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Thursday Links and Open Thread

Nov 10, 2016
769 Views 472
Site Note: As the Trump Administrations is beginning to roll out America’s future, I’m rolling out a new website at my current job, so some light links today and tomorrow. After this roll out, I’ll have more time and we’ll get the ball rolling on a new design here, as well as some new weekly and daily features!

Anyone who wants to help with content or features, just let me know at the email address on the right-hand menu, and we’ll get you rolling immediately!

Charles Hugh Smith illustrates how The Ruling Elite Is Protected from the Consequences of its Dominance.

Trump has made a lot of economic promises. Reality is likely to interfere with those plans.

White women soundly rejected Hillary Clinton.

Sadly, Bloomberg would be right, repeal would actually be worse than Obama’s signature corporate welfare program. A feature, not a bug.

Industry, party figures mix with Trump loyalists for cabinet picks. EPA, Energy, Interior, and Health and Human Services would all see radical change.

Motherboard vows to fight Trumps environmental agenda, with aggressive and critical reporting.

Even The Pigs are abandoning their posts, as the NoDAPL movement swells to historic proportions.

Despite the gnashing of teeth and ripping of cloth by stooges like Marcotte, Kuns and Maddow, Clinton Did Not Lose Because She Is A Woman.

Obama continues to try to start a war with Russia, even as he prepares to cede power.

Young Muslims meet to organize a counter-violence movement, against extremists.


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  • Blue Basilisk

    The Democrats are going to push for war right up until Obama leaves office, aren’t they?

    • cathyx

      It may be their last chance.

      • Blue Basilisk

        I can’t fathom why anyone would want war with Russia, let alone Russia And China. The US would be toast.

        • cathyx


          • Very true. It profits their patrons, when the US military needs to order more munitions.

          • Blue Basilisk

            War is our business and business is good

        • towerofbabel

          The “Free Market”. It knows no reason and has no conscience-by design.

          • MeanValueTheorem

            Unbridled Capitalism is itself a quest for purity like no other, in the pure idealism of a universal unfettered market. The worship of this concept among Democrats is unseen by them while they ironically denigrate any and all voiced to their left pleading for moderation and regulation as wanting “unicorns” and desiring “purity”.

            Democrats, like Republicans, are the very demons they project upon the world. They share this feature because they’re fundamentally cut from the same cloth.

        • kreskin

          You are sane , not everyone is .

  • 17


    • Blue Basilisk

      Too late ;D

  • 17
  • SmotPoker

    Welcome to The Fuckening.

    • notisaidthepig


  • notisaidthepig

    Good day, peeps! Off to work in a minute. Tomorrow is a day off so that’s nice. Hope everyone has a great day and see you laters. Oink!

    • Blue Basilisk

      Have a good day, noti! 🙂

  • Good morning, my fine, fresh folks. Before I leave, here’s the Song of the Day… 😀


    • 17

      That’s the song for everyday in America.

    • SmotPoker

      I’ll see your Grand Illusion, and raise you Miss America.


      Sordid tales that both seem appropriate in describing the mentality of America.

      Perhaps a bit of Ozzy would be appropriate as well. All aboard motherfuckers, the crazy train is about to depart the station.

    • notisaidthepig

      Another favorite!

  • EdgarHF

    I got an idea for the Democratic Party, how about instead of fighting for every vote marginalize the people who lost their jobs, homes, and families. Tell everyone everything is fine, no change is needed. Just tell them to fear the bogeyman. That usually inspires people to vote. I am sure any intelligent person will see that as a winning strategy. Oh yeah, if anyone asks about an issue they really care about and the windsock does not point the way give a wishy washy answer. Questions about issues usually come from misogynists anyway.

  • Blue Basilisk

    Putin commenting on the results of the election (begins at 14:32): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0thXKGRYeA
    He says Russia wants to rebuild their fractured relationship with the US. We’ll see what comes of that.

    • towerofbabel

      They are all mobsters, every last one of them.

      • Blue Basilisk

        They certainly are!

  • 17

    Abu Bakr al Baghdadi: Another Pentagon Psy-op

    On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the Islamic State’s al-Baghdadi and the role played by the Pentagon and CIA in creating terrorist Frankensteins designed to keep the war on terror alive.


  • EdgarHF

    Lesson not learned


    • kreskin

      Sorry , I posted same thing above , didn’t see this .

  • 17

    ‘The era of the Palestinian state is over’ — Israeli right celebrates Trump win

    Trump’s victory is a tremendous opportunity for Israel to immediately announce its intention to renege on the idea of establishing Palestine in the heart of the country – a direct blow to our security and the justice of our cause.This is the president-elect’s outlook as it appears in his platform, and that definitely should be our way. Salient, simple and clear. The era of the Palestinian state is over.”


  • EdgarHF
    • SmotPoker

      While she has a point, did she forget OWS? People did protest, and it was ignored, as they were gassed, beaten, and thrown in jail. Yes, we needed to do more protesting as the corporate agenda of Obama became more clear, but fuck man, each time we did, the hammer was brought down on our heads.

      • EdgarHF

        I think she was talking about inside political class of the Democratic party. The political class went along with the BS when a Dem is screwing us but when it comes from the GOP they are all about organizing protests.

      • kreskin

        Cracks me up . Susie Madrak , totally gung-ho on the so called Occupy Movement , a rabid Clinton supporter . Man , you talk about an air-head .

        • 17

          Many times I asked why someone would go from 99% supporter to 1% supporter, but the answer must have been too difficult to formulate.

          • kreskin

            I pointed it out / called her on it many times , no response , not one .

    • kreskin

      She’s right , right off the bat , Mr. Hope and Change turned to the very crooks who helped destroy the World economy , hired them to work in his administration .

  • SmotPoker

    “Well the good news is that I got accepted for my life insurance. Now, I’m going to need someone with a gun to come do the deed as it doesn’t pay off if it’s suicide….” – Liberals in America

    • EdgarHF

      I’d just jump off a roof while pretending to tuck point the chimney.

      • SmotPoker

        Yeah, but what if it don’t work? You going to change my diapers, and get me in my wheelchair? ROFL That would be just perfect, first my brother, then myself getting paralyzed. I think my family would shoot me at that point….

      • Dosido3

        ROFL. That really got my dark humor going to the point of tears!

      • Edwin

        Growing up in Niagara Falls we knew all the right places to accidentally fall in.

        (Note: they suicide watch at the brink. Not a good choice.)

  • EdgarHF

    I was reading some of the comments on some the professional alternate(AKA Democratic Party) news sources. Plato’s allegory of the cave came to mind.


    • MeanValueTheorem

      Perfect allegory for what plagues the Democrats now.
      Also T.S. Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” and Gillispie’s “Edge of Objectivity”, though not about politics per se, really get at the heart of Democrat’s unwillingness to learn from failure.

      • EdgarHF

        I knew of neither of the books you cited. I did fire up the google machine and searched for them. They look interesting enough that I may buy at least one of them.

        • MeanValueTheorem

          No need to buy it!


          Kuhn’s long dead so he won’t miss the publisher’s money. I suggest reading him first. His bit on Scientific paradigms being faced with unsolvable problems ultimately forcing them to make an irrational leap to a new paradigm that can solve those problems is poignant when thinking about today’s political paradigm and it’s inability to solve the problems that face it.

          The leap to a new paradigm is inherently irrational and in politics that means it presents an opportunity to bring people into political paradigms that were previously unacceptable, such as fascism.

          As for the more sciency parts, they’re directly applicable to economics as a discipline.

  • Blue Basilisk

    Jimmy on point as usual. I’m not sure if he’s right about half the left no longer working against us, though. As we’ve seen over the last two days, a lot of people who threw their lot in with Clinton continue to miss the reason we rejected her and them in the first place.

    • kreskin

      Clinton’s supporters are not about to take the blinders off .

      • Dosido3

        Seriously. Some responsible people have to step up and block these crazy people from getting appointed. I think some are distancing themselves from Trump and it’s a mistake.

    • Dosido3

      Oh excuse me. I remember being the one rejected when I claimed my support for Bernie.

      • Blue Basilisk

        And they keep doing it. It’s everyone’s fault she lost but hers.

  • kreskin
    • MeanValueTheorem

      The only thing stupider than a willful illiterate is a self-satisfied intellectual who willfully mis-reads the writing on the wall.

      Socrates once claimed that the Oracle of Delphi told him that he was the wisest man in Athens, when asked why the Oracle would think to say such a thing Socrates said that the Oracle told him “he was the wisest man in Athens because he was aware of his own ignorance!”

      Maddow and her fellow Millionaires look upon the unwashed masses in America and think their insulated ideas can account for their actions. Failing that they posit any and all notions, no matter how unsubstantiated, before they can admit they are out of touch and clueless.

      Fuck them. They helped create Trump, because deep down inside, though they are loath to admit it, they see a kindred spirit in their fellow oligarch.

      • kreskin

        Her tweet was hilarious . Just another tool , looking out for number one .

        • MeanValueTheorem

          A real fucking Rhodes Scholar. So is Bill Clinton. Wonder what they’re teaching those fucksticks. Maybe they teach them that they need learn nothing from the world anymore. That they themselves are the very touchstone of fucking Truth.

          • kreskin

            Need mandatory courses on the need for ethical behavior , respecting truth and reality .

          • Dosido3

            I cannot tell you how many times I heard the word “uneducated” during election night. It was insulting. There are many people who are bright and have common sense that did not go to college and/or can’t afford it. Such fucking snobbery.

          • MeanValueTheorem

            What’s fucking amazing is that, while Clinton voters are likelier to have seen some higher education before going to the polls, this electorate overall is the most thoroughly educated one in the nation’s history.

            And, not surprisingly, one of the major anxieties plaguing them is crushing student debt and the absurd cost of education in a post-industrial economy that all but puts a gun to your head and send you to college unless you prefer to be a minimum wage earner in you 40’s…and even then Clinton was opposed to serious education debt reform AND the fight for 15.

