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28 Apr

Links, Thursday December 29th

Dec 29, 2016
720 Views 78

Only two more days of The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year, 2016. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that it doesn’t strike again.

And the boot begins to get serious about stamping down: Houston Police Force Homeless To Throw Away Donated Food, Blankets.

Mike Whitney explains why the Fed’s interest-rate increases are a bad idea, at the moment.

Shadowproof brings us the Top Ten Protest Albums Of 2016.

How the Commodore Amiga Turned Andy Warhol into a Computer Artist. Truly, the best home-computer ever made.

Smartphone owners need to know if—and when—they need to reveal their pass-codes. Here’s what a “digital Miranda warning” might look like. Or the even better solution: Don’t use such tools of authoritarian control. And, yes, smartphones are just that.

The very best of Japanese commercials, 2016 edition.

Certainly one of the most beloved books of my early childhood, because it treated me like an intelligent, mature person, his talent will be missed. Richard Adams, Author of the Disturbing and Poignant ‘Watership Down,’ Dies at 96.

Princess Leia continues to bring peace, even after her death. Thousands of Star Wars: The Old Republic players gather to honor Carrie Fisher.

With not one single iota of evidence of wrongdoing,  the plutocrats continue to pursue their increasingly dangerous lust for war.

The question is: Do they care about what the courts say? They’ve demonstrated in the past that they don’t. Judge orders preservation of ‘torture report’.

More than one-third of schoolchildren are homeless in shadow of Silicon Valley.

Will Obama pardon Clinton? And if he does, will she accept? from the plutocratic stenographers at The Hill, so take with a grain of salt.



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  • notisaidthepig


  • Your Song of the Day…


    • notisaidthepig

      Wasn’t expecting to run into Bill Cosby. Ugh. But all is forgiven once the song starts. Love it!

    • Dosido3

      ahhhhhhhh…one of my favorite bands!!! love it. lol, not the most attractive bunch but I love love love their music! And yes, if the women are judged by that standard, so are the guys. 😛

      • Edwin

        Feel free to judge me like a piece of meat any old day.

    • Dosido3

      haha, went to look another SD cut and got ads for Plan B…bwahahaha. I adore Bottisatvah, but I’m feeling Pretzel Logic today.

  • towerofbabel

    Your Lecture on Economics of the Day:

    Steve Keen The Alternative To Peter Schiff’s Neoliberalism Austrian Voodoo Economics

  • Dosido3

    Thanks for the toxic sugar link yesterday. Giving up sugar is always at the top of my New Years Resolutions but I do love the stuff. It’s my one huge vice. :/

  • Dosido3

    this is from a year ago, but it’s still true today. It is absolutely no surprise to me that we have homelessness here in Silicon Valley. It’s fucking ridiculous. Both my kids need to move away from here to have a chance at a quality lifestyle. They cannot afford $3500+/mo in rent for a one bedroom apartment. It’s a crisis. The traffic is also a crisis here on the SF peninsula. The Google buses handle a infinitessiimal amount of traffic. People do carpool and take what little mass transit we have available. Crazy.

    “Devin O’Brien, who writes for Zumper, a site that lists and analyzes rentals across the nation, reports that “The San Francisco rental market continued to be the most expensive rental market in the country, reaching an all-time high of $3,460 for a 1-bedroom apartment. While prices in New York City remained largely flat at $3,000 last month, SF continued upwards, increasing 1.5% month over month and 3.3% over the last quarter.”

    • notisaidthepig

      Not sustainable?

      • Dosido3

        uh, no.

  • Edwin
    • Chunga
      • Edwin

        Hi Chunga.

        • Chunga

          Hi Edwin, how’s the weather over there? I woke up to 2 inches of snow this morning.

          • Edwin

            We had a dusting of snow yesterday (1 cm) and it went down to -10 last night (pretty darn cold F). Today is sunny and it should be +2 (35F) this afternoon. Tomorrow is going to +8 (45F).

            We’re getting lots of sun and very blue skies.

          • notisaidthepig

            Oh, dear. I’m hoping to avoid snow this year. I’m in Vegas so chances are high that I’ll be able to do just that. Hooves crossed!

          • Edwin

            I like snow, but not a little. When it snows I want heaps and heaps of it.

          • notisaidthepig

            I like it at Xmas time. And don’t mind it when I don’t have to work. A couple of years ago my mom got sick and I rushed back to the U.S. in March. There was a huge snowstorm and Charlotte got heaps of it. So much so that I was stuck in my brother’s house for two days unable to visit the nursing home. The city had plowed the main roads but my brother lives deep in a subdivision and plows didn’t make it there. We had to shovel and wait for warmer temperatures. Ugh.

          • Edwin

            I guess America is too broke to plough the snow. 🙁

            We plough it in Canada, usually right away. 🙂

          • Chunga

            I’m hoping for another 30 inch blizzard again like we had last year.

    • thud


      • Edwin

        Hiya, thud. How goes it?

        • thud

          OK I guess. I was trying to post a hat doff so I could play too but the dang intertubes. Hey there it is!

          • thud
          • thud

            So what,if you don’t mind my asking,is the feel there with regards to Our new overlord here and them folks up north?

          • Edwin

            I actually don’t follow Canadian news much. (I live in Korea.) I spend my time monitoring the Empire. I haven’t heard any major complaints from my family back in Canada. After Harper I’m sure they love Trudeau.

            edit: I also learned (Xmas phone call) both my parents hate Hillary!

          • thud

            Is Norks an acceptable slang? I was wondering about concerns about those Koreans to your north. I figured you would perhaps have an unfiltered perspective.

          • Edwin

            Oh. IC. Well, we get just as much propaganda as you but ours is not as hyper. Often my Mom emails with concerns about N Korea and it’s often the first I’ve heard of it because it is so hyped over there and so every day ordinary over here.

