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12 To The Moon on “Saturday Sci Fi” (Open Thread)

Aug 13, 2016
1081 Views 1210

“Twelve To The Moon” is one of those films. It’s built on a total lack of understanding of what we already knew about space, at the time it was made. It’s a throw-back to Science Fiction concepts of the 30s and before. It’s a solidly “B” movie and was released as such, alongside “Battle In Outer Space.

Featuring all the classically-bad devices of a 50s Sci Fi film: Spacesuit that look about as airtight as cheesecloth, a ship that’s roomier than most NYC apartments, and an atmosphere on a Moon we knew didn’t have one for 100 years before this film was conjured up for tens of dollars.

Featuring the Dubious talents of genre regulars like Ken Clark, Michi Kobi and Tom Conway 12 To The Moon is nonetheless the kind of thoughtlessly enjoyable trash that’s perfect for a lazy Saturday…

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  • notisaidthepig


    • notisaidthepig

      My work here is done. See everyone later…..

    • SpiffyTheValiant


    • I Second That! ๐Ÿ˜›

  • 17


  • cathyx

    “Twelve To The Moonโ€ is the kind of movie that Mystery Science Theater 3000 makes fun of.

    • I think that’s literally true!

      • cathyx

        I was actually going to try to look it up, but I’m too lazy.

    • Dosido3

      Hey. It’s all about the characters and story! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • “There’s air in this cave!”

        “Why, that means there could be life!”


        I can’t stop LOLing

        • Dosido3

          Rofl. Again I know I’ve seen other movies like that. I just can’t remember!

          Oh! jaws 3 was pretty bad. Lots of wind to take catamarans out to some little island but suddenly becalmed in a pool of sharks!

          And the original batman movie with Adam West was hilarious with the rubber shark attack on the rope ladder from the helicopter.

          I know these aren’t sci fi, but still stupid.

          • The_Fixer

            Oh, the original Batman movie was, like the TV series, pure camp! As a 12 year-old, some of that went over my head. Years later I can properly appreciate it. I watch it on MeTV occasionally, it;s a hoot!

          • Dosido3

            Yes! And it explains why so may great actors signed up for it. Burgess Meredith? Wow.

  • Dosido3

    Morning everyone. Quick drive by before I’m dragged off by strangers … I mean family members.

    Just a thought, but the DNC not only screwed Bernie. I think they screwed themselves because trump voters will not go gently into that good night when they lose. The DNC just screwed any claim to legitimacy. I guess I’m being Captain Obvious again.

  • Rich H

    Excellent. Thanks.

  • Dosido3

    Oh and hello to people who just found their way here. I look forward to chatting with y’all.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Hiya, Dosido ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Dosido3

        Hi ya Spiffy. TBR wasn’t all bad. I got to meet you! ๐Ÿ™‚

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          It was a good site. It didn’t have to splode that way.

          • Dosido3

            I think it did. Scorpions gotta sting. It’s what they do.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            The Scorpion and the Frog, eh?

          • Dosido3


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • The_Fixer

            Well, the community – which is here now – is what made that site. The site itself was nothing special. It was us who made it special.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • RTIII

            That’s what I tried to tell Neb, but they believed their own bullshit.

          • The_Fixer

            Mentally ill people have that idea that it’s all about them. Everything going on around them is either directly attributable to them, or involves them in some way.

          • Shohanna

            I can attest to that! My brother left his 8yrold son. My nephew was there when he shot himself. He had NO fucking thoughts to the trauma his son went through from seeing that. 2 yrs of therapy, experimental therapy to help him FORGET what he saw. Nightmares, Terrors, the works, the poor kid. He is much better now, but the anger is coming and he has no clue why he is so angry at everyone.

            But you know who does KNOW why he is angry and why it’s SO MUCH?! ME. I KNOW WHY.

            I can’t tell him. Do you know how much it fucking hurts to see him going through this pain and anger and he doesn’t know why and You want to TELL HIM. But if I do, it could trigger his memory and he wakes up and remembers seeing his dad blow his brains out?! That PAIN is NOT describable.

          • Shohanna

            Selfish, narcissistic gits need to be SHOT!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            o.o whoa…

          • Shohanna

            My brother. He was all about himself. There are scars left and lives ruined because of his selfishness.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Shohanna

            Exactly! /nod /tears /sorry!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 you has nothing to be sorry about.

    • Nevin

      We are still missing a few people. Hopefully they won’t be missing for too long.

      • Dosido3

        I saw that Tally is busy. He’ll be around soon I’m sure. He also got the message. I forget who else we are waiting for besides Sho.

        • Shohanna

          I am here! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Shohanna

    **takes a deep breath**

    • Glad to see you found your way here, Sho…

      • Shohanna

        Me too, I hope you won’ t mind I just posted my rant to ricki

        • Naw, it’s good for folks to be able to vent. I think it will leave everyone in a more positive position, as we move forward!

          • Shohanna

            Thank you! **tears**

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • Shohanna

            **HUGS** back!! thank you honey!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Dosido3

            My belief is that any attention is a pay off for crazy people. Look at trump!

          • The_Fixer

            True dat. However, once we get this all out of our system, they will fall back onto obscurity, as long as we don’t feed the beast. It does take some time to heal, though. I’m still pissed at the manipulation.

          • Shohanna

            Yes, that was horrible. Manipulating the threads so there is no clue that there is a problem? Hiding and deleting posts so I couldn’t be told or anyone else?! That’s so GRRR!!

            I can’t describe my anger right now.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            They left the argument post up for a day or two. I was surprised by that one.

          • The_Fixer

            Well, she had to sober up before she started hacking away at it ๐Ÿ™‚

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Shohanna

            Yeah I saw that. Then it was poof and MsP disappeared. Damn it all. /sigh I am so clueless sometimes.

          • 17

            Worse was that she would track where people went (other sites) and then reprimand them for thing they said on those sites. She felt like anything people said anywhere was a direct representation of her, and she also had to make sure people weren’t told anything by anyone that might contradict her story.

          • The_Fixer

            That’s another form of manipulation – controlling the narrative to suit their twisted needs.

          • I’d just tell people, “That Crazy SoB? I can’t control a kook like that!” ROFL!

    • Dosido3


      • Shohanna

        Hey Dosi!!

        • Dosido3

          Wow. You know real shit from virtual shit! Holy crap! Hugs.

          • Shohanna


            yes it was a horrible year, and it took me 2 more yrs to make sure there is a gap between my online presence and my real life presence. Neither the twine shall meet.

  • Shohanna

    I posted my last post at TBR. I am posting it here for prosterity. Cause she will delete it.

    So, I am sitting here, getting ready to start my day, and lo and behold
    there is no one here to even read my post. Imagine my feelings and
    thoughts wondering wtf happened to everyone. I mean you had a blow out
    with Edwin, I know that, don’t know the specifics since it was in some
    “HIDDEN and DARK PRIVATE” room that no one else knows about.

    were you going to get to the questioning and interrogating me? I bet I
    know why you never did it with me. B/c I know your colors and called you
    out on it, on C&L and on RS. Hmm suspicious there huh? Wouldn’t
    ever discuss it with someone who knows your true colors would you?

    you didn’t question ME because I KNEW already and if you did I would
    have told everyone here from the start. That would have caused no TBR.
    Huh? Guess what? It’s already happened and you didn’t need any help from

    My bad to my REAL friends. I should have warned all of them
    about what you are and whether it was safe to come here or not. But I
    was busy with REAL LIFE, one I had not had the opportunity to have since
    my husband left me 5 yrs ago for another woman. Talk about DIVA, oh she
    was a diva and you remind me of her. SO sweet and calm when you first
    meet her and then when a lawyer places the law down for them in a
    divorce court she turned into a fucking banshee and she lost everything
    she wanted from my Ex. LOL

    That was classic and it reminds me of
    what you are doing here. You drove everyone away with your
    Unsubstantiated CLAIMS of stalking?! Chick you don’t know what a fucking
    stalker is until you have had one attempt to kill you in real life. I
    HAVE, and I SURVIVED it.

    Now you try that shit with me and you
    will be messing with the fucking law and my Lawyer. I don’t put up with
    internet twats who think they can control me or those around me. Control
    freaks NEED HELP.

    I will get you help if I hear you going after
    any of my friends again. You want to call that a threat? No dear it’s a
    promise. Mental health is a priority in my life, my brother took his own
    life with a shot gun to the fucking brain twice. There was NO HEAD, we
    had to have a closed casket. I swear I won’t let that happen to anyone
    again. I see the warning signs from you or Neb and I will call it in.
    That’s not a threat to your life, that’s a call for Help and I will
    answer it as it SHOULD be answered. With the proper authorities.

    Got me?

    I am leaving this shit pool and if anyone wants to join me. You can
    email me from my profile. Ricki you are not welcome to talk to me,
    answer me, or have anything to do with me. You are blocked. This is NOT
    the type of behavior from a friend. A friend does NOT harass other
    people. A friend does NOT stalk other people. YOU need help. and a lot
    of it.

    • Nevin

      Kitten slumbers in undetected and pounces on her prey. One swift move and she has beheaded them.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        <3 lol blue.

        • Nevin

          It is always the silent kittens you have to look out for. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lmao yes. The bigger the bubble eyes, the sharper the claws.

      • Dosido3
        • RTIII


          _MY_ cat, Shredder, was feral and would take that rat down in one pounce! I’ve seen him do it! And, he takes on prey bigger than he is sometimes! …That rat’s just lucky he’s dealing with pussies! :-O

          • Shohanna

            Or house cats, those cats weren’t raised without humans. They have no clue what he is. I would adopt everyone of those cats if I could.

    • SpiffyTheValiant


      I’m so sorry about your brother. (Though a little confused bout your husband? He left you and the woman he got with, took him to divorce court?).

      Well talk about gong out with a bang either way. That was a rather elaborate fuck you post.

      • Shohanna

        No no, I divorced HIM but my lawyer was on a 3 way call, (My line was on mute) My lawyer was asking questions and wanted to know why they wanted a divorce ASAP! He had the gall to say she was pregnant. LOL

        Well, my lawyer told him that no divorce was possible until the separation had been completed and it takes 120 days or more (depending on the judge) to even FILE for divorce. (A white lie) and She heard that and WENT OFF!! I mean she turned into this crazed maniac and totally went off the handle while my LAWYER was recording. My lawyer took that to the judge and the judge said we had to wait til the beginning of the year to FILE. (In essence making sure this chick was NOT pregnant when the divorce was final and NO WAY to hide it, or to make “fraud” of it.)

        In other words, SHE told my husband she didn’t want her child born out of wedlock. So they wanted a shotgun wedding. The judge did not like how she was attempting to “shot gun” my “HUSBAND” in to marrying her b/c he got her pregnant. So he made sure our divorce couldn’t even be FILED until 12 months had passed.

        So she got fucked. He married her with the knowledge 1. She lied. 2. she was NOT pregnant and was not able to pull one over on him. /nod

        • 17

          Women, huh? Can’t trust any of them ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *Gets out the whip* You missed this, didn’t you?

          • cathyx

            Just downvote him. I did.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lmao that’s your version of spanking him.

          • cathyx

            It’s an internet elbow jab.

          • 17


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Shohanna

            Really?! downsies for you for that comment. lol

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          nicely done.

    • The_Fixer

      The word is out: Don’t fuck with Shohanna!

    • 17

      Aand, it’s gone!

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        I doth believe if we can assume it took her a minute to copy and paste, that means that it might have survived a whole ten minutes.

        • 17

          8 minutes.

          • Shohanna

            Is that a record? Maybe it took that long for her to read it.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I doth believe so.

          • Nevin


          • 17

            She may have been in one of the other rooms cleaning the shit stains off the walls.

          • RTIII

            Yeah, she’s kinda slow!

            BTW, great post, and I had ALSO forgotten we’d traded emails! Damn, I need to get better organized!

          • Shohanna

            Thank you, I tried to be “helpful” rather then hateful b/c if she is a lawyer certain wording can get you in to a mountain of trouble. My lawyer would have told me not to post it at all. but my morals said I HAD to. So I made it like if she did do those things to me, I would call the mental health police and turn her in that way. Makes it quite easy when there is copies of posts like 17’s woodshed. Plenty of proof she has a mental health disorder and is hurting people she supposedly cares about.

            BIG warnings right there.

          • 17

            She’s not a lawyer. She’s a top secret spy for MI-5, tranfered here to the US. Get with the story.

          • The_Fixer

            Yes, and educated in England. She’s soooo special.

          • Nevin

            Is that why she talks funny?

          • The_Fixer

            Never heard her talk. But notice that she never slips into what would have been a habit were she really educated in England – the different spelling of common words, e.g. colour vs color.

          • Nevin

            She pretty much sounds like trash to me.

          • cathyx

            She does not have a british accent. Ask 17.

          • RTIII

            Exactly. I call bullshit! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • The_Fixer

            A good call.

          • 17

            She doesn’t talk funny at all. No english accent or dialogue at all. She’s as american as apple pie when speaking. It’s her “English” writing that helps her “british agent” story along.

          • Nevin

            When I said “talk” I meant her writing.

          • Nevin
          • RTIII

            No no, that’s lauren! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • The_Fixer

            Is that one of her sock puppets? I copied and pasted the list of them…

          • RTIII

            No, that’s another women. Some of us here know here. We were TRYING to get her to join us at TBR when all the shit went down. I’ve met her in person three times, first time at the Bernie Sanders after-party on election day in Oakland, second time for lunch. … She told tales of secret agent, special ops, personal family connections to scary people. It was just sane enough to maybe be true and just crazy enough to make you think she’s batshit insane.

            On a third occasion, she came to a pot-luck bbq I hosted but something weird happened. She came in while I was bathing, before the start-time of the event, walked out, called me on the phone, came back, stayed a few minutes then left again. It was so bizarre. … The next morning I found my disk drives from my most important file-server computer had been taken out from a running machine and left on the floor adjacent to the computer server rack space… VERY strange! In discussions with friends, some think she did it while I was in the shower, though there’s no known motive…

          • 17

            Was she still her own church, or did she abandon that story?