            The Democrats ran the perfectly BAD candidate. Everything she needed to do she didn’t do. Everything she shouldn’t have been to America she was. And they have the fucking nerve to blame this on voices that spoke to those anxieties.

  • 17

    The End of the West As We Know It

    The shock, unbelievable, astonishing election of Donald J. Trump is not only a massive turning point in the history of the United States. It is also the end of an era for the post-WWII American led Global Order and
    it marks the beginning of the twilight of American global leadership. The repercussions of this presidential election will be felt for years to come and will have profound effects on global politics. Mr. Trump’s “America First” policy and isolationism will lead America to abdicate and eventually lose its role as the World’s Police Man and pre-eminent Superpower status.


    • kreskin

      All speculation at this point . We’ll see if his words mean anything . There’s talk of John Bolton being in his administration , a paranoid rule the world neocon madman if there ever was one . .

      • 17

        Yes. I heard the Bolton rumors. I’m guessing, if one of Donald’s planes drops out of the sky (without him on it, of course), the message will be received and understood. Then we can go back to making accurate predictions and can dispense with all the “We’ll wait and see” talk.

        The establishment never loses. Bibi wouldn’t have it any other way.

        • kreskin

          I hope he stays true to his words on foreign policy . Don’t know if it’s possible , but the MIC and the Pentagon need to be brought under control .

          • 17


  • 17

    Trump Campaign Removes Muslim Ban Statement from Website

    Donald Trump’s campaign appears to have removed a statement from its website calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

    The press release is no longer available on his website, and the link first provided by Trump on his Twitter page now directs to a generic call for donations.


  • 17

    Cyber-warfare: Five Major Russian Banks Repel Massive DDoS Attack

    At least five Russian major banks came under a continuous hacker attack, although online client services were not disrupted. The attack came from a wide-scale botnet involving at least 24,000 computers, located in 30 countries.


  • 17

    1 officer killed & 1 injured in Pennsylvania ambush, suspect dead

    Two police officers were shot in an ambush in rural Pennsylvania, one of whom has since died. The suspect is also dead, according to local media.

    The shootings occurred in the town of Canonsburg, after the officers responded to a call about a domestic incident at 3:14am local time.

    The two officers were “ambushed upon arrival,” State Police Trooper Melinda Bondarenka told reporters.


  • Edwin

    C&L is off the fucking wall today– full on racism and sexism on display everywhere. And SmellyPee is back even though she had a 6 story contract to cover Clinton’s emails.

    PS Good morning.

    • MeanValueTheorem

      There’s ONE article up accounting for Clinton/Democrat’s failure to oppose free trade leading to their loss of PA and MI…I didn’t bother reading it. I’m certain the article itself, though it has a correct premise, is littered with blame the left detours.

    • kreskin

      Madrak and S.P. are still recovering from their hangovers. Karoli had to go on anti depressants .

      • MeanValueTheorem

        Those ladies are gonna be popping Xanax for the foreseeable future.

        Just wait and see. Come 2020 or 2024 when Tulsi Gabbard or some other truly left wing Woman runs for President they’ll tear her to pieces because it was”..HER TURN not YOUR’S Bitch!”

        • Dosido3

          More likely to be a Kamala Harris establishment type. This was truly the year that no one wanted the status quo that Hillary was selling in a new faux feminist package…

          • MeanValueTheorem

            Clinton’s foundational accomplishment was marrying well. On that alone rests her entire career. Plenty of women in this country have worked harder and championed more virtuous causes against tougher odds and exercised sounder judgement when in power than Clinton….But she was a fucking Clinton so it was her goddamned turn.

      • Edwin

        Nicole went back into semi-retirement with her Blog Bitch Disorder.

  • panem et circenses
  • panem et circenses

    Pretty sure I’m shadow banned at C&L since none of the wailers responded to this:


    • kreskin

      Trump got less votes that Romney did and he still beat Clinton handily . Last time she lost to a relatively unknown black man . Both times she was a shoo in , heavily favored . Might Hillary Clinton be a flawed candidate ? Nahhh .

      • Edwin

        She lost to a beauty pageant king.

        • MeanValueTheorem

          Let that sink in for a sec.

          She lost because Democrats failed to appreciate the value of substance over optics/marketing.
          Then they walked into the ring with a master charlatan who’d have lost his inherited wealth ages ago if not for his ability to read the crowd and project sincere images of himself and his supposed business acumen.

          They had the real deal in Sanders. And they wiped their asses with him in the worst way possible.

      • Dosido3

        Clinton was the Romney this year.

        • towerofbabel

          Clinton is the Romney of the century.

          • Dosido3

            And for good measure, Nixon on steroids.

          • towerofbabel

            Just because, with the Clintons, Nixon was starting to look like a piker–as crooks and liars go.

  • panem et circenses
    • towerofbabel

      “The crazed Republicans will sweep the next election”–and the Democrats will roll out the red carpet for them.

  • Dosido3

    Hey. For all those faux liberals crying and screaming that Hillary lost just because she’s a woman…maybe she lost because you told me to vote for her just because she’s a woman.

  • panem et circenses
    • Dosido3

      It could have all been Hillary’s too. No difference.

      • panem et circenses

        Corporate globalism and nationalist protectionism are very different monsters. But with Trump, there’s no telling what he’ll actually attempt to do.

        • Very little, I’m betting. He’s one of those blowhards who’s got a big bark and no bite.

          • panem et circenses

            Probably. The brunt of US terrorism may well hit closer to home, rather than far away places most liberals could care less about though:


            For the majority, there probably won’t be any real noticeable difference.

          • panem et circenses

            It’s not as easy to ignore the beast when it’s at your own door, like the majority do when the US is bullying the rest of the world.


          • Blue Basilisk

            It’s like Debbie/Sane Progressive said in the video below. A Clinton election would bring with it the illusion of comfort for her supporters. They could go about their lives thinking every thing was hunky-dory. With a Republican victory that’s stripped away and they’re forced to face the real horrors of what America can do and is doing. What they need to realize is that we’ve BEEN doing it even when the Democrats hold the cards, if not more so.

          • Edwin

            Do you think these women’s lives will change one bit? Yet, I bet they were out and about bashing people like me and you and calling us xenophobes and misogynists… because they are fucking entitled docuhebags.


          • Blue Basilisk

            I doubt it. If they’re rich they might get a nice tax cut.

          • Edwin

            The pink jacket one screams high maintenance. She’ll just make her husband work harder. She’s also a feminist.

          • kreskin

            ” There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t vote for Hillary Clinton. ”

            – The V brigade .

          • Blue Basilisk

            Oy, I remember that. Wonder how they’re feeling about that remark now?

          • kreskin

            Actually that was Madeleine Albright .

            She makes a comment like that then has the nerve to say ” in some ways the campaign’s rhetoric signified a major step back for the country ” … as she was licking her wounds and morning Clinton’s loss.

          • EdgarHF

            My random guess is they won’t realize. I am amazed at the blinders.

          • Dosido3

            This is what I have been thinking all day!

          • Dosido3

            Wow. I wonder how many new fans are mods and commenters on faux liberal blogs who banned people for saying they supported Bernie?

          • Edwin

            All new internet friends.

  • MeanValueTheorem

    So true. Amanda Marcotte is an insufferable racist dipshit who had her ass handed to her by womynists and mujeristas some years ago.

    • Edwin

      really tired of her

  • kreskin

    Sen. Chuck Schumer : ” the electorate’s sense of economic gloom actually works to our advantage . When middle class incomes decline, people tend to move in a more progressive direction.”

    Oh yeah , they have an incentive to create jobs and save middle class , don’t they ?

    This is the genius who said that they didn’t need Sanders voters , that for every one of us they lost they’d
    pick up two or three Republicans .

    To hell with these people , I don’t think I’ll ever vote Democrat again.

    • Blue Basilisk

      Schumer really needs a boot to the ass. Preferably right out of Congress.

      • kreskin

        Part of the problem , absolutely .

        • Blue Basilisk

          His comment shows that he hasn’t learned a goddamn thing, that’s for sure.

          • kreskin

            I wonder if that self serving schmuck has his eyes on the White House ?

            I wouldn’t vote for him either.

    • EdgarHF

      I got a brilliant idea! Let’s make him Senate minority leader!

      • kreskin

        Yeah , man , that is a great idea !

  • Paul Krugman Says Markets Will ‘Never’ Recover From Trump; Dow Hits Record High

    • kreskin


    • Edwin


      (Krugman, obviously)

    • EdgarHF

      Who would pass the word to us from upon high if not for Paul Klugman?

    • towerofbabel

      He’s sucking air right now. I’ll just bet.

  • We can already be thankful, as progressives and Americans, for a Donald Trump win.

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead, Schumer tells labor leaders…Donald Trump’s triumph in the presidential race cemented its fate.

    • Blue Basilisk

      That is one grave I’ll gladly dance on.

    • oodaloop

      Best news I’ve heard all day.

      “Schumer relayed statements that Republican congressional leaders had
      made to him, according to an aide who confirmed the remarks.”

    • EdgarHF

      If Hillary Clinton would have come out, not wishy washy, but solidly against the TPP I would have held my nose and voted for her. Well at one point I would have. That bridge was crossed months ago though. Good it’s dead.

    • towerofbabel

      I’ll bet it’s zombie like with the republican congress.

  • EdgarHF

    I’m not crazy about TYT but I like Jordan.


    • towerofbabel

      He’s got attitude.

    • Dosido3

      “They themselves have no struggle”

  • EdgarHF

    What freaking planet does Samatha Bee live on?

    • towerofbabel

      Planet Samantha. It’s mostly gas.

      • kreskin

        She’s a methane dispenser.

    • Edwin

      She gets worse by the day.

