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Friday Links and Open Thread.

Sep 30, 2016
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11191129216_3b6aca11cb_zRemember: There’s absolutely nothing to worry about when one nuclear-armed nation invades another nuclear-armed nation, inflicting “Significant Casualties.”

The city of Reykjavik, Iceland has taken a moral stance, and has decided to boycott all Israeli products.

Let’s take a little tour, shall we? A tour of The Wholesale Failure of American Foreign Policy.

, over at Counterpuch examines the precarious situation of our society, now that we’ve abandoned intellectual thought and considered action, for emotional ignorance and impulsivity.

In today’s “Moral Atrocity News,” The US-Backed coalition against “ISIS” has dropped 54,611 bombs in 15,362 airstrikes.

Why don’t the rich care how badly they are fucking American society and the American citizen? Because when the heat is on, they’ll just seek shelter in steel and concrete bunkers. No, seriously, they think that will work.


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Your Weekend of Weekends.

UnkaWillbur - May 26, 2017

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  • Good morning all. The weekend is here. Here’s your theme song, for the morning!


  • Dosido3

    Good morning. I wake up to find the Chicago Tribune has endorsed Gary Johnson. I mean, I think I’m awake.

    • I understand how that can seem like you’re still having a nightmare. 😀

      • Dosido3

        People everywhere are just drinking all day long now. Even editorial boards. Or especially editorial boards.

  • RUN AT A MOTHER FUCKER’S FACEWhite dudes have this thing where they believe your best friend in the world can have opposing political ideas. You’re supposed to be able to have healthy debate and disagreeing shouldn’t harm your friendship. That’s gross and stupid. Its really easy to say that when all your disagreements are theoretical. Its easy to say when none of the laws passed actually effect your life. Fighting with your best friend about corporate regulations, school charters, educational funding, abortion, health care, voting restrictions, drug laws, taxes and all sorts of stuff is cool and lively because none of it is going to actually leave you in a bad spot. Its different for the rest of us. I can’t be friends with you if you think I shouldn’t be allowed to vote. We can’t be friends if you think my friends shouldn’t have the ability to designate whatever gender they want and have that be legally recognized. We can’t be friends if you think I don’t deserve health care.

    • Shohanna

      Interesting, I had a friend like that once. We didn’t really discuss politics on a regular basis. It came up for some strange reason and he said I should be dead because I had an abortion. Surprisingly enough he was the one who helped me out of that situation, while wishing me dead. He was sitting in my living room as a guest in my house. Said I needed to have the “Death Penalty” because I took a life.

      We had known each other for more then 20 yrs. I ORDERED him out of my house. At first he just looked at me like my head had split open and I turned into a crazed monster. But that had already happened to me 2 minutes prior and I was reacting now with a sense of self preservation. I said you are no friend of mine. I would never say such a thing to a friend of mine no matter their political affiliations or their actions. Get the fuck outta my house and erase my number, do not call me, DO not contact me in any way shape or form. You are the last person I will ever want to voluntarily talk to.

      It was decidedly the first time I have ever kicked a friend out of my house. It felt liberating after the moment of heart break. But I seemed to have a feeling that we were on opposite sides. It felt right and normal. I haven’t talked to him since. He hasn’t talked to me since. Sure I was hurt, but I could not be friends with him again. No matter how much water was under the bridge between us.

      • 17

        That’s terrible.

      • SmotPoker

        The fuck is wrong with people?

        • Shohanna

          He was republican/ conservative. Closed minded, in the closet and enjoyed a huge 12 inc black cock. Shocked the hell out of me if you want to be honest. So I started probing about whether the stereotype fit or not. That’s what brought up the politics subject. LOL

          YES, YES he did want me to do what you are thinking…… O.o I was having none of it. Hence the questions to him.

      • Dosido3

        Proud of you, Sho! You stood up for yourself! Painful but righteous. Good for you!!!! YOU GO, GIRL!!! I’m giving you a standing ovation right here, right now!!

        • Shohanna

          **blush** Yes it was a big moment for me. It was when I decided that I wasn’t going to let people hurt and walk all over me anymore. 😀

      • Edwin

        I hope you gave him a good swift kick in the rear end to help him out the door. Asshole.

        • Shohanna

          I did help him to the door. I really wanted to kick his ass! /nod lol

  • kreskin

    Failure of American foreign policy ? It’s been one big cluster fuck , but so long as the MIC and the Wall Street investors are making money , as long as those who’s careers depend on boogeymen , invasions and wars are employed … who cares ?

    It’s going to get much worse when Clinton takes office .

    • towerofbabel

      Obama is setting up the pins for Hillary. It’s going to be dark. Why not have a war party instead of dealing with reality and the enormous problems facing humanity? Capitalism is now a religion acting like a death cult.