          • RTIII


          • 17

            After she realized *THEY* were doing something with her thoughts, she became her own church (for some reason). This was all years ago. I knew you were in trouble when I first heard that it was SISTER LAUREN that you were seeing.

          • RTIII

            IDK anything about her and any church. But given what I’ve seen, I suppose that makes sense. -shrug-

          • 17

            it was like 8 or 9 years ago. Edwin probably remembers it too.

          • The_Fixer

            Jeebus, that’s the scary kind of weird. Hope she either found something else to occupy her time, or they hauled her off to a mental health facility.

          • RTIII

            I have no idea; like Spiffy’s song lyrics she just posted, “My give a damn’s busted!” :))

            It was a HUGE wake-up call to my computer security / data safety plan / program. I still haven’t fully recovered… I’ve got two new 8T drives to install, along with a new SSD soas I can build a new backup server and set it to update regularly, etc. I then plan to make a copy on spinning disks then take those disks out of the hardware and store them off-site…. It would take more than a thousand dual-layer DVDs to back up all the data I have! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • RTIII

            I get it that Evanna Lynch is (was?) the actress in the potter flicks – but that video is like a memorial; did she pass away?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            o.o Not that I know of. The man who played Snape did though.

          • RTIII

            Yes, I knew about that. Sad he’s gone, I liked him.

          • Shohanna

            oh, yes, I forgot. sorry won’t happen again!

          • RTIII

            I understand the need.

            I thought about writing something like that myself, but unlike most of you, I had left the place some 10 days or so previously when sock-puppet moderator threatened me in a very rude and unnecessary way. So, I had time to “cool down” – was considering going back when it all blew up! It was odd timing – I hadn’t even looked at the page in some 10 days, but was lurking on the day it all went down – so I watched it all unfold in horror, Mr Pig’s exit and so forth…

            Not entirely sure why, but I decided NOT to chime in. I just watched. Since then I’ve resisted the urge to write Ned – I have his personal email address… In the end I decided I didn’t need to do it and it would be a complete waste of my time and energy.

          • The_Fixer

            I was watching it in real time, too. I had not commented for a day or two prior, and kept it that way. I was worried about her going off on me, or taking an on-line disagreement further (which I later found out, she has done).

            You can bet that she has started her own list of traitors, and every one of us is on that list.

          • RTIII

            Sure, but I don’t give a damn! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • 17

            That list started long ago. Anyone she found commenting with me on another site became a target.

          • Shohanna

            Apparently she missed ours. LOL

          • The_Fixer

            Oh, she is probably going to try some Disqus-related shenannigans with Unka. Good luck with that!

          • 17

            A sternly worded Cease and Desist letter oughtta do it, don’t you think? Look how well that tactic’s worked for them already.

          • The_Fixer


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Hmm 7 minutes longer than expected.

          • 17

            Well, I’m sure she wasn’t actively watching the page at the time, but got an alert, read it, and hit the zapper.

      • Truly, I’m surprised it lasted that long. I had the impression that the mods there were refreshing every 10 seconds or something. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • 17

          You mean that notorious crack team known as The Roving Moderators?

          • They’re Scary!

          • The_Fixer

            I interpret that to mean that they’re moderators on crack ๐Ÿ™‚

          • EdgarHF

            Aka sybil

          • Blue Basilisk

            A Wild Moderator appeared!

            *flicks pokeballs*

      • Shohanna

        LOL ๐Ÿ˜€

      • lindajoyous

        Hi 17, good to see you!

        • 17

          Hi Linda. Just gettin up? Ya missed all morning’s fun!

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah, been up for about an hour, have to feed the dog in the morning and give him his insulin shot! Glad that other peeps have found their way here!

          • 17

            We snatched them from the jaws of emotional death.

          • lindajoyous

            Thank goodness, now we can be our selves and have a good time!

    • Nancy

      wow! nice to see you and what a way to go out that door!

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Nancyness ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Nancy

          just posted to you up the thread…afternoon!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


      • lindajoyous

        Hi Nancy good to see you! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Shohanna

        *bow* thank you it was for all of you. ๐Ÿ˜€

        • Nancy

          you spoke well for all of us!

    • lindajoyous

      Hi Shohanna, so glad you are here!

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        hey linda

        • lindajoyous

          Hi Spiffy the mod! Good to see you! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Yes, do you like my new shiny badge ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • lindajoyous

            Yes I do, Movin on up! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            indeed ^.^

          • lindajoyous


      • Shohanna

        So am I.. I must REALLY get going now. LOL I am stuck in the comments on the new blog. Good job to Unka!!

        • lindajoyous

          Ok see you later, yes so glad we are here at Unka’s place!

  • The_Fixer

    Good morning/early afternoon, everyone. Hope that you’re all well. I am gonna only be in here for a short, going to have brunch with one of my prime IRL buds. Will be in and out through the course of the day.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      <3 ok

      • The_Fixer

        My Queen, may the bounty of a wonderful day find you!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Dosido3

      Have a great day, Fixer!

      • The_Fixer

        Thanks, Dosido! Hope your family day is pleasant!

    • Nevin

      Morning Fixer.

      • The_Fixer

        Hey, Blue!

  • EdgarHF

    At work on my smartphone. So mostly lurking today:-)

    • Nevin

      One of these days I am going to flash you.

      • Shohanna

        How?! I wish I could do that. It might get me laid. LOL

        • Nevin

          I don’t think that would be wise. You don’t want any crazies, not that Edgar is crazy.

          • Shohanna

            I am getting to the “crazy” part. Seriously, we are going on 6 yrs here. This desert is so dry!!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            :)) Well there was actually a dating website for Bernie Sanders supporters…

          • Shohanna

            I tried that. OMG they were clueless. I can’t date airheads much less sleep with them. The sight went bust anyway. I can’t find one with BRAINS. Must have BRAINS.. Grrrr BRAAAAAAIIIIINNNNNSSSS Zombies have it. /nod

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Hmm… we shall find our Sho someone. (Seems like a good chunk of our men, prefer men.Nothing wrong with that. but Sho wants her play time.)

          • 17

            I’ll ask Mrs. 17 if I’m still available. She’ll probably rent me out.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol geez.

          • 17

            I gotsta git all I can while I’m still on this side of the dirt!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Shohanna

            HAHAHA That would be classic. I might take that. **wink wink, nudge nudge**

          • Shohanna

            ROFL! I am oki really. It just breaks out now and then. But I am happy as I am. I don’t know what I would do if I did find someone besides jump their bones. Doesn’t make for good relationships that. /nod

          • Nancy

            but it would sure be fun!!!

          • Shohanna

            oh yes, yes it does! **whistles innocently**

          • EdgarHF

            Heck the way my luck has been with women the last few years I’d switch teams if it weren’t for the sex thing.

          • cathyx

            Shohanna is available.

          • EdgarHF

            Is she rich?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Hmm is Smokey straight and single? Maybe him.

          • Shohanna

            We tried that, I don’t think he likes my crazy. That and he smokes something I am highly allergic to and no way to be around it without having to have an epi pen. ๐Ÿ™

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Oh. Hmm well maybe RT if you live close enough ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • EdgarHF

            I had a my first date in 4 years a couple of weeks ago. It reminded me why I stopped dating.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            awe no luck?

          • EdgarHF

            She was a nice person, but I would say we were not a match. There were a few red flags telling me I would not have been happy continuing.

          • Nancy

            good that you are listening to your gut!
            that’s always a smart move.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Nevin

            I live in Phoenix. The older I get the more I hate the heat.

            Edit: Thumps head. Now I know what you were saying.

          • EdgarHF

            I was stationed in Yuma for a while when I was in the Marine Corps. I loved AZ.

          • Nevin

            Yuma is in the middle of nowhere. I’ve lived here since 1963. I need a change of scenery.

          • EdgarHF

            I was stationed there in ’74 and ’75. I went through again on a cross country motorcycle trip in ’07. I did not recognize the place. Yuma had a population of about 10,000 in ’75. It was over 100, 000 I believe when I went through in ’07.

          • Nevin

            Yuma was just a gas up place on the way to California. I haven’t been to Yuma in 41 years.

          • EdgarHF

            Yep, it was basically the Marine air base and a trucking terminal.

          • The older I get the more I hate the heat.

            Me to a “T.” I’m looking to buy land in WA State for this very reason. Although it’s been getting into the high 90s in the summers there, too. At least it’s not 136ยฐ w/heat index. LOL.

          • Nevin

            I would love to live by the ocean. I have a neighbor that has a summer home in Oregon, less than a block from the beach.

          • I’m actually looking East of the Cascades (see: Addy, WA). It’s a bit drier on that side, but less chance of volcanic activity ruining my day. LOL.

          • lindajoyous

            My mom and dad would spend every summer at Longbeach Wa. right next to the ocean!

          • Nevin

            Use to spend summers in San Diego when I was a kid.

          • Shohanna

            ROFLMAO!! Love you blue!

          • 17

            Pics now, or GTFO!

          • Shohanna

            Really?! I need my make up, and a tummy tuck, and some stuffs to hide my veins.. /sigh Not appropriate at this time. Maybe later.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *pets the tummy* but it’s such a cute belly.

          • Shohanna


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • 17

            This is your brain on Tequila:

          • Shohanna

            ROFLMAO!! Yeah that’s what it would take. /nod

          • EdgarHF

            We’re all crazy in our own way.

  • Nevin

    Sho’s comment was the only one in 12 hours. They should have left it up so others would think it was a hip place to post.

    • 17


    • MsPythia

      Hilarious. I haven’t been there. Don’t want to go. I’m done with them, but I would like to rescue Stephanie if we can.

      • Nevin

        You missed my epic entry to TBR. Snapped Stephanie up from my mission. Also Tali now knows the site.

  • Shohanna

    I think I am caught up. My daughter is coming over tonight and I have to get me something to eat and clean up a bit before she gets here. I have the info now and I WILL be back later guys. ๐Ÿ˜€ Missed you ALL. See you soon!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      see you later ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Nevin

        When did you become a Mod? I hope you are not the roving type.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          O.o Am a mod at chatzy. Have I been modded here?

          • Nevin

            It says Mod right next to your name.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I don’t see it. I will have to refresh.

          • LOL. TAG! YOU’RE IT!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            WOOT I HAS THE POWER!

          • Blue Basilisk

            Now we witness Spiffy’s super villain origin story!

            “I wassss once a mod!”

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • MsPythia

            Hi Blue Basilisk! Nice to see you!

          • Blue Basilisk

            Hi there! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Shohanna

        ROAR!! ((purrs)) /nod kitty talk. hehe

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Nevin

      Great to have seen you Sho. Enjoy your day.

      • Shohanna

        You as well blue! ๐Ÿ˜€

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Lol I think everyone is going to be a mod now XD me, 17, unk, and blue now?

          • We’ll see who joins the mod crew. You and 17 are the two most prolific commenters, so far, which means you’re on the most, so you get the nod first. We’ll see how many mods we need after that… ๐Ÿ˜€

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            yay :3

    • 17

      Have fun, Sho. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Shohanna

        Thank you 17! I will. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • MsPythia

      Shohanna! Yay — you’re here! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Shohanna

        There you are!! ๐Ÿ˜€ HI MsP I gotta share, gotta share, gotta share, holy cow.. **MELTS**

        Here I am SHARING!!


        • MsPythia


  • SpiffyTheValiant

    Remember Hillarybots, talking about the Supreme Court. If Hillary gets in, I expect her to stick to Garland.


    • Kissinger!

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        lol probably.

  • 17

    Viral Facebook Post Details Terrifying Encounter with Arizona Police

    In a post going viral on Facebook, Ken Walton describes being arrested at gunpoint by an Arizona Highway
    Patrol officer who threatened to shoot him in the back in front of his 7-year-old daughter.


    • That’s no surprise. Arizona or not. The police in the United States are a crazed, violent, out of control gang, and have become a threat the very fabric of American society.

      • 17

        Yep. Could have been any town in America.

  • SpiffyTheValiant
    • Nancy

      congrats! you will be a wonderful mod here…you have already proved your abilities elsewhere.

      • SpiffyTheValiant
        • Nancy

          you are welcome!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


      • MsPythia

        Spiffy is the new mod?!

        • Nancy

          yes, her and 17 were “modded” today!

          • MsPythia

            Oh — good! Lets hope they don’t have to work too hard!

          • Nancy


          • 17

            I was?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            yup refresh your page. you has a mod tag.

          • 17


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Nancy

            lol, yes you were-congrats!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          *shows off the crown*

    • Nevin

      If you have been here more than a day you can get your own damn food.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        :O le gasp.

  • 17

    Hundreds of Jews march for โ€˜Black Lives Matterโ€™ in New York

    Led by Jews of color and their allies, nearly 300 marchers calling for greater police accountability wound their way through downtown New York on Thursday night, ending in the arrest of seven activists for civil disobedience.


  • lindajoyous

    Hi everyone, hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!

    • SpiffyTheValiant


      • lindajoyous


      • Nancy

        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRMtWKnOMz4they are doing your song at the end of this.

        • Nevin

          I hope the animals weren’t hurt.

          • Nancy

            well that looked like someone got hurt with the eagle and the goat-that was wild.

          • Nevin

            I know. It was hard to watch.

          • Nancy

            nature is pretty raw and harsh at times.
            Lily often quotes the song at the end of the clip-I thought she’d enjoy seeing it used.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            muhahah XD

    • Nevin

      Hi Linda. Everyone is in a silly mood.

      • lindajoyous

        I see that and it’s great! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Nancy

        what fun…

        • Nevin

          Afternoon Nancy.

          • Nancy

            afternoon Blue!

        • lindajoyous

          Yes sure is!

    • Nancy

      it’s a good one in my neighbourhood…

      • MsPythia

        Hi Nancy and Blue!