    • Blue Basilisk

      Bee has been huffing unicorn farts for a while now.

    • MeanValueTheorem

      The same planet where John Oliver equated Jill Stein’s proposal for Student Debt forgiveness as being as absurd as Trump’s wall in a world where Quantitative Easing is a real thing.

  • towerofbabel

    Watch the video of Trump and Obama at the White House. Trump is out of his depth and it showed. He’s like a giddy child trying to act seriously. But don’t worry it will go to his head. Thanks DNC!

    Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Tell Donald Trump They’ll ‘Work With Him’ On Key Economic Issues

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad
    • Hi toad 🙂

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        Hi Stephanie 🙂

    • Blue Basilisk

      Oooh, I can’t wait to see this!

  • kreskin

    If you want a good laugh go visit C & L , read the posts and comments .

    Election 2016: Can We Find Hope In A Hopeless World?

    .icesailor • 13 minutes ago
    ” Anyone watched Rachael Maddow tonight and her report of the Russian Connection with Kellyanne Conway and the Trump Campaign? Especially, Pennsylvania? ”


    • Edwin

      I keep telling everyone it’s very entertaining over there. Something to see.

      I also don’t mind watching Karoli melt down.

      • kreskin

        I don’t mind either , in fact I’m downright pleased.

        They’re getting exactly what they deserve . We tried to tell em , but they wouldn’t listen , insulted us and ran us out .

        Sanders would have won it , that’s the sad part . This is their fault , not ours .

        • Edwin

          They’re grasping at straws, pulling their hair out finding people to blame. It’s making them crazy. They were so sure they were right. Their logic was unassailable.

          Except they lost. Ha ha ha.

          • kreskin


          • They came, they saw, he won.

          • notisaidthepig

            cackle, cackle, cackle!!!

      • EdgarHF

        I said a few days ago I was done with alternet. But like a wreck on the highway I just had to go look the last couple days. C & L is a special kind of Twilight Zone episode.

        • Edwin

          Oh, yeah. Ya gotta take a look. Watching the meltdown is very interesting.

    • Blue Basilisk

      Still seeing Soviets in their soup, eh?

      • kreskin

        LOL . Apparently , yeah .

  • panem et circenses
    • Blue Basilisk

      I get the impression that in their post-election panic, people have forgotten that there ARE still Democrats and others in the House and Senate to oppose the Republicans. Having the majorities doesn’t give them carte blanch to do whatever they please. If they use the Repubs’ own filibuster rules against them, they’re in for a bad time.

      • Republicans have enough of a majority to do away with the filibuster, if they so choose.

        • Blue Basilisk

          That is true. If they did it could seriously bit them in the ass next time they lose power considering how much they’ve relied on it to have their way, but on the other the Democrat seldom if ever bothered to stop them even when they had the power. Hopefully the Democrats will be more willing to stand their ground and stop trying to reach across the aisle for bipartisan points, but I’m not counting on it.

          • They are Republicans, thinking of future consequences isn’t their thing :/

        • panem et circenses

          The president can also do a lot of things without the approval of congress. Power has been shifting toward the executive branch for decades. Remember the Patriot Act?

          • Sadly true.

          • Dosido3

            I remember the Unitary Executive “theory” foisted on us during King W.

      • EdgarHF

        The dems will put on a dog and pony show then as usual fold.

        • Blue Basilisk

          That’s what I’m more afraid of, especially in light of their refusal to learn anything from the ass beating they just took. Harry Reid’s “strongly worded” letters of disapproval sure got a lot done. :/

          • EdgarHF

            They’ll put on a punch and judy show before doing the puppet masters bidding.

        • Dosido3

          I had to remind my hubs of dem spinelessness during the Bush years….

      • notisaidthepig

        Dems with a spine? Won’t believe it until I see it. But, yeah, they have a chance to align with the people and make sure that the 2018 and 2020 elections go the people’s way. It’s more likely they will vote with Repubs. It will be VERY interesting to see what happens. Let’s make sure we keep track of who’s doing what and make them pay when they go against the working class.

        • Blue Basilisk

          It’s going to be an uphill fight for sure.

  • Blue Basilisk

    Time for me to sign off for the night. Sleep well, everyone!

    • I’m off to bed as well, have a good night Blue and Pan.

      • Edwin

        Good night.

    • Edwin

      Good night

  • kreskin

    C & L . Open Thread – How To Say Thank You
    By Frances Langum

    Expressing gratitude can make you feel better.

    You can send Hillary a thank you card. I am.
    Hillary Clinton
    Post Office Box 5256
    New York, NY 10185-5256

    WOW !

    • MeanValueTheorem

      Jesus Fucking Christ man.

    • panem et circenses

      Everyone should be sending a “Go fuck yourself” card to that address instead, along with the writers at that blog and all the other media and political elites that have been bullshitting them for the past year. Trump is less popular than Romney and she still lost to him. Their entire party is a pathetic joke.

      • panem et circenses

        “Thanks you for having the ego to try to be the leader despite all your scandals and shady dealings and the fact that you’re a complete piece of shit, even though you couldn’t even do that right against a clown with an orange spray tan who directly insulted more than half of the country.”

      • Blue Basilisk

        They sold their souls, their integrity and their reputations for Clinton cash. They’re too deep in the cult of…personality? to back out now.

        • notisaidthepig

          I’m done with ALL of them. Won’t trust them again. Won’t.

    • Annaleigh

      Not enough barf bags on the planet for that shit. That selfish wastrel of woman gambled with the lives of people who could ill afford it and we will be hurting now (and she won’t), so we ought to thank the bitch?! (I generally don’t use that word but I don’t have a lot of vocabularly for what a callous, abusive, sociopath Hillary is).

    • notisaidthepig

      Next thing you know they’ll be asking people to send money for Clinton’s 2020 run.

    • Blue Basilisk

      “Thanks for nothing, asshole. The next four years are on you.”

      • notisaidthepig

        That’s more like it.

  • MeanValueTheorem

    So the tools at the DNC today demonstrated that they have no intention of learning from this disaster. Brazile was unrepentant as her staff cried like babies. One staffer named Zach rightly called her and DWS out on their shit and walked the hell out. But he was the only one. The Democrats need to be hollowed out as a party.

    The second Rep. Ellison announces he’ll run for control of the DNC Howard fucking Dean, sellout of all sellouts, announces he intends to return to the DNC. Already pro-Clinton tools are worried that Ellison’s muslim baggage will hurt the party with Republicans. I can see it now. Democrats once again internalize Republican values and go with the corporate shill over the real progressive.

    They’re fucking hopeless. They should be bowing before the Sanders coalition begging for forgiveness and leadership. Instead they’re going to double down on stupid. Baggage only matters when a progressive is in question. Clinton had more fucking baggage than a Kardashian heading back from Fashion Week and it didn’t matter. They called her “battle tested.”


    • [slow clap]

    • EdgarHF

      Being actually progressive does not stuff wallets.

      • MeanValueTheorem


    • Blue Basilisk

      Why don’t they just jump ship, join the Republican party, and drop this pretense that they aren’t neocons themselves?

      • Dosido3


      • MeanValueTheorem

        Because this husk of a Liberal Party gave these comemierdas the option of bashing Socialism/Leftism while pretending to be unselfish disinterested altruistic morally superior twats.

        So much of the contempt the Right has for establishment Democrats is not unlike the resentment seen among “out” folks in the LGBT world for closet ed bigots and their beards. Democrats Still pretend that Economics is not part of the moral domain, that it is not a social science, that once can be economically conservative and socially liberal. They also think that morality is a continuity. That one can infinitesimally approximate to Republican swine and still retain ethical bragging rights. In reality there’s a quantum effect at play. You’re either here or there. Clinton crossed the line into Neocon Trickle Down Economics land and still thought the superficial differences between her and Republicans mattered.

  • Annaleigh

    Portland protests still going strong, earlier tonight the anarchists were going to town on the windows and cars: https://www.facebook.com/KGWTV8/videos/vb.95214830735/10153859874385736/?type=2&theater

  • Whew, that was a long website roll out. Still a bunch of “backlog” work to do.

    For those who care: http://www.triwest.com/

    • EdgarHF

      Now you can help me write the tomcat servlet I’m working on. Lol

    • SmotPoker

      Well, as I said before I’ll be happy to contribute stories or whatnot. I’m telling you now though in order to get the best out of me, and keep me on track, you really need to give me a deadline. Forces me to focus, and actually sit down, and do the shit.

  • notisaidthepig

    Good morning, everyone. Apologies if this has been posted before (surely it has) but it’s too good not to post and read again:

    KING: The Democratic Party deserves so much of the blame for electing Donald Trump


    • As does every Democratic Party loyalist. Pfew, got to get some sleep. Haven’t pulled this kind of all-nighter, in a while.

      • notisaidthepig

        Rest, my friend. See you on the other side…

    • Blue Basilisk

      Morning, pig! 🙂

      Excellent article. This defeat could be the opportunity to finally build up a progressive party outside the Democrats. The Democratic party has the machinery on its side, but in this election it proved to be much more of an enemy than an ally.

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, Blue! Yeah, King has been on it all year. We need to keep speaking out so we can push change. Glad to see him calling them out.

  • notisaidthepig

    Here’s a great comment from The David Pakman Show:

    “Trump appealed to the GOP base and Clinton ignored the Democratic base. Each responded in kind.”

    Spot on. BTW: who is David Pakman?

    • Blue Basilisk

      Wasn’t he a big video game star in the 80s?

      • ROFL! That’s such a bad, and great, joke.

      • towerofbabel

        We used to gobble him up.

        • Dosido3

          Ms. pacman at our house. Feminists even then! 🙂

    • Dosido3

      Think of how long she went between press conferences and other non staged appearances!

      • towerofbabel

        The DNC had her propped up, literally.

