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30 Apr

Who Am I Again? (Evening Open Thread)

Aug 12, 2016
1530 Views 1052

Now in the middle of its second season, the SciFi Channel series “Dark Matter” has proven to be a remarkably good piece of TV science fiction. Perhaps this shouldn’t come as a surprise. With an award winning comic book series as its basis and being written and produced by the team that brought us the Stargate shows (SG1, Atlantis and Universe) it’s got a very fine pedigree.

It’s the story of a crew of unsavory mercenaries who awake on their star ship with their memories wiped, and get started on a new, more moral path as they attempt to figure out their pasts and set up their future.

It features a number of well-know faces from TV science fiction, such as Stargate Atlantis’ David Hewlett and Star Trek’s Will Wheaton. And with a plot that provides the basis for a wealth of great science-fiction tropes, as well as some good character development, the show has proven itself to be a delightful and fun addition to to the TV SciFi pantheon. It’s also earned itself a large and more loyal fanbase than the shows that premiered in the same year it did.

If you like Science Fiction, give the show a try, on Friday nights. I’ll be watching it myself!

Enjoy the Evening’s Open Thread!

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  • SpiffyTheValiant

    first 🙂

  • Blue Basilisk

    I really want to see Stranger Things, but I keep forgetting to watch it when I have time!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      hey blue

      • Blue Basilisk

        Heya spiffy! Just barely sniped me for that first comment. 😛

        • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Blue Basilisk

            I’ll get you next time, Gadget!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


    • I need to give it a try, but I’m wary. Too many people who I regard as “Faux-Nerds” think it’s the Bee’s Knees and that’s made me delay downloading it.

      • Blue Basilisk

        I try not to let other peoples’ opinions influence my watching habits too much. I missed out on a few good shows doing that, so now I try to judge based purely on “does this look appealing to me?”

        Then again, I watched Olympus using that logic and good gods almighty was that show a stinker. I think even I could write more compelling TV!

        • Well, in my experience, faux-nerds tend to rave about anything that’s well-marketed and that’s also a sign of not much effort or thought put into the story, so that’s why I’m wary. Been burned too many times before by the opinions of FauxNerds. 😀

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Lol wtf is fauxnerds.

          • Blue Basilisk

            People who quote Big Bang Theory unironically?

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • A broad stroked description, but not totally inaccurate. LOL.

          • They are people who think of themselves as “geeks” or “nerds” but are just really your normal, mainstream cultural people who are following the mass-marketing trend with Scifi and fantasy, but have no real commitment to the literature or culture that have surrounded SciFi and fantasy, since the 40s.

            An example of an actual conversation I’ve had multiple times, for illustration:

            FauxNerd: “I’m such a geek! I am just the world’s biggest Doctor Who fan!”

            Me: “Really, who’s your favorite Doctor?”

            FauxNerd: “Well, duh, Matt Smith!”

            Me: “Oh, did you not like Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker or Sylvester McCoy, at all?”

            FauxNerd: “Who? Oh, you mean the ‘old stuff’, never watched it!”

            And we’re talking about people in their mid-20s and 30s, not kids, who could be forgiven for not really knowing what they claim to be so committed to.

          • Blue Basilisk

            I really enjoyed some of the First Doctor’s stories. It was such a different show back then! The movie about Hartnell and the beginning of Doctor Who was pretty fun too. Need get that on bluray eventually.

          • I really like the “Time and Space” TV movie. I want them to get that actor back for some guesting with the first Doctor. And Damn, I was Sean Pertwee to appear as his dad for some multi-Doctor action as well! 😀


          • Blue Basilisk

            Wow, he could definitely do it.

            The actor who played Hartnell was David Bradley, who played Filch in the Harry Potter films! He was also a character in “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship!”

            I’d love an episode where Capaldi meets another crotchety old Doctor. 😀

          • Crotchety v. Crotchety. It’d be a helluva fun time, for the viewers, at least. LOL.

          • Blue Basilisk

            It’s great that they’re so eagerly playing up the “grumpy old man” angle coming right off the young and hip Matt Smith Doctor. In one of his first episodes he was grousing about an angry man glaring at him from the mirror. Almost had me in tears!

          • I despised Matt Smith, honestly. So much so that I couldn’t watch the show, after his first season. He was, IMO, an amateurish actor who didn’t seem to like the character or be able to bring to the role anything other than a sort of forced coyness overlayed on a bad imitation of David Tennant.

            Combined with Moffat’s poor showing as a show-runner (even though he’s a great writer), I jsut couldn’t stand the stink.

            Capaldi on the other hand; He’s brought me back to the show with a vengeance! I love his portrayal of The Doctor. And, given his acting experience and love of the show as a child (Smith said he “never watched it”) really brings a joie de vivre to Capaldi’s episodes.

          • Tom Baker was “My Doctor” but at conventions (I was at the first NADWAS convention in 1983, I got to see and enjoy stories from all of the Doctors and came to appreciate early how they all had their unique charms. I also got to interview Lis Sladen and John Pertwee at that Con, too, so that was a “peak-geek” moment!

            Currently, for me, It’s a dead tie between Tom Baker and David Tennant, for my fave.

          • Blue Basilisk

            I really need to see more Doctors before I can label one was my absolute favorite. I’ve seen 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. BBCA did Breakfast with Baker episodes in the early morning for a while but I never did manage to catch a full story. Nuts!

            I seem to be in the minority but I really enjoyed the 9th Doctor. The series is plagued with some questionable and outright bad writing and I’m not a fan of Russel T. Davies’ penchant for murdering the Guest of the Week character or committing casual genocide for cheap drama, but 9 is such a charming goof when he’s not being a grumpy butt.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            A lot of people loved Doctor Who…but it always sounded so damn complicated to me lol.

          • It’s really not.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Think of it as just a guy in a car, travelling around and getting into interesting situations. All the Timey-Wimey stuff is just window dressing (mostly).

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ah okay

          • I love both Eccleston and Tennant and I credit Russel and Julie with making me a Doctor Who Fan-Boy all over again!

            I think “The Ballad of Russel and Julie” captures it for me!


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol i see. very exclusive.

          • Nope, no more so than any co-culture that’s been appropriated by corporate interests and marketing to people in the most shallow and distorted way, to make a quick buck.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • In case you think I’m kidding, here’s an image from the first Worldcon, now in it’s 72nd year.

            Fandom has a long history and a culture of its own that’s been devastated by the American mega-corporations appropriation and marketing, whether non-fans want to see that or not.

            It’s certainly an attitude that’s at odds with the “accept consumerism at all costs” aspect of modern obligate-optimist culture, in the West, but one that many members of other co-culture groups would recognize in a heartbeat.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ah i see.

          • notisaidthepig

            Never was able to get into Doctor Who. (((a pig feels shame)))

          • We like what we like. No shame in not liking any particular story/property. I feel the same way about the “Potter” stuff.

          • notisaidthepig

            Cheers. I don’t like Harry Potter either. Prefer A Wizard of Earthsea.

          • I like Le Guin’s work quite a bit, Earthsea included. But I am, first and foremost a Tolkien fan. He’s defined “Fantasy” for me since 1974, when I first read The Hobbit.

          • notisaidthepig

            I prefer SF but, let’s be honest, a good story is a good story. Do you know John Crowley’s work? I’m thinking of Engine Summer and, of course, Little Big. Dear Lord Buddha! Do yourself a favor and read those two if you haven’t. The former is SF and the latter is fantasy. Both are beyond excellent.

          • I liked Engine Summer and Little Big, back in the day, but I must confess, I haven’t followed him through the years. Just put his bibliography on download. 😀

          • Edwin

            That’s about when I read it too.

          • While I’d been watching Star Trek and a lot of 50s “B” scifi (thanks to a local TV show called “The World Beyond”) and so was primed, reading The Hobbit really started me down the path of being a giant literature-lover and Scifi/Fantasy fan, culminating in my joining fandom proper through Trek cons a few years later.

            But, it all really started in force with Tolkien, and from the classics to the pulps, I’ve been a voracious reader (and a giant nerd) ever since.

          • Edwin

            I have yet to see a Potter flick from start to finish.

          • Edwin

            me neither

            ditto that for a bunch of other stuff I have been told I must see

          • Edwin

            The dialogue makes it crystal clear

      • notisaidthepig

        My brother made me sit through the first episode the other day. It was okay. I was reminded of Dark Angel but I won’t spoil anything for you. I would watch the rest but I’m not ready to get a NetFlix account. Got many series waiting on my hard drives from my years in Cambodia. It will take me a while to get through all that.

        • I’m not superstitious: I don’t believe in spoilers. 🙂

        • Edwin

          yup– easy to do in Korea and pretty fast

    • Rich H

      My impression, after the first few episodes, was that I’d seen this all before (and we have), and I began to wonder why I was watching it.

      But it picked up a bit and overall it was worthwhile. Though I would have ended it differently.

  • smkngman3
  • notisaidthepig

    I’ll have to add Dark Matter to the list. There are just too many shows to watch!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      I saw the first season. Haven’t seen the second.

      • notisaidthepig

        And….your verdict????

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Hmm 7 out of 10.

          • I’d probably go 8/10, but fair enough! 😀

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Lol well I haven’t seen season two. so that might explain the difference.

      • The second starts out with a nice mini-story, all about the prison breakout. The last couple episodes have been a bit flat, with a lot of character development to sort through, but things are moving along nicely for what looks to be a good season end.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • notisaidthepig

      I still haven’t seen The Expanse, though I did read the book. Also, The Man in the High Castle–read that book too though ages ago.

      • While it’s really different, in plot and pacing, from the novel, I really liked The Man In the High Castle. It’s got the philosophy of the novel right, which makes up for the plot changes quite handily. That may be because I’m an enormous Dick-head, Phillip K. Dick being one of my favorite authors.

        I liked The Expanse novels pretty well, I thought the second and third novel were some damn fine science-fiction. The series has left me a bit flat and the giant two-year delay in new episodes hasn’t improved that situation.

        The other member of Dark Matter’s cohort, “Killjoys” presses my “It’s So Dumb and Predicable Button” so hard I can’t even watch it.

        I think Dark matter benefits immensely from being produced by the Stargate guys.

        • notisaidthepig

          I was never a big Dick fan (I realize how funny that is as I’m a gay guy!) but I’ve read several of his novels and remember enjoying TMitHC.

          I haven’t read past the first novel in the Expanse series but with your recommendation of the second and third novels, I think I will pick them up the next time I’m in the library.

          I’m a big SF fan. I loved The Culture series. You know it?

          Also, The Book of the New Sun and its adjacent series. LOVE The Fifth Head of Cerberus!

          I could go on and on…..

    • MsPythia

      Piggie! How went the Green Party event?! 😀

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Yay, there is my Ms 🙂

        • MsPythia

          Hi Spiffy! 😀

          • SpiffyTheValiant


      • lindajoyous

        Hi MsPythia!

        • MsPythia

          Linda Joy! Hi! 🙂

          • lindajoyous

            Good to see you! 🙂

          • MsPythia

            Good to see you! I just reposted an old article. I thought it was good news. :/

          • lindajoyous

            It’s ok, think I’ve done that too! 🙂

          • Nancy

            butting in to say hello!

          • lindajoyous

            Lol me too, Hi Nancy! 🙂

          • Nancy

            sometimes you just have to do that!

          • lindajoyous

            I know lol! 🙂

      • notisaidthepig

        It’s towards the top of this morning’s open thread. Check it out!

        P.S. I’m glad I went. I’ve been wanting to get more involved and this seems like a first step.

        • MsPythia

          I’ll have to go look — how long ago did you post it?

          • notisaidthepig

            Maybe two hours.

          • MsPythia


  • MsPythia

    Swedish rape warrant for Wikileaks’ Assange cancelled


    • smkngman3

      Old article MsP.

      It was reinstated.

      • MsPythia


      • MsPythia

        I’ve been working all day — and this was on the Wikileaks Twitter account. When was it reinstated?

        • smkngman3

          This article is dated 21 August 2010

          • MsPythia

            Well, that’s bizarre! Why would they repost that on twitter?