  • SmotPoker

    Alabama Shit Stain Supreme Court Chief Justice Suspended

    About fucking time. Judge Roy Moore suspended over his stance against gay marriage, and his instructing state officials to disregard federal law concerning equality.

    This is the 2nd time this piece of fecal matter has had to be removed from the Alabama Supreme Court. It’s time to disbar the asshole, and send him packing looking for a real job. We have no place in our judicial system for such bigoted, racist, fuckwads. It’s already bad enough as it is, time to start weeding these evil fucks out of the system.

    • Dosido3

      Hit him in the wallet, is right! Look at all the idiots behind him forcing their religion on everybody…sheesh!

  • kreskin

    Thinking Dangerously in the Age of Normalized Ignorance

    Good article , Willbur.

  • SmotPoker

    SmotPoker In One Of His Moods, Withdraws Within Himself

    I can feel one of my infamous “moods” coming over me where I withdraw from society for a bit. Don’t be surprised if you don’t see me around as often for a little while or if I don’t disappear at all, I never know with these moods, I can just feel it coming on, and I don’t know which way it will bend.

    • 17

      Be safe out there.

      • SmotPoker

        I plan on it. That’s one of the good things about recognizing the shit coming down the pike, I can prepare for it.

        • Dosido3

          Hugs, Smot. Listening to waves break and feeling the wind and sun on my skin helps me pull out of a funk. take care, buddy.

      • SmotPoker

        I think a lot of it may have to do with my kid brother coming home from the hospital, and the upcoming anniversary of my mothers death, if I had to take a guess.

    • notisaidthepig

      You take care of yourself. That’s priority number one.

      • SmotPoker

        I’ll be fine Pig. The trick I’ve noticed over the years is to be aware of these moods when they hit. I don’t get suicidal or anything I just withdraw into myself, and will neglect friendships/family/etc etc…..

      • SmotPoker

        Oh, and thanks for the concern, but once again, it’ll be OK.

  • kreskin

    Thinking Dangerously in the Age of Normalized Ignorance
    ” Manufactured ignorance also makes invisible the corruption of the financial elite ”
    Good article , Willbur.

  • SmotPoker

    Jason Schmidt of Beaverton, Oregon Is A Grade A Moron

    Oregon parent has conniption over social studies exercise concerning white privilege. Christ, what a moron.


    • Dosido3

      Money quote:
      “With the amount of money we pay for schools, they should be educating not indoctrinating our students about the latest political fad or political agenda a teacher wants to get across,” Schmidt said.

      In other words, I want my kid to be indoctrinated in my beliefs. Any bets on if he tweets with a bald eagle avatar?

  • SmotPoker

    Isn’t the Black Moon this weekend?

    EDIT: Yes. Yes there is. Cool.

    • cathyx

      It was earlier this week. Sept 28th.

  • Edwin

    Good morning.

  • Dosido3

    Breaking news: Black man with bipolar calls police for help. Dies in police custody. Remains at the scene for 12 hours. Pasadena, CA. I don’t have a definitive article.

    • Shohanna

      WTF?! We are at war apparently. Something needs to be done.

    • Blue Basilisk

      If I were a black person I’d be terrified to call the cops!

      • Edwin

        If I were a person I’d be terrified to call the cops! (luckily I am Doge Cat)

        • cathyx

          oh my, i thought you were a person. Sorry.

          • Edwin

            not this incarnation

          • notisaidthepig


          • cathyx

            Not sure if Edwin realizes what just went down.

          • notisaidthepig

            Oh, he’s a smart one. I wouldn’t put it past him to simply be ignoring whatever. (Not sure I got it!)

          • Edwin

            Regardless, I won. ^_^

          • notisaidthepig

            Hurray for Edwin!!!!

          • Edwin


        • Blue Basilisk

          “Are you human?”
          “Negative. I am a meat popsicle!”

          • Edwin

            I am Doge Cat


  • 17
  • towerofbabel

    In case you are still wondering just how progressive the tippy clown really is: Hacked Audio Reveals Hillary Clinton Sees Herself Occupying “Center-Left to Center-Right”


    • Edwin

      Ha! Yeah, sure.

    • notisaidthepig

      Just came from the Intercept where I read this. It was meh. Not much new or surprising there. It didn’t seem so damning to me.

      • Edwin

        Pander Bear. I am everything to all people.

        • notisaidthepig


          • Edwin

            Far enough left to be hip, cool, a happening chick, without be far enough left to be a dirty fucking hippie or leftist guerilla type. And far enough right to be sober and sensible, to make sure the banks get a fair deal, and to see eye to eye with Kissinger and to invade a few countries, But only the ones in dire need of improved democracy.