  • So, no links today, 5 hours sleep and all, we can just keep this thread. With that, back to the grindstone.

  • SmotPoker

    At the risk of being dismissed as a kook, or smoking too much of my own product, I want to share a story with you folks.

    All my life I’ve had what some would call psychic dreams/visions. They have always been rather rare for me, but very accurate. I can’t turn them on at a moments notice. I’m no Edgar Cayce, but the ones that I’ve experienced over the years in my life have been eerily accurate.

    For instance, I saw the tsunami that destroyed the nuke plant in Japan, the victims floating in the water a good month before it happened, and even wrote about it to a friend. I woke up in tears from that vision, as I had found a woman dead on the shore, that was somehow I felt connected to in some form. I was on edge for a month before the tsunami hit, then as they showed the devastation a woman appeared floating on the shoreline…..any guesses as to whether or not I recognized her from my dream? Hmmmmm? That’s just one example, I have more, but for brevity’s sake, I’ll just leave it at that, and you’ll have to just take my word for it.

    My mother had this same “ability”, she too had no control over it, they just came. The ones I have are almost as if I’m doing some lucid dreaming, they are so fucking real, it’s as if one could literally reach out, and touch shit in the dreams, and experience the sensation of touch.

    Last night I had such a dream. I had awakened on my couch, saw the orange of some flames through my window, smelled smoke, and looked out my window to see a few buildings in my complex on fire, and a red sports car driving backwards down the street, and intentionally swerving into a parked car before speeding away, the television was showing scenes of social unrest throughout the nation. In my dream I had gotten up, used the head, and was going to go outside….

    Then I awoke on the couch surprised as fuck, and worried that people may be dying in that burning building, and looked out the window to see nothing amiss. No flames. No wrecked car. Nothing but the normal 3AM view. What the fuck I asked myself before it hit me that the original thing I saw was a dream, and I was now in reality.

    Something is coming kids. I don’t know what, I don’t know when, but if my past experience with such dreams is any indication it will go down within the next 30-90 days.

    • We already knew you’re a kook, but that doesn’t mean we don’t like and trust you. 😉

      And it certainly doesn’t mean I won’t take your foresight seriously. Fortunately that doesn’t mean as many extra preparations, for me, as many folks will have to make, and probably should. 🙂

      • SmotPoker

        Too be clear, I’m not advocating that everyone go all “prepper”, I’m simply stating what I saw, and my past experience with such “visions”. That said, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stock up on some canned goods such as soups, a shotgun or two, along with plenty of shells.

        As easily as it may be to say that it’s just a product of my mind being in fear mode due to the election results, I really don’t think that’s the case. Believe me, I’ve been trying to tell myself that all morning with no success. There is some serious shit coming down the pike.

        I wish I had some concrete advice to give to people, but a dream is all I got, so take it for what you will. This is really disconcerting to me.

        • No, what’s going on in Portland may be being “aided” by outside agitation and may be only the tip of the iceberg is people are sufficiently provoked/convinced it’s a “rational” reaction.

          • SmotPoker

            Yeah, that’s kind of what I mean, I don’t think this is a product of the fear in my head or the scenes from Portland, and other cities across America.

            I’ve avoided the news since the election, so I haven’t really kept up on those scenes. This is fresh from the grey matter, without much outside influence.

            Who knows, I could be talking out my ass. I guess we’ll see in the next 30-90 days….

          • Dosido3

            Seriously manipulation of public perception. Absolutely ridiculous that Dems would get violent…they can’t even filibuster!

          • SmotPoker

            I don’t put it past any human to get violent. Republican, Democrat, Socialist, it doesn’t matter. When an animal feels trapped, and in danger it lashes out.

            Make no mistake, humans are animals in every sense of the word. We simply have bigger brains than the rest of them, and the ability to make nifty weapons of destruction to aid us in eliminating those we fear.

            You know how it goes:

            “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” – from Dune by Frank Herbert

            To add to the argument further let me add this nifty quote from a world famous philospher too:

            “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda

            Economic fears have led to anger resulting in a Trump POTUS, the hate will soon be rolled out, and the suffering will then commence.

        • Shohanna

          We can’t even be sure the media is being honest. We haven’t had good media in a very long time. So we won’t be told if all hell breaks loose, it’s not in their best interests to tell us there is a revolution going on. It won’t be televised. It will be on the net. Youtube and other vlogs letting us know and even then it will be biased to the source.

          I have ESP dreaming as well. I haven’t had one lately. The last one I had I felt my brother shoot himself. It was quite disconcerting. The difference in my dreams is one is so real I can feel and taste sensations. SMELL them. So it’s always associated with a typical smell. Smell of gun shot when my brother shot himself. Though I did not know who it was, it was first person dream. (the first) and I felt my head ring and ring when I woke up screaming bloody murder. I didn’t even see the gun. Just smelled it. Then I saw a digital clock that told me the date and time. I dreamt it 3 months in advance with no way to know who it was or how to stop it from happening. I took it as an omen. His fate was sealed the day I dreamed it. It helped me accept his death in a way I had no clue it would.

          But I would never say you were a kook. Mostly b/c I am the same as you. Lucid dreams and ESP.

          • SmotPoker

            Holy Shit! I was just getting ready to write a comment asking folks where you’ve been as I hadn’t seen you since I came back online after a short break. I have Willbur a heads up that it was probably coming down the pike so nobody worried, but I was feeling better until fucking Tuesday night when we elected a madman to lead us.

          • Shohanna

            I have been in “visitor” hell. My baby from VA came to visit. Was suppose to be a week, but she somehow killed her front tooth and we had to get antibiotics and a root canal to save it. Was quite a busy 2 weeks. We did all kinds of things together. 😀 Then the other daughter was also over for a few nights with the baby and her husband. So I was too busy to stay on, I checked in now and again. Made sure everyone knew I was still here.

            I even checked in after a trip to the hospital, found out my left kidney artery is blocked and I need a stint. O.o It was found accidentally, when I had a stomach CT scan with contrast. They were looking for the pain in my stomach. It hurt so bad I thought I had another ulcer. 24hrs worth and so painful there was no sleeping /eating for me. So I was really dehydrated and tired. Spent 7 hours in the ER while they tried to figure out what was wrong. Now I am looking for a surgeon and a urologist to make sure my kidney doesn’t die on me. 🙁

            Other then being very fucking tired and my house trashed I am good. LOL 😀

          • EdgarHF

            Calling me a madman is uncalled for

          • SmotPoker

            “gave Wilbur a heads up…..”

    • towerofbabel

      What’s coming: Wars for the ordering of the space. To use a fascistic phrase.

  • SmotPoker

    Bill, and Hillary Are Preparing Chelsea For A Run At Congress…

    I know they aren’t stupid, but fucking get real. We are done with your family. Don’t be fucking obtuse. Go enjoy your fucking money that you’ve “earned” giving speeches to the enemies of America (Wall St), and give the rest of us a break from your Neo-Liberalism, triangulation bullshit. That family did more to pull the nation to the right than any of the GOP fuckers.


    • Edwin

      The same V-brigade will line up for Chelsea. Amanda Marcotte is alreay writing take-downs of nasty white men. Karoli is already weak-kneed.

      • SmotPoker

        Let the bannings commence!

      • 17

        She has no chance. She was raised on dirty money, and now the whole world knows it. The Clinton brand is irreparately tarnished in politics, as the Trump brand will not recover in the business world.

        • Edwin

          The Vs will line up nonetheless.

          • 17

            It won’t matter. “The Donald” has just given the country the green light to tell the Vjay jays that it’s ok to step, stomp, or whatever it takes to let them know they are to be fondled or groped however we men like. Think about that. WOMEN just voted their approval that whatever the “President-elect” did is A-OK with them. And if the Pres can do it…Why can’t I? Do those women who voted for him not realize what they just told me?

          • Edwin

            Did they really? I must have missed that part.

          • 17

            Really. Think about that. A whole bunch of women just told the world that whatever the President of the United States thinks of women is alright by them. That includes ridicule, shaming, and “grabbing them by the pussy”. So tell me….If women allow that by him, why can’t I? It’s apparently perfectly acceptable, right?

          • Edwin

            It could be women who can’t find a minimum wage job and can’t feed the kids and thought Trump might be better for jobs.

    • notisaidthepig

      That’s how clueless they are. Maybe they want Chelsea to be the first female president. Assholes!

    • EdgarHF

      Well, Chelsea being young has her finger on the pulse of the nation. Why just look at her progressive views on pot. Oh wait….

      • SmotPoker

        She’s a Clinton, of course she’s on the wrong side of the issue.

  • SmotPoker

    “It’s not my fault, James Comey, and Obama fucked me over” – Hillary Clinton

    Come on man. The DNC fucked up by propping you up over the will of the base that supported Bernie. My own state of Michigan was for Bernie, he won the primary, but the delegates gave the state to Hillary. Any guesses how many Democrats THAT move pissed off?

    We don’t reward fucking cheaters in the Democratic Party. That shit may fly with the GOP, but it is most unwelcome in the realm of the sane.


    • Dosido3

      I saw this yesterday and think it is fake. I also think this type of stuff is unnecessary. No reflection on you Smot.

      • SmotPoker

        I have no idea if it’s fake or not to be honest so I can’t stand behind it. I will stand behind my comment preceding it though.

        We are in for some very interesting times friend.

        • Dosido3

          Yeah. I totally agree. I wish I had a statistic for how many came to the polls but abstained from voting for President. That’s a true protest against the choices we were given by the Clinton machine.

          • SmotPoker

            Look at the number of votes Obama got compared to Clinton, and for further analysis check out the vote count in MI, WI, PA, and other “Rust Belt” states. The voter participation on the Democratic side took a big hit, 6 million less votes than Obama when he won them is the number I’ve heard.