        • Nancy

          hey Ms!

    • MsPythia

      Good day Linda!

      • Nevin

        MsP, you are here for the fun.

        • MsPythia

          What kind of fun? Are we all short circuiting?

          • Nevin

            We all are just in a goofy mood.

          • MsPythia

            That’s always a good thing! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • lindajoyous

        Hi MsPythia, good to see you! ๐Ÿ™‚

        • MsPythia


          • lindajoyous


  • The Illusion of Control. Yet another common way we are manipulated, yet refuse to admit we can be manipulated, whcih only makes the manipulation that much stronger. See Also: Democratic Party Loyalists.

    User Illusion: Everyday โ€˜Placebo Buttonsโ€™ Create Semblance of Control

    Each of these seemingly disconnected everyday buttons you pressed may have something in common: it is quite possible that none of them did a thing to influence the world around you. Any perceived impact may simply have been imaginary, a placebo effect giving you the illusion of control.

    • 17

      Like voting?

    • RTIII

      “Meanwhile in Hildesheim, Germany a group of interaction design students
      have developed another way to keep pedestrians busy while they wait,
      replacing a pointless placebo with an entertaining activity. When the walk light is red, people waiting across the street from one another can share a short game of Pong, playing on screens attached to corner traffic light posts.”

      Now THAT’s cool! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nancy

    • Nevin

      Why didn’t you put in on your feet to protect them while walking uphill through the snow?

      • Nancy

        I had bread bags for that.

        • Nevin

          You were really living on the edge.

          • Nancy

            me and Joni Ernst.

          • Nevin

            ? The senator.

          • Nancy

            yes…she did the whole “we wore bread bags” thing in some interview.

          • MsPythia

            People are such suckers for those stories. As if humble beginnings excuses any member of Congress from becoming a dirtbag owned by the 1%.

          • Shohanna

            Right?! If we are this old to remember, have not sold out, they could too. It shows character and integrity.

          • Nevin

            Jesus, I didn’t hear that.

          • Nancy
          • Nevin

            Thank you. Although going to RS is just as bad as going to HP.

          • Nancy

            lol, I know.

      • RTIII

        ’cause if you weren’t careful, you’d glue yourself to the floor before getting out the door!

    • EdgarHF

      I spent my time sniffing the mimeographed handouts

      • Nancy

        lol, I loved the smell of the markers we used in art class!

        • Edwin

          I was an elementary school junkie — a true story

          • Nancy

            do tell…

          • Edwin

            markers, ditto fluid, glue… loved when we pulled into the gas station, etc

          • Nancy

            snowmobile exhaust…
            now I get it.

    • Shohanna

      I so remember that! I would let it dry until it was clear, and then freak my friends out when I just started peeling it. I was responsible for the ban at school on glue hands. LOL

      • Nancy

        ha! you were a badass from an early age!

  • EdgarHF

    lunch hour I can get off the smartphone for a bit.

    • Nevin

      What’s for lunch?

      • EdgarHF

        internet ๐Ÿ™‚ Why would I waste my lunch break eating my lunch? I’d be too hungry by then!

  • Nevin

    I don’t want you guys to think I am cold and insensitive. So…this is for Ricki and Neb.

    • MsPythia


      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Ms ๐Ÿ˜€

        • MsPythia

          Hi Spiffy! So I’m about three chapters into your story — it’s more like a book!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ๐Ÿ™‚ I told you it was my longest and you wouldn’t be able to finish it in one go.

          • MsPythia

            Yeah, it will take me a few days at least.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ^^ might be easier to review individual chapters.

          • MsPythia

            No, I want to review at the end.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            So I looked it up. average number of words for books is 60-80k, but 100k + is normal for thrillers.

          • Nevin

            It takes a lot of words to describe fear.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol yup.

    • EdgarHF

      am I missing something?

      • Nevin

        Well if I could edit the cartoon the mother would be Ricki and the funeral would be for TBR.

        • EdgarHF

          Ah I figured there is something there I cannot see. I’m only seeing the text right now.

        • EdgarHF

          I had to refresh to see the cartoon

      • RTIII

        If you don’t see the image, you have to reload the page…

        • EdgarHF

          yep just did that

  • 17

    The biggest loser of the Olympics so far is NBC

    NBC spent about $1.2 billion for the rights to air this summerโ€™s Olympics. So far, they have a lot of unhappy viewers to show for it.


    • Good, maybe it will go away, permanently.

      • RTIII

        I loved the way the olympics were broadcast way back in the day – say, mid ’70s. It was wall-to-wall COMPETITION! VERY few interviews, it was 24 hours a day, every sport, live as it happened with VERY little being recorded and played back later. And no commercials, either, or nearly none – only between competition heats.

        • Nevin

          They had to figure out a way to make money off it. Personally I think it started with the damn Wheaties box.

        • Rich H

          I totally agree. I used to love watching the games. About 20 years ago the execs decided back stories were the way to go. I remember it got so bad, 10 minutes of backstory, 2 minutes of events, then three minutes of commercials (or close to that). I’ve watched maybe 20 hours total since.

        • I love that back then they were still, mostly, just a gathering of amateur sports enthusiasts and not an organized professional sporting event where the participants were allowed to be paid spokespeople.,

      • EdgarHF

        My thinking is if you have to wear a costume it’s not a sport. Too many events with costumes.

  • lindajoyous

    For all the left handers out there like me!

    It’s Left-Handers Day! Here’s 13 facts about the wonderful left


    • EdgarHF

      Left handed? Devil! Devil!!!!!

      • lindajoyous

        Yes, but I’m a joyous devil!

    • Rich H

      It appears Ambidextrous Day is celebrated on the same day too. Yay!

      • lindajoyous


      • EdgarHF

        There is only one thing I am ambisextrous at, but it’s not polite to talk about it in public:-)

        • Rich H

          I write equally well with either hand so I’m in the 1%. Or that could be equally shitty.

          • Shohanna

            Is it 1%?! Seriously? O.O

            I had no idea…. Its definitely come in handy especially having twins and being opposites. lol I would have had a hell of a time with them if I was just a lefty or a righty. You don’t realize how ingrained it is until you start teaching kids how to write.

          • Rich H

            I just read that when looking for Ambi day. It’s probably true.

          • Shohanna

            Wow! We have something in common. ๐Ÿ˜€ I like that. (besides politics) haha

        • Nancy

          oh too bad, I have a million comments I could make right about now ;-P

        • 17

          Just like a threesome, no?

          • EdgarHF

            more like a onesome.

          • 17

            Try closing your eyes.

          • EdgarHF

            Lol just noticed my misspelling

        • MsPythia


      • Shohanna

        Is it?! I am ambidextrous too!! haha

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      I am also a lefty.

      • lindajoyous

        Awe my lefty friend! ๐Ÿ™‚

        • SpiffyTheValiant


          • lindajoyous


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Witchcraft!!!!!! Joking.

      • lindajoyous

        Don’t mind your jokes toad! ๐Ÿ™‚

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Hi Linda ๐Ÿ™‚

          • lindajoyous

            Hi Toad, good to see you! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            You as well, how’s your day going?

          • lindajoyous

            Going good, thank you!

    • 17

      Did “left-handed” cigarettes make the cut?

      • lindajoyous

        No but I have a lefted handed pen and pencil! Lol ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Shohanna

      Oh have to send that link to my baby. She is a lefty! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • lindajoyous

        Awesome, my mom said the school tried to change me back in the 1950’s! ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Shohanna

          The school did change me in the early 80’s. I started school left handed. My teacher, cut my left hand with a ruler, I needed 8 stitches. By the the time the wound healed, I was mainly writing with my right hand. I am ambidextrous now. So I don’t consider myself left handed. I use both hands at different tasks.

          • lindajoyous

            That’s terrible to happen to you! I can barely write right handed. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Shohanna

            It’s a blessing now. I barely think about it anymore. Just when the convo comes up. I am good hon. *hugs*

          • lindajoyous

            Hugs back, yeah and when sitting down at a table to eat I always have to be on the left! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Shohanna

            Now see I am your perfect partner I can sit on either side and eat.(with either hand even) lol

          • lindajoyous

            Awesome Shohanna!

          • MsPythia

            That’s horrible! What an asshole! I’m slightly ambidextrous, but my left is definitely the stronger side.

          • Shohanna

            Yeah, but it was a hidden blessing. I broke my left arm when I was 10, really bad. I was in a cast for 2 yrs. that experience made me want to be able to use both hands at any task. Which I can now do. My right side will always be stronger b/c of the break, but that doesn’t stop me from a task if my right hand is busy. LOL

            I am truly ambidextrous. I can do any task left or right. Granted it takes me longer to do it left handed, it’s not as practiced as my right, but once I think it out in my head, it is done.

            I couldn’t do that if I had never learned. I started left handed, was right handed, and now I am ambidextrous and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

          • MsPythia

            That’s pretty cool that you can use both that easily. It’s surprising the number of lefthanders that are ambidextrous or at least slightly so.

          • Shohanna

            Yeah, you can tell I am a natural lefty, I fold my arms and my legs left handed. I can do it right but it doesn’t feel comfortable. So someone studying me would declare me left handed by that alone. However, I put my pants on right foot first, I put my shoes on right foot first, and I take my first step left foot first.

            I am a study in weirdness. Want to know HOW I know this stupid crap? My stalker told me all about it in an anonymous letter. hahaha

          • MsPythia

            Wow — you had a stalker who knew your movements that carefully?! I hope they’re gone now?

          • Shohanna

            Yes, it took 2 yrs for them to be detained and arrested for attempted murder. They got out of the charges, and I haven’t heard nor seen of them since. I don’t want to see them. It was an ex. and I had an abortion over the whole thing. He didn’t start it until I got pregnant. I had to hide out from him b/c he wanted to kill me. It’s been so long now.

            That baby was very much wanted btw. I felt so much guilt over it. I prayed and prayed at the time. I thought I was truly evil.

            Then, without any kind of notice, I was pregnant with twin girls. You have no idea how ecstatic I was. Her spirit was back with me and I recognized her spirit. I believe in God, but I don’t believe in any kind of religion. I am a spiritual being. And in that blessing I was forgiven for what I had and was forced to do, to save my own life. I will always treasure my babies. I will give my life for them. Until the day I am taken from this world. ๐Ÿ˜€

          • MsPythia

            Nice — and very glad the bad stuff is in the past! <3

          • Shohanna

            Me too! ๐Ÿ˜€

          • MsPythia


        • Rich H

          When I was a kid the teachers made everyone write with the right hand, and those who wouldn’t/couldn’t had their left hand tied to the arm on their desk forcing them to use their right.

          I switched to my left when I was around 13.

          • lindajoyous

            Yes and it was very confusing for me. So glad now they don’t try to change the kids today!

        • Shohanna

          I can also write legibly with both hands. I draw with both hands, and I can use scissors, and other right handed materials left handed. I taught both my girls to write. (One is right handed, and obviously the other is left handed.) I was able to explain the dynamics and how to do things left handed for my daughter so she could avoid the handicaps of living in a right handed world. LOL

          She stopped bitching about right handed world about 10 yrs old. She managed right handed scissors and all those other left handed things by how I taught her to adapt. She doesn’t even mention it now, or think about it, she would have told me. LOL

          I wish I could do the same for all the lefties out there.

          • lindajoyous

            Most of my family are right handed except for two of my Aunts. Yeah when I was a child I was ofter confused which hand to use for certain things! Good you were able help your daughters adapt! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Shohanna

            Yes, so having 8 stitches was a blessing in disguise. I don’t know what I would do if I could only use 1 hand for a specific task. O.O I think I would hurt someone. Seriously, messing with scissors is not a good thing!! lol

            I hope everything is ok now? I miss my girls being little. I do, cause they were so much fun.

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you, life is good now! But can’t poor coffee right handed and put lipstick on right handed! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Shohanna

            Oh wow. That seems so weird to me. I don’t even think about which hand I use to do a task. I multitask all the time, if my right hand is occupied I can do many things left handed. O.O

            Now, if I am writing, I will write with my right hand, and draw. But I can do both. I have had to a couple of times. I was holding the twins and used my left to write a small note. LOL Or sign my name.

            I can pour coffee left handed, and empty pans out, wash and rinse.. OH GOD I am a freak of nature!! O.O

            ETA: NO WONDER they called lefties witchcraft. Just think what they thought about ambidextrous people!! O.O

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah when I try to pour coffee right handed all my hand does is shake! But I used to bowl and that was right handed as well as throwing and batting a ball!

          • Shohanna

            OH OH OH!! That reminds me, when I play baseball? I HAVE to hold the bat left handed. (rather softball) I have tried to do it right handed it just does not work for me!! I found that out about 13 or so. hahaha

          • lindajoyous

            I always hated the 3 ring note books and never could find a left handed desk at school!

          • Shohanna

            I remember that, I showed my daughter to take out a few sheets of paper, close the 3 ring, and move it 3/4 of the way off the desk so she could take notes and support her left hand, also, I showed her not to, cup her left hand. (I can’t describe it. you know how you end up writing upside down? With your arm curved around to make a straight line on right handed paper? I think that describes it.

            I taught her exactly opposite of a right handed person. Shift the paper to the left, align your arm along the red line and write in that orientation. She doesn’t curve her left hand. ๐Ÿ˜€ No smudges, no pen / pencil marks on her hand (Cause it annoyed the fuck out of me, so I learned how to not do that)

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah, I don’t write upside down either! All three of my kids are right handed!

          • Shohanna

            Oh wow, how did you teach them to write?

          • lindajoyous

            My kids were hyper active and they learned to write at school.

          • Shohanna

            Ah oki I get that. Mine weren’t. I was very active with them. You could say I was obsessed. My parents always had something to say about that too. LOL

          • lindajoyous

            I tried to teach my youngest the ABC’s but he would sit still long enough so I just gave up!