          • smkngman3

            Missed ONE word!


            I have no idea why WikiLeaks would post that unless THEY were hacked.

          • MsPythia

            Maybe to remind people? I should have looked before posting. I had high hopes that they’d met with him!

          • smkngman3

            They are negotiating a meeting at the Embassy.

          • MsPythia

            Damn, I thought maybe they’d met with him today. Sorry for posting an old article.

          • smkngman3

            Been there, done that.


      • Nancy

        that’s their only way into getting near him…
        I have such a bad feeling about this.

    • Nancy

      yeah…oh, too bad.
      nice to see you though!

  • notisaidthepig
    • MsPythia

      He doesn’t need them. The MSM and all the blogs both Right and Left give him all the ads he needs!

      • notisaidthepig

        Yep. I’m giving Stein as much as I can. I hope others are helping her campaign as well. We need to mobilize but, for now, cash is vital for a bunch of different things, most importantly ballot access issues.

        • MsPythia

          Same! Jesus — I HATE Clintrump.

          • notisaidthepig

            Clintrump. I love it!

          • MsPythia

            They’re so the same in their awfulness, I figured it was about time for a good mashup.

          • notisaidthepig

            I approve. Oink!

      • SpiffyTheValiant
      • Blue Basilisk

        John Amato’s Daily Trump gives you live up to the second coverage of his every move whether you want it or not!

        • Christ that was the worst thing about that site, was the second-by-second Trump coverage.

          Those Neoliberals pay so much attention to Republicans because they want to be Republicans.

    • Nancy

      it’s great that she has it to spend! that’s very encouraging on many fronts.

      • notisaidthepig

        Good point!

      • MsPythia

        That’s true! The Berners are pouring money into her campaign — including me! 🙂

  • MsPythia

    Okay — I screwed up posting an old article about Assange that they reposted. Here’s something new from Debbie Lying Sack of Crap:

    Wasserman Schultz denounces DNC email questioning Bernie Sanders’ faith

    • Nothing’s a screw-up when you issue a correction, just a temporary typo! 😀

      • Nancy

        I like that…

      • MsPythia

        She lies as shamelessly and constantly as Shillary.

    • SpiffyTheValiant
    • Nancy

      of course she does…
      lol, why wouldn’t she?

      • MsPythia

        Hi Nancy! 🙂

        • Nancy


          • MsPythia

            Lovely evening here — fog rolling in though, as usual!

          • Nancy


          • Edwin

            I wish. I made some newspaper hats to put over some of my plants because the heat lately has been too much for a few of them. I long for cool autumn air to come.

    • 17

    • smkngman3
      • MsPythia

        Saved to watch later!

      • notisaidthepig

        Tim Talks? Love it!

  • Nancy

    another gem in the ongoing effort to supply us with easily understood facts about crazy people.

    • Nancy

      lol…I was so excited I forgot to post the link!

    • smkngman3
      • Nancy

        yup! insane, isn’t it.

        • smkngman3


          • Nancy

            Edwin will love it!

      • MsPythia

        I laughed out loud.

      • Edwin

        I should be sticking that in one of my emails. By gum, I think will.

        • Nancy

          thought of you when I saw it-sharing is caring…that would be so good of you!

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          lol do they actually answer?

          • Edwin

            No. But it makes me feel better to send them and that’s all that matters.
            I have one ready to go now. :~>

            OK. I’m officially bored. You guys have had that thread up for 3 days now. I don’t care about your silly crown contest any longer, it’s just plain boring. Change it!! You have to keep moving forward. It’s getting a bit dull with that same old page up day in and day out, and it has your ugly drunken ramblings from last night. You cracked 300, be proud, move on.

            Don’t you guys do any news at your blog? I thought it was a politics blog. How do you expect to attract people for discussions (or whatever it is you call what you do there) if there is no news? No one likes to see last night’s drunken psychotic ramblings. No one wants to see you bash one-time friends. It does TBR a great disservice. Be proud of your blog. You put your necks out to make it happen, you sweat blood. If you’re not careful it could all collapse overnight –Kapowee, Poof, Gone!!!

            Just go to HuffPo, steal some news-like article, and slap it up at TBR. No one will be the wiser. See if you can’t attract a few new unsuspecting victims into your lair.

            Ciao, kiss noises

            PS Ricki, I think you need to lay off the booze. Folks are talking. I’m only telling you for you own good ♥”because I love you.”♥ mwha mwha xoxo

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • MsPythia

            They’re too cowardly to email back.

          • Nancy

            I hope you will post it here-the other ones are a riot.

          • Edwin

            I added, “We love you, Edwin,” to it and also Smokey’s poster seen above

        • smkngman3

          I thought you might like it.

        • notisaidthepig

          When I imagine a silver fox, I think of this guy.

          • Edwin

            I don’t look like that guy and I am clean shaven. According to students and co-workers I look similar to a guy we’re not happy with right now. (Hint, celeb money in politics)

          • Nancy


          • Edwin


            There are resemblances. One time a student brought in a magazine picture taken from a side angle and even I was surprised at the likeness. Full frontal, not so much.

          • Nancy

            I can see it.

          • Edwin

            If I take my paper hat off I’m a dead ringer

          • Nancy

            lol, and then you could use it to keep your plants shaded!

          • MsPythia

            He’s handsome, but his hair would look better if it was less poufy on top and sides. I don’t like it when older men try for a pompadour-ish thing.

          • Edwin

            I think he just has thick hair. Mine is kind of fine so it lays flat unless I pouf it up and put gel in, which I never do. I wash my hair, I brush my hair, I’m done with my hair til tomorrow.

          • MsPythia

            Could be — he’d be hot with his hair a bit shorter though.

          • MsPythia

            Or maybe longer! 🙂 I just hate heavily product-laden 70’s style pompadours!

          • notisaidthepig

            Same here.

  • smkngman3
    • MsPythia

      I love how they claim he has three homes. He’s got two condos, and now a retirement home — and a fairly modest looking one at that.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        I love Hillary supporters bitching that Bernie is too wealthy while defending 250k speeches.

        • MsPythia

          Shillz and Billz have got four gold-plated mansions, and bought her daughter a ten million dollar home-sized apartment in New York City.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol well to be fair it’s NYC.

          • MsPythia

            It was a gift. A ten million dollar gift. And her husband makes a shit ton of money at Golden Sacks.

          • smkngman3

            Chelsea and her Hedge Fund thief husband, 10 mil for a NYC condo.

        • lindajoyous

          I’m happy for Bernie and Jane the house is beautiful, because they are not greedy people! 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant


      • smkngman3

        And his wife sold a home that had been in her family to buy this.

        • MsPythia

          It irks me that the money we sent to Bernie is probably now Shillary’s.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I don’t think it is. He spent a lot of his cash. His burn rate was pretty high.

          • MsPythia

            I hope that his Bern rate was high, and that Shillz got nada.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            me to ^^ 😀 You ready?

          • MsPythia

            No — give me an hour — my dinner is in the oven and I’m hanging here until I can stuff it in my face! I’m so hungry! 🙂

          • MsPythia

            Do you want to give me the link now?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I’ll link you at the other lace when you are done with dinner :3 Enjoy the noms.

          • MsPythia

            I will — no lunch and working with a client. I had to ASK for a glass of water — I hate people like that.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 lol well they aren't mind readers.

          • MsPythia

            No, good people offer. I always offer a guest both food and drink. That’s how I was raised — both sides of my family are all about hospitality.

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • MsPythia

            At the least a glass of water!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • notisaidthepig

            Don’t remind me!

    • Nancy

      it looks like it’s going to give them lots of wonderful times. so much room, and so great to be on the water!
      good for them…

    • Edwin

      a cottage

  • smkngman3
  • 17


    • MsPythia


  • Edwin

    What I want to know is, is One dead for good?

  • Dosido3

    Bill Clinton addresses Asians. Some other people were there too.


    • notisaidthepig

      I was there!

      • Dosido3

        Lol. I meant on the stage… XD

        • notisaidthepig

          Oh. 🙁

        • Edwin


      • Edwin

        Bill Clinton addresses Asians and pigs (or, at least one pig).

        • notisaidthepig


  • 17

    I’ve never seen the show. If they wake up on their starship with their memories wiped, who remembers how to pilot the ship?

    • notisaidthepig

      Don’t overthink it.

      • 17

        Now I’ve ruined it for everybody ;(

      • But overthinking it is a big part of being a serious SciFi nerd! 😉 😛

        • notisaidthepig

          So true!

    • Nancy

      good question…we hope they remember to look in the manuals…if they remember that there are manuals.

      • MsPythia


    • Long practiced skills aren’t wiped, just conscious memories.

      “How’d you know how to do that?”

      “I don’t know, I just did”

      There’s actually much evidence of this in real world memory loss victims.

      • Rich H

        Right, but what’s the motivation?

        BTW, I listened to a great story on NPR a while ago regarding brain function, consciousness, and death – and how do we define it.

        This scientist wanted to check in comatose patients, and some with no apparent brain function (considered brain dead), if indeed the person afflicted could hear what was being said even if they couldn’t communicate. Apparently there is a certain part of the brain that’s active when you play tennis (it’s all been mapped out in other studies) so he’d say “when I tell you I want you to play tennis, I want you to imagine playing – when I tell you to stop, then I want you to imagine stopping”. So he conducted the experiment, and sure enough, the patients brain activated in the “tennis” section when asked, and stopped when asked.

        He did this with a few dozen patients – showing that the patients (at least on some level) were conscious even if to every one else, including their doctors, they seemed to be brain dead.

        • Well, the motivation is part of the plot (as is who did the wiping) and I don’t want to offend the superstitious among us by revealing that! 😀

          • Rich H

            No, the motivation for remembering his wife?

        • 17


    • Edwin

      I started watching because Veri is hooked on it (we gotta get hold of that guy) and since they killed One I lost interest. As pig says, don’t overthink it.

      • 17

        I sent him an email.

        • MsPythia

          YAY! 🙂

          • 17

            He’s travelling, so I don’t know when he’ll get it though.

          • MsPythia

            I’d love it if we could get Stephanie over here too. But I never exchanged emails with her. I met her in Alternet — she’s great!

          • notisaidthepig

            Isn’t Stephanie here already? I would swear that she is.

          • Edwin

            She’s been posting back in the old place today (tbr). She was away for a few days, here for the blow up, wanted to mend fences when she got back, and probably has no idea where we all are now.

          • smkngman3

            I think she is still posting at tbr.

          • notisaidthepig

            Boy, am I confused!

          • 17

            She is.

        • Edwin


      • While I wouldn’t expect to see Jase Corso again any time soon, I wouldn’t count Derrick Moss out: Bullet-proof vests can be made very thing, in the future, and would be de rigueur as a build-in for clothing for a corporate big-wing like him. 😉 😛

  • smkngman3
    • notisaidthepig

      He seemed like a man of principle. Glad to hear that he is.

    • MsPythia

      Yeah! Nice to see Mike following in Cornel West’s footsteps!

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Now let’s hear Hillary supporters call him a racist. (Because you know they all just love black people.)

    • Dosido3

      That’s his white privilege talking…

      • MsPythia


      • smkngman3

        I wonder what he’d say about Lewis support of Hillary.

  • Nancy

    poor Donald-he’s giving John a run for the best orange jokes.

  • smkngman3
  • Dosido3

    Trump, Fascism, Putin, and Wikileaks: the Anatomy of a Liberal Nervous Breakdown


    • Dosido3

      Oh and Matt Edit:Osborne shows up in the comments to make sure everyone knows that Bernie was a mathematical impossibility after the NY primaries. Never mind all the irregularities …

    • notisaidthepig

      Here was my favorite bit:

      “To chase the good Republican unicorn, the DNC convention was turned into
      an RNC convention with generals, military families, a September 11
      night, and supporters shouting down the peace movement with chants of
      ‘U-S-A’. This move has been effective in consolidating Clinton’s support
      from the likes of George Will, Meg Whitman and Michael Bloomberg, but
      it is not likely to win her many actual Republican voters. People
      rightfully hate these experts and welfare cases who have been nurtured
      in the fail-proof environment of Washington, where resumes and pedigree
      ensure no one will ever be held accountable for their egregious

  • notisaidthepig

    I just finished watching this. Smokey posted it on the morning thread. It’s long but if you haven’t seen it, I recommend it. Excellent info about the mathematical irregularities. Trump seems to have been cheated as well.