            My thoughts? The GOP went with the desires of their base, and won. Distasteful as it may have been to the career politicians, they saw which way the wind was blowing, and said fuck it, we want the win, forget about the character flaws.

            The Democrats didn’t listen to their base. They put the thumb on the scale for their anointed one. They took away wins in states like Michigan (which Trump won) from Bernie, and gave the delegate votes to Clinton in direct opposition to what the voters wanted. They were warned many times that Hillary was poison. They ignored the polls that showed Sanders winning against anybody. They told their base to fuck off, we know what’s best for you.

            The base answered.

            Welcome President Trump

          • Dosido3

            I basically agree with you. Do results show us who crossed party lines? That is, did some. republicans vote for Hillary as some of their PNAC leaders told them too? I also think the RNC screwed their own pooch by allowing so many “candidates” to run for so long before making the grifters drop out. That is how Trump won the primary along with the greedy media grabbing the train wreck ratings. Make no mistake, though. I place 85 – 90% of the blame on the DNC and the rest on the MSM.

          • FaunaAndFlora

            The Clinton campaign, the DNC and the mainstream news media also conspired to “elevate Trump” during the primaries. The ratings weren’t the only reason why they gave Trump all that free publicity while failing to investigate some serious wrongdoings on Trump’s part crime until after he became the Republican nominee.

          • Shohanna

            Well….. I have heard some Fucking KEWL ass Liberal shit today that might change some people’s minds about this “President Elect Trump”.

            1. He is for creating a child care reimbursement on your taxes.
            2. Keeping the Earned income credit for your kids.
            3. Maternity leave of 6 weeks PAID.
            4. Keeping the ACA and making a few changes to make sure it does it’s job.

            He has 40pts with me right now. If it turns out to be TRUE.. and he continues this liberal march with Bernie’s plans? Do you know who I would actually vote for come 2020? Yeah…

            Talk about a swindle, the republicans just elected the most liberal republican I have ever seen. O.o

            I am not holding my breath and I have some serious reservations about this. But if TRUE? Call me stinkered.

      • Annaleigh

        Yeah, I don’t know if it’s true either, but yet it kind of rings true to me because Hillary’s just that oblivious/entitled. Like, Obama put so much effort into getting her elected and I can still see her blaming him.

        • Dosido3

          She’s too heavily managed and secretive to let a story like this out.

    • FaunaAndFlora

      What people keep ignoring is that Clinton was both the first woman to become a presidential candidate for a major party and the first major party candidate who ran while under several criminal investigations. There was a time when the DNC would have done anything to keep a candidate with any whiff of scandal from running, and for good reason. During the primaries, I kept telling people who supported her that those investigations were going to come back and bite her on the ass. Did they listen? No.

  • Dosido3

    Any song of the day? Here’s mine…

  • Chunga

    Another Veterans Day with the country in war. And nothing again but the cursory ceremonies, the buying of ribbon stickers for your car, the Gretchen-like dolls doing the little bit all day. 20 vets commit suicide a day, where is the talk of that. Or the the support their sacrifices deserve. Rather the populace continue to go about their lives blind to the death and suffering going on in their names, like they have for so long now. Meh.

    Thanks to all that served and are serving now.

    • Dosido3

      Indeed. It’s so empty. Dick Cheney in a skirt promised us more and bigger wars. Thanks but no thanks.
      I just finished reading Billy Lynn’s Long Half Time Walk. Great read. Perfect if one has time this weekend…

      • kreskin

        Dick Cheney in a pantsuit . Neocon , red scare / red baiting tactics , it cost her . People seem to be wising up .

        • Edwin

          And 40% of Americans make less than $20,000 a year. Their pay cheque don’t lie.

          Jimmy had the #s in one of his videos. I was shocked.

          • kreskin

            This can’t continue .

          • EdgarHF

            I was shocked too. I thought I was at about average in income. I have since found out I am in top 10%. So I have been in fantasyland myself. How the hell can someone live on $20000?

          • Edwin

            I’ve never made over about $32,000

          • Shohanna

            Same. Never made more then 35k, with two goddamned degrees, and 10+ yrs experience. Isn’t it nice?! /s

          • Edwin

            one degree and same

          • Edwin

            I could just make it on $20,000, no car. no nothing.

          • Shohanna

            VERY FUCKING CAREFULLY! budget Everything. No treats, no movies, and you save and save 5.00 at a time to pay for medical and car break downs, and any other fucking thing you need. IF you have the credit, you are 50k in debt. 🙁 BTDT!!!

          • kreskin

            It’s tough . Barely worth the trouble , Edgar .

          • 17

            How the hell can someone live on $20000?

            There are ways. One of you doesn’t report his income. He pays no taxes to “the system”. He stays off the grid and uses a number as an identity. Turns out that none of his money goes to fund Israel’s wars. It’s not that hard to be invisible if you accept the fact that you are nobody. More people should try it.

          • EdgarHF

            My question was half rhetorical. I grew up dirt poor and made middle class by dumb luck. My income is also inflated because my job is in an expensive area to live. But, yes until I saw Jimmy Dore put up those stats I thought I was around exactly average in salary. If I lose my job I am sure I will be in that boat. I believe my younger sister earns in the 20000 to 25000 range. I grew up in the Back Of The Yards neighborhood in Chicago’s South side. I mention that because I recently went a reunion for people from the old neighborhood. Most of those people I grew up with are having a rough time. Most of them I know voted for Trump. Why not the DNC abandoned them and a slick talking buffoon offered them an Ayn Rand ideology wrapped in FDR new deal clothing.

          • 17

            We’re all hurting…even those of us who hide our incomes. I’d happily become a normal “recognized” citizen if it’d be to my advantage. I’d be a taxpayer if I honestly thought my money went to “help fill the potholes on my nation’s highways”. But it doesn’t.
            I know exactly where U.S. taxpayers money goes, and I’d rather have no part in it.

            I’m “officially” poor, and I’d prefer to stay that way. In honesty, I don’t really have much money, but what I do have stays with me. I have guns. I have skills.

            And when the end time comes? I’ll be fine. Just leave me alone. But when I come to your house, just give me the gasoline and the water. Let’s not make it personal. I don’t want to kill anyone. I just want to survive.

        • EdgarHF

          They’ve all been like that for a while. The others are just better hucksters.

    • Annaleigh

      In a selfish way I am glad I am staying home today…if I went somewhere I’d be taking the taxi and one of the drivers for the family-owned company I use, the son, is an Iraq veteran and he’d be likely to come for me at some point. When I had to go somewhere on Memorial Day I thanked him for his service, but in a way it feels hollow, because we aren’t doing shit for veterans.

      • notisaidthepig

        It’s a disgrace how we treat them once their service is over.

        • Edwin

          The corporations who profit from these invasions should be forced to fund programmes for them.

        • kreskin

          Why should they have to rely on charitable programs ? It’s disgraceful ! Damn , that pisses me off !

          It pisses me off that they volunteer to be used by this government . They deserve to be taken care of when they come home , regardless.

    • notisaidthepig


  • SmotPoker
  • Dosido3

    One of my takeaways from this election circus is that now many people who were lulled into complacency by our MSM and our highly polished and charismatic leaders are shocked out of their stupor. The USA is maybe not the greatest country in the world, we are the most powerful country in the world. Situations that were ugly and ignored before, might become more ugly and more obvious and the neglect and malfeasance will be blamed on the carnival barker. And perhaps this spotlight will activate sleepy people to take a hard look of where we are now and vow to do something about helping their neighbors.

    But I could just be indulging in a different form of naivete…

    • SmotPoker

      Those on high in their powdered wigs really don’t give a shit what’s under the rock….

      • Dosido3

        You are probably right. I’m talking about regular folks who haven’t been paying attention, not the bullshit artists. But pain and shock is fleeting (unless you live in a war zone). I guess we will become comfortable and complacent again and adjust to the new normal.

        ETA: I’m just sort of musing out loud.

        • notisaidthepig

          Remember that 50% of Americans are making $30K or less. They know what the Dems were selling was bullshit.

    • notisaidthepig

      I wouldn’t hold my breath. But we have to try to change things. No other option.

  • EdgarHF

    Like other Democrats I can’t see why there was any backlash over the economy. There are so many jobs out there a lot of people are working three of them.

    • 17

      Gotta justify Obama’s phoney approval ratings somehow, ya know.

      • EdgarHF

        I just found out one of my co-workers who got laid off last year due to outsourcing is delivering pizzas now. So there are plenty of jobs.

        • towerofbabel

          Because of neoliberal capitalism’s contradictions and religion-like blindspots we will probably go quite a bit lower before bottoming out.

          • EdgarHF

            I’ve been to some 3rd world countries and not in a tour bus. The bottom is a long way down and those down there don’t rise up too often.

          • kreskin

            I spent time in Chisinau , the capital of Moldava , the poorest country in eastern Europe . Was a real eye opener , I’ll never forget what I saw . . Americans have no clue .

          • notisaidthepig

            I lived in many place but Tanzania takes the prize. Beautiful and despairing. Americans have NO clue is an understatement.

          • kreskin

            Brought tears to my eyes , I felt ashamed.

          • Edwin

            I’ve seen quite a bit of stuff in my travels.

          • Blue Basilisk

            I’ve always wanted to travel the world, to see the highs, the lows, the scary and the beautiful.

          • Edwin

            It’s very addictive. I have a very long list of places I would still like to see. It never stops growing.

          • notisaidthepig

            I can second that.

      • notisaidthepig

        Truer words were never spoken, 17.

        • 17

          It is true. His phoney numbers are propped up by other phoney numbers. And every time someone points that out and how the numbers don’t add up, they change whatever it takes up to and including universal constants to make them appear valid.

    • notisaidthepig


  • Edwin

    We Love Keith Ellison Too Much To Wish Him For DNC Chair

    It’s a thankless, soul-sucking, policy-free job. Give it to Dean.
    By Frances Langum

    Remember how we all hated Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? It wasn’t just
    because she chose sides early in the race for the Democratic nomination.
    It was the actual job of DNC chair that made her so unlikeable.