          • Shohanna

            Also, when I was in ROTC I was in the colour guard, and you prance around with flags on the football field. I had to hold it left handed. I couldn’t hold it up correctly with my right hand even though it was stronger. It was weird. But they put me on the end so it looked natural. hahaha

          • lindajoyous

            Since my injury to my left hand, arm and shoulder it is harder for me to write now!

          • Shohanna

            Oh wow, it would benefit you to learn to write with your right hand. I kept up being able to write b/c I severely broke my left hand when I was 10 or so, and for 2 yrs it was in a cast. I probably should have had surgery but the doctor was an ACE at setting the bone so I didn’t need surgery. Just very long recovery and I had so much physical therapy. They said I wouldn’t get full motion back, but I did. Cause my Mom rocks at physical therapy. She pushed me so hard.

            Anyway, when I was in that cast I would imagine it could happen to my right hand too, and I was like GAH I don’t want to be stuck with just 1 hand. I don’t like being handicapped. So I fixed it, because I am stubborn like that. It helped me SO MUCH. It opened ideas,and the creative mind I have.

            Maybe because I was so stubborn. All you need to start is a drive to do so. Paper and pencil in hand, what’s it hurt to try?

          • lindajoyous

            I’ve tried to write right handed and unable to write that way. I just write a lot less often now!

          • Shohanna

            I know how you feel. /nod I don’t write as much as I use to either. It hurts now!

          • lindajoyous

            I am very thankful that I didn’t lose and fingers when I got my hand stuck in a machine at work that yanked my whole left hand, arm and shoulder! It happened at a chicken plant!

          • Shohanna

            Oh my goodness I am so glad you are alright! Work accidents are the worst imo. You never know if they are going to help you or fire you for getting injured. I was in a car accident on the clock. I delivered pizza, I was off work for a good 6 months due to that injury.

          • Nevin

            So you are ambidextrous.

          • MsPythia

            Yes, I use scissors with my right hand. We never had left-handed scissors in my house growing up so I learned to use the right.

        • MsPythia

          Me too — my kindergarten teacher back in the mid sixties. The first few days of school she kept coming over to me and taking the pencil or crayon out of my left hand, and moving it to my right hand. I let her do it, but when she wasn’t looking moved it back to the left. I put up with it for three days or so, and then the next morning she did it again, and I looked right in her face and said “I hate you!” and threw the pencil across the room and refused to do anything that involved writing or drawing. When my mom came to get me that day she and the teacher had a little talk — my mom was horrified that she’d tried to do that because she had a brother they’d done that to and he’d developed a stutter as soon as they’d forced him to be right-handed, but disappeared once he was old enough to insist he wouldn’t write with the right hand. She told the teacher that she did not want her doing that — and I was grateful! The teacher never liked me as much afterward though.

          It’s bizarre how it was considered “wrong” to be left handed at one time!

          • lindajoyous

            Good for you and your mom! It was very confusing for me and sure it was for many children!

          • smkngman3

            Wrong like……

            โ€˜When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peaceโ€™ โ€“ Jimi Hendrix

            โ€˜Happiness depends upon ourselvesโ€™ โ€“ Aristotle

            โ€˜There is nothing impossible to him who will tryโ€™ โ€“ Alexander the Great

            โ€˜The noblest pleasure is the joy of understandingโ€™ โ€“ Leonardo Da Vinci

            โ€˜There is no greater harm than that of time wastedโ€™ โ€“ Michelangelo

            โ€˜We think too much and feel too littleโ€™ โ€“ Charlie Chaplin

            โ€˜A person who never made a mistake never tried anything newโ€™ โ€“ Albert Einstein

            โ€˜Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have
            perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that
            we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attainedโ€™ โ€“
            Marie Curie

            โ€˜Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of manโ€™s desire to understandโ€™ โ€“ Neil Armstrong

          • MsPythia

            Right?! Lovely quotes. So many talented and creative left-handers. We tend to think on the right side of the brain — the creative side.

          • smkngman3
    • smkngman3
      • lindajoyous

        Thank you smkngman3! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • MsPythia

      I’m a left-handed leftist. Also a Libra.

      • SpiffyTheValiant


      • smkngman3

        Seems we have quite a few left handers here.

        • MsPythia

          Bunch of hellraisers! ๐Ÿ˜€

        • Shohanna

          Like tends to gather together. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • EdgarHF

    What’s with Hillary supporters using the term ‘butt hurt’? Are they hypnotized to keeping repeating the same phrases?

    • Nancy

      they are Hillary supporters.
      that says it all.

      • EdgarHF

        There is a truthy article on C&L about Hillary and the TPP. I was reading the comments. They, the Hillary supporters, are like Maoists reciting phrases from the little red book.

        • Nancy

          clearly anyone that supports her is either naive or just as crooked as she is.

          • EdgarHF

            I’ve seen some of their true colors when they comment non-election articles. They sound like Reaganites.

          • MsPythia

            The convention was so Republican in so many ways. And the chanting of USA, USA was nauseating.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            It was all


            This from the “dove party.”

          • MsPythia

            They’ve left that behind completely. They hate progressives and our views on policies now, even though they want to co-opt the term “progressive” and make it apply to their Neoliberalist views.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • EdgarHF

            I want to puke everytime someone says to me, “Thank you for your service”.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Seriously, that is so fucking fake.

          • Shohanna

            But..but. but. I came from a service family. I HAVE to thank you. I know what you sacrificed and what would happen if you didn’t do what you did. Some of us MEAN it when we say it. I couldn’t serve, they wouldn’t let me. ๐Ÿ™

          • EdgarHF

            I was too high to know I was sacrificing.

          • EdgarHF

            Btw I was never once in a war zone.

          • Shohanna

            I have lost a lot of family members who were serving. I understand.

          • lindajoyous

            My uncle died in ww11 and is buried in the Netherlands. I have found out that all the American graves have been adopted by the people over there and they put flowers on their graves every year.

          • Shohanna

            That’s awesome Linda that makes my heart swell with joy! ๐Ÿ˜€

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *pat pat the sho(

          • Rich H

            And that’s the nicest thing you could say.

          • EdgarHF

            I always nice, except when I am angry. You don’t want to see me angry:-)

          • MsPythia

            Or simple minded/ignorant. There’s a lot of people in love with Hillary who either don’t keep up with what’s going on, or have ever really looked at her record on the issues, or actually just love her because she’s a woman regardless of anything else at all.

          • EdgarHF

            I don’t know if this is a fact, but I think some are Ds because they were born into a Democratic family and it’s just tribal.

          • Rich H

            I was born into a democratic family but we were all smart enough to know when the party began screwing us over.

          • EdgarHF

            me too

          • MsPythia


          • MsPythia

            Yes — likely that covers a lot of them.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • Shohanna

            The classic republican syndrome too. I was born in that household which caused me all kinds of problems until I figured out I was in the wrong party.

          • Shohanna

            Me 4th!

          • Nancy

            yes…no intellectual or political curiosity.

          • MsPythia

            That’s why when we asked them why they were so strong for Hillary over Bernie, they couldn’t tell us. They’re gullible people who have been easily lead by the media, and because they count on the MSM for their news, they don’t know anything about what’s actually going on.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            That and team politics.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            My toad <3

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hey Spiffy, how are you doing?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I’m good ๐Ÿ™‚

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Glad to hear ๐Ÿ™‚

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ๐Ÿ™‚ how bout you?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Ok I guess, feet aren’t working today so that’s annoying.

            You’re a mod now?!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Yes, behold my poweh.

          • Rich H

            Dumber than a box of rocks. What’s a few million dead from our policies anyway?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            As long as they’re not white and in other countries.

          • Nancy

            right? it would be different if it was kept within your borders alone.
            I would get such flack from her fans about “meddling in the election” and they could not get that this effects everyone on the damn planet!

          • EdgarHF

            meddling with rubber stamp democracy

          • Nancy

            it was hilarious how upset they’s get…
            TBR78 posted this to Spiffy about me ages ago:

            “TBR78 TheSpiffy โ€ข 22 minutes ago
            Um… I’m kind of a lawyer, and this isn’t a freedom of speech issue. I thought you were smarter than that. Can we prosecute her for meddling in our election? No. That would be a first amendment protection. Can we persecute her for meddling in our election? Yes. Yes we can. And yes we should.”

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            My brain broke.

          • Nancy

            lol, she’s the same one that said she would follow mw and tell everyone I was Canadian. that was when I changed my S/n to “Canadian Bernie Babe” to end that silliness.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Rolls eyes, no comment.

          • Nancy


          • Shohanna

            OH!! I wondered what prompted that. LOL Nicely WON!!

          • Nancy


          • EdgarHF

            My earliest ancestor to the United States was a Canadian traitor during our revolutionary war. Traitor to Canada that is.

          • Nancy

            that’s too funny-mine was a United Empire Loyalist…

          • MsPythia

            Omg. That’s just Insanity.

          • Nancy

            right? “I’m kind of a lawyer…”
            you are also kind of insane.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Persecute someone for having an opinion, very American…isn’t she?

          • Rich H

            What does “kind of a lawyer” mean?

          • Nancy


          • 17

            Watches Matlock.

          • MsPythia


          • Nancy

            ha, great minds…I just said “Law and Order”

          • Shohanna

            WTF does that mean?! I remember seeing that comment and NO context anywhere else to explain what the hell he was talking about. It confused the hell out of me.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Translation: Foreigners shouldn’t be getting any silly ideas like that they have a right to their own opinion about our politics. We are the only ones who can meddle.

            Oh and I’m really smart, cause I’m sorta a lawyer!

          • Nancy

            she…it’s a woman.
            she used it to justify trolling me with her slams and rude insults.
            total bitch. it went on for ever.

          • Shohanna

            Oh that’s nasty. I knew there was a reason I didn’t like her.

          • Nancy

            and they are the people shaping the country and the fate for the rest of the world.

          • EdgarHF

            That’s what phony progressive sites are for, to tell us what to think.

          • MsPythia

            It’s amazing to me that many of these “progressive” sites continue to have a lot of stories about things that most progressives are very concerned about, but then have made it clear that they also support Hillary who won’t do anything about them, or actually supports views that have created all the problems.

            Just to give one example, at Raw Story they always report on mass incarceration, and police abuses and unnecessary deaths caused by trigger happy cops — but Hillary won’t change that, and her husband’s crime bill which she supported created mass incarceration, the prison industrial complex, and the move toward the police state we’ve seen.

            They don’t seem to care that this comes off as idiocy.

          • RTIII

            Some are comfortable practicing hypocrisy.

          • Rich H

            Two things, the politics of gender, and DNC cash. All those sites are worthless.

          • MsPythia

            I think we all know that — now.

          • smkngman3

            They don’t want to know!

            They can’t handle the truth!

          • Nancy

            for them, ignorance truly is bliss.

    • MsPythia

      And the great irony is that they act like the most butt hurt assholes of them all!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      I know they all sound like middle schoolers/ fascinating case studies for Freud.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        So they have mommy issues o_O

        • Nancy

          hey Daniel!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hi Nancy ๐Ÿ™‚

        • EdgarHF


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hi Edgar.

        • Nevin

          Afternoon Daniel.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hi Nevin.

          • MsPythia

            I’m just going to say HI EVERYBODY! ๐Ÿ˜€

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            That works!

          • MsPythia


          • EdgarHF

            Hi MsP

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            yay ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Shohanna

            Pst, call her Blue. ๐Ÿ˜€

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            New avatar.

          • Shohanna

            Yup, I needed a change. To catch up with you. ๐Ÿ˜€

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Nevin

            I see you got a new hairdo.

          • RTIII

            She’s worth it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • Shohanna

            Oh isn’t it lovely!? **prances around showing it off**

          • Nevin
          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I’ve heard, but it says Nevin.

          • Nevin

            I had made a comment why some people call me Blue. I said I preferred to be called Blue and Shohanna read it and calls me Blue.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            K, Blue.

          • Nevin

            You will always be Daniel to me until you don’t want me to call you that.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I don’t mind, that is my name.

          • lindajoyous

            Ok the Blue it is, my dad was called Red because of his hair! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • RTIII

            Says Daniel!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hey RT.

          • RTIII


            ABout time for me to get back to my engine building…

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            You work too much.

          • Shohanna

            I know it does, but she asked, so we want to respect her wishes right? *hugs*

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Indeed. (That’s really the least of their many issues though.)

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


    • smkngman3

      It’s in the script!

      • MsPythia

        Truth! The Correct the Record/Barrier Breakers script makes them spit out the same phrases continually!

        • smkngman3

          They can’t help themselves.

          They have not yet had their programing updated.

      • lindajoyous

        Hi smkngman3, good to see you! ๐Ÿ™‚

        • smkngman3

          Hi Linda!

          Must be getting crowded here. Now they’ve hied the two main troublemakers to be “mods”.

          • RTIII

            Yeah, but they’re OUR main troublemakers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • 17

            I just had a thought…..Spiffy can put up all those cat memes….and I can delete them!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            he deserved it. Besides, I think he’s actually a maschoist (spelling?)

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            masochist, and only because you asked.

            And yes he does.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Yes, yes. I think he likes being beaten up.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            To the dungeon with him.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • lindajoyous

            I see that, sure you will be way head of the game!

  • 17

    Having just discovered my new powers as a member of the dreaded “Roving Moderators”, I’d like to extend my heart-felt gratitude to Ricki and Nebdem, whos tireless work in destroying their own blog made all this possible.

    Drinks on the house!

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Non-alcoholic for me thanks ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Nevin

      Maybe someone can send them a pie.

      • Nancy

        a crow pie?

        • 17

          A cow pie.

          • Nevin

            Yeah. Crow pies are rather small.

          • Nancy

            ha…I thought back to the pie in The Help. that one would be fitting as well.

      • 17

        I thought you did that quite well.

        • Nevin

          Thank you.

    • Blue Basilisk

      Will you provide the ladder to get them or do we have to bring our own?

    • smkngman3

      You just want to get us drunk so that we don’t notice that you’re actually Garza!

      • 17

        Greetings, human! I grock Spock.