          • thud

            That’s good to hear. I figure if you were getting spooked there then perhaps I should be as well. Thanx!

          • Edwin

            We don’t get spooked here. If I/we do you’ll be the first to know.

          • thud

            Thankee kindly. I suspect Lord Trump is just gaming with the cards he’s been dealt. The lords don’t want a nucular exchange. Bad for business. Little wars OK. I suspect if he scares them he will be restrained in some fashion.

          • Edwin

            Anything happens here and it draws in China, Russia, Japan and the USA. North Korea is like the cheese in the mousetrap if you ask me.

          • thud

            If they had some oil up north this would have been settled long ago. Their primary assets are a strategic chunk of land and,hands down,the best military hats in the world! I think most countries are ok with the status quo. Who gains by breaking the cease fire?

          • Edwin

            PS N Korea never really enters my mind. American (warmongering) always does– daily.

        • thud

          One of my daughters is visiting from Wisconsin. She gave me Transformers graphic novel to read so I exposed her to ZAP! undergrounds. It’s OK she is over seventeen. I think she likes R. Crumb but S. Clay Wilson Is in another class. Not better but ups the lurid factor considerably.

      • Edwin

        It’s hats day. Hurray!!

        Hi Unka.

    • kreskin

      Good one.

  • thud


  • From Wikileaks.

  • From Wikileaks.

    Obama’s Russia sanctions: Note that the ‘hacking’ report released today:

    1) Doesn’t mention WikiLeaks
    2) Has the following disclaimer:

    • thud

      Kinda toothless,huh. Perhaps I’ll sneak across the ditch later to see how those fine folks at BB.com figure this is part of his plan to shackle us all under sharia law.

      • What cracks me up is it’s the warning you always see required on Patent Medicines and quack medical devices, like copper bracelets and such.

    • FaunaAndFlora

      Still smells like smoke to me… as in smokescreen.

    • Edwin

      He’s trying to start a war because someone (no proof who yet) betrayed how underhanded Dims are with their own bloody words. It was not an attack on America.

      • FaunaAndFlora

        Hard to say what’s going on. Pretty sure it started off as a way to distract people from the DNC, Clinton and Podesta emails released by Wikileaks and others, but I’m wondering if it’s still being pushed for another reason. Maybe some hardliners in the military and spy agencies (I hesitate to call them “intelligience”) is concerned about some of the things Trump has said about Russia and are trying to box him into a hardline position that they prefer. Of course, it’s possible that the Russian government was behind releasing those emails. Just not very likely in my opinion.

        • Edwin

          Whatever is going on I will blame America for WWIII.

          • towerofbabel

            Our government’s antics look pretty amateurish right now. Their propaganda and double dealing is being exposed and falling apart. They know this and are embarrassed so they are trying to get out of it by stirring up a nuclear dust cloud.

          • Edwin

            People are getting very tired of it (all over the world.)

          • towerofbabel

            A cornered animal can be vicious and the neocon’s egos are super-dangerous. I’m not sure the US can restore adult governance–certainly not with Obama, Trump, the GOP or the DNC. Really, it just goes to show how small minded and mediocre the oligarchs actually are. They are pathetic.

          • Dosido3

            Just watched 17 Days about the Cuban missile crisis. Even then the joint chiefs wanted nuclear bombs to be their go to move.


          • towerofbabel

            They are mentally untethered. It’s just spooky.

          • kreskin

            It really is . I don’t trust these people , am not so sure that sanity will prevail .

          • kreskin

            Are they so delusional that they think the world is falling for this shit ? I really wonder.

          • FaunaAndFlora

            Can’t blame you for that. After all, the USA is currently dropping bombs in something like seven nations. WTF!!?!!

          • kreskin

            In 2015, the US had a declared military and defense budget of $601 billion, which is more than the next 7 highest spending countries combined. And mind you that isn’t all of it , much is undeclared , funded separately by Congress … in addition to ! http://www.businessinsider.com/the-pentagon-budget-gives-a-skewed-idea-of-how-much-the-us-really-spends-on-defense-2015-2

            This image is just the tip of the friggin iceberg . https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15f296d52559fae2cf2b9bcb9dd69411bdc3a9d6c44e1203317aec281ad9b18b.jpg

            Tell me again , who is the aggressor nation ?

        • kreskin

          This country’s smear campaign / proxy war against the Russians started in earnest in early 2014 , they’re amping it up … slowly but surely . Putin is not taking the bait , the world sees what is going on .

        • thud

          Us has interfered in many elections abroad. Why would they pass up an easy opportunity.https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/n/napoleonbo103585.html

          • FaunaAndFlora

            That’s the truth.

      • I forget his name, some Dem staffer who left the DNC like a month before the leaks were rumored. That’s who it clearly is. But their nibs can’t admit that one of their servants would betray them so…

    • kreskin

      The bullshit Obama and company are pulling is flat out humiliating , we’re a damned disgrace … world wide . They are fooling no one but some brain washed simpletons in this country who are not interested in the truth .

      The loser is getting in some parting cheap shots . Yahooo and the US Congress embarrassed him , he lost in Syria , Clinton just lost , it’s good bye Obama Care , he’s not a happy camper .

      The ambassador’s assassination , the disaster in Sochi … is the timing coincidental ?

  • kreskin

    Russia sanctions ‘childish, petulant & pointless revenge for Clinton loss’ – UK’s ex-Syria envoy https://www.rt.com/op-edge/372214-obama-clinton-russia-sanctions-hypocricy/

  • Second-to-last links of the year are here!

    We’ll have one last links post tomorrow, but, in hope for the new year, we’ll try to make them all funny, positive, or worthwhile in some way. 😀

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