    I see what she did there. The old what-do-call-it… reverse psychology stuff. It’s Reaaaallly hard Keith, you won’t like it. Very clevah bluegal, very clevah. Unfortunately, my superior brain power lets me see right through you and your shit blog.

    At least they’re admitting DWS was in the tank for Hillary (as was C&L) and rigged the primaries (which is of no importance to them/C&L) against Bernie. It’s more important to rehab her image with a pack of lies. I’m adding Bluegal to my list of other C&L bitches. (You made me do it Bluegal. I hoped you were a little better than the others, but Nooooooo.)

    C&L = corporate-whore-douchebag-scuzbuckets.

    And, good morning everyone.

    • towerofbabel

      Top of the day to you too!

      • Edwin

        revisionist history underway over at you know where

  • MeanValueTheorem
    • notisaidthepig

      These people are so fucking clueless it’s beyond belief. Let them run Kaine in 2020 and let’s see how that goes for them.

    • EdgarHF

      That sums it up

    • kreskin


  • MeanValueTheorem
    • Edwin

      Maybe they mistook being a battle axe for being battle tested. (She was never under sniper fire.)

      • MeanValueTheorem

        Who could have guessed that the average American couldn’t relate to a lady who most resembles the rich asshole who’s mansion they are forced to clean for a living these days when they had a decent union job 2 decades ago.

        Certainly none of the millionaires running the DNC saw that coming.

  • MeanValueTheorem
  • 17

    4336 People in Sandusky OH Voted to Re-Elect a Sheriff Who is in Jail

    The election of Donald Trump is not the only surprise that came from election day.

    4336 people in Sandusky, Ohio have cast their vote to re-elect a sheriff who is currently serving time in the Marion-Hardin County Jail, in Erie County. He has been charged with over 40 charges, including 38 felonies
    in which, he deceived to obtain prescription drugs, tampered with records in the department’s Furtherance of Justice account and stole prescription pills from drug take-back boxes at county police departments.


  • Edwin

    Confirmed: Trump Campaign Was In Regular Contact With Russians

    Why is this not a national security emergency?
    By Karoli Kuns

    • EdgarHF

      I am guessing she had a list of communist sympathzers in her hand when she wrote that article.

      • Edwin

        I haven’t looked at it. I just laughed/am laughing reading over their headlines today. Woo boy.

        • kreskin

          I wonder if the Bootster is still alive ?

          • MeanValueTheorem

            Bootser probably ate his gun by now.

            Gunther and Dolan55 and MrCorrection were obviously cashing in with CTR.

            But people like Bootster, NoBUddy, MudShark, Tina Marie, Juliewhatever, Sarafina, et al, were smoking that Clinton Crack Pipe pro bono.

            Now they got NOTHING to show for it but sour grapes.

          • EdgarHF

            Gunther Dolan55 and Mr Corrections I believe were CTR. They were just too scripted sounding in their posts. Toaster was just an asshole and a cowardly keyboard bully. The others just live in fantasy land.

          • kreskin

            How sweeeeeet it is ! Man , this is good .

          • Chunga

            He was on election nite but was pretty quiet.

          • MeanValueTheorem

            Someone should swing by his apartment and check up on him before he hurts himself.
            Funny thing is…knocking on doors is something Sanders supporters did. Clinton’s ground game was no where in sight and the DNC held off on the register-voter-drive for months in an attempt to deny Sanders votes during the primary…

          • kreskin

            Clinton was busy raking in the cash on Wall Street … when she wasn’t playing host at cozy little get together with her wealthy donors ( half million minimum ) . The DNC spent their time handing out scripts to all mainstream media outlets .

          • kreskin

            I understand that Karoli and Frances are handing out crying towels .

          • MeanValueTheorem

            I mean, when you lose your lunch ticket like they have, it’s time to stock up on shamwows.

            They sold us all out for “access journalism” thinking they secured a career as propagandists for the Clinton Regime over the next 8 years. Boy that retirement plan went out the window. They’ve got nothing now. Before this, they had us. Now they discredited themselves and flushed the capital accrued by getting in on the ground floor of the liberal-blogosphere/future-of-journalism down the fucking toilet.

            Couldn’t happen to a better bunch.

          • kreskin

            Exactly . Nailed it , comrade.

          • Edwin

            He said he was checking out for good, never to be seen again. (I guess his CTR job ended.)

          • kreskin


    • MeanValueTheorem

      Karoli, like many white middle class boomer feminists reduce feminism to becoming a white man.

      Priorities from this brand are as follows:

      1) I want to fuck like a white man and not be shamed for it.

      2) I want to be an authority in the work place, that ism to abuse and exploit my subordinated with impunity as a white man would do.

      3) I want to wage war and command a military and kill scores of innocents like a white man does!

      4) I want to be above the law as rich white men are.

      and so on…

      For people like Karoli and Madrak, feminism amounts to seeing a woman become the executive patriarch, and little more. It’s not so much about dismantling patriarchy and seeking equality and justice for women at the lowest strata of our society…its about women having an equal number of seats at the table where systemic injustice and oppression originates.

      They wanted Clinton to run the biggest military on earth, and in that moment they would have beaten the drums of war without pause just to see her be a bigger war monger than G.W. Bush.

      • Edwin


    • kreskin

      Ohhh this is good ! LOL . She’s completely lost it !

    • Blue Basilisk

      Someone call Napoleon Solo!

    • EdgarHF

      Stop the presses! According to C&L a Trump supporter cussed out a reporter!

    • EdgarHF

      My thinking is she is going after a Pulitzer.

  • MeanValueTheorem
    • MeanValueTheorem

      Admittedly, I say this as a man who sincerely cares about justice for women, and recognizes the historical oppression they face in addition to racism and homophobia and any number of other challenges. As a man saying these things I take my own words with a heavy grain of salt.

      • kreskin

        Here’s the thing , women , womens rights , their daughters feelings and rights , that’s not why Clinton was running for President . She was playing women for their votes , playing them big time . More than a few women recognized that and resented it . This domestic stuff is small potatoes . She was a player on the world stage , international , potential leader of the most powerful leader in the world . It was about ego and personal ambition , power and money , that’s why she was in politics , that’s why she was running for President .

        • MeanValueTheorem

          I knew Clinton wasn’t a feminist when she made her political career being attacking unionized teackers in as first lady of AR. I knew she wan’t a feminist when she referred to single mothers on public assistance as “dead-beats.” I knew she didn’t give a fuck about millennial and gen-x women when she declared student debt forgiveness as much an impossibility as having a barbeque on the surface of Neptune.

          I knew she gave zero fucks about women when she revealed her self to be pro-War, pro-Regime-Change and pro-MIC and pro-Mass-Incarceration.

          • kreskin

            Her ongoing love affair with the Saudis … champions of womens rights , for sure . ( shakes his head )

          • MeanValueTheorem

            But but but RUSSIA!!!!!!!

            Sure they’re not Soviets any longer but still! They got that accent and backwards letters…that shit’s scary yo!

            There are millions of Russian Americans, and Eastern European whose primary language at home is Russian. For all their preaching about Trump’s demagoguery about minorities Democrats sure did beat up on Russians.

            Who am I kidding though, Clinton attacked hispanic immigrants in the Bronx along the same line as Trump did when she ran for Senate. Mind you, the Bronx is overwhelmingly Puerto Rican, i.e. American Citizens. Still they’re brown and have funny accents and clean your home, so “fuck those Mexicans illegals in the Bronx!”

            It got her elected mostly because the people she was talking to upstate are up to their tits in NYPD and racist ass “white” Catholics who have despised Blacks and Latinos in NYC for generations.

          • kreskin

            Bu bu but what about her southern accent ?

  • 17

    Sensationalizing Police Deaths Gets More Police Killed

    In the past week there have been five different shootings of police across America, making it the deadliest in recent history. Ten officers have been shot. Six of them have died and two more are fighting for their lives.

    Even more shocking is the fact that these senseless tragedies were not committed by ‘anti-police thugs’, but white men who are angry at a system that they support, but feel has failed.

    This is what happens when the media stirs up hero worship.


    • kreskin

      People going postal , losing it , it’s a sign of the times in this country .

  • 17

    Trump Taking Résumés from Neocons

    Remember when Donald Trump criticized the neocons and the neocons went out and tried to run a #NeverTrump candidate, a former CIA guy in Utah?

    It’s all water under the bridge now.

    Trump is looking to stock his administration with establishment insiders and Bush era neocons. He’s even thinking about putting a notorious bankster in charge of the Treasury.


    • kreskin

      It will be telling … who he picks for his cabinet / advisors . Keep your fingers crossed , I am .

      You can bet that establishment people and powers that be are doing all they can to sway and pressure him .

      • 17

        I doubt he’s “choosing” anyone. I’d bet he’s being told who’s who, just as Obama was.

    • towerofbabel

      New boss same as the would have been boss.

      • 17

        Yup. The Occupant of the White House may be changing, but the true “leaders” of the free world aren’t going anywhere.

      • kreskin

        Odds are .

  • MeanValueTheorem
    • towerofbabel


  • 17

    Health Care in the Age of Trump

    There is no uniquely Trumpian health care agenda. The danger is the enactment of the GOP’s reactionary proposals.


  • MeanValueTheorem

    New Pre-Election Poll Suggests Bernie Sanders Could Have Trounced Donald Trump

    Chalk this one up to yet another thing pro-establishment conservadems will deny into their graves. No matter the evidence they’ll continue to refuse to admit they fucked this up bigtime.

    • kreskin

      It’s true , the Clinton supporters gave us Donald Trump .

    • Dosido3

      Did they fuck it up? They like how things are working. They are insulated from the consequences of their actions no matter what. They can only imagine that if they don’t get the spoils, someone else will. Actual policy doesn’t matter – that’s just salesmanship.