        • MsPythia

          You and Spiffy.

    • LOL

    • cathyx

      I’ll take a triple.

    • EdgarHF

      fucking priceless:-)

    • lindajoyous

      Thanks, but best for me to stick to Shirley Temples!

    • cathyx

      All that power better not go to your head and tell us to tone it down.

      • 17

        Bet I could have alot of fun with Edwin tonight. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • cathyx

          He’s been traumatized enough. You leave him alone.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          He’s suffered enough.

    • MsPythia

      I really want you and Spiffy and Unka to wear jumpsuits with name tags in the shape of wings to denote the serious business of Roving Moderator Status.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


    • EdgarHF

      Well, finally someone is giving them the credit they deserve.

  • EdgarHF

    crap lunch hour over, back to lurking on my smartphone

    • Nevin

      Don’t huddle over me, it gives me the creeps. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    OK, peeps, I’ve got to get back to my engine building. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ll be lurking, as usual!

    • Nevin

      Next time don’t be so obvious.

    • lindajoyous

      See you later Rt!

  • notisaidthepig
    • SpiffyTheValiant

      pig ๐Ÿ™‚

      • notisaidthepig

        Hey, Spiffy. You’re so important! (We knew that already.) I feel safer now. Oink!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Yes, behold my new “crown”

          • notisaidthepig

            (((a pig’s mouth hangs open in awe)))

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Such a good Sir Pig.

          • notisaidthepig

            Yellow blue tibia!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 yellow blue tibia.

    • Nevin

      I use to like Joan when she was at Salon.

      • notisaidthepig

        That is a thing of the past. She’s sold her soul….like so many others.

        • Nevin

          She’s unbearable to listen to.

          • notisaidthepig

            Did you see that TY clip yesterday about the Chris Hayes round table freaking out over $hillary and Negroponte? Walsh was right there sounding the alarm. Talk about trying to shut the barn door after the animals have bolted!

          • Nevin

            I saw that.

          • Rich H

            I hate people acting/believing they’re the smartest person in the room when they’re clearly not.

    • Rich H

      Joan Walsh, she kind of a journalist the same way I’m kind of a doctor.

      • Nancy

        and TBR78 is kind of a lawyer.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Which i translate to valley girl speak or she like a secretary at a legal office.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Walked by a legal office.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            most likely.

          • Nancy

            watches Law and Order on TV.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


        • notisaidthepig


          • Nancy

            Mr. Pig!

          • notisaidthepig

            Hi, Nancy! Hope you are having a great Saturday.

          • Nancy

            thanks, I am and hope you are as well!

          • notisaidthepig

            About to head out to run an errand. But no complaints! Life is good.

          • Nancy

            nice to hear! see you later ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • notisaidthepig


  • notisaidthepig
    • Rich H

      Regarding that job, someone got it or they wouldn’t be working so hard to hide it.

    • MsPythia

      Hi Piggie! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, MsP! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. On my way out the door. Will check in laters. Oink!

        • MsPythia

          All is well. Have a lovely day!

    • EdgarHF

      Funny, here in IL we have two ex governors in prison for that kind of crap.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    17 and Spiffy as Mods?! The standards of this place


    Congrats you two ๐Ÿ˜›

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      :O I see.

    • EdgarHF

      Okay we have our mods. Let the fighting begin!!!!!!!! ;^)

  • Rich H

    For the cat lovers. Has everyone seen the new cat game in development?


    • Nevin

      So you play the game as the cat and its misadventures?

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


    • EdgarHF

      Speaking of cats, does anyone here like to read Haruki Murakami novels?

      • notisaidthepig

        LOVE Murakami. Why?

        • EdgarHF

          Just thought about him because of the cat references here.

          • notisaidthepig

            Haven’t read everything by him but some. My favorite so far has been Sputnik Sweetheart.

          • EdgarHF

            Cats are a big theme in his novels.

          • notisaidthepig

            They are definitely a motif.

          • EdgarHF

            Kafka By The Shore was my favorite.

          • notisaidthepig

            I liked that one too.

          • notisaidthepig

            I read Underground, his nonfiction book about the sarin attack. I liked that as well.

          • EdgarHF

            I have not read that.

          • Rich H

            My favorite might be The Wind Up Bird Chronicle.

          • notisaidthepig

            That was my first but it’s not my favorite.

          • EdgarHF

            Great one

          • Rich H

            Amazing when they All are, right? Such fun.

            Speaking of Japanese authors, I also like Kobo Abe. The Ruined Map was a mind blower.

          • EdgarHF

            Good that there are still great writers out there.

          • EdgarHF

            I have not read anything by him(?)

          • Rich H

            I’ve only read two, The Ruined Map, and The Face of Another. He also wrote Woman in the Dunes and more. But the two I’ve read, on a scale of 1 – 10, are 10’s.

          • EdgarHF

            I will have to remember the name and give one a read.

      • Rich H

        I think I’ve read all of them. What a great read.

  • Annaleigh

    My dog passed away unexpectedly last night. We were going to take him to the vet today but I guess we underestimated how ill he was. ๐Ÿ™ I feel mad at myself because I had one of my precognitive dreams a couple of nights before and I should have acted on it….

    • Rich H

      I’m so sorry.

      • Annaleigh

        Thank you Rich.

    • EdgarHF

      So sorry

      • Annaleigh

        Thank you Edgar.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      awe *hugs*

      • Annaleigh


        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • notisaidthepig


      • Annaleigh

        ((((hugs the Piggy back))))

    • Nevin

      So sorry Annaleigh.

    • Nevin

      Don’t beat yourself up over this Annaleigh. One of my dogs unexpectedly passed away a little over a year ago. I was analyzing it over and over to see what sign I might have missed and maybe if I had taken her into the vet she would be still alive. No, she wouldn’t be alive today because they think it was a blood clot and they would not have found it.

      • Annaleigh

        Thanks Nevin…that helps a little. I just wish I had acted on the dream but my mother says it’s possible it was just too late anyway. ๐Ÿ™

        • Nevin

          The reality is there is nothing we can say that will take away your pain. Don’t should have, could have, would have yourself.

          • Annaleigh


      • EdgarHF

        I used to have a shepard. When she got old and sick I took her to a vet to be put to sleep. I felt horrible about myself afterward. I still will never get another dog because of that.

        • Nevin

          I’ve had to have pets put down. I have to say her dying, although I still cry to this day over her, made it easier because it took away that horrible decision we have to make. She truly was my buddy.

          • lindajoyous

            When I was a child we had horses and I rode in horse shows! One day I came home from school to the bad news of my horses dying in a fire! My dad was so upset about it that he had to have the neighbors put them out of their misery! It still bothers me to this day!

          • Nevin

            What a horrible way for them to have died.

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you Blue!

          • MsPythia


          • lindajoyous

            Thank you! I have a lot of great memories! Like when my dad would take the back seat out of the car and put Sparky the shetland pony to be taken to the horseshow!

          • MsPythia

            Aw! Shetlands are so cute!

          • lindajoyous

            Yes they are, someday when I find my shetlands photo I can show you!

          • Nancy

            so tragic Linda.

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you Nancy! My dad didn’t make me and my sister go to school the next day!

          • Nancy

            that was very sweet of him.
            that’s a lot for anyone to handle-especially kids.

          • lindajoyous

            My dad cried when it happened! Thank you!

          • Nancy

            I bet…

          • lindajoyous


          • RTIII

            Damn, that’s tragic – sorry for your loss, and the pain you still feel today.

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you Rt, I have lots of great memories!

          • RTIII

            Something about your comment – and this whole thread – got me remembering…

            Here’s King, my wonderful miniature German Shepard. He was the fastest dog in the neighborhood and in his youth could clear a 6′ “hurricane” fence without even touching it!


            This photo was of him late in life. Just before this photo was taken, his long-time friend “Hughy” had died, and I thought damn, I’d better get some photos! I think you can see sadness in his face in this photo. … Brings tears to my own eyes…

            I think King lived 14 years. He got his name because of how all the other dogs treated him and how he himself always had great dignity. He seemed very wise. Hella-street-smart, always safe around cars, didn’t get into scrapes with other dogs… And, he was born with all that grey. The family who owned his mother had nicknamed him in the litter as “Grandpa” because of the grey.

            Our favorite activity was me donning skates or my skateboard and having him pull me all around the neighborhood like a sled-dog! He was amazing! And, we could communicate, I could tell him which way we were to go – I could even name destinations, like some friend’s house, and away we went! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Nevin

            It is amazing the bond we develop with our pets.

          • RTIII

            Indeed! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • lindajoyous

            Wow king is a beautiful dog and glad you shared the photo and the story about him and you! You have alot of wonderful memories about your dog! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • RTIII

            Thanks, Linda.

          • lindajoyous

            Sorry for the late reply! You’re very welcomed Rt!

    • Nancy

      oh, I am so sorry to hear that.
      hugs for you and your family Annaleigh.

      • Annaleigh

        Thanks Nancy. *hugs back*

        • Nancy

    • MsPythia

      i’m so sorry Annaleigh! I lost my dog a couple of months ago (he was 15 years old). It’s so hard to lose our fur babies. Sending you a big (((HUG))).

      • Nevin

        I had a vet tell me once, our pets last for such a short time and our relatives from hell just keep going on and on.

        • MsPythia

          And wow, is that ever the truth! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Annaleigh

        Thank you MsPythia, yes, it’s very hard. (((hug back)))

    • lindajoyous

      So sorry to hear that Annaleigh! (((Hugs)))

      • Annaleigh

        Thank you Linda (((hugs)))

    • RTIII

      That’s rough, sorry for your loss.

      • Annaleigh


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Sorry for your loss. Don’t blame yourself, things happen.

      • Annaleigh

        Thanks Daniel.

  • 17

    Ok. Mrs. 17 is dragging me off to get my first ever smart-phone. Be back later. Stay out of trouble, or Spiffy will blame me.

  • smkngman3

    “Warrant Issued for Motherโ€™s Arrest for Selling Homeade Tamales to Her Neighbors”

    The yellow ticket was a โ€œwarrant arrest noticeโ€ stemming from Cruzโ€™
    illegal activity a few months prior. Cruz, obviously a hardened criminal
    worthy of police action, decided to make her famous tamales and post
    them on the app Nextdoor for sale. Her neighbors loved them.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      In prison…

      What are you in for?

      her~ cooking.

      • Nancy

        a Martha Stewart wanna-be?

        • SpiffyTheValiant


        • Annaleigh

          It’s sort of a cultural thing (Mexican/Mexican-American) to sell food, candy, etc. out of your home to help pay the bills. The neighbor across from us makes tamales and menudo, and when I was a child the woman in the trailer next to us used to buy Mexican candy in bulk over in Mexico to bring back here.

          • Nancy

            that is so cool-too bad they busted her for that!
            I was using the MS reference as she was the mother of all of them and ended up in jail-but for a very different reason.

          • Annaleigh

            Yup, it happens a lot (the selling, not so much the busting over here). I was telling my mom about this earlier and she reminded me that one family in the trailer park used to sell home cooked food to men here to work in the fields but don’t have any family in town.

          • Nancy

            quite the business opportunities. good for them!
            the government would hate that.

      • RTIII

        Now that’s funny!

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Annaleigh

      Shit, if that was California, half the town would be arrested. Our neighbor in the trailer across from us makes tamales or menudo to sell from time to time to help make ends meet.

    • MsPythia

      That’s absurd.

    • Nevin

      Her problem was she didn’t sell lemonade with it.

      • dayanmao

        I think another neighbor was trying to corner the market.

        • Nevin


      • MsPythia

        The real problem is that she didn’t tell the cops they could have free tamales anytime they wanted them!

        • Nevin

          That’s it…bribery.

          • MsPythia

            Most cops just act like old-school mafia in uniform now.

          • Nevin

            I told this story once, so if you heard before tough. I had a neighbor that use to be a cop. He would bust people for drugs, not huge amounts. He would do them a favor and just confiscate them and let them walk. Apparently he wasn’t the only cop in Scottsdale doing it. Needless to say he got busted and his stash was used as evidence.

          • MsPythia

            Yeah, and there are cops like that everywhere! So depressing!

  • smkngman3

    “Terrorist-Fighting License Plate Readers Just Mobile Revenue Generators Cruising Poor Neighborhoods”

    As the Electronic Frontier Foundation found, several municipalities
    in Texas… have sparked controversy for allowing police to team up
    with private-sector companies to work like mobile debt collectors.

    In places like Guadalupe County, the City of Orange, and the City of Kyle,
    Vigilant, a for-profit technology firm, gives police free license-plate
    readers and creates its own โ€œhot listโ€ for police, using police records
    on individuals with outstanding court
    fines. In exchange, police with license-plate readers identify drivers
    with outstanding fines during their patrols, offering them a trip to
    jail or the option to pay the original court fee (plus a 25 percent
    markup, all of which goes to Vigilant).


    • RTIII

      Fuck those bastards – DAMN this country needs reform!

      • Rich H

        An attorney had my license suspended because I wouldn’t give him my license and insurance for an accident I WASN’T involved in (I was a witness).

        I guess all they have to do is say “I’m an attorney and blah, blah, blah…..”

    • dayanmao

      Fucking A.

      I went to renew my CA DL a few years ago and I couldn’t get it renewed till I paid a ticket I had gotten back east about 25 years earlier.

      What a country.

  • Rich H

    At my bird feeder in the backyard I’ve got a half dozen kinds of sparrows – most some shade of brown with a yellow or red breast/crest, and dozens (?) of hummingbirds. So I was thrilled yesterday when when I saw one of these, a hooded oriole. I hope they decide to nest.


    • Nevin

      Do all the birds get along?

      • Rich H

        Oh yeah, there’s a few Junco’s and a teeny flock or two of finches that’ve made their way through. But there’s never any fights among them.

        • Nevin

          I get birds, but not as pretty as that one. I do love the little hummingbirds. I catch them ever once in awhile hanging out at my neighbors tree.