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      ty pig 🙂

      • notisaidthepig


        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • MsPythia

      Saved for later — I’m going to read a Spiffy Story tonight!

      • notisaidthepig

        Watch it, MsP. Make time for it. It was that good. Great reporting by Jordan from TYT.

        • lindajoyous

          I’m going to watch it later too Noti!

          • notisaidthepig

            I’m not a math person but I could understand what the math lady was saying. Just really interesting with details.

          • lindajoyous

            Good, thanks for posting!

          • notisaidthepig

            It was Smokey! I just reposted. But, yvw!

          • lindajoyous


      • Rich H


      • smkngman3

        Bed time “Fairy” tale?

        • MsPythia

          No, Spiffy writes stories — she’ll have to explain them to you. I’ve been promising her I would read some, and tonight I’m kicking back to do that.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *wins and does happy dance. This calls for the glitter cannon.*

          • lindajoyous
          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lmao linda

          • lindajoyous

            Awe new you’d like it! 🙂

          • Nancy

            to cute!

          • lindajoyous


          • smkngman3


          • lindajoyous


          • smkngman3
          • lindajoyous

            Thanks smokey! Love it. 🙂

          • MsPythia

            Omg — I love that so much! I’m such a sucker for dogs!

          • Nancy

            not sure if you’ve seen this. I just think it’s too funny.

          • MsPythia


          • Nancy


          • MsPythia

            Hysterical! I can’t stop laughing!

          • Nancy

            he puts a smile on my face every time I watch one of his analysis of something. omg, he’s too much fun!

          • MsPythia

            I love all the videos you’ve posted with this guy doing the voice-over — he’s hilarious!

          • Nancy

            he is-I am just watching the penguins and a rope…too fun.
            wasn’t sure if you’d seen them. worth risking the “re-post” thing though!

          • Rich H

            He sounds just like the band manager from Flight of the Concords. He always cracked me up.

          • Rich H


          • smkngman3
          • Nancy


          • MsPythia


          • lindajoyous

            Thanks! 🙂

          • MsPythia

            I wish cats and dogs danced as much in real life as they do in memes! 😀

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • lindajoyous


          • MsPythia

            Hi Daniel!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hi Ms!

      • Nevin

        Fancy running into you.

        • MsPythia

          Good evening Blue! How are you this fine evening?

          • Nevin

            Doing fine, thank you. Now my answer is 4 or 5 posters at the most. 😉 If I wanted to listen to music I would turn on the radio.

          • MsPythia
          • Nevin

            I forgive you for that because it is Elvis Costello who is married to Diana Krall who is a great jazz singer.

          • MsPythia

            She’s amazing!

          • The_Fixer

            Oh, she’s the greatest! Love her madly!

    • Nancy

      thanks, looks good.

    • Edwin

      I have downloaded it for later.

      • towerofbabel

        Same here. I have to go positive for a few minutes before bedtime. I’ll take it in tomorrow although I already know the plot.

        • Edwin

          It’s afternoon for me. You guys all start heading off to bed later and I am just getting into making dinner and stuff like that. That’s when I watch my documentaries and other videos.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      I’m already seeing a defense for this on how it was just “students” and not actual irregularities.

      • Nancy

        evening Daniel!
        nice to see you here…

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          You too Nancy. How are you doing?

          • Nancy

            good…nice it’s Friday. any plans for the weekend?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            The usual, reading and gaming. Might try to make Edwin’s lime bars though. Yourself?

          • Nancy

            lime bars… that sounds like a really good idea!
            me, nothing out of the ordinary-and that’s a good thing!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Take it easy then.

            One time in New Mexico during my undergrad I went to a restaurant with some friends, they had a tequila lime pie, delicious.

          • Nancy

            yum…I love lime pie-I also loved tequila…what a combo that would have been.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            It was frozen as well so like eating a margarita pie 🙂

          • Nancy

            oh stop!!! yum!

  • smkngman3
  • smkngman3

    “Gaza’s Sick Pay Price of Blockade”

    But the drug, which is not expensive according to Mahmoud Deeb Daher, head of the World Health Organization’s Gaza sub-office, was not available. Sami passed away after only one day in the incubator.

    “I know that it is not easy to give birth in the eighth month, but there are drugs and advanced medical care that can help save lives,” Jalal, whose two other children suffered no complications at birth, toldThe Electronic Intifada.

    Hamsa Abu Ajeen, a doctor at al-Aqsa hospital in Deir al-Balah inthe central Gaza Strip where Jalal lost her baby, said there is a shortage of medicine as a result of the Israeli blockade on Gaza, now nearly a decade old. Increasingly, the Ministry of Health in Gaza is struggling with a lack of funds for drugs and vital equipment. The funding shortfall is a direct consequence of the siege harming the economy.


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      They’re just exporting American style healthcare.

      • The_Fixer

        It ain’t healthcare, it’s really American-style medical merchandising.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          I forgot the quotes.

      • smkngman3

        While Israel has the fourth rated Universal health care system.

  • smkngman3
    • Nancy

      you are on a roll tonight-as usual
      just excellent!!

    • lindajoyous

      Lol, I like it!

  • Ooh, ooh, ooh. Time to get both Dark Matter AND No Man’s Sky!

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Enjoy both. Don’t have a system capable of playing the game.

      • notisaidthepig

        Hi, Toad. Happy Friday!

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          You too as well. How are you doing?

        • Nevin

          I looked for you in the crowd, but didn’t find anyone as handsome as you.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hi Nevin.

          • Nevin

            Good to see you Daniel. How are you doing?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            It’s Friday and I finally have the ingredients for Edwin’s lime bars so going to try to make them this weekend.

          • Nevin

            Are they intoxicating?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Not from the ingredients I bought.

          • Nevin

            Your loss.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Can’t have alcohol.

          • Nevin

            OK. I’ll get drunk for you. 😉

          • Edwin

            I have been making them without gelatin and they come out fine. Gelatin is not common here and I have to travel to buy it so I just stopped. Just serve them on a plate and use a fork. (Not really finger food.)

            They’d be good with whipped cream on top.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Thanks for the tip. I could get you some gelatin if you like.

          • Edwin

            I can buy it here. If I don’t have it and I want to use it it means a taxi trip and an hour of my day. They are fine without. The cream cheese and the cold air firms them up enough.

      • Edwin


        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          How are you doing Edwin?

          • Edwin

            OK, just hot. And you?

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Warm today here as well surprisingly. Tired, dealing with unreasonable customers all week.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        I mean toad. 🙂

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Hiya Spiff!

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Just saw your stealth edit, I don’t mind you using my real name.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ^^ Oh okay.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        my bad, edited.

      • Well, I am likely at the low end of capable. And it’s a modern game, so I’m likely to be sorely disappointed. BUT, I love video games (though mostly arcade ones) and as a developer, I’m an eternal optimist.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Not too many arcades left in the US. Also not a fan of the old style of design of making them impossibly hard to get you to keep dropping quarters. Haven’t been to an arcade in ages.

          • notisaidthepig

            I love Galaga!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • Galaga, High Score: 856, 270. That was “my game,” back in the day!

          • notisaidthepig

            Oh, my. You were very good. I just enjoyed playing. Lost many quarters on that one! That’s what I did at lunch time in grades 9 and 10. Inhaled lunch and then it was time to play on the pinball machines and all that.

          • There are many, many I love playing and perpetually suck at, more than enough to eat all the quarters I could muster. LOL. Robotron, to name just one: That game owns my ass, to this day, after thousands of plays.

          • We’re lucky to have a marvelous arcade here in The Valley, called Star Fighter’s Arcade. Over 190 Video Games from 95 or before and a dozen or so pinballs.

            We also have, once a year, ZapCon, with hundreds of pinballs and video games.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • smkngman3

            Give me a good pin ball machine!

          • ZapCon is especially tasty, as they feature a TON of old mechanical and electro-mechanical tables!

  • The_Fixer

    Good evening, everyone.

    Your reaction to what this guy says will probably be “He says what we’re all thinking” regarding John McCain:


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Hi Fixer.

      The fact that he didn’t fight back against the Rovian smears says plenty.

      • The_Fixer

        Hey, Daniel.

        There’s a long list of objections that one can legitimately have to John McCain. There’s his about-face on many issues, but the one that stands out is inflicting SnowSnookie on us. That was totally irresponsible and should preclude him from holding office of any sort. He’s had a long run, too long. He needs to retire and fade into the Arizona sunset.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          I agree on Snookie, but that was where the R’s were heading anyway. Neoliberalism breeds right wing populism.

          • The_Fixer

            It’s been a gradual progression toward absolute madness. We went from Dumb-Ass Dubya to Snow Snookie to Drumpfo der Clown. Add to that Democrats who call for change and pull even more egregious shit, and a woman who thinks she should be President because she has a vagina and she thinks that she’s owed it.

            It would be so easy to not take this seriously, except that it’s so… serious.

    • Nevin

      I’m saving that for later. If we call out a vet we are told to respect them and are called traitors.

      • The_Fixer

        Well then, we have to preface all accusations with the ultra-fake “Thank You for your service” 🙂

        Hi, Blue!

        • Nevin

          Hi handsome. Wouldn’t that be thank you for killing innocent people?

          • The_Fixer

            Well, yes. They don’t want to do it, it seems that all of those troublemakers who need to be killed live in hot foreign countries and have no Bud Light. It’s only polite to thank their proxy killers.

      • lindajoyous

        Hi Nevin, good to see you! 🙂

        • Nevin

          Evening Linda. It is always a joy to see you. I saw you were hot earlier. Has it cooled down for you now?

          • lindajoyous

            Yes, it is comfortable, thank you! How is your day going? 🙂

          • Nevin

            Good, thank you. I’m in Phoenix so it is hot. Even the pool temp is hot.

          • lindajoyous

            You’re veryn welsomed! Yeah my parents were snowbirds and always went to Arizona and Desert Hot Spring Ca!

    • Nancy

      he is the reason they need term limits.
      good read and yes-he’s never been a hero as far as I’ve seen things.
      evening Fix 😉

      • The_Fixer

        Hi, Nancy.

        Obviously, I have to agree. He needs to go away.

        • Nancy

          seriously…80? and you can’t retire after 30 years in the sewer? what a racket…

          • The_Fixer

            It’s the Republican work ethic. Never give up a lucrative, easy job with status. The rest of us can work at low-paying, meaningless jobs until we drop.

          • Nancy

            so true.
            lol, like he needs the money?
            this is all about power and status.

          • The_Fixer

            Absolutely. He’s god more than enough money to last him the few years he has left. He just wants to have his ego fed. He already thinks that he should be unconditionally honored, but he wants more.

          • Nancy

            these guys/women make me sick. they are in such a fucking bubble that they really have no clue of how dangerous and damaging they actually are.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            They’re narcissists, they don’t care.

          • Nancy

            yes, no one ever tells them anything that they don’t want to hear.

          • The_Fixer

            In the ultimate example of believing their own bullshit, they don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

          • The_Fixer

            That’s exactly what the problem is – we’ve allowed them to create their own special society with special benefits to those who are in it. George Carlin called it a club, and said “And guess what? You ain’t in it!”

          • kreskin

            The Congressional millionaires club … a bunch of good for nothing freeloaders … on the take .

      • kreskin

        The electorate needs to wise up and vote responsibly . Too much to ask , I know .

        • notisaidthepig


        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          Too late, see Clinton and Trump.

        • Nancy

          wise up is right-get off our asses and see what’s actually going on…yikes! there is no time left to let this get any crazier than it already is.

        • The_Fixer

          Ya can’t help but dream though, no?

          Evening, Kreskin.