      • MeanValueTheorem

        Indeed the stakes are very low for the wealthy and connected. It’s the rest of us who’re fucked.

    • I think there’s little doubt of that. But, since Sanders was always, as is becoming increasingly clear, a sheepdog, that was never going to happen. 🙁

  • Edwin
    • kreskin

      Good one , Edwin . I agree , The Trump and BREXIT votes were very similar .Of course it helped that Clinton was such an awful candidate . DWS and Donna Brazille didn’t so themselves any favors either.

  • 17

    We Finally Know Why Americans Spend More on Prescription Drugs Than Other Nations

    Last week, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Edith Ramirez, chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), requesting that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FTC look into some makers of prescription drugs and how they price insulin.

    Sanders’ theory that the companies are coordinating to ensure insulin prices remain high across the board partly explains the increasing prices. But a study recently published by the Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) shows the high cost of prescription drugs might be caused primarily by government granted monopolies.

    According to the paper’s findings, researchers learned that manufacturers are allowed to set high drug prices due to market exclusivity, which is “protected by monopoly rights awarded upon Food and Drug Administration [or FDA] approval and by patents.” This is a finding that coincides with the assessment of many Austrian economists, who often argue the FDA causes “death and suffering” when it keeps drugs off the market due to heavy regulations.


    • Blue Basilisk

      I think I remember Sanders and someone else talking about this during the primary months. I’ve heard that insulin case somewhere before for sure.

  • MeanValueTheorem
  • 17

    Pure Hypocrisy: Soros-Funded Anti-Trump Protesters Never Mobilized Once For The Victims Of Obama-Hillary Crimes

    So just shut the fuck up and go the fuck home, you corny cookie-cutter Sorosites. And for the sake of good manners, do send me a postcard when you detach your brains from your bowels and come to the realization that the planet is still somehow going to manage spinning on its axis in spite of your pathetic hurt feelings.


    • kreskin

      I’ve said before , billions of dollars in the hands of an individual is too much power , should never have been allowed. Soros and the Koch brothers are proof of that . Soros is worse than the Koch brothers , he’s international .

      The politicians let the genie out of the bottle , now the genie owns them , they can’t put it back .

  • Blue Basilisk

    Jimmy with some harsh words for Obama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqLehjlnoa4

    • kreskin

      Obama is an actor , an amateur , Sanders is an old and wise professional .

    • MeanValueTheorem

      Its intramural sports when you and every insider in Washington DC/Wall Street go to the same country clubs, live in the same gated communities, share the same tax bracket, and are equally removed from the dire situation killing little people all over the world.


    • Shohanna

      They are one party! All Republican!! Glad to hear them finally fucking admit it!! We already knew it though, and that’s the problem we have been having for 50+ fucking YEARS!

  • 17
    • kreskin

      I wonder if they’ll go through with BREXIT .

  • 17

    System Failure for the Establishment

    Democrats thought the political establishment and mainstream media would assure them victory as they brushed off Bernie Sanders and insisted on Hillary Clinton, ignoring the growing hatred of “the system,” notes Lawrence Davidson.


  • MeanValueTheorem

    The stupid is strong. We gotta leave the Democrats. They won’t reform until they become as irrelevant as a third party detached from reality should be.
    Just look at this comment thread.


    • EdgarHF

      I turned on 820AM WCPT again on the way home today. They were doubling down. Hint: The loss was all GOP smears, Russia, FBI, and (get this) the media was against her.

    • Blue Basilisk

      Excellent take down of that fool calling for Kaine 2020.

      • MeanValueTheorem

        They’re impervious to reason. Fucking minds are hermetically sealed.

        • kreskin

          Well said . Exactly !

    • kreskin

      A petition to override the electoral vote and retroactively go to the popular vote ? Good Lord ! LMAO

      • Blue Basilisk

        Could you imagine their fury if the situation was reversed?

    • Dosido3

      I became an independent when W came into power. Blogs got me through it. Blogs opened my eyes to the MSM bullshit. Now they are outlets for MSM bullshit. Sad!

      • Blue Basilisk

        Blogs have become echo chambers of the Approved Opinion. Just look what’s happened to C&L and their ilk, and look what’s still going on in their comment sections right now.

        • 17

          “Blogs have become echo chambers of the Approved Opinion.”

          Think about what you just said. Look where you are. Are we really any different? Is anywhere really any different? Most of us (you included) would rather hang with people of like mind, no? So tell the truth. Is this not an “echo chamber” that rivals C&L or any of their like? It really bothers me that things are the way they are, but c’mon. Everyone flocks to the “like minds”, right?

          • Edwin

            but we’re not stupid ^_^

          • 17

            Yeah, there’s that. but you know I’m not wrong on this. And I’m not saying it’s not because we’ve all been silenced, but you have to admit that we congregate where we are comfortable, just as they do.

          • Edwin

            Sure we do. But they’re stupider. ^_^

          • Edwin

            Yes. You are correct.

          • Blue Basilisk

            I did think about think about it, and the key thing I used to distinguish an echo chamber blog from one that is not is the ability to have a dissenting opinion. C&L and several of the other associated blogs started banning people who weren’t on board with their narrative. No tolerance of dissent. That’s how a lot of us ended up here in the first place, right?

            Yes, we are of like minds here, but we are also free to disagree and others are free to come here and disagree as well if they so choose. Unless they were an obvious troll, I’d like to think the members of this blog wouldn’t dogpile on them immediately for thinking differently.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      I’m a fan of this idea, but then I’ve never been a Dem.

  • 17

    WikiLeaks answers Redditors’ questions, hints at release of ‘war documents’

    WikiLeaks staff took to Reddit to answer questions following the whistleblowing site’s release of thousands of documents in the run up to the US presidential election. They also hinted at the upcoming release of documents “regarding war.”

    The team took to the website on Thursday for an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session, responding to questions of impartiality as well as giving details about the latest leaks, including the Podesta and DNC emails. They also answered questions about founder Julian Assange’s status, net security under a Trump presidency, and thanked citizen journalists on Reddit for their curation of WikiLeaks’ work.


  • 17
  • Blue Basilisk


    Great idea! But why stop there? Why not fish up Dukakis and Mondale and run them again. I’m sure they’ll inspire those pesky millennials!

    • MeanValueTheorem


      At what point do we begin to regard Democrats as a Religion of Failure?

      • Edwin


        • MeanValueTheorem

          WORTHLESS D-Bags.

          Con artists at this point.

          Conning the left out of achieving anything of worth. Sucking their will dry and sending their efforts down a fucking memory hole.

      • EdgarHF

        24 years ago?

        • MeanValueTheorem


      • Blue Basilisk

        It’s all part of the package. If they keep doing the same thing they never have to actually govern or implement change and they can keep playing the underdog.

        • MeanValueTheorem

          I’m convinced that the only thing that will work is a hard move left sand the liberal fly-trap that is the Democratic Party. Otherwise we might as well get used to fascism.

          • Dosido3

            You’re soaking in it!

    • EdgarHF

      Is it just me or does Tim Kaine really look like he had a lobotomy?

      • Blue Basilisk

        He looks like his face is about to implode. And Schumer looks like someone threw a Nixon mask in a microwave

      • Dosido3

        He looks like a nice stupid guy to me. I was not impressed with him during his debate and I detest Mike Pence.

        • towerofbabel

          I think he is not stupid. He is just rotten.

        • 17

          Mike Pence should be feared. Trump must live.

          • kreskin

            Pence even looks evil .

          • towerofbabel

            There are too many shades of evil now.

          • 17

            I really thought Pence would be saved for the Ryan/Pence ticket in 2020. But somebody decided there should be a bigger Nazi to step in when Trump falls.

      • towerofbabel

        Like the part removed.

    • kreskin

      Chuck the schmuck Schumer with Timmy as his VP pick ? A sure fire winner , no ?

      The people who destroyed the party and created this mess are not about to relinquish their power and control over it .

    • towerofbabel

      I don’t think Wall Street cares if Democrats lose. The GOP gives them what they want too.

      • Blue Basilisk

        Sometimes I wish I could sell my soul and integrity for wealth and power. Don’t think I could live with myself.

        • kreskin

          I’d like to be Caesar for six months or so , there needs to be a purge .

  • EdgarHF
    • Blue Basilisk

      When I first started watching TYT earlier this year, I didn’t like Jimmy. Thought he was the resident contrarian. But now I realize he’s the most astute of the bunch.

      • EdgarHF

        I had never even seen his stand up until a couple days ago. I had only known about him since the primary season. A did a YouTube search I think Wednesday? Anyway, I searched ‘Jimmy Dore stand up’. He is a really good stand up comedian. I’m guessing you may have already known that.

        • Blue Basilisk

          I had no idea. Something to watch later!

          • EdgarHF

            He has to be good he grew up on the South side of Chicago just as I did. Great minds and all…

      • Edwin

        Jimmy is the only person who’s kept me alive these last months.

        • kreskin

          I confess , didn’t pay much attention to him until now , my mistake .

          • Edwin

            He has been right about everything for months. He’s kept me going on. Tells it straight up and make you laugh too. Good combo.

          • kreskin

            He’s good .

  • towerofbabel

    Well isn’t that special. As we all know from direct experience, Correct the Record was trolling all over progressive sites. Now Clintonites like Samantha Bee are claiming that the Russians were doing it to Clinton supporters. Who are you going to believe, your lying eyes or Samantha Bee the vapid snark merchant?

    ‘We were playing with them’: RT exposes pro-Trump Kremlin trolls on Samantha Bee as hoaxers

    • Blue Basilisk

      The comment section is desperate to prove they were real Russian trolls. Alex Jones would be proud.

      • kreskin

        The fact at that they lost is blowing their minds , they’re desperate to explain it , anything … but to admit the truth .