          • Rich H

            Nice. I really enjoy them. I’ve got this huge Pink Silk Floss tree in the backyard. The hummingbirds like the silk for their nests – and the flowers too of course, but the silk is the big draw.

          • Nevin

            My neighbor needed their AC serviced, but since the mama hummingbird had little ones waited until they flew away.

          • Rich H

            I have a friend who gets coyotes, racoons and skunks in his yard. I’ve had a few racoons, a desert tortoise, lots of opossums, and once, an egret. Go figure that last one. I’m always thrilled when I see something unusual because they are far and few between.


          • Nevin

            I’m in Phoenix, we don’t get interesting things. I used to have mallard ducks go into my pool to mate. I’ve seen a roadrunner in the neighborhood and a coyote was in my front yard once.

          • Rich H

            That’s pretty cool. Ducks in the yard. Yeah, I’d like to have some of those.

          • Nevin

            I was walking my dog and a mama duck was walking with her little ones. It was so cute to see. They formed an almost perfect line.

    • cathyx

      One day I was leaving my home, driving out of my driveway, and as I started to pull forward, in front of me on the road was a crow who had just caught another bird. As I got closer, the crow flew off with the other bird in it’s beak and landed my the roof of my house and started to eat it. It had caught a hummingbird.

      • Rich H

        That’s horrible. We have a few crows (they’re everywhere) but not too many. One of my cats caught a hummingbird once, but I caught him just as he caught the bird. The poor thing went right into shock. I put a drop or two of water on it’s beak, put him on a plate (with a little water in it) and placed the plate high in a tree in the back yard.

        Eventually he came to his senses and flew away.

        A few moths later I was out watering my garden and this hummingbird came over and hovered right by my shoulder. It hung out with me for a few minutes, landed under the spray, washed itself of and flew right back up to me.

        I think it was the same one.

        • Nevin

          I had a baby bird in my backyard. I always assumed the babes just fly out of the nest. Well I was wrong. For two or three days it hung around in the same area. Mama was close by in a tree. I had to go out with my dogs to make sure they didn’t harm it. One day it finally flew off. I often wonder if he/she is one of the group of birds that handout around my house.

          • Rich H

            I bet she is. I think they make markers that they gravitate to and from.

  • smkngman3

    “U.S. Backed Opposition in Venezuela Attempts to Usher in Monsanto”

    Much less publicized, however, is Venezuela, a country that has long
    been a thorn in the side to a trans-continental empire that desires
    world hegemony. From Chavez to Maduro, Venezuela has refused to comply
    with the dictates of the United States, both in terms of foreign and
    domestic policy. As a result of Venezuelaโ€™s determination not to be
    controlled by the United States, the country has paid a heavy price.
    Economic attacks, sanctions, subversion and color revolutions โ€“ even
    attempted assassinations have plagued the country even while it is in
    the throes of a horrific financial collapse.

  • smkngman3
    • Nevin

      That’s the truth.

      • cathyx

        Yeah, they sure aren’t smelling it, lol.

        • Nevin

          My dog hangs out at the front door. It’s glass so she keeps an eye on the neighborhood. Anyway her treat jar is on a shelf in the living room which she can’t see from where she is at. I get up off the couch and walk that way and she runs in waiting for her treat. Give her one treat and she’s stuck to you until she gets the second. Those begging eyes really do the trick.

          • lindajoyous

            This is so funny, my brother-in-law would bring his pug over to visit, (he’s widower now) and I would give his dog a treat, and everytime she would come over she remembered the treats, My brothr-in-law tried to give her one and she would only take the treat from me! Dogs are so cute and funny!

          • Nevin

            They are a source of amusement.

          • lindajoyous

            Oh yes they are, my daughter got a new puppy and she said it is in to everything and got her pack of cigarettes!

          • Nevin

            The dog I have now was a puppy when I got her. It was exhausting keeping up with her. I was so happy when it was time to go to bed.

          • lindajoyous

            I got one of those miniature dashunds and the darn thing tore all my clothes down in the walking in close where we kept him while we were at work!

          • Nevin

            Oh my.

    • Nancy

      and they also have very specialized hearing:

      • Nevin

        So true. They don’t hear you when you are calling them, but mention treats or dinner and they can’t get in fast enough.

      • smkngman3

        Not just hearig.

        My parents had a smart as Malamute that khew every time my parents were going to leave the house. He’d park his butt right in front of the door.

        • Nevin

          I wonder if it is something we give off. My dog knows when I am dressed for a walk and went I am dressed to go somewhere.

          • Nancy

            isn’t that the funniest thing-how do they know?

          • Nevin

            It is the same damn clothes too.

          • Nancy

            oh wow, mine are very different so I can see where she’d know the difference.
            that’s really wild.

          • Nevin

            Throw on a pair of jeans and a shirt to go to the supermarket and she fucking knows.

          • lindajoyous

            Now I have to make sure to close my dogs doggie door that I had put in, he’s been getting out of the yard when I’m gone. lucky the new neighbors got him for me!

          • Nevin

            You don’t want anything to happen to your doggie.

          • lindajoyous

            I know, he has a micro-chip. the first day I got him he got loose and took 4 hours to find him in the neighborhood. Especially since he is a diabetic, I watch him like a hawk!

        • Nancy

          I brush my teeth and mine knows something up…it’s confirmed for her when I put shoes on.

        • lindajoyous

          Funny when I come home my dog isn’t very big and can barely stand there and look out the window, what’s funny he would be jumping up and down like he was on a pogo stick excited because I’m home!

    • lindajoyous

      Lol, my dog always thinks I bring something home from the store!

  • smkngman3
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Oh those two, will they ever get married.

      • Nancy

        is it legal for them to marry?

        • Nevin

          Can you imagine the sex scandal that would be? ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • Nancy


          • Nevin

            Weren’t people upset with the hint they might be gay?

          • Nancy

            oh yes…it was crazy how upset they were.

          • notisaidthepig

            That could be such an awesome idea just casually have them get married. Kids would think it’s the most natural thing in the world.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Now it is.

          • Nancy

            thanks to all the people that fought hard for that one!

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    L. humile isn’t your stereotypical ant, with one queen and many workers laboring in a single nest. Argentine ants have multiple queens per colony, and there can be as many as 300 queens for every 1,000 workers. This makes them virtually impossible to kill with poison bait traps, which work on the principle that workers bring the tasty toxins back to the queen, whose death destroys the colony. When you have a lot of queens, that’s not an effective strategy.

    Argentine ants are unusual in another way, too. They donโ€™t build one large nest with lots of tunnels and rooms. Instead, they live in constantly shifting networks of temporary, shallow nests that change from day to day. Their ability to move quickly in large groups is what helped them swarm on my catsโ€™ food so fastโ€”and itโ€™s why they were able to pack up their eggs and flee the flood in my backyard like well-trained disaster workers. Even when they arenโ€™t running away from human gardeners, they move their eggs between nests all the time. Queens and workers are used to transiting from nest to nest, rarely staying put for long.


    • Nevin

      I heard ants eat termites. Don’t know if it is true.

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        These ones are invasive.

        • Nevin

          Like fire ants?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Worse, they take over all other ants and they’re hard to kill. Read the article, it’s long but goes really in depth.

        • lindajoyous

          The ants go marching one by one song


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • lindajoyous


          • EdgarHF

            Is that some footage from the DNC convention?

          • notisaidthepig


          • smkngman3

            The difference is the ants are smarter!

          • Nancy

            and better organized.

          • lindajoyous

            Nah just talking about ants made me think of the song I heard as a kid!

    • Nancy

      they are fascinating.

  • smkngman3
    • Annaleigh

      LOL, cats are so bad. There was this one time where I needed something out of my purse but Joey was lying down on it so I was super patient and waited till she decided to get off the purse on her own accord but when she did and I went to get the item out of my purse she quickly came back and plopped herself back onto the purse with my hand still in it! ๐Ÿ˜›

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Keeping your items safe.

        • Annaleigh

          Yeah, from me! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Nevin

        They are so rude. They have no conception of personal space.

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          They do. They just don’t care lol

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Because everything is part of their kingdom, didn’t you see lion king? Everything the sun touches.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Don’t annoy the kitty.

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

    Well made the lime bars as per Edwin’s recipe. If it doesn’t turn out well it’s his fault ๐Ÿ˜›

    Anyway, going to read some of Spiffy’s slashfic ๐Ÿ˜‰ Joking, it’s fanfic.

    • Nevin


    • lindajoyous

      See you Toad, enjoy!

    • Nancy

      let me know how they turn out-I will make them if they do!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      yay ๐Ÿ˜€

  • smkngman3

    “First-Ever Marijuana Fair Opens in Oregon with Competition”

    SALEM, Ore. โ€” People flocked to Oregon’s first-ever marijuana growers’ fair on Saturday, where a competition for best pot plants will be held with the winning entries to be displayed at the Oregon State Fair.

    The inaugural two-day event being held in an exhibition hall on the Oregon State Fairgrounds underscores how the once-illicit marijuana industry is starting to go mainstream in Oregon,
    one of four states to have legalized recreational marijuana use, along with Washington, D.C.


    • Nevin

      All the hard work and up in smoke. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • notisaidthepig
    • Nevin

      Get all your chores done?

      • notisaidthepig

        Not really. Keeping house is endless as I’m sure you know.

        • Nevin

          Having a place like this sure doesn’t get the house clean.

    • EdgarHF

      I’m getting more comfortable going Green every day.

  • Nancy

    hahaha….of course I hope on one was hurt.

  • notisaidthepig
    • notisaidthepig
      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Bitch please, if Hillary wasn’t a woman, she wouldn’t be running for president or she would have been laughed out of the primary earlier.

        • Nancy

          that’s all she has-the correct anatomy.

          • notisaidthepig


          • Nancy

            sad, isn’t it.

          • notisaidthepig


        • Hillary’s Mean Media is Alive and Well
          Degradation is a strange looking olive branch

          • notisaidthepig

            Well, hello.

          • Hey there! I’m liking the new site!

          • notisaidthepig

            Yep. A big improvement on many fronts. I trust all is well with you and yours.

          • Getting through it all right now. Kinda went on a bit of a “slash and burn” of my life recently and rebuilding now. Have a new apartment I’ll be moving into soon and living solo. Not officially single again, but close. She still want to try and make it work but I’m not optimistic.

            All the seeds I planted for work seem to be blossoming finally and have been slammed with projects which is good since I was pretty much penniless for a few months and maxed out my credit. The fall and winter are looking much better.

            And, still awaiting the IRS’s response after they did a massive audit. Should be fine since I’m actually pretty conservative in my filings but I have no faith in their humanity so am still bracing for the worst. We’ll see.

            So, yeah… Getting through it. I feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is close, and am pretty sure it’s not a train. And, as always, my problems – while stressful and challenging – are surmountable and nothing life threatening or tragic, so I try not to complain much. Just have to unload every so often then get back to digging. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • notisaidthepig

            No worries. Unload as much as you like. That’s what friends are for. (((hugs)))

          • Thanks! (((Hugs back)))

          • Nancy

            oh great to see you found us!

          • smkngman3
          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • notisaidthepig

            Wow. So good.

  • Nancy

    here is Hill’s and Bill’s tax return info. many things are interesting-one I likes is that their charitable giving went mostly to their own charity.

    • notisaidthepig

      Self-serving pigs. (I can get away with saying that!)

      • MsPythia


      • Nancy

        they aren’t kind enough to be pigs!

    • EdgarHF

      I am sure that will be widely reported by the MSM.

      • Nevin

        Right after they report on election fraud.

        • EdgarHF

          Wait!!! Look over there! Trump said something outrageous!

          • MsPythia


      • Nancy

        right-what will be reported is that they paid a 34% tax rate.
        lol, Trump calls people that pay that much losers.

        they did bring up the point that this release is serving to spin it on to the fact that Trump hasn’t released his.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Hillbots are still impressed by this. I believe the figure was 96%.

      • MsPythia

        That’s close to the percentage of Bernie supporters who now say they’ll be voting for Hillary — according to the CNN polls!

        • notisaidthepig


        • SpiffyTheValiant


      • Nancy

        they are so stupid…yes, it was.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • towerofbabel

      Hautery Couture and the Dumpling.

    • Edwin

      Giving to yourself is the way to go.

  • notisaidthepig

    Here’s another reason they hate her:


  • notisaidthepig
    • MsPythia

      Frackery Rotten Kissinger replies:

      • notisaidthepig


      • Dosido3

        I told ya. Cheney in drag.

        • MsPythia


  • To “17” and everyone else on this site,

    Thanks for the invite and congrats on the new forum here. Wanted to give my apologies for being pretty absent for a while from the group. Between personal life implosion, work life explosion, and a much needed politics/news hiatus after the primaries I’ve not been in a sociable state of mind. Will be in my new home and settled in the coming weeks though so hopefully will be around more soon. Until then, I’ll at least drop by breifly now and again to share some links and see what the latest stories are.

    Hope everyone is doing great and life is treating you all well.

    Thanks again for the invite to this new forum.

    Geoff (aka Stupid Git)

    • notisaidthepig

      Sorry to hear about all the turmoil, Geoff. Good luck with your future plans. Will look forward to your posts whenever you can comments. Cheers.

    • Hiya SG! You’re always welcome!

      • Thanks! Always glad to see you on these forums.

    • Nevin

      Could be worse, you could be Neb or Ricki.

      • Nancy


        • Nevin

          I’ll get over this eventually.

          • Nancy

            don’t, that was hilarious…

          • Nevin

            I am giggling.

          • MsPythia

            Someone said that Neb called all of us Cyberfleas yesterday — that’s what he thinks of us. I guess that’s what he always thought of us. We were only fun for their amusement I suppose.

          • Nevin

            Neb use to joke to me about my having fleas. It was because of my username and avatar, but now I am wondering.

          • smkngman3

            Read that yesterday.

            Mostly talking to himself.

          • Nevin

            Where was that at?