          • kreskin

            Greetings , Fixer.

      • I gotta live with Johnny Mac, Here in Keating country. So, pity me. LOL.

        • Dosido3

          Yikes. Are you not surrounded by mini macs in AZ?

          • Well, I’ve tried to cultivate all the sane people in the Valley as friends, and leave out the whackadoodles, but it’s hard! ROFL.

        • Nancy

          oh yes, I saw that you were living in AZ.
          you have my pity for the heat, and him, and Joe, and your insane governor who eats scorpions for breakfast…Jan…lots to pity you for!

          • lindajoyous

            I had no Idea people eat scorpions! 🙂

          • Nancy

            she’s a tough one Linda!

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah, I don’t like strange food!

  • Nevin

    For our good friends Neb and Ricki.


    • Nancy

      hey Blue!

      • Nevin

        Hi Nancy. Are you in the country or the city?

        • Nancy

          in the city-just went to the lake for a few hours.

          how’s things?

          • Nevin

            I can’t change things at this point so I am just dealing with them. How is your daughter enjoying her trip?

          • Nancy

            loving it-thanks for asking!
            it’s so easy to keep in touch-it’s great to hear about it every day.

          • Nevin

            How long is her trip?

          • Nancy

            5 weeks…she left on the 2nd and will be back on Sept 5th.

          • Nevin

            Wow. How many countries?

          • Nancy

            Italy-a lot, Greece, a bout 10 days and 4 days in Switzerland. her BF is completing his masters and has places he has to go to to satisfy the scholarship they gave him to go…can you imagine how nice that would be-they gave him 5 grand to go!

    • notisaidthepig

      So naughty!

      • Nevin

        You love it Noti.

        • notisaidthepig


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Not holding any punches…

      • Nevin

        OK, maybe we could have left out “fucking.”

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Edwin

      I wonder if their ears are burning?

      Hmmm… does this call for another email?

      • Dosido3

        No…don’t poke the crazy…

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • Dosido3

            Hi Toad!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Hey 🙂

        • Nevin

          They are already awake.

        • Seconded. I don’t really want to have to sick my lawyer on them.

          • Edwin

            The nos have it.

          • Dosido3


  • smkngman3

    Behind the Farce of the DNC Convention –

    • Edwin

      Will check it out. I watched 10 minutes of that disgusting propaganda-fest and puked my guts out.

  • Edwin

    Taleisin just showed up in the old country and he must be wondering WTF is going on.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Nancy FB’ed him.

      • Nevin

        I thought someone posted that he was here.

    • Nancy

      he knows-I Pm’ed him on FB. said we’d left endgame him the link…as far as why we left-I didn’t get into it as we really hadn’t been able to converse yet.

      • Nevin

        Has he replied to you? If not maybe you should contact him again.

        • Nancy

          yes, this morning-as he was heading off to bed. he said we would catch up later.

    • Dosido3

      Ghost town…

    • kreskin

      I’m not going to get involved in the soap opera , but there were three people commenting when I checked a few minutes ago , two of the three were blog owners.

      • Edwin

        No idea who you mean. Respect your call to stay out of it.

        • kreskin

          I’m sure you know exactly what I mean .

          • Edwin

            at TBR?

            OK, D’uh.. you mean Ricki and Neb (I was thinking, Amato, Roxanne, Madrak, etc, like that– imports putting in their 2 cents.)

  • notisaidthepig
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      She’s right.

      • notisaidthepig

        That’s 87% if I’m doing the math correctly. Fwow. And, of course, YIKES!

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          That’s why the establishment is trying to bury it.

  • notisaidthepig

    This is disgusting. Isn’t this suppose to be a respectable internet blogger? Ugh. Check out the comments as well.

    We Got Canvassed By A Jill Stein Guy! It Was Not Very Fun For Him!


    • Wonkette? Never been more than Internet Trash, IMO.

      • notisaidthepig

        This certainly proves it.

      • The_Fixer

        You’re being too kind in your assessment. That was a worse than trash article. It was decomposed shit.

        And Hi, Unka.

    • kreskin

      ” Did we accidentally call Jill Stein “cunty”? Not so much by accident! ” Class act , isn’t she ?

      These Clinton supporters are trash , worse than goobers and baggers !

      • Dosido3

        Won kette gets spanked pretty good in the comments.

        • notisaidthepig

          I enjoyed that part!

        • kreskin

          Rebecca Schoenkopf , sounds like a friggin nazi .

          • notisaidthepig


        • The_Fixer

          And some pretty good slams at that!

          Hi, Dosido.

      • Nancy

        wow, imagine the outrage and hysterics if anyone called Hillary that?!

        • kreskin

          No kidding .

          • Nancy


          • kreskin

            The crack brigade.

          • notisaidthepig


          • Nancy


        • notisaidthepig

          Sexist! Misogynist!

          • Nancy

            right?! smh…

        • Rich H

          I was banned on Alternet for calling her shrill.

          • Edwin

            really effing stupid

      • Edwin

        Probably written by Madrak or Belle or Karoli Kunty

    • 17

      What do they call women who are anti-men? That’s what they are. Seems odd as hell they’d say this.

      • SpiffyTheValiant


        • Edwin

          Susie Madrak called me a misogynist for using the word misandrist. It’s only logical, right?? Right?

          Yes, I wanted to shmish her face with a shovel.

      • Nancy


        • 17

          I thought it was “ex-wives”.

    • Rich H

      Wonkette, a site on par with C&L.

      • Nice to see your alternet name. Hi Rich H

        • Rich H

          Hi Stephanie! It’s been a long time. Glad you’ve made it.

  • Nevin

    Here it comes folks. Let me know when you are there.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      hmm? do i want to know XD?

      • Nevin

        Trust me

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          I’m scared nao but ok.

          • Nevin

            I will never lead you astray.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            I clicked, but don’t see anything O.O worthy?

          • Nevin

            Hold on

    • Nancy


      • Nevin

        Thank you

    • 17


      • Nevin

        Thank you 17

    • notisaidthepig

      I’m ready.

      • lindajoyous

        Go get Stephanie!

    • Rich H

      I’m late. I guessed I missed. What I saw was a pity party with one deleted comment. I wonder if it was yours.

      • Nevin

        It was mine with a link to this site. Tali and Stephanie saw it.

  • Nevin

    Here goes.

  • 17

    Where the hell’s Edwin?

    • Edwin

      I was actually in the woodshed (I couldn’t stomach much)

      • 17

        You know you can download all those pages to read off-line if you want, right?

  • Nevin

    Hold on. Look for Tali’s most recent comment.

    • lindajoyous

      Awesome! I saw your comment there!

      • Nevin

        Thank you Linda.

        • lindajoyous

          You are very welcomed! It’s making me lol!

  • Nevin


    • notisaidthepig

      I saw it. Good work. Oink!

      • Nevin

        I’m telling you, don’t fuck with a bull.

    • Nancy

      good one…hopefully he comes in

    • Nancy

      still up…

      • Nevin

        Probably not for long. Hopefully he will get it.

      • notisaidthepig

        How long do you think it will stay?

    • notisaidthepig

      He got it!

      • Nevin

        Are you sure?

        • notisaidthepig


        • Dosido3


        • kreskin

          He acknowledged it .

          • Nevin


          • kreskin


      • Nancy

        I gave it to him on FB today as well if it gets zapped, he can still get it from there.

    • You guys crack me up.

      • Nevin

        Hey. Louis XV is going to be a restaurant. There tore not the building north of it for a parking lot.

        • Damn They’ve been there for a while. I’m still stinging from the loss of the Katz’s Deli.

          • Nevin

            They closed earlier than expected. Remember when we had the power outrage? Well, their food was destroyed so they didn’t have the big farewell.

      • 17

        What good’s a hornet’s next if ya can’t poke it with a stick?

        • Edwin

          Who would do a thing like that?

          • 17

            People with sticks, I guess.

  • Nevin

    Just got a conformation from Tali he has received the message.

    • notisaidthepig

      Good. Who’s left?

      • Nevin

        For him to come here?

        • notisaidthepig

          I meant which other friends aren’t here yet.

          • Nevin

            Still looking for Shohanna. Stephanie, not sure about.

          • 17

            I emailed Sho. She’s got it.

          • lindajoyous

            Good 17!

          • Nevin

            Has she replied back to you?

          • 17

            I emailed her…..she replied…..I sent her the link. She’s got it.

          • Nevin

            Good. Hopefully she will post here.

          • 17

            Sho’s been to the shed. She knows what’s what. She’ll come.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            I invited her a few days ago as well with a link and everything.

          • Shohanna

            It was deleted toad, I never got it or your message. I am so sorry!

          • notisaidthepig

            It just seems SO weird to me that anyone would remain. Didn’t Stephanie write this glowing comment about us and the community of friends just before the shit hit the fan? Why would she stay?

          • Edwin

            She was away. She’s come back now. Maybe she doesn’t know.

          • Because no one has invited me here. This is the first I’ve heard of this place.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • Thank You:^)

          • The_Fixer

            Good to see you, Stephanie!

          • You to Fixer:^)

          • smkngman3
          • 17


          • Thanks 17

          • 17

            We couldn’t leave you trapped in that web.

          • Edwin

            This was next for 17, Cathyx and me

          • Nevin

            Hot damn.

          • 17

            You done good.

          • Edwin

            She’s Grr-reat.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad
          • The_Fixer

            Damn right she is, and she’s been feisty all day. I would not ever entertain even the idea of getting in her way 🙂

          • Nancy

            lol, gives a whole new meaning to “the running of the bulls.”

          • Nevin

            I will always have your back Fixer.

          • The_Fixer

            And I got yours 🙂

          • Nevin

            Thank you.

          • The_Fixer

            Hey, you’re one of my peeps! You, Spiffy, Nancy, MsP and the other womenfolk are my Valkyries!

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • Nevin

            The horse is hot.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lmao. do bulls mate with horses?

          • Nevin

            You complained about my reference to cows, so who the hell knows.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol i love you.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad
          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Lmao.. I didn’t know she even had a horse.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            A super horse 🙂

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Well I guess if superman has a dog, it’s only fair she gets a horse.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            She also has a cat, Streaky.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            suppose it does give a new meaning to the whole hung like a horse thing.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            No comment 😉

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            you know you were thinking it.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • notisaidthepig


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            A pig understands.

          • notisaidthepig


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Yellow blue tibia.

          • notisaidthepig


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Edwin

            Something else you may not have known


          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol no. no just not clicking that lol.

          • 17


          • notisaidthepig

            I didn’t need to see that. You’ve ruined Bugs Bunny!!!!!

          • The_Fixer

            What’s really disturbing is that a video about an animal penis was put up by a guy who calls himself Jaws007.

            And one wonders how he discovered that…

          • Edwin

            Oh, my! They were very twisted back in those days.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Yes they were. Wonder woman was also a dom.

          • The_Fixer

            They still are pretty weird. One of my friends edits romance novels, but not the usual ones with Fabio on the cover. We’re talking changelings – people who change into animals. Animals like Prarie Dogs. Then there’s the aliens.

            It’s a wide world out there….

          • Rich H

            Nell was in love Dudley’s horse. I don’t know if the feeling was mutual – hmm, I guess it was.


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • The_Fixer


          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Edwin

            Hi, Stephanie. So glad you could join us. :~>

          • Hello Edwin.

            I would be lying if I said this wasn’t somewhat painful for me, but I am happy to see everybody again.

          • The whole thing is sad and silly, all around; I went through it a bit earlier than most of us here, now, but at least it’s nice to see all my favorite people again.

          • Edwin

            You haven’t been stalked… yet.

          • Nancy

            awe hello! lovely that you are here-the links kept getting taken down!

          • Nancy♡

          • Nancy


          • Well, welcome aboard Stephanie!

          • Ty:^)

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Oh boy, do we have some stories to tell you. Now that you are posting here, expect to get banned from the Banned room.

          • ♡ Spiffy, who’s banned?

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Basically everyone that posts there except maybe Ov and Krenshin (I suck at spelling his name.)

            I am banned though.

