious oppression of women, among many other positive effects!

In climate change news: Two takes on tackling the rising waters

The Public is Clueless About the Federal Budget and It’s the New York Times’ Fault.

The CIA’s 60-Year History of Fake News.


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Open Thread
2232 views1

Monday GIF-a-thon

UnkaWillbur - Jul 10, 2017

I've been AWOL, sorry about that, big things in life, big things afoot here. More Later. In the meantime, what's your favorite GIFs?    

Keep Them Doggies Rolling
Open Thread
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Open Thread
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Keep Them Doggies Rolling

UnkaWillbur - Jun 05, 2017

America's 2017 Derangement Tour continued this week. Starting of with Kathy "PLEASE LOOK AT ME!" Griffith proving that Democrats can be as eliminationist as their fellow conservatives…

Your Weekend of Weekends.
Daily Links
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Daily Links
3672 views179

Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

Here' some links to nosh on, to start of your weekend. I hope everyone's weekend is great; me, myself, I'm planning on jumping out of a perfectly…

  • Your Video of the Day


    • Dosido3

      I always think of Romy and Michele’s HS reunion when I hear this song…

      • Always makes me think of my first girlfriend with who I lived.

        • Dosido3


          • Well, maybe not so much when Gollum is singing it. 😀

    • notisaidthepig


  • Dosido3

    Interesting take on “the right kind of brown”. In our experience in Silicon Valley, Indians can be every bit as classist and racist as white Americans. Not all, certainly, but a fair number demonstrate that facet of human nature.

    Also, a novel called Americanah goes into the differences of class in the main character’s native African country, the descent into being black in the USA and how it is considered “exotic” to be from Africa v. an African American. So complex.

    • thud

      Class system deeply ingrained in Indian society as I recall. Was there not six defined with untouchables at the bottom? Seems kinda harsh but you were not lied to and your illusions exploited like in SOME countries. But my data may be dated.

      • Dosido3

        well, if your info is dated, it is certainly part of the cultural baggage. It would explain why one victim in the above article gets a storied send off and another gets a more humble homage from his family. It’s very Indian and very American at the same time. Classist.

    • notisaidthepig

      Oh, Americanah was an interesting read on many levels. Seems Adichie has gotten into a row of sorts recently. I applaud her for not backing down.

      Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on transgender row: ‘I have nothing to apologise for’
      Novelist and feminist has attracted criticism for her comments on trans women, but says hostility of backlash serves to ‘close up debate’


      • Dosido3

        oh now that is quite a kettle of fish. interesting. the “experience of gender”. There is something there. A related concept is the fact that Obama did not share the same experience of his skin color with other AAs because he had a white mother and lived in Hawaii (vs. growing up black in the continental US).

        • notisaidthepig

          Yes, there’s lots to think about there. And very interesting indeed.

  • notisaidthepig

    Good news though we must be wary and keep an eye on the ballots through Friday when they will be officially counted.


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