          • notisaidthepig
          • Edwin

            My response is she’ll do whatever the fuck she wants if she gets in the oval office; whatever her donors allow.

          • notisaidthepig

            She’ll keep marching Right. I’m not looking forward to the next four years. I can tell you that much.

          • Edwin

            I have given up with your election. It’s bullshit. I bet a lot of Americans have given up. I bet it will be very low voter turn out and the way people vote will be very unpredictable (see exit polls). And I expect a high degree of irregularities, tampering and fraud.

            The last throes of your democratic system.

          • notisaidthepig

            I agree with everything you’ve said. But I’m a hopeful pig! After the darkness comes dawn. Right? Four years of Trump or $hillary will galvanize folks and the next election will be the one where the Green Party wins! 😉

          • Edwin

            Or everyone gets turned into bacon: some folks more so than others.

          • notisaidthepig

            Mmm. Bacon…..

          • notisaidthepig

            I sort of want Trump to win ’cause they’re saying it will be the death of the Republican Party. I’d like that to happen.

          • Meh, for decades the Dems and the media have been telling me the Republican party has been on its deathbed for decades now. They still look pretty spry to me. 😀

          • notisaidthepig

            Do they? I think they are dying before our eyes. Millennials are the future and they have not adherence to the establishment parties. Change is coming whether they Dems and Repubs want it to or not.

          • Seem lively to me, they have control of most state legislatures and governorships.

          • notisaidthepig

            Now they do. But do you think the outlook for them is a positive one? Consider what I said about younger folks.

          • Oh, I understand their demographic challenges, but I’m not going to predict the future in the face of some many, past, predictions from Dems and the Media, that haven’t come true. I would have never predicted Donald Trump would be the GOP nominee either, and that came true.

          • notisaidthepig

            Demographic challenges? Exactly. Oink!

  • 17
  • ॐ peaceful_revolutionary

    Has anyone seen this yet? (I’ll also put it in the politics thread)



    • ॐ peaceful_revolutionary

      For some reason only the top part of the video loads but the audio is all there.

    • panem et circenses

      Why would Wikileaks share anything with this guy? He seems to be a small time conman with delusions of grandeur.


      • 17

        Yeah, I got an “Alex Jones” vibe from him too.

      • ॐ peaceful_revolutionary

        I didn’t say it was true nor did I say it was false. I just asked if anyone else has seen it.

        • panem et circenses

          Yeah, and since you posted it I’m pointing out that it’s bullshit. I made no statement about whether or not you believe the bullshit yourself.

          • ॐ peaceful_revolutionary

            I’m out. If I wanted to be talked to this way I’d stay at places like Mediaite. Have a nice life and try to be a little nicer to people. It really won’t hurt you.

  • kreskin
    • Edwin

      Wonder why it’s taken so long?

      • cathyx


  • notisaidthepig

    I hadn’t thought of this. Very sobering.


  • notisaidthepig
    • Yeah, it’s just another fact that makes denying climate change or opposing solutions not just insanely greedy, but downright insane.

    • Edwin

      A good Halloween costume idea.

  • panem et circenses

    German mayor beaten up by mob after expressing support for asylum seekers


  • Edwin

    Terrible for our environment on so many levels, but interesting to watch.


    • towerofbabel

      This example of capitalism is a perfect case study. First, the market is socially constructed. The market is expanded beyond all reason. Marketing propaganda (like this piece) maintains the hype and the significance of the flower as a central affective mediator in social relations. Key to the hypertrophic development of the flower market is the rigorous masking the externalities–a chemically intensive, fossil fuel guzzling network of agribusinesses and transportation companies. (In the case of this PR piece the aim is to make the maddening complexity seem serene and free of any negative consequences.)

      This is how the Spectacle works in capitalism. Once the culture is programmed with an un-reflexive attachment to a particular commodity, no matter how unnecessary, no matter how environmentally damaging, that demand will drive the industry. Because people are programmed to use flowers to communicate simple emotions the consummer will sustain and expand the market until collapse.

      Wouldn’t the “symbols of love” be more convincing if they were not part of a vast, environmentally destructive system of production? In my opinion, my wife’s flower garden is a far better expression of love–nontoxic, life-sustaining, perennial, and beautiful.

  • Edwin
  • panem et circenses

    The media’s stance on lawsuits against the government changes when they’re from victims of US violent aggression rather than corporations who don’t feel they’re being allowed to sufficiently exploit citizens around the world for profit.

    Big Papers Want Foreign Companies, Not War Crime Victims, to Sue US


  • Howdy folks! Saturday’s Daily Links and Open Thread is up.

    This week’s “Saturday Sci-Fi” presents us with a cold-war stinker, from Britain.

    The Election 2016 thread has had it’s normal update,

    And “Dancing in Me Bones,” 17’s music thread is still going strong!

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