          • lindajoyous

            Don’t think ricki banned me yet since my testing comment!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol I’m sure you will be banned soon.

          • lindajoyous

            That’s ok if she does, I didn’t like her drilling me about 17! She was probably trying to turn me against him!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • 17

            She was drilling you too? WTF?

          • lindajoyous

            Yes she did, she took me in the music room and said you created some socks! Remember when I told I wasn’t to happy when we first started posting there, she came all unglued cause tpv found us out and made us delete and bunch of comments!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • 17

            Oh. Way back then.

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah, sorry I got put in the middle of all that 17!

          • 17

            You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m the one who’s sorry you got caught up in it.

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you my friend!

          • Edwin

            You don’t need to be sorry. She’s the sick one.

          • Edwin

            I think she was stalking and drilling a lot of people. She’s a sick fuck.

            Did you see last night I put up a list for people to complete? Add your name if you have been stalked and/or drilled. Copy, add your name, repost. For the record.

            1. Edwin

          • Edwin

            that one made me laugh– priceless, you slipping in there like that

          • lindajoyous

            Thank you!

          • kreskin

            I saw that . Real sneaky . LOL

          • lindajoyous


          • I saw some of your posts you were very fair while discussing the problem with them.

            I’m sorry.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Yeah. I tried to be a nice spiffy. Didn’t work.

          • Shohanna

            As far as I know I am not banned and before I made my first post here, I actually… went… private. I can’t believe I did that. 10 yrs on Disqus and never once was I private. /sigh it feels like I lost some battle.

          • smkngman3

            Weren’t you lonesome?

          • I’ve actually been out of town for the last couple of days with no internet.

          • Shohanna

            VERY!! OMFG!! You guys left me alone to fend for myself. **feels very put out** /jk

          • lindajoyous

            Hi Stephanie, good to see you!

          • Ty, Linda♡

          • lindajoyous

            You’re very welcomed!

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • notisaidthepig

            That would explain it. Oink!

          • :^)lol

          • kreskin

            Oculus is the one who threw me a lifeline , I had no idea what had happened .

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Ah there you are. Sorry for butchering your name. Have you been banned yet?

          • kreskin

            From TBR ? Not to my knowledge . I wasn’t around when all the shit started flying.

          • Edwin

            I think it’s been flying for a long time, but behind closed doors. Now it’s hit the fan and the world knows.

          • kreskin

            I can recall a couple incidents …. minus the details , paid little attention to be honest with you . The whole thing caught me by surprise.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Most peeps get banned for posting here automatically.

          • kreskin

            Dunno . Oculus gave me the link to this place while in TBR , but I noticed that he’s still commenting over there.

          • 17

            Yeah, we kinda don’t understand that.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Yeah. IDK maybe they just keep some around, so its not completely empty.

          • The_Fixer

            They need him for content. Same with Taleisin. If those two weren’t there, there would be nothing besides Ricki and Neb commiserating.

          • 17

            You mis-spelled “masturbating”.

          • The_Fixer

            Ha Ha Ha Ha!

          • You mis-spelled “masturbating”.

            I was going to make some snarky reply to fixer’s comment, but that wins the Internet for the day! I won’t even try to compete. ROFL.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            everyone needs some tally in their life lol.

          • smkngman3

            OV seems to like posting to no one.

          • The_Fixer

            I noticed that. Kind of like he posts reflexively or something.

          • Shohanna

            I noticed that too! I wonder if he/she is just bored and waiting for Ricki to go off on them. I thought about doing that too, but it was too easy.

          • Shohanna

            Dude, you missed the threads after everyone was gone. It WAS just those two commiserating. I couldn’t even comment because it was so fucking stupid. They brought it on themselves. And for 2 days I had to stare at their bullshit b/c I couldn’t find this place and had no idea ya’ll gathered somewhere else. **ends rant**

          • The_Fixer

            Hi Shohanna! I am so happy you made it here, Dear!

            Oh, I looked in occasionally, but of course, could not comment because I am now banned. This was in spite of the fact that I had not commented there since perhaps the Thursday or Friday just prior to the big blow-up. Like everyone else here, I am banned for the simple reason that I commented here.

            Those two had me fooled for a while, I admit it. I was increasingly suspicious of Ricki, though. I foolishly believed what she said about 17 at first. Then she went off on Cathyx for no reason. It was vicious and of course, uncalled-for. Then she went off on Unkawillbur because he wanted to start a blog. She was pissed and claimed that he was trying to “steal” her readership. Like people only read one blog! Her worries about people leaving her blog for this one turned out to be unintentionally prophetic – but not through the efforts of Unkawillbur or anyone else – it was her doing entirely.

            I looked at this blog and wanted to comment a few times, but there was little happening here at the time. Which was a shame, it was clear Unka had put a good deal of time and effort into this place. I kept looking in, though. Thing is, all of the people I have come to know were at TBR, and in the back of my mind, I figured that if I was seen here, that would be all for me at TBR. In retrospect, that alone should have told me something, huh?

            I noticed that some people were making themselves scarce at TBR, people whose comments I enjoyed reading. Then, of course, the Demented Duo started to harass Edwin. Edwin don’t take shit lying down, of course. Then the shit hit the fan – I watched it as it happened. I followed the goings-on and saw a number of people congregating at Plum Street Chili. Learned a great deal that night, and eventually looked at 17’s “Woodshed.” My reaction was “Holy Fuck, Ricki has some serious mental issues!” I contacted 17 and let him know that I was sorry not only because I had believed the Duchess of Derangement rather than him, but for what had happened to him and Mrs. 17. He then directed me here.

            Again, happy to see that you’ve been rescued and are in the “Safe House” 🙂

          • Shohanna

            I am crying because I didn’t know. I believed her. I am so sorry 17. I have had a stalker, I KNOW THE FEAR. It’s not fair. It’s not right. It’s horrible and I curtailed my LIFE because of it.

            It changed me. It changed my habits. I STILL have a fear he will find me. I don’t mention my real name, or where I live. B/C of that.

          • lindajoyous

            Ricki might be thinking I’m coming back so she can drill me again! Just kidding

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • lindajoyous


          • 17

            Tell her that everything is explained in detail in The Woodshed. In fact, she has my home phone number. Tell her just to call me. Oh, wait. She can’t…her phone’s being tracked. Nevermind.

          • lindajoyous

            I have no plans on going back and getting mixed up in that nonsense. I had no idea she was this bad!

          • Shohanna

            Hey Linda, You and me both chick. I was completely in the dark about her nefarious underdoings. However I knew she was a troll so I carry some blame of not warning anyone. I figured everyone already KNEW that it was a big bright neon sign from C&L. AND RS.

            So much for “everyone knew” theory. LOL Totally my fault. /sigh

          • lindajoyous

            Hi Shohanna, good to see you! Actually I didn’t know all of this about Ricki until the last few months! Mostly noticed it happening at tbr and at chatzy. Glad it came to a head and don’t have to deal with people like that! 🙂

          • Shohanna

            Yes! I so agree!!

          • Edwin

            I bet she wishes she could wat-rborded me. It was more than just “a joke” she posted last night.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            dafuq?! I hate torturers.

          • Edwin

            Last night they trashed all of us.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Fucking morons.

          • Edwin

            They’re worse than morons. Morons have an excuse.

          • The_Fixer

            Then there was the “separating the wheat from the chaff” video. They’re not good at subtlety, are they?

          • Edwin

            and the waterb0rding comments were a bit of a give away too

          • Edwin

            they thought it was funny to call us fleas

          • Shohanna

            THAT’S what that was about. Damn talk about clueless here. **BLUSH**

          • The_Fixer

            When you’re not expecting that level of vitriol, and you’re a decent person, it simply doesn’t occur to you that someone would do or say such things!

          • Shohanna

            I know. My innocents has got me hurt so many times. I try not to be. Goddamn I am a cynic and I STILL get hit to the heart.

          • Shohanna

            I was uncomfortable about that “Announcement”. I had no idea where they were getting it from. As far as I SAW there was maybe 1 or 2 deleted comments and that was it… They acted like nothing ever happened. Which REALLY made me mad.. I am like yeah well what happened.. And they just shrug and say nothing.

          • Edwin


          • lindajoyous

            I saw that, those two are a funny pair!

          • Edwin

            Let’s lock our guests in a room, handcuff them and then waternb0red them. Just a normal, run-of-the-mill blog. Mmm-hmm.

          • lindajoyous

            And without a lawyer! You’re safe now from all that!

          • Edwin

            Who the fuck do they think they are?

          • lindajoyous

            I don’t know, thought when they just start that blog up that it was ok to rant about being banned! Anyways we are out of there now!

          • Edwin

            Extra Extra: The banned room bans 95% of its guests.

          • lindajoyous

            Lol and it’s true too!

          • lindajoyous

            Yeah without a lawyer present!

          • Edwin

            Like the DNC paying seat fillers.

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Posting outside of there is a bannable offense.

          • Shohanna

            That would explain why I haven’t been banned… Yet.

            I have been too busy in RL to post anywhere else. LOL

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Glad you made it 🙂

          • Shohanna

            Thank you!

          • kreskin

            I remember commenting on how nice everyone was , next thing I knew all hell had broken loose.

          • notisaidthepig

            Yeah, it happened very quickly. I got out of there as fast as I could when I realized that it was happening again (like at C&L).

          • C&L was the Canary. After there RS, Alternet, etc. etc started closing ranks. Following Kos’ lead, in purging actual liberals from Democratic Party media organs, I guess.

          • Or, rather, following the same “recommendations” as whoever “recommended” it to Kos.

          • Edwin

            They stalked me. You wouldn’t think I would be quiet about that, would you? NO. I was not. I let everyone know.

            I posted the screen grabs in another thread.

          • lindajoyous

            She didn’t feel good the other day, Hope she is ok and you can let her know where we are all at!

          • I as well, hope she is ok.

          • lindajoyous

            Me too, I really like Shohanna and everyone here!

          • Edwin

            There are a few more, but it’s funny when you’re pressed to list them it’s hard. (Maybe I need to write them down on paper– so old school)

          • notisaidthepig

            Veri, MsP mentioned him.

          • Edwin

            I wonder if anyone knows fiver?? That would be friggin’ awesome!!!

      • smkngman3


        Stupid Git?

        • Edwin

          Isn’t dpl here?

          • notisaidthepig


          • smkngman3

            He posted at tbr yesterday.

        • notisaidthepig

          dpl is already here.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      yay 🙂

    • Nancy

      looking like he’s off for a few days again.

      • Nevin

        That’s OK. He knows where his friends are.

        • Nancy


  • ROFL: Looks like David Hewlett’s character is taking a little trip, whether he likes it or not…

  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad
    • It’s a bit slow… LOL

      • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

        They’re replacing us.

  • SpiffyTheValiant
  • all_hail_the_hypno_toad
  • Nevin

    Goodnight my friends. What a productive night.

    • Nancy

      it was a great score-they just deleted it.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Good night, sweet dreams.

      • Nevin

        Goodnight handsome.

    • The_Fixer

      Nitey-Nite, pleasant dreams!

      • Nevin

        Nite Fixer.

        • Shohanna

          Night Blue. 😀

          • Nevin

            So happy to see you Shohanna.

          • Shohanna

            Happy to see you as well and everyone! OMG I missed you!! **bounces and rubs her fur on you** MINE!

    • notisaidthepig

      Good night, Nevin. Good work today!

    • 17


    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Nevin! See you soon! 🙂

    • smkngman3


    • Good night Nevin.

      • Nevin

        Glad you were able to find your way here Stephanie.

    • Edwin

      Good night..

  • Nancy

    they pulled the link from TBR…good Stephanie and Talesin saw it!

    • Nevin

      Let me guess, I’ve been banned?

      • Nancy


      • SpiffyTheValiant
      • kreskin

        A good guess , I’d say .

      • Edwin

        Very subtle name :~>

        • lindajoyous

          Yeah and probably getting more angry now!

        • Nevin

          You’ve taught me all about subtlety.