          • MsPythia

            In TBR. I didn’t see it myself, but someone else posted that this was the kind of shit they were saying.

          • Nevin

            When I have made my entry there it is only to post this site’s address.

          • MsPythia

            I’m glad you can do that! ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Nevin

            I’ll have to delete those accounts since they were used for only one thing. Besides Neb or Ricki have probably already told Roxanne to ban those usernames.

          • Edwin

            I copied the entire conversation. Did they delete it?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Nah. I think that’s just their way of saving face. If we were “cyberfleas” to them, they wouldn’t have kept us around. They could have booted us long before now.

          • Edwin

            Yup. And how we rotted their brains and how they should have handcuffed me in the chatzy room and waterboarded me. Hindsight is 20/20.

          • Edwin

            Cyberfleas and we would cause an infection to one’s brain. And ricki wants to waterboard me and Neb though that was very funny. He would help out– shit like that

          • MsPythia

            Nuts. Wackos. Pathetic.

          • Edwin
          • MsPythia

            It’s hard because of Neb. I was really fooled by him. Both of them actually.

          • Nevin

            I got an email from a friend about Neb. I’ll just say, Neb stabbed him in the back.

          • MsPythia

            It’s sad to find out they were such assholes.

          • Nevin


          • towerofbabel

            Why should blogging be so much drama?
            Arguments are fine. Keep it at that.

          • Nevin

            I don’t know. The person he stabbed in the back is well liked and an honorable man.

          • 17

            Would that be MagnaDave?

          • Nevin

            No. I haven’t seen Dave in a long time. Did Neb back-stab Dave too?

          • notisaidthepig

            Me too. But glad I know the truth now.

          • Nevin

            I was fooled by Neb for years.

          • towerofbabel

            Ne too. I always like to give the benefit of the doubt even when I should be skeptical.

          • Edwin

            Because Neb is so nice “joking” about what vermin we all are. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Seems like I missed a whole lot of theatrics while away! Sad to hear that community went south so badly.

        That’s the hard part in building progressive communities: they tend to attract highly individualistic personalities that can clash easily and passions are strong. Add to that the joys of online “diplomacy” and things seem to go awry after a while.

        I honestly missed all the drama so have no idea what lead to the parting of ways, I just really hope this place can overcome those obstacles and be a place for friendly banter and shared political outrage. ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Nevin

          You are lucky you didn’t get involved in them. It was a total betrayal. Sorry if my joke might have offended you.

          • Not offended at all. I’m just clueless.

            Glad I missed it too. I’m not a fan of turmoil and had enough of that in my personal life lately. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Nevin

            Those two seem to thrive in drama.

        • RTIII

          “Sad to hear that community went south so badly.”

          Oh no! The community is fine – it’s HERE! It was the LOCATION we were using for our community that had troubles – and the silly people who ran it! … We’re doing better now!

      • Edwin

        Do we need to “vet” Unka and/or 17? Someone got a chatzy room?

        • Nevin

          Don’t know what you are talking about.

          • Edwin

            I’m being a crazy person. Nevermind.

          • The good kind of crazy, though.

          • Edwin


          • Blue Basilisk

            The schoolyard bully in its natural habitat.

        • Nevin

          Her husband was also living with another woman.

        • MsPythia

          And a couple of free hours for interrogation.

        • Maybe we need to vet you? I heard you were a trouble maker!

          • MsPythia

            Edwin is a nice guy — and very funny!

          • LOL, of course. I’ve known him forever.

          • MsPythia

            Oops! I didn’t know. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Well, for a couple years now, online at least. Via Kooks and Losers, er, Crooks & Liars

          • EdgarHF

            Crooks & Liars is a very honest description of that sire.

          • Edwin


          • MsPythia

            YW โ™ฅ!

          • Nevin

            Watch it, he may enjoy it.

          • Edwin

            Ha ha. You got my little joke. (I got more screen grabs) ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Shohanna

      You take your time. I think we are going to be here for quite a while. ๐Ÿ˜€ My kid finally got here so I’m going to watch some GoT with her and enjoy my dinner. Laters!

      • Nevin


      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Sho ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Shohanna

          Spiffy! ๐Ÿ˜€

          • SpiffyTheValiant


      • notisaidthepig

        My god. Your new avatar is fucking hysterical!

        • Edwin

          This calls for my virtual magnifier.

          • notisaidthepig

            Worth it!

        • Shohanna

          Aww, thank you Noti!

      • Enjoy! See you around here soon.

    • Nancy

      take care-you now know where to find us!

    • MsPythia

      Sorry to hear that things have been rough, but so glad you found your way to us, your friends! Very happy you’re here! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Thanks. Just a rough patch – nothing to really gripe about. And getting through it. Glad I found out about the new spot too. Looking forward to getting back to regular life soon!

        • MsPythia

          Excellent! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Welcome back.

      • Thanks! Glad to be back… Even if briefly. Gotta bounce against n but will drop by when I can.

        Chat with everyone soon!

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Annaleigh

      Good to see you made it here Geoff!

    • towerofbabel

      Welcome back!

    • Edwin

      Good to see you. Happy you found us.

      • towerofbabel

        Still haven’t found Taliesin.
        It used to be easy to find him on Raw.

        • Edwin

          I think he’s been found but has headed off to the bush again (or something)

          We also need Veri

          • MsPythia

            17 said he’d emailed him — I love Veri! We need him here.

          • Edwin

            me too

          • smkngman3

            Haven’t seen him posting anywhere.

          • Edwin

            I saw, he said he was headed out somewhere for a few days.

        • MsPythia

          I think Nancy contacted him, but he hasn’t appeared yet.

        • He knows. See last night’s open thread.

          • MsPythia

            YAY! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • EdgarHF

      Hello StupidGit

    • lindajoyous

      Good to see you StupidGit! See you when you make it back! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Dosido3
    • 17

      Glad we got ya, glad you made it, and you are welcome here. I’m sorry to hear of your troubles, and if we can help you get through them, well that’s all the better.

  • Nevin

  • smkngman3
    • towerofbabel

      So THERE ARE some constants in the universe.
      I love the panther–getting al rascally.

    • MsPythia

      That is SO cute!!!

    • notisaidthepig

      After watching that, I would say, “YES.”

    • Nancy

      they are such magnificent animals

  • Dosido3
    • MsPythia

      So fascistic.

    • Edwin


      No better than the Nazis. The comments are something else.

      • Dosido3

        I know right? Remember how scandalous bikinis were? Maybe you don’t. But now…don’t cover up!

        • Edwin

          I remember. And all those long-hairs. Etc.

  • smkngman3

    “Stores to customers: “Cash not welcome here”

    Some merchants such as SweetGreen, a salad chain, refuse to open their
    registers for cash, telling customers they can pay only with mobile
    payments or cards. With some newer vending machines, only a card or
    mobile wallet will get that cold Coca-Cola to roll down the chute.


    • RTIII

      So much for “all debts, public and private.”

    • EdgarHF
      • smkngman3

        I hope he sued.

        Never heard of a bank refusing US currency!

        • EdgarHF

          Yes, last time I saw that video it did not have that “Patriot Group” header on it. That’s why I deleted it. In this case they had a point. I do not know it the guy in the video is one of those sovereign citizens.

          • smkngman3

            Why would that matter?

            I posted a link to a video at AN and someone complained the person that posted the video was a Trump supporter. The video was of Obama, unedited.

            Facts are facts!

          • EdgarHF

            You have a point. I’ll see if I can find the one without the RW nut’s intro.

          • Edwin

            OK, so, the thing is the left is no longer telling the truth (were they ever?), OR, the left is blatantly lying for Hillary-Dems-DNC so we have to view any and all media in any hope of finding truth.

    • MsPythia

      That should be against the law… Isn’t it?

      • Nevin

        I always thought you couldn’t refuse cash.

        • MsPythia

          Yeah, me too. Maybe the laws about that have been changed…?

          • Dosido3

            Apparently there is no FEDERAL law against refusing cash…

          • Edwin

            But it is illegal to barter.


          • MsPythia

            It’s insane.

          • Edwin


            Glad I’m going to be dead before the worst of it. Sorry if my attitude sucks.

          • MsPythia


          • smkngman3

            Banks deal in cash everyday. Their refusal of same defies logic.

          • Edwin

            Laws??? Ha ha ha ha. Very quaint.


            Which reminds me, this is a great flick. This is a film based on the book “Death of the Liberal Class” by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges.


          • EdgarHF

            I highly recommend this book. It goes in depth on the theme of this video. It was published before the internet era matured.

          • Edwin

            Another one people should be watching. Our Noti says the book is excellent.


    • Dosido3

      This seems wrong but I don’t know why. Seems wrong to refuse cash.

      • Dosido3

        Ooh. I get a cool new “generic” avatar! I like it!

      • MsPythia

        Seems like an easy way for them to discriminate against homeless people and panhandlers, doesn’t it?

        • Dosido3

          Yes. OTOH it is a security issue for clerks…

          • MsPythia

            But if people have the cash, they should be able to eat.

          • Dosido3

            I agree!

      • Edwin

        It’s part of a grander plan. Everything done electronically is traceable.

        • smkngman3

          Also easier to steal, along with your personal info.

          • MsPythia

            Hence, they’re going after women who sell tamales out of their home and putting them in jail. They want no underground food businesses they can’t control.

          • Edwin

            And if you are a naughty MsP they can freeze your electronic purchasing power for 24 hours as punishment.

          • MsPythia

            Yeah. They can make you into a hobo anytime they want to. Good reason to keep at least some small chunk of cash stashed away if the state ever decides it wants to punish you.

          • Edwin

            You have looked into the crystal ball and get it. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Dosido3

            I heard some towns outlaw food gardens too. To control food sources. O.o

          • MsPythia

            That’s some sick ass shit. For many, many years I was a volunteer cook for Food Not Bombs — that’s still a very good way to find food if people ever need to eat and don’t have any money. They don’t serve every single day though in many locations, so people have to find the churches that do servings on other days.

          • Edwin

            And no feeding the poor.

          • Dosido3


          • Edwin

            I was emailing back and forth with the mayor of Ft. Lauderdale for months over their crackdown. It is illegal to feed them in Orlando too.


        • Dosido3

          And charge fees/steal…

          • Edwin

            And sell your profile. Targeted ads.

            They can build a profile of you from the things you buy, just as they can from your trash, only what you buy leads to a way way way more detailed look into you and you psyche.

            When it’s all electronic they can shut you down if you don’t obey. It’s easier to “steal your credits”. It’s an Orwellian corporate-police state wet dream.

          • EdgarHF

            Google tracks and sells all the web searches you do.

          • Edwin

            Watch this. (Another good one.)


          • Edwin

            One guy did a FOIA (or whatevs) to get his google file. 1,400 pages

      • Other than hotel rooms and renting cars, where there is essentially a contract. I personally didn’t think it was legal to not accept cash.

        Hi Dosido3:^)

        • Dosido3

          Apparently it’s OK and states have the authority to require it or not…

          • Just saw your post about the federal law down thread.

      • The_Fixer

        HI, Dosido. Look on your money. Right near the Federal Reserve seal it says “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.” It is wrong to refuse cash.

        • Dosido3

          Hi Fixer. Yep I see that. Apparently it’s up to the states to decide if a merchant can refuse cash or not.

    • EdgarHF

      Some of the vending machines in the cafeteria at work have credit card readers.

    • Edwin

      This is going to be the new way. Cash can’t be tracked easily.

    • 17

      TPTB would love a cashless society, and that’s what we’ll get. Black market is a whole different ball game.

      • EdgarHF

        And they can skim a bit off everyone else’s money.

        • There’s a gas station near me that only accepts debit cards and the fee you pay increases with the amount of gas you buy.

          • cathyx

            I would never get gas there.

          • smkngman3

            Gas stations are a prime place for card readers.

          • kreskin

            I would not be patronizing that station .

          • Edwin

            Have you heard about reverse interest (or whatever it’s called)? The banks want us to pay them for storing our money. Coming soon?

          • smkngman3

            Bail – in!

            Here now!

            If a bank goes broke they use depositors funds.

          • Edwin

            Seems fair. It’s like when Dad losing all his loot in Vegas the kids of the nation’s piggy banks are fair game.

          • I only use Credit Unions.

          • Edwin

            I’d have to look it up but they want to charge us for putting our money in their banks. The new way forward. I was reading about it a while back (but economics stuff bores me)

      • smkngman3

        Of course they’d like a cashless society!

        Once you put money in the bank it is theirs with only the promise to give it back to you.

        “The Bail-In: How You and Your Money Will Be Parted During the Next Banking Crisis”



    Cocktail hour! Just mixed myself a wonderful Bloody Mary! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      cool ๐Ÿ™‚

    • EdgarHF

      show off!

    • MsPythia

      Mmmm! With lots of hot sauce and horseradish?

    • Edwin

      I will enjoy you drinking that while I’m sober as a judge and without any marijuana (b/c the Nozi state of Korea). ๐Ÿ™‚

      • EdgarHF

        A joint would make their karaoke rooms much more fun.

        • Glad to see you here too, EdgarHF

          • EdgarHF

            thanks Stephanie

    • kreskin

      sounds good

      • Dosido3

        Dude. Glad you’re here. I think it was Edwin who posted months old post by SM yesterday. You and others were smacking her but good in the comments. I savored every morsel.

        • kreskin

          I had a good time with that air head. Always puzzled me , why I was getting away with it .

          • Dosido3

            Well we don’t anymore!

          • kreskin

            I went back and purposely got myself banned , not sure if that was a good move or not . Now that I know what those clowns are all about I really don’t care .

          • Dosido3

            Did you know BNR is owned by Brock? I didn’t know that. That makes KK separated by two degrees at most from the Brockmeister.

          • kreskin

            Doesn’t surprise me . What a phony she turned out to be !

          • Dosido3

            Sheesh. I don’t know what’s worse. Her treatment of Edwin or telling full stop lies about Bill Clinton’s track record.