  • Edwin

    I haven’t watched this, but I bet it’s good..


  • Edwin

    Don Lemon: Sanders and His Supporters ‘Damaged’ Clinton More Than Trump Did

    Moore first said that “Democrats need to start running people who are inspiring,” citing (seriously) Tom Hanks and Oprah. .


  • oodaloop

    From https://consortiumnews.com/2016/11/11/the-establishments-massive-intelligence-failure/:

    The Establishment’s Massive ‘Intelligence Failure’

    “But for all the ugliness of the Trump campaign, the failure and the blame for this situation rests more deeply with the Democratic Party. This is the party that nominally is supposed to represent the liberal conscience of the country, of those who feel excluded or disadvantaged or just plain hurting within American society.

    Yet the party’s establishment not only remained insensitive to the deep source of discontent across American society, it actively sought to crush expressions of it. It was openly allied with corporate America, reveling in the contest of who could collect greater bribe money.”


    Graham E. Fuller goes on to describe the NYT as “Pravda-on-Hudson” for the Establishment, and to observe that the US is the only “democracy” on the planet that does not have a party of the Left.

    • Blue Basilisk

      “Pravda-on-Hudson.” Brilliant!

      • oodaloop

        Yeah. I feel that’s been an apt descriptor for a very long time (hell, maybe since 1851). It’s nice to see them called out for it.

    • kreskin

      “failure to grasp reality — now a deeply engrained American characteristic. “

      • EdgarHF

        A human characteristic really

        • kreskin

          Americans have turned it into an art form .

  • oodaloop

    Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks – SNL


  • kreskin

    kreskin ( to )

    NoBuddy • a few seconds ago
    You two need to pull your heads out of your asses. You are buying into propaganda and lies . When has Putin ever talked about Russian exceptionalism ? When ? Obama and arrogant Americans , on the other hand , preach American exceptionlism to the whole world on a regular basis ! What is the U.S. doing a half world away …in Syria and the middle east ? What gives Obama or the US government the right to overthrow Assad and to decide who governs Syria ? Why is the U.S. spending more than the rest of the modern world put together on it’s military ? Tell , me what would the MIC and career military people do without that Russian boogey man ? Think , you idiots , think !

    Geese Louise , there are some dumb fucks over there ! UNBELIEVABLE . My reply will be deleted in about 45 seconds , I’m sure .

    • kreskin
      • 17

        It’s just you and me, buddy. No one else notices this.

        • towerofbabel

          I do.

          • 17

            I know you do. We all do.

    • MeanValueTheorem

      NoBuddy is an incurable red-baiting gambleaholic moron.
      He lifts his political analysis from online poker strategies and fucking mccarthy era commie-bashing pamphlets. I’ve read discarded masingil commercial scripts from the 70’s with more nuance and insight than anything he’s ever said during this election cycle.

      He’ll pretend he’s engaging you in an earnest fact based discussion. Then after 7 hours and 347 comments it turns out he disagrees with you because he doesn’t believe pocket squares will ever make a fucking comeback in men’s fashion. It’s like walking down a well tread path only to stumble upon Chernobyl, everything is mysteriously where people left it on the night of the evacuation some 4 decades ago and you know you’re going to die for having come here.

      Nothing will ever penetrate that goddamned missile silo in the middle of a Nebraskan Corn Field where he buried his head the night Mondale lost. You’ll sooner find Hoffa’s remains that a sentient mind behind that drunk Santa avatar.

      I’d pay to send him to a re-education camp if ever there was one that could de-program such a severe level of defensive stupidity.

      There. I said it.

      • 17

        Holy shit, man! That’s some graphics!

        • Edwin

          tee hee

        • MeanValueTheorem

          I think, of all the well meaning dimwits that were left behind after the second C&L purge…NoBuddy is the most infuriating. Becuase he’d pretend to have a serious convo about Sanders’ viability vs. Clinton’s and after toiling with him for hours…yhe’d admit that he couldn’t see a democratic-socialist winning shit because that was, much like divorce and abortion, a big no-no word around the dinner table back when we were at war with the Koreans or some dusty old shit deduction.

  • towerofbabel
    • 17

      Goodnight Tower. Don’t think. Just rest. Thinking will keep you up at night. That’s how accidents happen.

  • EdgarHF
    • Edwin
    • 17

      Cards on the table…nobody really knows what we’ve done. The man is a wildcard that TPTB will have to take care of. I thought all along that they would, and I still believe they will.

      He may not be assassinated outright, but I believe a Trump plane falling from the sky (without him in it) will be enough to send the message that he’s not the boss. He’ll tow the line just as Obama was made to follow the script.

      I honestly don’t think any world-changing decisions will be implemented by Trump without approval from on high.

      • SmotPoker

        Normally the powers behind the curtain will take the new POTUS aside, and tell him in no uncertain terms to follow the script or your family dies. I’m not so sure that will work with Herr Trump, as he only cares about two things, himself, and money.

    • Edwin
    • MeanValueTheorem

      Haven’t read it yet, but will in due time.

      Hedges tends to be spot. Nevertheless I gotta read him after taking a fist full of xanax and ask the wife to hide the razor blades. Maybe he’s read just a tad too much Dostoevsky and it’s coming through…

      His Death of the Liberal Class really opened my eyes to pathological bullshit spewed by fugasi liberals.

      • EdgarHF

        Stay away from The Devils. Stavrogin may give you bad ideas.

  • 17

    I gotta get some sleep, but I leave you with this:

    There’s a town in Illinois called Beecher. It has a tool and die company named “Beecher Tool and Die'”.
    Now, that’s not nice. (the dying part, I mean). Everyone knows If you beat your tool, it’ll die. I guarantee it.

    Am I the only one who knows this?

    • Edwin

      Good night, 17.

    • SmotPoker

      They say a normal person dies just once, but comedians die a thousand time.

      You got 999 to go….

  • panem et circenses

    Stop listening to the media narrative. There was no “working class revolt”. The working class remains unmobilized.



  • MeanValueTheorem

    Thought you guys might want a good laugh:



    • panem et circenses

      I’m surprised BNR is still bothering to post anything, since it was bought as a Hillary Clinton propaganda outlet.

      • Edwin

        They set up shop at new digs, or branched out to new digs. Every article is written by “staff” anonymously.

    • Edwin

      Did you know that in addition to being a one-time award-winning journalist, Susie dated a politician one summer? If not, I got the links. She is one serious mover-shaker.

      • MeanValueTheorem

        She’s been going places man, ever since we refinanced her car. Drives an Escalade now I hear…

    • SmotPoker

      Helps to ease the sting of a Trump administration knowing that Hillary won’t be fucking us any longer. We’ll have a new, and exciting dick up the American ass now…

      • MeanValueTheorem

        It’s nice to get screwed over by a new face. It also helps that Trump won’t be telling me he’d ramming my ass through a wood chipper for my own good. At least I’ll have my fucking sanity while I drown in misery.

        • SmotPoker

          Nothing like new love, and exploring each others bodies eh?

          • MeanValueTheorem

            Like the Bicentennial Summer all over again, just with worse music!

          • SmotPoker

            Yeah, but better weed so…..

    • EdgarHF

      There you go again. Another right wing smear pointing out her actual record. She’s been the victim of people pointing out her record for 25 years now. Stop it!

  • Edwin
    • towerofbabel


    • oodaloop

      “The BBC…believes Americans want principled, objective, neutral journalism…for which the BBC is famous.” The audience erupts in spontaneous laughter. Starts at about the 4:14 mark.

  • Edwin
  • Edwin

    OK, so these girls are just mean. (LMFAO).


    • EdgarHF

      I swear Maddow should do a crying duet with John Boehner.

      • Edwin

        LOL. She’s got the two tons of mascara to run and he’s got orange die.

  • Shohanna

    **Mind Blown** I was ranting and raving about this since 9/11. I described, and noted, linked to proof, and was denounced and berated and BANNED from websites (Boing Boing) for pointing this shit out. YET.. Here it is, in black and white, spelled out exactly as I had figured it, though I had no absolute proof. Just hints and clues now and then. I feel so vindicated right now! I want to jump up and down for joy but I can’t b/c of my kidney atm. LOL SO I WANT TO SHARE!!!


    • SmotPoker

      Make sure you’re wearing a bra, you wouldn’t think it, but that’s the easy way to break your own nose….

      • Shohanna

        My back banned me from wearing a bra. /nod I have to dodge them, but I am good at that. **giggle**

    • 17

      You are obviously a conspiracy theorist lunatic because our perfectly noble country would never permit such a group to operate. I think you need re-education camp.

      All joking aside…remember this article the next time someone berates you for not bothering to waste your time voting.

  • SmotPoker

    One thing I noticed last week when I went to vote is that my local office choices were ALL GOP, not a single fucking D to choose from. Now granted I live in a right wing hell hole, but for fucks sake the Democratic Party has a fucking office here!

    I let them have a week to mourn their stupidity, but next week I’m going down there to raise a bit of hell with those folks about the lack of choices, and funding for any Democratic candidates. Ask them how many years they’ve been in the office, and demand the old timers leave the joint as they aren’t doing shit to help the party.

    • Blue Basilisk

      It was the same here too. And below the governor level, almost all of the third party choices were exclusively Libertarian.

  • SmotPoker

    Here’s 365 hand drawn dicks on a whiteboard for you all to enjoy. Pretty cool despite what the previous sentence says…


    • EdgarHF

      So inspiring it made me cry

      • SmotPoker

        You could really see the artist go through many different phases….

        It was like a time machine….

  • SmotPoker

    Jimmy Dore on Obama, and his “lame” response to Trump.


    • towerofbabel


  • OK, launch day(s) are over and I finally got some new links up!

    Don’t forget the Friday Music Thread either, still going strong!

    • Edwin

      Morning, Unka. ^_^

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