          • Edwin

            a 250 lb gorilla hiding behind a little screen

    • Blue Basilisk

      I couldn’t even get TBR to load yesterday. Probably for the best.

      • Nancy

        hahaha…it’s like a train wreck.
        you are right-you didn’t miss much.

  • notisaidthepig

    Time to hit the sack. Good night, everyone.

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Noti!

    • Edwin

      Good night.

    • smkngman3

      Night Noti.

    • The_Fixer

      Good Night, Sir Pig!

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Good night.

  • smkngman3

    “Iran and Turkey agree to cooperate over Syria”

    At a joint news conference on Friday in Ankara, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, said the two neighbouring nations have agreed to “keep closer contact” on the issue of the “territorial integrity of Syria”.


    • kreskin

      Erdogan got a dose of reality , found out who his friends were during that Mickey Mouse coup attempt .So much for joining the E.U . .

      • smkngman3

        Erdogan was NEVER our friend.

        • kreskin

          He wanted to join the EU , but has changed course now … after the coup attempt.

          • smkngman3

            His intent is to make Turkey an Islamic state and absorb much of Syria.

            When he was first invited to the party, he was buying / selling ISIS oil and bombing the Kurds.

          • kreskin

            I am well aware of that , he’s been trying to get Turkey admitted into to the E.U. … at the same time . .

          • smkngman3

            Playing all sides.

            But do you really think an Islamic Turkey would be invited to join the EU?

            He’s been sucking up to Russia as well.

          • kreskin

            Exactly . He turned on the Russians for a time … when he was courting the west , now he’s doing another 180 .

            Do I think they’d admit Turkey ? I don’t , no .

          • smkngman3

            It was a HUGE mistake getting Turkey involved in Syria!

          • kreskin

            Insanity = U.S. foreign policy .

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            It’s the conventional wisdom, only serious thinkers allowed.

          • kreskin

            Good night , comrades . That’s it for me .

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


          • 17

            G’nite Kreskin.

          • smkngman3

            Later kreskin!

          • lindajoyous

            Goodnight Kreskin!

          • The_Fixer


          • Goodnight Kreskin.

  • smkngman3

    “Erdogan Threatens To Abandon US Dollar In Trade With Russia”

    The unexpectedly sharp antagonism between Turkey and the west accelerated today, and one day after NATO preemptively reminded Turkey that it is still a NATO alliance member and advising Ankara that “Turkey’s NATO membership is not in question”, Turkey had some more choice words for its military allies. Cited by Reuters, Turkey foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told Turkish’s NTV television on Thursday that the country “may seek other options outside NATO for defense industry cooperation,although its first option is always cooperation with its NATO allies.”
    Translation: if Russia (and/or China) gives us a better “defensive” offer, we just may take it.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      I guess we’ll have to invade…

      • The_Fixer

        … to protect American Interests.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          We invaded Iraq for similar reasons.

          • The_Fixer

            We invade everywhere to protect American interests. It’s always framed that way.

            Except that they purposefully omit the word “Business” between the “American” and “Interests” in the media briefings.

      • 17

        Aren’t we supposed to wait until he “barrel bombs” his own people, first?

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          We could just say they did, maybe even say they worked with the Russians to hack the poor DNC.

          • 17

            Roll some old Fox News footage and we’re good to go!

          • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

            Not like the peasants will know the difference.

    • kreskin

      Can’t trust the west , the U.S. and it’s lap dog allies … I should say .

    • As the international oligarchy takes shape, stretching to consolidate power, nations are taking sides. Cold War, anyone? Deja Vu, all over again.

      • Shohanna

        That’s exactly what we are seeing here. It’s also rumored that Clinton caused this mess with the order to coup Turkey and turn them for the US.

        I thought we were already friends with Turkey and that Russia had attacked Turkey, why would they now want to have dealings with Russia when she can’t be trusted not to attack them “accidentally”?

        Talk about confusing.. lol

        ETA: Information from the M$M…..

  • SpiffyTheValiant

    Good night guys.

    • Night Spiff

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      See ya later Spiffy <3

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Spiffy! 🙂

    • 17

      G’nite Ma’am 😉

    • smkngman3


    • The_Fixer

      Good night, My Queen. Sleep well and regally.

    • Night Spiffy:^)

    • Edwin

      Good night, Spiff.

  • smkngman3
    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Such foreign policy expertise they have.

    • 17

      And then we armed, trained, and funded them until those meddling Russians came in and ruined everything.

      • smkngman3

        Our brain trust steps in shit and then reacts to the mess they created.

        • RTIII

          Not like it’s an accident…

          • smkngman3


            Watch the voting video posted at the end of the other thread or Noti reposted at the beginning of this one.

          • RTIII

            Oh geez, that was 9 hours ago you posted that! … (Worked until midnight last night.)

            Will go hunt it down…

          • Hi RTIII.

          • RTIII


            Glad to see you found us! 😀

  • lindajoyous

    ‘Making a Murderer’: How the justice system criminalizes mental illness, disabilities


  • 17


    • Nevin

      I’m sure your dreams will be bigger than that. 😉

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad


    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight and sweet dreams! 🙂

    • Edwin

      Night, 17.

  • smkngman3

    “State Department: Hillary’s ethics pledge did not apply to her top aides”

    A State Department spokesperson clarified Thursday that Hillary Clinton’s 2009 ethics pledge—to avoid conflicts of interest with the Clinton Foundation—did not extend to Clinton’s top aides at the


    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Wasn’t she throwing them under the bus saying it was their idea to have the private server and not tell anyone blah blah not my fault bs?!

      • smkngman3

        I lost track of all the lies.

        • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

          They must be thrilled working for her.

  • smkngman3

    Good night all!

    See you later.

    • all_hail_the_hypno_toad

      Laters. Going to crash meself


      • The_Fixer

        Good Night, D. I am out, too.

        • lindajoyous

          Goodnight Fixer!

        • Nevin

          Later Fixer.

        • Edwin

          cya, Fixer

        • Nite:^)

      • lindajoyous

        Goodnight toad!

      • Nevin

        Nite handsome.

      • Edwin

        See ya next time,Toad.

      • Have a good night Daniel:^)

    • The_Fixer

      Good Night, Smokey.

  • smkngman3
    • Nevin

      Nite Smokey.

    • lindajoyous

      Goodnight Smokey!

    • Edwin

      Good night, Smokey.

    • Good seeing you again, have a good night smokey.

      • smkngman3

        Glad you joined us!

  • Edwin

    Midday Open Thread – The Hillary Podcast (Listen Here)

    Hillary Clinton is podcasting from the Campaign Trail, and you can hear it on your laptop or phone.
    By Frances Langum on Fri, 08/12/2016 – 12:00pm

    • Edwin


    • I can’t listen to her.

      • Edwin

        Ha ha. People have all these absolutes, but I must be the curious cat that just wants to know. :~>

        • It’s not an absolute. I just have to be in the right frame of mind before I can handle her voice, her thoughts, and words.

          It took me almost a week before I could listen to her acceptance speech for the nomination.

          • Edwin

            I get it. I am the curious cat.

            It doesn’t sound like her. She sounds super-sweet and super-nice, not like the usually bark-y voice she usually uses. 5 mins. was enough. All softball pulp bullshit to sweeten her up.

          • The thing that gets me most about Hillary Clinton is that I know she’s lying.

            She isn’t the only politician who uses vagueness to suppress their intent. However her and Bill push it to the extreme.

            That was one of the refreshing things about Bernie Sanders, was that he told you what he honestly thought, and what his intentions were.

          • Edwin

            She’s a lousy actor that’s for sure. I haven’t listened to her much this campaign because I can’t. Can’t listen to Obama or Biden either. Can’t listen to 90% of US politicians because they are assholes.

            I’m watching this right now, as I cook. Warning you hear both Clintons, but it’s also the story of their CA$H and how shit flows.


          • towerofbabel

            Nothing we don’t know already but shocking when laid out piece by piece. Coming to a FORMER DEMOCRACY NEAR YOU.

          • towerofbabel

            Bernie Sanders endorsed candidate Hillary Clinton.

          • Edwin

            and I’m still not sure why (still thinking about it)

          • Shohanna

            That was my favorite thing about his campaign too. You could tell it was coming from the heart, which made his betrayal hurt that much worse too. I couldn’t do what he did. Even if it meant losing my life. BUT had they threatened my kids? Yeah, I would. Which is WHY I believe very strongly they threatened his family. I can grock that very well. I understand that, and I can forgive him on that basis alone.

            I am still writing in his name. There is no one else for me to vote for. Bernie or Bust.

          • Nice to see you Shohanna♡

            I saw your posts to me at TBR but couldn’t respond because the thread had been closed. Thank you for sharing your heart ♡

          • Shohanna

            I wondered whether you had seen it or anyone had seen it. I had no idea they closed the thread and banned most everyone it was meant for. *HUG*

            Gah politics I am so bad at it. LOL

          • (((Hugs))) yeah so am I ;^)

            It really means a lot that you thought you could share with me, I truly appreciate you.

          • Shohanna

            Awww! **tears up** Thank you! I appreciate you and your post too. I wanted to share. 😀

          • Anytime sweetie. You should have come over to the exiled tonight. I think we’re all starting to feel better. And I very much like having you around:^)

          • Shohanna

            I tried, but I couldn’t find a current thread. 10am too early for unka? haha

          • Shohanna

            I found it, 17 showed me how to get to the current thread. 😀 Thanks!

          • Edwin

            No offense by the “absolute thing” but lots of people won’t click links because they don’t want to see what’s at the other end. Me, I’m not bothered by that.

          • None taken, my post was a one-dimensional statement, that could easily be seen as an absolute.

            I’m just trying to wrap my head around the events that have transpired and the information that you guys have. I’m distracted:)

          • Edwin


            None of it was about my Karoli posts. That is a lie. I asked if those were OK and they said yes. They never did ask me to stop. All of it has to do with 17. Ricki thinks 17 is out to get her and thinks many of us are in on it. That was the real problem with me, she thinks I’m one of 17’s agents. (No, I am not making this up.) Here are some screen grabs from my 2nd 2-hour interrogation in their chtazy room.

            Keep in mind that I’m just some guy that comments at a blog and I had 2 chatzy room interrogations. Is that normal???????

            my screen grabs — my interrogation




            “I hate to bring up 17”
            (yeah, right—sure you do)


          • Edwin
          • Edwin

            They are sick-twisted-fucks.

          • Edwin
          • Edwin

            They’ve also interrogated cathyx and lindajoyous and probably others, too. It’s all coming out now.

          • Yeah, I see that. I’ve read quite a bit tonight. It’s 5:30 in the am here. So I need to go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow.

          • Edwin

            Good night. Get some rest.

            It’s all pretty freaky. I have learned a whole lot of stuff myself. Creepy creepy creepy.

          • Rich H

            I’ll never listen to it. The few seconds of her deranged face was enough for me.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            <3 yeah Clinton pretty much sets me off no matter what she says.

          • :^) of course it does it’s always annoying when people think we’re so stupid we’ll buy their s***

  • Edwin
  • 17


  • 17

    Shohanna made it! Welcome Sho 😉

    • Shohanna

      Thank you! Omg that’s a lot of reading. HOLY COW, I am so sorry 17, I had no idea! Honest, I had NO FUCKING CLUE… Forgive me? *hugs*

      • 17

        Nothing to forgive, Sho. You never said an unkind word, and had no clue what was going on. She (with the Nutless Wonder’s help) covered her tracks very well.

        • Shohanna

          She really did! I had no idea why everyone started to disappear. I suppose I spend too much time playing my game sometimes. but it’s only during expansions that I spend this much time. (My other daughter is in VA, and we play the game together.) So it’s kinda expected I want to spend time with my other daughter too.

          I feel really bad I wasn’t more invested in the goings on of TBR. But too much politics will mush your brain. And well, haha games will mush brains too. /nod HAHA

  • Shohanna

    I had to find the relevant thread!! **smdh**

    I’ll be honest, I was curious why everyone was over at a known trolls
    place. But i didn’t question, because we really were “scattered” after
    C&L screwed over everyone. But the goods? R*cki was always a fucking
    troll on C&L, I never trusted her. I even had a huge rant typed out
    and ready to go when I heard the news.