          • kreskin

            Typical Clinton supporter , oblivious when it comes to Cinton’s record and the facts . Can almost excuse the goobers and baggars , they don’t know any better , but Clinton supporters …. ones like Madrak and Karloi … they most certainly do . They’re even worse .

          • Dosido3

            Yep. People who went to college, don’t watch Fox News and still have their teeth should know better…

          • EdgarHF

            And in my opinion proven liars

          • Edwin

            Did you see I posted yesterday that when ‘trem two’ posted an unflattering video of Clinton, “The C&L Mod” was right in there warning people to behave? A pre-emptive warning. Just pathetic.

          • kreskin

            No principles , no integrity . C & L doesn’t exist as far as I am concerned.

          • Edwin

            But they do exist. That’s the problem.

          • kreskin

            If you’re willing to give them a free room and board in your head .

          • Edwin

            because they influence and brainwash hundreds of thousands of voters-readers

          • kreskin

            You’re giving them far too much credit , amigo .

          • Edwin

            anyway… the fight continues…. never surrender

          • I haven’t been back there since I got the heave-ho.

          • Blue Basilisk

            They’ll get their just desserts after the election is over. The trolls leave, the Brock/Clinton dirty money dries up, and their integrity and reputation are shot. What’s left?

          • MsPythia

            Can you post the video here please?

          • Edwin

            He only posted the first one, but there is a second. These are freakin’ awesome and why we love JimmY



          • Edwin

            She is a horrible person. Horrible.

          • MsPythia

            What is BNR?

          • Dosido3

            Blue nation review. Where SM went.

          • kreskin

            They scraped the bottom of the barrel with that hire.

          • Dosido3

            Perfect fit, really. That was in the job description. Looking for sub par hacks to repeat what we tell them.

          • Edwin

            Needed: Easily manipulated stenographers

          • Dosido3

            Voluntary compliant stenographers…

          • Edwin

            And Nicole Belle. She trotted right over there too. I guess she recovered from her post-traumatic-blogging-disorder …………..(people calling her a bitch online because she deserved it)

          • cathyx

            lol, post traumatic blogging disorder. Where do you come up with this stuff?

          • Edwin

            it’s a true story

          • EdgarHF

            Blue Nation Review

          • MsPythia

            Thanks, I’ve never been there — and now I wouldn’t want to.

          • EdgarHF

            Good for a laugh if it were not for the damage their propaganda does.

          • MsPythia

            I hear you, but at some point it stopped being funny and now it’s just sickening.

          • Edwin

            Just one article so you’re up to speed on who they are (sick sac required, but required reading)


          • MsPythia

            Holy shit. I had to stop reading. That is such a disgusting puff piece. She thinks Shillz was great Sec. of State? She must love war and the widespread killing of brown people and creating more terrorism as much as all the other Neoliberals do.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *cuddles the ms.*

          • MsPythia


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Edwin

            And people wonder why I “had it out with her” over at TBR?? Any questions?

          • MsPythia

            None. That propaganda article says it all.

          • Edwin

            It was the pinnacle of Karoli’s career to date. She talked to Her, maybe Karoli touched Her, she got Her signature.

            All she had to do to get there was be an obedient stenographer for the DNC/Hillz, lie to all of us, lie about the blog (C&L), treat us like shit, lie about us, bad-mouth us, ban us all and give us all the middle finger.

            But I should be nicer to her.

          • cathyx

            Hey, I will admit that if I have the opportunity, I will take my picture with hillary. Just for posterity’s sake, of course.

          • Edwin

            I never would. Yuk.

          • cathyx

            And I would post it here.

          • MsPythia

            Yes. And then Karoli and Roxanne Cooper, who I am pretty sure must know each other, had us all corralled and dumped into The Banned Room where we were happy to find each other again, but it was being run by people who they were in contact with — perhaps from the very beginning? Who were moles in our chat rooms. They wanted to keep an eye on us, because we’re all the kind of people who are progressives and news junkies, who are articulate enough to call out the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton as the corrupt, warmongering, anti-progressive, Neoliberals they are. We’re the most dangerous kind of people to the continuation of their power.

          • cathyx

            Are you trying to imply that Ricki works with them? Is on their side?

          • MsPythia

            She and Neb told Edwin that she was in contact with Roxanne.

          • cathyx

            lol, when will you realize they lie. All the time.

          • MsPythia

            Who knows? I did think it weird that Roxanne’s mod made a comment in TBR. He’d been watching what went down very closely.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            RS’s business must be going down the tubes, if their mods have nothing better to do than monitor a group of banned posters.

          • MsPythia

            But if David Brock is paying them big bucks to shill for Shillz, they don’t have to worry about going down the tubes. They get to remain online being considered the “voice of progressives.”

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • cathyx

            He follows Oculus, and i”m sure they all lurk at TBR, and always have. It was probably too tempting to not comment.

          • MsPythia

            Yeah, Oculus was a mole. We confronted him with that. Someone also told me that before Oculus made his Disqus account private they saw he was friends with Walt White too — also a mod on Raw Story and possibly Alternet.

          • MsPythia

            The day after the meltdown at TBR, Markus Garvey who is a mod for both Raw Story and Alternet came in, in the morning and left a comment he later deleted. It said something along the lines of “How do you like the moderation?” Nancy called him an asshole. Then he deleted the comment or Ricki/Neb did. All of us were banned from TBR not long afterward.

          • lindajoyous

            I saw that comment, glad it’s out in the open and we can move on!

          • MsPythia

            Yes, we should move on, but before we do we should analyze what happened to us during this primary.

          • lindajoyous

            I agree!

          • Edwin

            Yup. And now we have transmogrified into the beautiful beast you now see at Unka’s. Bwahahahaha

          • MsPythia

            Yeah. It’s so good to be out of their fishbowl. We would have stayed in there too if Ricki and Neb weren’t so clearly unstable/crazy. Karoli and Rox picked the wrong people to keep us in that fishbowl.

          • Dosido3

            I was at a social gathering with a former SoS. It was a Big Deal funeral and she had a starring part. All I could do was stare daggers at her. And then leave after I paid my respects.

          • Edwin

            Susie and Nicole both post “articles” at BNR. Their offices are located up in Hillary’s butthole. They lick the sides of her butthole (yum yum yum) in their spare time.

          • EdgarHF

            So those are the bugs up her ass?

          • Dosido3


          • cathyx

            oh, puke!

          • Dosido3

            I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe.

          • cathyx

            Edwin does have a way with words, that’s for sure.

          • Edwin

            Note: C&L is not in the tank for anyone.

          • ROFLMAO! I heard that somewhere. About a million times.

          • Dosido3

            No! Just NEVERTRUMP!

          • Dosido3

            We should place odds on how long before Brock buys C&L … Wait, he doesn’t have to! Wait. How can we find out if he already has?

          • MsPythia

            I think that many of the “progressive” blogs have already been bought out by Correct the Record. I’m wiling to bet they each received a million dollars to shill for Shillz.

          • Dosido3

            There’s a story there….

          • MsPythia

            You know what all of us have experienced is already a story in itself. Just the fact that all the Bernie/Green Party supporters have been silenced in the so-called “progressive” blogs is a story that needs to be told. Of course, we’d never see it published in the MSM, or in any of the blogs who were bought out and have banned so many of us all across the internet. But it’s still a story that needs to be told.

          • 17

            You’ve got a dashboard here…..write it!

          • MsPythia

            Yeah — but I was thinking more along the lines of The Intercept — or maybe a foreign newspaper. I would like to see this story told somewhere that lots of people read, and have it being discussed enough in social media until the “official media” could no longer ignore it. Kind of like Occupy, or BLM, or ExitPollGate, or the DNC leaks. It has to become a deafening topic that huge numbers of people start to talk about before it becomes an embarrassment to them that they’re ignoring it completely.

          • Edwin

            This is a story; we are a story.

          • MsPythia


          • Dosido3

            Katie happen was interviewed by Jimmy Dore and wrote about Hillary’s mean media…

          • Edwin

            awesome vids too

          • cathyx

            They will then quote and link to your story.

          • MsPythia

            Doubt that, but maybe…

          • cathyx

            It doesn’t hurt to try.

          • MsPythia

            Yeah. Maybe I will do that.

          • 17

            You’ve got a newly formed army here to help get your article out there. Give us a try. Look what they’ve just done for me!

          • Edwin

            We need to write Jimmy Dore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ๐Ÿ˜€ love his show.

          • Edwin

            He could even say about TBR and then show Unka’s Exiles thread (which cracked me up, btw) and how we all came here after roaming the wilderness. And maybe even contact some of us by phone to tell our stories. I bet there are millions of exiles out there this election. A story no one is covering– in the Land of the Free with the 1st Amendment

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I think TBR and Unkas are a little too small time to get his attention. CrooksAndLairs, RS, and Alternet might though.

          • Edwin

            The thing is, the reason we are here is C&L, RS, AN. That’s news. Especially since they had the-putz-Amato on TYT. Do they know they had invited a HillaryHack on their show?

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • MsPythia

            Exactly — and aren’t RS and C&L (and possibly AN) blogs that are connected within a larger online media group?

          • Edwin

            I dunno, but there’s lots of rotten that needs exposing

          • MsPythia

            Yes — there are likely many more of us who aren’t here. People who were effectively silenced for Hillary Clinton because just hearing what we have to say could influence many other people not to vote for her. They wanted to be able to keep their rigging of the election to a minimum, if possible.

          • Edwin

            Fer sure there are other exiles out there

          • MsPythia

            Yeah, Jimmy, or TYT would be a good — something that gets a lot of viewers.

          • Edwin

            I was just thinking about that this morning. We know Kamp Klinton has forked over at least $6 million for an Online Troll Army. Now I want to see the email that tells how much they have forked over to the “progressive” blogs.

            Another $6 million would buy a lot of bloggers. I’d say it’s a much wiser investment too.

          • Edwin

            bonuses for the Karolis of this world

          • Edwin

            Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?

          • 17

            Man, you crack me up. LMAO

          • kreskin

            TBR may as well close up shop . Strange , the one who gave me the link to this place is the only one posting comments there today .

          • cathyx

            yeah, and why didn’t he get banned for that? Nevin has been.

          • Edwin

            kinda weird

          • MsPythia

            He also had no problem or criticism with what the rest of us had learned. I hate moles.

          • kreskin

            Hey , he gave me the link to this place , didn’t he ?

          • kreskin

            Dunno , cathy .

          • EdgarHF

            As far as I know I was never banned either, but would get posts deleted all the time. The first time was Me telling Mr. Corrections (GuntherZ?) he was too stupid to recognize a snark. Act said “Too Fucking Stupid”.

          • MsPythia

            That’s often the precursor to being banned.

          • kreskin

            Gunther , asshole extraordinaire , one of my favorites. . I would counter his BS with irrefutable facts … he’d then disappear . Would show up again later spewing the very same BS that he was earlier. No problem for the pro Clinton moderators , facts simply do not matter to those people . .

          • Edwin

            He’s over at Alternet most days if you want to see him.

          • kreskin

            if you want to see him ? LOL

  • There’s been more than a few tears shed in my house, that’s for sure.

    Star Wars Actor, Kenny Baker, Dead at 81

  • smkngman3
  • smkngman3
    • towerofbabel

      Ah, blondes.

      • Nancy


        • towerofbabel

          I was wondering if anyone would realize I was having them on.

          • 17

            They were blondes? I never saw their heads.

          • Nancy

            in a second-it was funny!

    • 17


      • smkngman3

        All I see are gazangas.

      • cathyx
        • 17

          You have a sick mind, my dear.

          • smkngman3

            I agree!!

        • smkngman3

          Trying to give me nightmares!

          • cathyx

            Just fighting fire with fire.

          • smkngman3

            More like scarring my eyes!

          • cathyx

            You were showing women with large boobs, i was just doing the same.

  • smkngman3

    “WordPress blocks latest Guccifer 2.0 docs”

    The blog platform WordPress blocked public access to a recent cache of documents from the account of hacker Guccifer 2.0, including the contactinformation for Democratic members of Congress and lists of passwords.



    • MsPythia

      So now they’re trying to get the platforms to suppress the truth as well.

      • smkngman3

        Actually, they only took down cell number and some other personal info.

    • Never use someone else’s software installation, especially a for-profit company’s.

      “WordPress.com” the blog-hosting company is a different entity than “WordPress.org” the non-profit software developer.

    • towerofbabel

      I’m starting to smell a rat with this new leak.

  • smkngman3

    “Schultz and Tim Canova to debate for 60 minutes on Sunday”

    Itโ€™s official โ€” Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Tim Canova will debate for a full hour this Sunday morning on โ€œFacing South Florida with Jim DeFedeโ€ from 8 to 9 a.m. on CBS4 Miami. It will also be streamed live on CBSMiami.com and facebook.com/CBSMiami.


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Are Hillary and Obama going to be there to hold her hand, while she debates?

      • smkngman3

        No need.

        Half the voters will still be sleeping on Sunday, and the rest in Church.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


          Oh snap, i didn’t see it was A.M. I thought it was PM.

          • smkngman3

            Typical DWS. Debates when few will watch.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Bitch doesn’t get to pull that. She’s too high profile now. We has the internet. It will be played.

      • Edwin

        And they’re going to wire up Canova’s nutsack to 50,000 volts before it begins so he doesn’t step outta line. That’s why the have podiums in these debates; we can’t see.

    • kreskin

      I hope she does a face plant .

  • kreskin

    https://www.rt.com/news/355784-yemen-school-strike-children/ Our Saudi pals , following America’s lead , bombing schools and hospitals , slaughtering children .

    • Turds of a Feather…

      • kreskin

        Blame it on the Russians.

  • smkngman3
    • kreskin

      Exactly ! LOL

  • smkngman3

    I guess CNN lied………..again.

    “Official: No formal Secret Service discussions with Trump camp on remark”


  • 17

    Next to the Last of the Mohicans:

  • The Evening Open Thread is open for business!

    • 17


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