    What little of it I
    managed to piece together. She trolled on not just C&L but RS too,
    for YEARS. Not months, not days. No, YEARS. Some of her posts were
    relevant and she get an upvote now and then from me. But otherwise she
    would pull a split personality and completely go off on some innocent
    poster. It’s no wonder she was banned. (part of my rant too)

    can go along to get along, and I tried. I figured maybe she had a turn
    of heart that she wouldn’t arbitrarily go off and freak out on

    Needless to say, I was wrong. I am sad and will
    forever feel betrayed that I was wrong. So someone want to fucking tell
    me what happened?! I don’t really feel included atm. I am always the
    last one that knows. /sigh

    • HITO
      • Shohanna

        I read that mess too! Holy cow… I missed out. LOL

        • HITO

          It was important to read. Horrible to embrace. Learn from it and move on. I’m too old for that type of shit. 🙂

    • 17
      • Edwin


        • Edwin

          to Neb

          • Edwin


      • EdgarHF

        I remember maybe a month or two ago you leaving that link as a reply to a post I made on alternet. I saw it maybe 6 hours after you posted it. I had never heard of chatzy at the time. I still have never used it. I had hit the link at the time and just a prompt to enter my user name. That confused this old man. At least I kinda know what it was now. Lol

        • 17

          You can use any name you want there. It doesn’t require your disqus name.

          • EdgarHF

            You would think being a programmer by profession I would know this stuff better.

      • EdgarHF

        Nuttier than I even imagined.

    • 17

      Glad you found the right page. Welcome!

      • Shohanna

        Thank you 17!

    • Edwin


      i’m too tired right now — getting to my bedtime fast, These threads are full of the dirt. Everyone has stuff to tell, A real mess. They fucked with everyone.

      So glad you found us here!! Welcome.

      • Shohanna

        Thank you!! So glad to be here. 😀

        • Edwin

          We’ve been hoping and waiting for your arrival.

    • Edwin
      • Shohanna

        That was a disgusting mess! Holy cow I am so sorry Edwin. You were the last straw for me though. I saw people disappear and had no idea where you went and was afraid to ask. I was going to put up a rant, and decided it probably wasn’t a good idea. Usually I speak my mind and I have NO problems doing so. But it was the better part of valor. LOL

        I knew she was a troll, have known it. But I went to be able to talk with everyone. I don’t have anywhere else to go!

        • Edwin

          The thing is, as these things happen we don’t really know what’s going on. We’d all be banned from other places and we were in a place we thought was safe. It kinda fucks with your mind a bit. You want it to be your safe place but signs are telling you maybe it isn’t. 🙁

          It’s all on those 2 freaks. We did nothing wrong. They didn’t love us. We were playthings.

          • Shohanna

            Apparently so, it’s so sad when you can’t trust someone. You feel like a fool for doing it afterwards too.

          • Edwin


    • Edwin

      Ricki and Neb are fucking douchebags

    • EdgarHF

      Hi Shohanna. I was a few days late in finding the new place too. But everyone is working hard not to leave any soldiers behind.

      • Shohanna

        **HUGS** I felt so alone! I went and played my game, hoping someone would notify me or try to talk to me about where you guys went. /whimper

        • 17

          I tried several times, but the site I posted the link in kept zapping it because they considered it spam. I had to go back several days, too.

          • Shohanna

            I saw that too. Odd thing that. I can post links usually.

          • 17

            To be fair, my comments to you there were completely off-topic.

          • 17

            Finally I just gave up and laid out my disposable email addy to you.

          • Shohanna

            That certainly worked much better then the links. LOL And Thank you!!! **relief washes over me**

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Many attempts were made to reach you.

          • Shohanna

            I only got 17’s, even Toads was not happening. Deleted? I am not sure but I followed 17’s messages to get here. I was busy last night with the kids so I had to wait til this morning.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Most likely deleted before you saw them.

    • cathyx

      Do you remember how Ricki went off on me at TBR? You were there during that attack.

      • EdgarHF

        Were you the person she went off on because you were not giving her enough ups?

        • cathyx

          She attacked me because i didn’t say hi to her and neb when they greeted me. I never even noticed that they were greeting me or that it was mandatory that I greet them back. I didn’t see that in the TOS. That was so crazy.

          • EdgarHF

            Well I am glad we are all back together

          • cathyx

            I stopped commenting at TBR after that.

          • EdgarHF

            I think that was the incident I was referring to.

          • cathyx

            And i did save that conversation too, because i knew they were going to delete it, which they did.

          • Edwin

            I wanna see

          • 17

            Greetings, human! I grock Spock.

          • Rich H

            Shatner threw out the first pitch for the Red Sox game before Comicon.

            Did one hell of a job too, hard to believe he’s 85.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            ah ha! life.

          • notisaidthepig

            I love Kirk!

          • 17

            He’s a very funny guy, too!

          • Blue Basilisk

            I mentioned that incident in one of the other threads. She completely flipped her shit for no good reason and went hyper aggro on you.

          • Shohanna

            I remember that, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out wtf was wrong with her. Me and MsP even commented on it. I dunno if she went off on those comments either but it was about that time that MsP disappeared too and I was like OMG I am a curse now. 🙁

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            *pat pat* you aren’t a curse.

          • Shohanna

            That’s a good thing, or we will lose this place too. Please **what ever God is listening, don’t take my friends!!** /nod
            Oki I don’t think it will work, but I said it. Don’t go away again PLEASE!!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Lol I didn’t go away. I was kicked out. Do you still have the chatzy link?

          • Shohanna

            I have 17’s woodshed link, that one? I lost the other one.

          • notisaidthepig

            This catastrophe proves that we can find each other. No need to worry. (((hugs)))

          • RTIII

            It wasn’t magic, Mr Pig, it was networking! A lot of us have each other’s email addresses – and / or another chat place we use – so we were able to find peeps by networking around. I dare say there were only a few who weren’t connected in in some way or another!

          • SpiffyTheValiant
          • RTIII

            Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic! 🙂

          • notisaidthepig

            Clarke said that, didn’t he?

          • RTIII

            Arthur C, yes, I do believe – it was either him or Isac.

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            lol <3

          • Shohanna

            YAY! I got RTII email and now I have 17’s email too. 😀 I need more. /nod

          • lindajoyous

            Hi Shohanna, it is so good to see you and glad you found us! Yes I was one of the peeps that Ricki drilled for information. Glad it is over and now in the past!

          • Shohanna

            Yes, you and me both and I am so sorry linda! /hugs If only I had known. forgive me?

          • lindajoyous

            It’s not your fault at all Shohanna! Hugs back!

          • Edwin

            We are survivors

          • RTIII

            Find one of the regulars around and share your email address or get theirs – that’s how a lot of us were able to reconstitute the group! 🙂 Networking! 🙂

            Mine is Richard@CAforBernie.org.

          • notisaidthepig

            RT any news on the job???

          • RTIII

            Nope, and as I said, I don’t expect it will be quick because they’re both understaffed and swamped with applications.

          • notisaidthepig

            But there’s no time to lose! The election is 86 days away!!!

          • Shohanna

            We have exchanged emails! I forgot all about it til you just posted yours. 😀

          • EdgarHF

            I’m actually ashamed of myself for remaining silent at the time.

          • cathyx

            Everyone looked the other way, you weren’t alone in that.

          • Shohanna

            But I shouldn’t have! I am sorry!

          • RTIII

            HEY! Glad you found us! 🙂

          • EdgarHF

            But I am responsible for my inaction. In fact after the last episode of crazy I just left without saying anything.

          • Edwin

            Everyone looked the other way or everyone only saw some of the pieces of the puzzle and wondered WTF is going on?

          • Shohanna

            You and me both! Especially when MsP disappeared it was like, one at a time everyone disappeared and no “proof” of why. /sigh I feel like a heel.

          • 17

            The reasons why people left were always getting scrubbed. Nebdem had one hell of a busy job cleaning up after her every time she’d shit on the carpet.

          • Shohanna

            That would be why I never saw anyone “leave” they were just “gone” for me. (*%&(#@&4^@$(*&@*63*@^#*^@54@73@^#*%@(&$^@(#^@(674@%7@263&52674362874^@&(%$@^#&62%#&@^$$@&$@5(@^$(*^@($@ocMNY% cny4U#BTX(N*&$BCT(CB T*#3bnT%$3B%T#3y434%b94cbtg83t3 nCt o8GM Oy7 C7nT%ryc#*NY0c*ct33798#h4^#NCXy3(*TRC673TXR73nXR(#TR(

            That’s what I got to say about ASSHOLES. O.O **don’t mess with my FRIENDS**

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            That right there as a fine example of symboling. Looks like a computer error or the cat beat the ever living hell out of your keyboard.

          • Shohanna

            HAHAHA I can’t cuss the words that give me the feeling that does. /nod

          • EdgarHF

            I did not know about MsP

          • Shohanna

            I am thinking it was because we were talking about Cathyx and why Ricki would go off on her like that, and then the next day, no MsP and I go back to our comments and there was a blow out, but no real explanation and there were deleted comments there.. Should have clued me in there was something a foot.

            I have been concentrating on the Legion expansion so been busy doing that and before that I was busy with my daughter. So I wasn’t online all the time like i usually am. No wonder I was out of the loop.

          • 17

            There was massive editing going on there. Whole threads would disappear, or be re-arranged. I watched that place like a hawk. Most people didn’t notice because the threads were so fluid.

          • Shohanna

            I KNEW there was something going on!! I could tell because I read entire threads. I will look at new comments and then move down the thread. I couldn’t ever keep track of threads there. It kinda pissed me off but I just brushed it off as “too many comments”. LOL

            That and I really wasn’t interested in a lot of the comments esp when they get in to sports, or hate fests. Just not a hater. I don’t hate C&L I think it’s sad they catered to their advertisers and that it won’t last in the long run. But /shrug what are you going to do? Hate itself is a bad emotion to be embroiled in all the time. I can’t handle that. My blood pressure is already running too high now as it is WITH meds. I have to pick and choose where I get angry. lol It has to be worth it. And I have a long fuse that tends to go out before it makes me blow up. LOL

            Oki there is a caveat, certain subjects will set me off immediately. SO I avoid them if possible. LOL

          • Edwin

            I had a gas trashing Karoli. Loved being able to do that. Loved it.

            If one is going to be that much of a douchebag to my face then expect resistance.

          • Shohanna

            Yup, I agree! There are a few subjects, I need myself that are open and able to be blasted on a regular basis. One of those things that gets under your skin and the only available release is bitching about it. /nod

          • Edwin

            Karoli is everything that’s wrong in America and why you can’t have nice things.

          • Shohanna

            So true I finally removed her from following me. I didn’t even know she was! O.O

          • Edwin

            Ooooo. How creepy. I feel sorry for you.

          • Edwin

            Yup. Somtimes the comments flowed in really fast. I’d go to the store or do some cooking, whatever, and come back and there were hundreds of new comments so I just refreshed the page. Then of course, you miss out on all the intricacies because you don’t follow who said what to whom when.

          • EdgarHF

            I actually missed the dust up myself. I just went online one morning and saw their insulting announcement post and had enough.

          • Edwin

            MsP disappeared?

          • Shohanna

            Yeah, she disappeared at TBR. I had no idea where she went and I tried to reply to her where I last seen her. But they banned her. 🙁

          • Edwin

            Don’t be. We are alone at our computers wondering WTF is going on. Not always obvious until it becomes very obvious.

          • Shohanna

            I didn’t greet them either. I responded now and then but mostly the thread went so fast I couldn’t keep up. LOL

          • cathyx

            There would be so many comments that i would just refresh to keep up, so a greeting downthread would go unnoticed. But even if i were aware of all the greetings and didn’t greet back, is that a reason to be attacked? Many times i upvote people who say hi to me because frankly, i hate all the hi’s on these threads. (I’m ducking now)

          • Shohanna

            HAHA It would drive me nuts too! You aren’t the only one. We read the threads and we comment if we want to add our two cents. and UPVOTE is a GREETING! lol At least in my book it is. **comfort**

          • Edwin

            Ha ha. We are a polite and friendly bunch.

          • Edwin

            Next time I’m going to greet them with a rusty shovel up their yoohoos.

      • Shohanna

        Yes, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why she did it or what you did to deserve it. It was horrible. 🙁 I am so sorry Cathyx

        • cathyx

          That was totally wacko.

        • 17

          It was because she found out that Cathy and I were talking behind the scenes.

    • Nevin

      I am so happy you are here. All of us have been waiting for you and hoping you got the message that we packed up and moved.

      • Shohanna

        I saw that Blue I felt so abandoned. LOL

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          *hugs the lost kitten*

          • Shohanna


        • Nevin

          When it is slow here you can find everyone at http://us21.chatzy.com/52151784426881

          • notisaidthepig

            Is this too public? Eyes might be watching!

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Can always ban hammer hitchhikers and I’m sure Nevin will edit it out.

          • notisaidthepig

            Just want to be sure….

          • SpiffyTheValiant

            Don’t worry, you are a safe pig.

          • Nevin

            I’ll edit it.

          • notisaidthepig


    • SpiffyTheValiant

      I can give a summary if you want.

      *spiffy valiantly tries not to die from this horrible muggy weather. *

      • Shohanna

        Aww I have an ice cold towel we can wrap you in! 😀

        • SpiffyTheValiant


      • Edwin

        Is it as bad there as it is here? No end in sight here, been so long now.

    • notisaidthepig

      Good morning, Sho. Finally! You are here. So good to see you.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        lol that’s what i said xD

      • Shohanna

        NOTI!! *HUGS* **BOUNCES**

        Finally I find you guys.. OMFG it was a like omg where is everyone, why have they abandoned me, and why is ricki and neb masturbating all over these threads. O.O

        Holy shit get a room already, and then OC just posting links and links and no one else.. 3 or 4 DAYS!! O.O It was a nightmare let me tell ya, and I KNEW if I posted a question about it, I would be banned, so I checked Disqus everyday and only got 17’s messages. O.O They REALLY didn’t want me to find this place apparently. LOL

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          lmao someone screen shot that post. it’s hilarious.

          • notisaidthepig

            Edwin needs to see it.

          • SpiffyTheValiant


          • Edwin

            I’m here. Good morning.

        • notisaidthepig

          SOOOO good to see you here. Yep, that other places is fucked. Best stay away from the crazy. We all have enough to deal with. I certainly don’t need more. Just want a place to hang with my friends and talk politics and whatever else we want to talk about. Thankfully, Unka, had this place all ready and has let us emigrate en masse. Cool.

          • Shohanna

            Yes, I even know Unka from way back too! 😀 Awesome place. Thank you Unka!!

  • cathyx

    Has this been discussed here yet?

    The U.S. Government Just Approved an Enormous Oil Pipeline

    All that work keeping the Keystone Pipeline from being approved, and Obama quietly slips this by everyone.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      I think someone posted about it. Might have been Smokey or Rich.

      • Rich H

        Smokey, he’s always on top of everything.

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • 17

      Yeah. Funny thing. No one knew anything about it til it was approved.

    • Rich H

      It’s because the democrats, especially Hillary, all believe in Climate Change. What are the odds it leaks over the first 3 months, 6 months, year or two years – because you know it’s going to happen.

    • Nevin

      He through out a few social issues to appease us while he was preparing to fuck us.

      • Rich H

        Erm, those social issues were…allowing the police to kill blacks without consequence?

        • Nevin

          SSM. It really has become despair and same ole.

      • notisaidthepig

        He’s offal.

        • 17


          • notisaidthepig


    • notisaidthepig

      I didn’t see it but, then again, I wasn’t here most of yesterday.

    • notisaidthepig

      Why won’t he think of the children? I’m serious. HIS children if no one else’s.

      • cathyx

        A. They don’t live there, and B. his children will get tons more money from their inheritance with all this help from his new friends when he leaves office.

        • Rich H

          And they’ll all get to live under an Atomic bomb proof dome with their own clean water, clean air, and food supply.

          Go figure.

          • EdgarHF

            Like in Dr Strangelove

          • Nevin

            Morning Edgar. How did your guitar lesson go?

          • EdgarHF

            Hey Nev, I don’t take lessons. I began playing in 1966. I just make sure I do at least an hour of practice a day.😄

          • Nevin

            Oh OK. My uncle was Freddie Gretsch. Early on The Beatles used his musical instruments.

          • notisaidthepig


          • Nevin

            I remember, years ago, there was a trivial question on the radio about The Beatles. I knew the answer was Gretsch instruments, but didn’t feel it was fair to call in.

          • notisaidthepig

            It’s why we like you. Integrity counts for something. Oink!

          • Nevin

            Thank you Noti.

          • notisaidthepig

            You’re very welcome.

          • EdgarHF

            Very cool. Brian Setzer is big on Gretches.

          • Nevin

            After my parents divorced we didn’t stay in contact. From what I understand the business was sold and years later they bought it back.

      • 17

        HIS children will be just fine. Don’t worry yourself to death about it.

  • notisaidthepig
    • SpiffyTheValiant

      If she keeps being honest like that Trump will have her tried in gitmo.

    • 17

      We got caught directly arming, training, and funding them. Now we’re taking a more descrete route.

  • notisaidthepig
    • notisaidthepig

      I wonder….. I know that Bernie had just about everyone under 45 across all lines. Right? But all anyone ever says is Trump can’t be president.

    • notisaidthepig

      The article on charter schools was interesting for those who are…well, interested.

      • SpiffyTheValiant

        Allow Spiffy to sum up Charter Schools for those not familiar.

        Charter schools are a nice way for the rich to privatize education for the poor, by sucking out public funds for education and enriching themselves. They pretend to have better results, so poor people can feel like they are able to give their children the “best” education.

        In summary: They suck and are a rip off.

  • Rich H

    From Alternet this morning.

    The 9 Reasons Republican Bigwigs Are Urging Party to Abandon Trump

    The Biggest Spender Backing Donald Trump? The NRA.

    Matt Taibbi: Trump’s All White Male Economic Team Includes ‘Financial Crisis Villain’ John Paulson

    The 9 Reasons Republican Bigwigs Are Urging Party to Abandon Trump (have to post this one twice in case you missed it the first time).

    Republican Kelly Ayotte’s Senate Race Is a Case Study in How Not to Handle Donald Trump

    Despite Trump, U.S. Senate Could Stay in GOP Hands, New Swing State Polls Suggest

    Paul Krugman Reveals the Despicable Motivations Behind Trump’s Most Powerful GOP Supporters

    70 Top Republicans Call on the RNC to Dump Trump: His ‘Chances of Being Elected President Are Evaporating by the Day’

    Koch Brothers’ Toadies Ryan and Pence Clean Up and Cover for Trump’s Violent Rhetoric

    Trying to Make America Male Again: Women Control the Ballot Box—and Angry, Sexist Trump Voters Can’t Deal

    An Open Letter to Ivanka Trump from Michael Moore: ‘Your Dad Is Not Well’ (on a personal note, FU Michael).

    Larry Wilmore Shreds Trump’s ‘Chief Spokesgoblin’ Katrina Pierson

    Former Trump Staffer Sues Campaign, Claims Officials Failed to Take Action After State Director Pulled a Gun on Him

    Trump Sets Course for Mayhem After Election

    9 Off-the-Wall Republicans Who Find Donald Trump Too Crazy… Even for Them

    The GOP’s Youth-Vote Disaster: Donald Trump’s Nomination Could Hurt Republicans for Years to Come

    Fox News Now Just Openly Mocking Donald Trump and His ‘Unfair Media’ Rants

    Larry Wilmore Shreds Trump’s ‘Chief Spokesgoblin’ Katrina Pierson (gotta put that one up twice too).

    Paul Krugman Reveals the Despicable Motivations Behind Trump’s Most Powerful GOP Supporters (this one is twice too, at what point are they guilty of spamming?).

    Fox News Now Just Openly Mocking Donald Trump and His ‘Unfair Media’ Rants (twice, this is getting boring).

    The 9 Reasons Republican Bigwigs Are Urging Party to Abandon Trump (We didn’t catch this the first two times).

    The 9 Reasons Republican Bigwigs Are Urging Party to Abandon Trump (alright, now the same article is posted 4 times on their front page).

    BUT. I’ve saved the best for last.

    We Shouldn’t Be Surprised Donald Trump Wants Hillary Clinton Dead (he’s not the only one).

    • Nevin

      They are focusing on down ballot candidates to effectively neuter Clinton.

    • notisaidthepig

      Damn. They are outdoing themselves.

    • cathyx

      Trump sure gets a lot of free media attention, lol.

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      Republicans, you made your bed. Lay in it.

      Same to the Democrats.

    • notisaidthepig

      How high can they ratchet the fear? I suppose we will find out.

    • Rich H

      But what about Hillary?

      Hillary’s Economic Pitch: She’s Recommitting to Progressive Policies and Dismantling Trumpism (maybe this should have been under the Trump list).

      Here Is a Bold Idea for Hillary—Voters Will Love It (this one appears twice).

      Hillary Clinton Is Tossing a Lifeline to Down-Ballot GOPers, but Is Pulling Punches Against Conservatism a Smart Idea?

      Is the ‘Lesser of Two Evils’ an Ethical Choice for Voters?

      Noam Chomsky: Why People Should Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils and Spend 5 Minutes Making the Decision (this one appears twice).

      Hillary Clinton Draws Sharp Contrast With Trump in Economic Speech: Makes 30 Promises to American Workers

      • notisaidthepig

        Did Chomsky really say that?

        • Rich H

          Yes, he’s firmly in Hillary’s corner because, as you know, TRUMP (!!!!).

          • notisaidthepig


          • 17

            Chomsky’s a gatekeeper.

        • Edwin


      • cathyx

        Ok. Now show us the Jill Stein articles.

        • Rich H


          They’re all listed above.

          • Edwin

            Poat #1 looks like C&L. They have zero threads about Clinton, it’s all Trump hate all the time, or that stupid Susie Sampson person.

          • Rich H

            Susie, she never was really any good. She should have gotten better by now.

          • Edwin

            I couldn’t watch her crap. So silly-stupid.

          • Edwin

            No comments at BNR. Free to spew their garbage with no push-back.

  • notisaidthepig

    Eighty-six days until the general election, in case you were wondering.

    • SpiffyTheValiant


      • notisaidthepig


        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • Rich H

      I’ve got my bottle of hemlock on back order.

      • notisaidthepig

        Don’t despair. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  • notisaidthepig

    Isn’t this guy polite? I do wonder about Reich…


    • 17

      Reich is a status quo guy

      • notisaidthepig

        He’s got nothing. ICYMI:

        Chris Hedges vs. Robert Reich on Clinton, Third Parties, Capitalism & Next Steps for Sanders Backers


      • Nevin

        Why settle for greatest when you can have mediocrity.

      • Yeah, he’s not leaving the pen.

      • The_Fixer

        Before Hillary came on the scene in her present role, he actually had some very good ideas. As I’ve said before, that cabinet appointment apparently came with a promise of eternal payback to the “Clinton Dynasty.”

        • SpiffyTheValiant

          Hey fixer, heading to the morning thread.

      • Edwin

        and Clinton BFF

  • notisaidthepig

    The Clintons made over $23 million from for-profit schools

    • SpiffyTheValiant

      What was I saying about charter schools ^^

      • notisaidthepig

        So wise!

        • SpiffyTheValiant


    • For Profit is For Them!

  • Morning Peeps! Saturday Morning Open Thread is up!

    • SpiffyTheValiant


    • notisaidthepig

      Good morning, Unka! I will see everyone there laters. Got some household chores to do. Cheers.

  • Nevin

    Sho’s comment was the only one in 12 hours. They should have left it up so others would think people actually gave a shit about that place.

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